MI MI - Detroit, BlkMale Infant, UP56052, Found in Dumpster, 11 pounds, Apr '92


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Aug 7, 2018
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Unidentified Person/ NamUs #UP56052

Sex: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Black / African American
Estimated Age Group: Infant
Estimated Age Range (Years): --
Estimated Year of Death: --
Estimated PMI: --
Height: 1' 5"(17 inches) , Measured
Weight: 11 lbs, Measured

Type: Unidentified Deceased
Date Found: April 18, 1992
NamUs Case Created: March 15, 2019

Location Found Map
General Location: R/O 1700 Meldrum at St. Paul, Detroit, Michigan
County: Wayne County
Circumstances of Recovery: Found in dumpster

Details of Recovery
Condition of Remains: Recognizable face

Physical Description
Hair Color: Black
Left Eye Color: Unknown or Missing
Right Eye Color: Unknown or Missing

Distinctive Physical Features
No Information Entered

Clothing and Accessories
No Information Entered
Crap, I accidentally labeled the thread as "WhtMale" instead of "BlkMale". If anyone has the ability to fix it, that would be great!
No sweat, natureaker, I alerted the post, a Moderator will straighten it out!

Thanks for opening a thread for this little guy!

ETA: standard English :rolleyes:
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To be that close to the Detroit River and the international border, it is odd to me that they chose a downtown dumpster. The date was a Saturday and maybe they thought no one would notice.

When I first glanced at this sketch, Downs Syndrome crossed my mind. Hopefully, DNA was able to be gathered and that will match him to his family.
I don't see where they've identified his age - other than being an obviously newborn infant. He was not likely 11 lbs at birth unless the mother had gestational diabetes. He is not long / tall for his weight. It makes me think possibly his mother kept him for a bit and fed him well.

Height 1' 5"(17 inches)
Weight 11 lbs

He was found Easter weekend, on a Saturday. Most dumpsters are emptied during the week. Families congregate around Easter which one would think a noticeably pregnant or recently pregnant female would be obvious.
Date Found: April 18, 1992

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
I noticed his weight of 11 lbs, too, but it's very possible he was born at that weight. Although the thought he did receive some love in his life is nice also.

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