GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #1

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I don't say she should be hung from a tree, but maybe she should be held accountable for standing by, and doing nothing, when she saw her son being physically abused.

You keep talking about DV here, as if she was being abused by him as well. I don't think she was being abused by him. I think he put her on a pedestal, which is how he convinced her to stand by him.

And I don't understand your statement about somethings being predictable?

I was saying that she had a lot of close family in town and she received hefty casino bonuses. So she was much better off than many young single mothers are, imo.

You do realize that money doesn't stop a cycle of abuse, right? If money - whether through a job, an inheritance, or casino bonuses - were the magic bullet, then we would never see abuse of women or children in wealthy families.

But we all know that wealthy families are not exempt from domestic abuse. So what is the point of even mentioning casino bonuses?
The cycle of abuse will never stop if parents allow their children to be abused and a lot of excuses are then made why they weren't obligated to protect their offspring.
I blame the killer for killing this precious child. However if the mother had done what she should have done the first time she came home and saw her son had been BEATEN we would not be discussing this right now. She had family members living close by that she could have sent Carnel to stay with if she did not want to give up sleeping with this loser. Apparently she had money, she could have left at any time. It is not as if she was a broken down woman with no means of support. There is no excuse that I will ever accept that any mother would allow their child to be abused not once, not twice, but three times before he was killed. NO EXCUSE at all. She needs to be in jail.
Beside the fact that this crime falls under the Major Crimes Act, Jaimee's cousin is the Police Chief on the rez. That is a conflict of interest.

While Tribal public relations was the point of information about the search for Carnel since he was reported missing, Tribal authorities said Thursday afternoon that the case and information regarding it were being handled by the FBI.

Her cousin is the police chief????? OMG....she needs to be in jail.
Her cousin is the police chief????? OMG....she needs to be in jail.

I said this upthread- her cousin is the PC-she had a person of high authority to go to for help-no excuses for her!!!
Before I throw stones and insults to anyone, I need evidence. Evidence that there was (or wasn't) spousal abuse as well. Evidence that shows me whether she was recovering from her addictions or still deep within substance abuse. I'm not about to shoot someone in the moral-eye without all elements.

Remember the recent case of that dear old man who was murdered next to the twins he cared so much about? MANY in WS were quick to throw the book of insults at him... to later have to eat crow (and their words).

I choose to wait for more information before 'hanging' the mother.
I said this upthread- her cousin is the PC-she had a person of high authority to go to for help-no excuses for her!!!

Are you sure he is Police Chief? The way I read it was....he is the former chief of the tribe. Maybe I misunderstood. Do you know where it stated he is PC?
I'm really surprised about the conclusions that everyone is jumping to. I can understand the anger toward Jaimee, but she was very young when Carnel was put into foster care. Obviously she was able to gain back custody, which means she did something right.

AB was also obviously a bad choice, I understand that that is a massive understatement, but I digress.

This is horrific, but we have no concrete evidence she wasn't being abused, or evidence that she was.

I'd like to once again reiterate to those not familiar with the Tribe and their reservation. I saw a few posts earlier up about money problems and low income on reservations, but that is not the case for the Tribe. I've practically grown up in Mt. Pleasant with my mom having her job there, and the Tribe is an amazing bunch of people that do their best to protect not just their reservation but the whole town of Mt. Pleasant.
Are you sure he is Police Chief? The way I read it was....he is the former chief of the tribe. Maybe I misunderstood. Do you know where it stated he is PC?

Her cousin stepped down as a Tribal Leader to become chief of Tribal police.
her cousin's KC fb is open to public-he has some interesting things to say in what he believes
JC did something right to regain custody of her son but AB was a bad choice - both seemingly in a short span of time, and there is no evidence, so far, that JC was abused, but she witnessed her son being abused on 3 or more occasions, and did nothing. But others should not be so quick to jump to conclusions.

Sorry, not following the map.
I believe this is one of the most insightful things KC has said

This is MY page so... I'll make my comments here! Question: How many "healthy" parents live on the Rez? Whatever their "issues" (and we know there are plenty)... That gives NO ONE a license to kill! I have lived here for over 40 years... Should I start listing the abused, battered and dishonored women on the Rez? AND... did all of these women "want" there children dead too? If you take the time to educate yourself on the HISTORY of our community and begin to understand why we struggle... you would start to understand why it may be hard for these women to find the strength to "get out of" the mess they are in. Until you walk a mile in ones shoes... judge not!
I heard word that they are getting an organization together on the reservation now that will help deal with domestic abuse
BBM PPD is a possibility.

With our son, I didn't think I would ever sleep again. I remember wishing I hadn't been nursing because my body just couldn't physically get up in the middle of the night. My husband just stared when I told him he should nurse. lol We put a bassinet right next to our bed and DH would reach in and lift him out of it.

Jaimee was 16 when she had Carnel; at 16 I would not have raised a child either. Reading on the FB pages, I find it interesting that the amount of casino percap was several thousand every 2 weeks for each family member. How much did money/partying play into this?

BBM- I remember having that same feeling

I saw the amounts of money too. If that is true, my goodness ... why would Jaimee want to work? I also mentally filed away the comment about the significance of the kid's payments being made in June, Carnel recently being taken away from Grandma and rumor of another pregnancy.
I believe this is one of the most insightful things KC has said

This is MY page so... I'll make my comments here! Question: How many "healthy" parents live on the Rez? Whatever their "issues" (and we know there are plenty)... That gives NO ONE a license to kill! I have lived here for over 40 years... Should I start listing the abused, battered and dishonored women on the Rez? AND... did all of these women "want" there children dead too? If you take the time to educate yourself on the HISTORY of our community and begin to understand why we struggle... you would start to understand why it may be hard for these women to find the strength to "get out of" the mess they are in. Until you walk a mile in ones shoes... judge not!

He also said he doesn't think the adults in the home protected Carnel, and could not condone their actions or lack of action.
I heard word that they are getting an organization together on the reservation now that will help deal with domestic abuse

I read the post from the guy who once worked on the reservation in social services. He succinctly said he was prevented from doing his job. The action taken, or perhaps lack of action depended on "who" you were connected to.

I'm glad to see the spotlight is being focused on this dark corner of the reservation.
He also said he doesn't think the adults in the home protected Carnel, and could not condone their actions or lack of action.

I don't think that even implies he was condoning it at all, he was just trying to provide some insight for people giving so much hate to Jaimee. No, she did not do the right thing, but this is NOT about Jaimee and her lack of parenting skills it is about the murder of her son. Jaimee is a victim until legally proven otherwise. She lost her baby boy. Like he said, before you walk a mile in ones shoes do not judge.

Does anyone know if the Grandma had been raising him? Why didn't she intervene?
Find myself more interested in the shoes Carnel walked in as opposed to the shoes KC thinks the women of the 'rez' walked in. Don't care much for the 'rez' designation either.

If KC knows so much about the history of the battered women on the 'rez' what, if any, are his claims to make this better? Or does he just know about it?
I don't think that even implies he was condoning it at all, he was just trying to provide some insight for people giving so much hate to Jaimee. No, she did not do the right thing, but this is NOT about Jaimee and her lack of parenting skills it is about the murder of her son. Jaimee is a victim until legally proven otherwise. She lost her baby boy. Like he said, before you walk a mile in ones shoes do not judge.

Does anyone know if the Grandma had been raising him? Why didn't she intervene?

BBM and THANK YOU. :grouphug: to Carnel's relatives and loved ones on the Land.

I am happy to read there is a DV group forming to share experience and strength with women in the reservation. Most people who berate abused women have no #@%@% clue what it's like to be abused. I was beaten physically and mentally for 2+ years, with my graduate degree sticking out of my youknowwhat. Abuse knows no boundaries.
I believe this is one of the most insightful things KC has said

This is MY page so... I'll make my comments here! Question: How many "healthy" parents live on the Rez? Whatever their "issues" (and we know there are plenty)... That gives NO ONE a license to kill! I have lived here for over 40 years... Should I start listing the abused, battered and dishonored women on the Rez? AND... did all of these women "want" there children dead too? If you take the time to educate yourself on the HISTORY of our community and begin to understand why we struggle... you would start to understand why it may be hard for these women to find the strength to "get out of" the mess they are in. Until you walk a mile in ones shoes... judge not!

Maybe KC should make a list of the abused and battered woman . I hate to think they have all these women abused and battered roaming arround the rez while their children are being murdered.

Seriously WTH..
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