MI - Girl's MySpace Mideast Meeting Plot Foiled

LinetteH said:
Why didn't they talk to the friend's parents she was supposedly traveling with? HELLO? My kids are not going anywhere without a lot more communication going on and if they DID talk to that freind's parents and they lied there has to be a lawsuit in there somewhere!
I would be calling before I let my daughter go anywhere out of the country and she is 22.:hand:
GlitchWizard said:
I was so bad at Geography at that age, I'm not sure I'd have even thought of leaving the State, much less the country. That's a ballsy girl!
More like a really stupid girl! Not only should a 16-year-old not be meeting a supposed 25-year-old (Jordanian) man, she met on the internet, but she's flying half-way around the world to meet him!!!:doh: :doh: :doh: Even if this guy wasn't out for sex from her, he might have kidnapped her, recruited her for terrorism/ made her a suicide bomber... There's lot's of bad possibilities, what was she thinking??? How long did she think she could keep it hidden from her mother?
LinetteH said:
Why didn't they talk to the friend's parents she was supposedly traveling with? HELLO? My kids are not going anywhere without a lot more communication going on and if they DID talk to that freind's parents and they lied there has to be a lawsuit in there somewhere!
Apparently the mother did call them and find out there was no Canada trip, and then the girl ran away while the mother was at work.
The mother called the day she was told they were leaving and only because the family did not show up at the location.

I mean are you getting your 16 YO a passport and letting her go to another country without talking to the "friends" parents until the day they are suppose to leave????

This I completely do not understand!! I also don't understand the girl having free reign on the computer..
I check my kids accounts weekly.. Emails etc..
Not because I don't trust them but because I don't trust sickos in the world.
PrayersForMaura said:
I wonder that too. She tells them she is going to Canada and they jsut plan to let her go and get her a passport?? WTF? :slap:

Didn't she tell them that she was going with a friend and the friend's family? If so, I guess the mother didn't check with the friend's mother. Maybe this girl did weekend things with the friend and her family often and the mom didn't worry about it????????

I'd like to know where she got the money for the ticket. Did he pay for her ticket?

In reality I wonder how old this guy was and what his background was.
csds703 said:
If my 16 yr old was invited on a trip like that, I would have spoken to the parents right away. I don't understand how any parent would just say ok without finding out details from the other parents who would be chaperoning my child. This is just weird.

Yeah, I thought this was bizzare too. If my kid (If I had a kid) was invited to go on a two week trip with another family regardless if the trip was to another country or the next town over I would have had contact with the parents way before bringing my child to the airport or bus depot to leave!!! This indicates to me very permissive parenting? Or maybe just plan dumb parents?

MagicRose99 said:
Actually, the article I read (on CNN) stated that the mom thought she was going to Canada with a friend and her family.


Katherine's mother, Shawn Lester, said her daughter had persuaded her in April to help her get a passport so she could go on a two-week vacation to Canada with a friend's family.

On Sunday, they drove to a bus station for that trip, but the family didn't show up. Shawn Lester said she called them, learned there was no trip and brought her daughter home. The next day, Katherine was gone...."
Thanks for the snip.
It shows the parents were concerned, that's why they all went to the bus station together.
The parents at first had no reason not to believe the daughter TIL they made the call to the friends parents.

On another post if the info is correct, Mom didn't know til wed Katherine wasn't in Canada...
Wouldn't you think mom would of call the parents again, after Katherine lied
at the buss station?

I wonder what was said after going home from the buss station.
And now when Katherine returned home from her adventure...
I bet all *ell broke loose...:confused:
LinasK said:
More like a really stupid girl! Not only should a 16-year-old not be meeting a supposed 25-year-old (Jordanian) man, she met on the internet, but she's flying half-way around the world to meet him!!!:doh: :doh: :doh: Even if this guy wasn't out for sex from her, he might have kidnapped her, recruited her for terrorism/ made her a suicide bomber... There's lot's of bad possibilities, what was she thinking??? How long did she think she could keep it hidden from her mother?

Of course, ANYTHING is possible, but most likely this Palestinian-Jordanian and some friends/cousins would have picked her up at the Amman airport and driven her to his family's home where she would have been treated to the grandest hospitality. She would have eaten very well (hopefully smart enough to drink bottled water only - lol!) and she would have been shown all of the local sights. Would there be sex? Most likely, and I'm guessing that it would be consensual (a 16 year old who sneaks off to meet a man in another country is expecting to have sex). Did she buy a round-trip ticket? I'm guessing she would have been encouraged to stay and marry him but had she said "no", they would take her back to the airport for her flight home.

That being said, IMO, this girl is an idiot and so are her parents.
Yes, I doubt he was a terrorist looking for a suicide bomber...that's like saying if a Jordanian girl was seduced by an American, he might use her to open a Wal-Mart or star on a reality TV show...

Though there is the danger of gilrs being kidanapped into the sex trade. But again, he was probably "sincere", even though it's creepy. This whole adult men and teenage girl thing on MySpace stinks.
:laugh: :laugh:
bbmcrae said:
Yes, I doubt he was a terrorist looking for a suicide bomber...that's like saying if a Jordanian girl was seduced by an American, he might use her to open a Wal-Mart or star on a reality TV show...
bbmcrae said:
Yes, I doubt he was a terrorist looking for a suicide bomber...that's like saying if a Jordanian girl was seduced by an American, he might use her to open a Wal-Mart or star on a reality TV show...

Though there is the danger of gilrs being kidanapped into the sex trade. But again, he was probably "sincere", even though it's creepy. This whole adult men and teenage girl thing on MySpace stinks.
F.Y.I., suicide bombers are usually teenage recruits!:banghead:
Even if he and his parents would have shown her the royal treatment, everyone knows that area is a hotbed of violence. So even if they didn't want to hurt her, that doesn't mean someone else in the area wouldn't have decided to kill her just because she was an American.
bykerladi said:
Even if he and his parents would have shown her the royal treatment, everyone knows that area is a hotbed of violence. So even if they didn't want to hurt her, that doesn't mean someone else in the area wouldn't have decided to kill her just because she was an American.
Bingo! And we don't even know if he was really only 25...:bang:
This whole thing makes no sense to me. I wonder where in Canada the girl told her mother that she was going. It's a long drive from where she lived (near me) to the nearest bus terminal. Why would a family take a bus on a two week vacation when it would be so much easier to drive? If they couldn't afford to drive, how could they afford a vacation? The bridge crossing over into Canada is only a 45 minute drive. Did the girls mom wonder about these things?
bykerladi said:
Even if he and his parents would have shown her the royal treatment, everyone knows that area is a hotbed of violence. So even if they didn't want to hurt her, that doesn't mean someone else in the area wouldn't have decided to kill her just because she was an American.

Jordan is NOT a hotbed of violence and Americans are treated very well there.
i think she was headed for Jericho on the west bank, where he lives, not Jordan. Jordan was just a scheduled stop en route to Tel Aviv.
claude daigle said:
i think she was headed for Jericho on the west bank, where he lives, not Jordan. Jordan was just a scheduled stop en route to Tel Aviv.
I read she flew into Tel Aviv and was intercepted by F.B.I. agents.
Cypros said:
Jordan is NOT a hotbed of violence and Americans are treated very well there.

You know this how???
LinasK said:
You know this how???

It is where I have spent most of my summers for the last 13 years. I have brought students with me and would not do so if it was unsafe (nor would the school allow me to do so). Jordan is a popular destination for American tourists and I've never heard of any one of them being targeted to be harmed.

If the girl was headed for Jericho, she woud have likely received the same hospitality as in Jordan. Palestine and Israel are less safe in general due to the ongoing battle over territory, but there is no pattern of targeting Americans for violence in Palestine. That kind of behavior you will find in Iraq (since April 2003).
Someone asked about permissive parenting. I'm very permissive with my daughter and have often been criticized for not being as strict as other parents. Being permissive, I also have few limits. I don't allow her to do anything that will get her kidnapped or killed.

As a toddler she ran in the house, used knives with her playdough, jumped off the diningroom table, climbed trees and rode horses, etc. She could have broken her arms or legs and she always had bruises, snake bites and has a few scars from her adventures - but nothing that would get her kidnapped or killed. You can't fix kidnapped or killed.

If a kid is going on a trip with another family, don't you get phone numbers? Schedules? Contact information? Ask about money, help them pack? Find out from the parents what is provided, what is not? I can't fathom just dropping her off at the bus station. That's not permissive parenting, that's just ignorant.

This must not be the first time the girl lied if she was that good at it.

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