MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - Body found - #6

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I think it fairly odd that no mention of this case has been made since the walk out. NG seems to have a temper, and may hold a grudge, or just maybe she sees the discrepencies in JB' stories and is investigating them further? (A girl can hope.) I also guess that LE has a story from JB that they find satisfactory, and they can't be bothered by all the messy press.
I think so, too.
Thank you. This is the first I heard that they had a family pastor. I know I don't have a family pastor. Is someone just assigned to them when a tragedy like this happens - just curious.

I also wonder who's paying for it -- doesn't seem like this family has a lot of money.

OTOH, I give them kudos for putting Nevaeh to rest. I continue to hear that Caylee Anthony is still in the morgue almost a year after her passing (well since December anywhoo).

Bless you Nevaeh!


O/T: Caylee was cremated. So, at least she is no longer in the morgue.
I think NG hasn't mentioned JB and her walk out because the network has told her to back it off a notch. They are still paying legal bills on the Duckett lawsuit, whether they win or not that is costing a ton of money in legal. This mother has not been named as a POI or charged, if and when she is you will see that interview resurface, but in the meantime NG is only going to be so rough on her. I thought she shouldn't have cut to commercial when she did. I knew she wouldn't be there when they got back.
They are being returned to prison for violating their paroles. They knew what the conditions of their paroles were, and they completely ignored them, because they are criminals and laws mean nothing to them. I'm glad they're back in prison -- no other little girl's mom will be introducing her to "Daddy George" for a while.

say that one of the two that are currently incarcerated are good for this and LE know it... do you think they would wait until after the funeral to make the arrest??? Just wondered what others think

I don't think so. I think they honestly are not absolutely sure who is responsible at this point. If it is JB - I would think if LE had the evidence, she would be arrested BEFORE the funeral. Why should she get to attend if she is the reason for it? I think a lot of LE would feel that way also.

Just my opinion. I do think it is of highest priority to process the evidence so that LE knows whether or not there is a child killer on the loose and honestly, that evidence can't come back fast enough for me.

I also wonder who's paying for it -- doesn't seem like this family has a lot of money.

Bless you Nevaeh!



I believe that I read a few threads ago that there were 4 funeral homes who have offered to provide the funeral at no cost to the family.
If you go to clickondetroit.com, they have an article up about Nevaeh's funeral, with a still of the casket as well.
Thanks for the recent clips of Funeral and viewing times. RIP Nevaeh!!~
If there was a Busch beer can in the grave with little Nevaeh's body, I bet you anything LE has DNA from that can that already rules Kennedy and/or Smith out. The DNA from that can would have as high a priority....or higher.....than proving the body was Nevaeh's, IMHO. If the beer can DNA doesn't match Kennedy or Smith, then there is a killer still on the streets.

Unless JB was involved, and asked GK to hide her, and GK was the one drinking, but not the one who did anything? Just thinking out loud.
If there was a Busch beer can in the grave with little Nevaeh's body, I bet you anything LE has DNA from that can that already rules Kennedy and/or Smith out. The DNA from that can would have as high a priority....or higher.....than proving the body was Nevaeh's, IMHO. If the beer can DNA doesn't match Kennedy or Smith, then there is a killer still on the streets.

I don't agree with this. If Kennedy or Smith's DNA is not found on the beer can, it does not rule them out. The beer can could have come from someone who was fishing in that spot earlier. However, if either of their DNA is found on the can, it certainly rules them in.
I don't agree with this. If Kennedy or Smith's DNA is not found on the beer can, it does not rule them out. The beer can could have come from someone who was fishing in that spot earlier. However, if either of their DNA is found on the can, it certainly rules them in.

Chilly ... what about my thought above? What if JB did something to NB, and asked GK or someone else to hide her? The DNA might not be from the killer.
Chilly ... what about my thought above? What if JB did something to NB, and asked GK or someone else to hide her? The DNA might not be from the killer.

I thought about this but I don't think GK would risk his hide for JB or anyone else for that matter. With only one month left on his probation he probably wansn't looking for any trouble.
Chilly ... what about my thought above? What if JB did something to NB, and asked GK or someone else to hide her? The DNA might not be from the killer.

I really don't think it's that easy to find someone who will help hide the body of a murdered child. If LE is suspicious of JB, they're probably comparing her DNA to any that might have been found on that can. If the DNA belongs to someone unknown who is the killer or who helped hide the body, it won't lead LE to that person unless he's already in their radar or his DNA profile is in a data base somewhere.
I don't think so. I think they honestly are not absolutely sure who is responsible at this point. If it is JB - I would think if LE had the evidence, she would be arrested BEFORE the funeral. Why should she get to attend if she is the reason for it? I think a lot of LE would feel that way also.

Just my opinion. I do think it is of highest priority to process the evidence so that LE knows whether or not there is a child killer on the loose and honestly, that evidence can't come back fast enough for me.


You make some excellent points, Salem. However, I hate to say this, but LE also sends people to funerals to watch family members' reactions. Sad, but very true.
IMO, if it helps catch a child killer, I have no problems with it.
If there was a Busch beer can in the grave with little Nevaeh's body, I bet you anything LE has DNA from that can that already rules Kennedy and/or Smith out. The DNA from that can would have as high a priority....or higher.....than proving the body was Nevaeh's, IMHO. If the beer can DNA doesn't match Kennedy or Smith, then there is a killer still on the streets.

I wish I could hit the Thanks button twice for your thought, as I so agree with you.

I am worried the Sheriff's one comment in that Friday presser isn't enough to warn all the people who live in Monroe and it's wider vicinity. Absolutely freightening to know this dangerous person could be anywhere in the area, scoping out little girls.
If there was a Busch beer can in the grave with little Nevaeh's body, I bet you anything LE has DNA from that can that already rules Kennedy and/or Smith out. The DNA from that can would have as high a priority....or higher.....than proving the body was Nevaeh's, IMHO. If the beer can DNA doesn't match Kennedy or Smith, then there is a killer still on the streets.

Maybe not? It's possible either one (or both) found the beer can in the area & tossed it in (using the burnt latex glove) to throw off LE in the event the grave was ever exposed..It's also possible I'm way off base but leaving such hard-core evidence behind?..That goes so far beyond bold & stupid I seriousy can't fathom it.
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