MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #8

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She had her son with the fiancé, and maybe through time, there were issues, so they broke up, so maybe Jessica was dating, then got back with her fiancé to work things out.

**considered here-say**
But from the comments I gathered that Jess and this guy "dated" for about 8 months. Maybe while she and D were on a "break".?
But this new plausible scenario opens my eyes a little. I'm sure it wasn't a secret that they dated. There's two or three different stories of "where and whom" had a very similar van at the time of her disappearance. (the one that his family owns). I wonder if this was the same van that was searched in the very beginning and supposedly "cleared"?

So many questions and soooo hard to not just "point fingers" at this point in time. Moo
I wonder how Close does the witness's brother live to the Exxon station......
It's interesting to me......
What does the witness have in common with the Jessica Heeringa case??
Witness and Jessica are co-workers
Witness's brother dated Jessica
Witness just happened to be at the right place at the right time to "witness" a van behind the Exxon
Witness just happens to have family that has exactly the same type and color of mini van
Witness's sketch looks like a composite of the witness's boss and also a customer
that frequents the Exxon and knows Jessica.
Like you, and many others..i don't believe too much in coincidences. It wont be long now. We're going to get a break soon. Moo
Where can I find the names of the witnesses that saw the van leaving the scene? I've seen initials like SF?

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For some reason, this new info is coming out now. The police knew it- it is not new to them. But they are allowing it to come out. Are they backing him into a corner? Or do they think he knows more than he is saying... and pushing him to talk, to incriminate someone else to clear himself?
Did our witness recognize her parents van? Is that why they stopped? To see what her brother was up to? Did she make up the driver- even if she did not see him ( it was dark, remember..) to clear her brother ( if it was him )
My gut tells me things are gonna break open....
For some reason, this new info is coming out now. The police knew it- it is not new to them. But they are allowing it to come out. Are they backing him into a corner? Or do they think he knows more than he is saying... and pushing him to talk, to incriminate someone else to clear himself?
Did our witness recognize her parents van? Is that why they stopped? To see what her brother was up to? Did she make up the driver- even if she did not see him ( it was dark, remember..) to clear her brother ( if it was him )
My gut tells me things are gonna break open....

Honestly I think this is pretty much what happen.

This fits just to well.

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Hey this is very interesting!
Is this witness the person that was in the guitar store parking lot?

The witnesses who say they saw the van and contributed to the sketch were a coworker of Jessica's and the coworker's husband. They were in the strip mall (guitar store) parking lot which is connected to the Exxon parking lot.

This same witness is the sister of the person that the news story called Jessica's ex-boyfriend.

Confusing, I know. Believe it or not, they are not the only players according to local chatter. There has been a lot of public pressure on the witness and another fellow Exxon employee to "come clean" about what they know.

There was also another witness who claimed to overhear a man in a silver van talking to Jessica when she was changing the receipt tape at one of the pumps outside. This was earlier in her shift. He did not see the man, but heard his voice and the police said he claimed it was distinctive. I never heard if distinctive meant that it was deep or high pitched, that he had an accent, that he had a stutter...nobody ever qualified what distinctive meant as far as I've been able to find out. This witness is an employee at the guitar store in that strip mall. He was interviewed by LE and by MSM early in the case.

There were also reports from several area gas stations that a silver or gray van was spotted "watching" gas station employees and creeping them out BEFORE Jessica went missing. I do not know if these reports stopped after Jessica disappeared. I WISH I knew.

So while I feel like Jessica's fellow employees probably are involved in her disappearance, the 2nd witness account from that day and the reports of the creepy van watcher are enough to keep me on the fence.
The witnesses who say they saw the van and contributed to the sketch were a coworker of Jessica's and the coworker's husband. They were in the strip mall (guitar store) parking lot which is connected to the Exxon parking lot.

This same witness is the sister of the person that the news story called Jessica's ex-boyfriend.

Confusing, I know. Believe it or not, they are not the only players according to local chatter. There has been a lot of public pressure on the witness and another fellow Exxon employee to "come clean" about what they know.

There was also another witness who claimed to overhear a man in a silver van talking to Jessica when she was changing the receipt tape at one of the pumps outside. This was earlier in her shift. He did not see the man, but heard his voice and the police said he claimed it was distinctive. I never heard if distinctive meant that it was deep or high pitched, that he had an accent, that he had a stutter...nobody ever qualified what distinctive meant as far as I've been able to find out. This witness is an employee at the guitar store in that strip mall. He was interviewed by LE and by MSM early in the case.

There were also reports from several area gas stations that a silver or gray van was spotted "watching" gas station employees and creeping them out BEFORE Jessica went missing. I do not know if these reports stopped after Jessica disappeared. I WISH I knew.

So while I feel like Jessica's fellow employees probably are involved in her disappearance, the 2nd witness account from that day and the reports of the creepy van watcher are enough to keep me on the fence.

I wonder if it is possible that the man in the van that was "heard", could also have been Jessica's ex boyfriend, in the "family's van", perhaps borrowing the van?
How close in proximity does the ex boyfriend live to the Exxon I wonder?
Evidently some property is pretty close as per this article:

"The family of the key witness, who is not being named due to her connection to the investigation, said police quickly focused on the witness’ 40-year-old brother because of his relationship with Heeringa."

"They said detectives searched a hunting cabin on their property, just a few blocks from the Exxon station, searched their son’s cellphone, and searched the family’s silver minivan."


It amazes me how long many people can remain silent ( the Janet Chandler case in Holland took over 20 years for people to start talking. Were still fearful of retribution that long after. In that case, the players had all been interviewed as well... ) So assuming people KNOW who took Jessica, and why.... maybe the police are just waiting them out. Short of giving everyone polygraphs ( which dont hold up in court anyhow... and to start polygraphing witnesses would be a very slippery slope indeed!) I think all they can do it wait... and keep some pressure on... and it sounds to me like locally people are keeping pressure on....
It's interesting to me......
What does the witness have in common with the Jessica Heeringa case??
Witness and Jessica are co-workers
Witness's brother dated Jessica
Witness just happened to be at the right place at the right time to "witness" a van behind the Exxon
Witness just happens to have family that has exactly the same type and color of mini van
Witness's sketch looks like a composite of the witness's boss and also a customer
that frequents the Exxon and knows Jessica.

I would like to make an addition to the list:

The "witness" knew that Jessica would be working the night of April 26 instead of the regularly-scheduled employee.

Note: I've always wondered if the "witness" was supposed to work that night but asked Jess to fill in as part of the abduction plot.
Wasn't the witness another employee that worked with Jessica and that was suposta be working the night Jessica was abducted?

Sorry I was just sitting here thinking about it and I think I remember reading that a while back. Was that just a rumor?

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I would like to make an addition to the list:

The "witness" knew that Jessica would be working the night of April 26 instead of the regularly-scheduled employee.

Ha! You must of posted this as I was typing mine up! Lol thanks for bringing this up as well. I kept thinking wait there is more to this witness and brother thing...imo

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do we have a picture of the 40 year old who dated Jessica ?
I wonder if it is possible that the man in the van that was "heard", could also have been Jessica's ex boyfriend, in the "family's van", perhaps borrowing the van?
How close in proximity does the ex boyfriend live to the Exxon I wonder?
Evidently some property is pretty close as per this article:

"The family of the key witness, who is not being named due to her connection to the investigation, said police quickly focused on the witness’ 40-year-old brother because of his relationship with Heeringa."

"They said detectives searched a hunting cabin on their property, just a few blocks from the Exxon station, searched their son’s cellphone, and searched the family’s silver minivan."



iirc In the latest article posted, it said that the van And the guy both were with the family and out of town when Jessica disappeared. The comments **considered hearsay*** name the connection that the witnesses have to the poi . From what I remember they thought they recognized the van, followed it, got a look at the driver while he was stopped. And then went on their merry way.
Now tell me, if someone you knew (or even you thought you recognized), was in their vehicle stopped and you were out for a joyride..wouldn't you have time to kill and stop and say hi?
what reason did they have for not following up on their actions? Or did they, and someone's not telling all they know.. This is all my own speculation of course..moo
do we have a picture of the 40 year old who dated Jessica ?

I have one. Can we say his name? I can tell you if you have his last name first name is Robby, if that isn't allowed delete it. He has a picture on his FB of him inside the Exxon.
I'm so glad that this is starting to heat up. Where are you Jess? I'm still hopeful that she's with us. Either way, #justiceforjessica will be served. Praying that this busts open like a boiled egg. Moo
I wonder if it is possible that the man in the van that was "heard", could also have been Jessica's ex boyfriend, in the "family's van", perhaps borrowing the van?
How close in proximity does the ex boyfriend live to the Exxon I wonder?
Evidently some property is pretty close as per this article:

"The family of the key witness, who is not being named due to her connection to the investigation, said police quickly focused on the witness’ 40-year-old brother because of his relationship with Heeringa."

"They said detectives searched a hunting cabin on their property, just a few blocks from the Exxon station, searched their son’s cellphone, and searched the family’s silver minivan."



No, that witness is a different person. I know his wife and, it turns out, his cousin. His initials are CA. If you look at the first couple of days of MSM videos related to the case, he was interviewed.

Oh wait-I thought you were talking about the witness. Sorry, Treelights. Yes, I suppose it's possible. I would be interested in knowing if the witness brother/Jess ex bf has something distinctive in his voice.
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