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Christie Blatchford: A sketch and a hunch led Jim Smyth to find Tori Stafford’s body

But by July that year, though Det.-Sgt. Smyth had been seconded to the Tori task force for three months, he was involved in another investigation when he learned that as a result of a search warrant executed on Mr. Rafferty’s cellphone, records appeared to show the phone had been used near Mt. Forest on the very day Tori vanished.

The town was just a little north of the vast area of southwestern Ontario that police had already searched; McClintic had run out of landmarks she recognized, and that was where the northern boundary of the search was established.

Det.-Sgt. Smyth got the call on July 17.
Recall tests cop’s composure

OPP Det. Staff Sgt. Jim Smyth has faced down murderers and elicited confessions of horrible crimes without allowing a breach of his controlled, calm demeanour.

In a London courtroom Friday, he spoke with the same measured manner to jurors as he does in videotaped interviews of killers.

It took him considerable effort, however, to keep his composure at the memory of finding a little girl's body in a lonely place, under a rock pile under an evergreen tree July 19, 2009.
Tori Stafford's Mother Cries As Jury Views Graphic Autopsy Photos

Tori Stafford's father rushed from the courtroom Tuesday as images were shown of the eight-year-old's barely recognizable remains, clothed only in a hooded Hannah Montana T-shirt emblazoned with sparkles and the words ``a girl can dream.''
The slide show detailing the girl's autopsy was shown in court as part of testimony at the trial of Michael Rafferty.
Tori's mother, Tara McDonald, cried while the photos were on courtroom screens while her father, Rodney Stafford, left the room

Women MR was involved with from 2005 to May 19, 2009, the day of his arrest

1. TL McClintic - 21, met at pizza shop Jan 2009. GF helped MR abduct Tori for alleged sexual/nefarious purposes. Received life sentence of 25 years in prison.

2. A. Lane - met MR in grade six and reconnect in 2009 through FB

3. Miss WebSleuther - April 2009 - May 2009 GF at the time of his arrest. Dated for five to six weeks. IIRC met on POF.

4. J. Wood - woman known to MR. She was in her Honda in GLF parking lot day May 19, 2009 day of his arrest. Her car also seized by LE.

5. Kate - MR spoke about Kate (not real name), would not tell LE her real name.

6. B. Armstrong - 44, ex lover, met at BBeef/work late 2008, had girly talks with MR, supplied oxy drugs numerous times to MR including the day Tori was murdered.

7. Miss Unknown #1 (Pub ban) - 37, MR met her on POF April 12/09, MR told her about TLM in detention centre being questioned about Tori's abduction.

8. S. Hodge - 31, C&Y worker MR met on POF April 14/09, saw each other every day for two and a half weeks. Said he was a dance instructor. She mostly drove them around, MR on phone setting up dance appointments. MR told her he took oxy, he thought he had colon cancer. MR spoke to her about people abducting children raising them as their own. Obsessed with Tori's case listening to news and reading newspaper.

9. T. Moore aka Tam Tam, met MR on Yahoo 2003. She said MR bought car in 2007 from used car lot in TO. Noticed May 9/09 back seat and rear carpet missing from MR's car.

10. M. LaBute, MR met her at her workplace Staples March 2009 to Unknown saying he was new in town. She told MR she wasn't interested, described MR as nervous and needy. Spent a lot of time on phone keeping track of his workers claiming to own contracting business.

11. A Reid, 25 In spring of 2009 to early May 2009 she lived in London, near Fanshawe College. Met Rafferty on POF. Rafferty asked her to go to a stag and doe with him near the Hamilton area. She accepted. This was in early May.

12. S. Latimer is 50 year old real estate agent who lives on farm outside Woodstock, mother of six. Met Rafferty in Jan 2009 on POF.

13. M. Wagler 30, works at UofW met Rafferty January 2009 on POF. Rafferty's post said he was looking for romance. On Good Friday (April 10th) in 2009, he asked her to go for breakfast in London. She declined.

14. A. M. Chambers is 33 and lives in Woodstock. Met of POF. March 2009 to Unknown Date mother of two (boy and girl). Chambers knew Tori Stafford, at one point her family lived around block and Tori played with her daughter (age 16). Chambers said they started communication near end of March 2009 they went out for coffee, went bowling, he came over to house. Chambers said she had sex with Rafferty once. They got along well. JMO (Latole's opinion) I think she is the Amanda who he stated to police was friends with TM. Here is another OMG moment ... Chambers said #Rafferty told her he had a step-son named Jaden who had died 2 wks before they met. She said that pulled on her heartstrings.

15. No name (#2) - The next witness is a 28 year old woman who met Michael Rafferty online thru POF (as Mychol) at the end of March 2009. The woman texted frequently and they met for coffee on a Friday near end of April, Rafferty claimed he was teaching dance class in Kitchener. They exchanged cell phone numbers. Communicated by text message. The woman said there was little info on Rafferty's POF post - said he "wasn't into games" that caught her interest. Rafferty told her he was a contractor and dance teacher and wanted to travel. The woman said Rafferty showed up at her workplace at one point. She was asked to go to the Stag and Doe, but said no, as she wasn't feeling well. Said it seemed weird to ask her. He seemed upset. She worked at Staples. He came into the store to say hi, brought a coffee. He asked why she wasn't more excited to see him. She was busy.

16. S. Cooney - age 29, and lived in Kitchener in 2009. She also met Rafferty on POF. Cooney said Rafferty told her he was a contractor and ballroom dance teacher. She talked to him by phone first on April 12th, 2009. Cooney said Rafferty told her he was involved in search for Tori and was concerned. Said he was driving a woman to police for questioning. Rafferty discussed his family, said he didn't get along with his brother, had a bad childhood. She spent two hours with Rafferty, said she "wanted the date to be over". Had different views and values. He asked for 2nd date and she declined.

17. Rachel Diwell - 23, 2005 to December 2007 Diwell was 17 in 2005 and lived with her boyfriend when she first met Rafferty. Says they became inseparable. Friendship blossomed to more. Diwell said Rafferty lived in Guelph, has worked in landscaping, meat processing plant - aspired to be dance instructor but was unemployed. He showed her where he grew up. A farm house outside of Kitchener. They "drove around a lot". They would sometimes get out of the car and "become intimate." He drove. She only had a G1. Rafferty always seemed to know where he was going in the Guelph/Fergus area, she says. They took backroads. Rafferty washed his car regularly. She would help. They went to self serve car washes in Guelph, Kitchener and Cambridge. Rafferty told her he had back problems. They picked up percocets regularly (2005-2007). Diwell said she stopped seeing Rafferty around Dec. 2007.

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