GUILTY MI - Ricky Holland, 7, Williamston, 1 July 2005

dulcinea said:
Assuming his story to his mother is true, what astounds me is his seemingly lack of trying to do anything. He's in the military. He's a big man. Why didn't he do anything to try to protect Ricky? Even if it was too late to shield him, to get Lisa off of Ricky, why didn't he call the police?
I wondered the same thing.

hoppyfrog said:

Lisa Holland "went nuts" and beat her adopted son, Ricky, to death with a hammer when her husband, Tim, tried to send the 7-year-old to stay with his grandmother out of concern for his safety, Tim Holland said in a recorded jailhouse conversation.

The tape of Tim Holland's conversation with his adopted mother, Arcie Holland, was made Feb. 7 in the Ingham County Jail. It was played Wednesday, the 12th day of the preliminary hearing for Holland and his wife. Both are charged with murder and first-degree child abuse in Ricky's death. Each blames the other for the boy's death.

Tim Holland told his adoptive mother that when he returned to his Williamston home in late June 2005 from military training in California, he discovered Ricky tied to his bed and looking "pale and peaked."

On July 2, Holland said, his wife forced Ricky to drink a family-sized can of tomato soup and ordered other family members not to feed him. Holland said he told his wife he was going to take the boy to stay with Arcie Holland.

"I tried to get him out of my house, and I wanted to bring him to your house and that is what set her off," Tim Holland, 37, said on the recording.

Holland said he told Lisa, 33, that "Ricky's going to stay with my mom for two weeks.

"And that's where she just went nuts," he continued. "She came downstairs. I saw her yank him out of his room, and then she hit him with a hammer."

more at link


What a poor excuse of a man Tim Holland is. He comes home in June and finds Ricky tied to his bed and the man doesn't do anything then???

The abuse continues and the "man" still doesn't do anything. Instead of telling his wife what he planned to do why didn't he just grab that little boy up and get him out of the house instead of giving her an excuse to go crazy.

You can bet the abuse didn't just start when Tim Holland was away from home. I think back to little Ricky telling neighbors that he didn't want to go back home and no one asked him why. I also think of the times he went and asked neighbors if he could have something to eat. Tim Holland wasn't blind. deaf, and dumb to what was going on in that house. It sounds like little Ricky was the family scapegoat. It's to bad that he was ever taken away from his bio mother.

I would really like to know if Ricky really did have problems or if those problems were all in Lisa Holland's mind. I think that she is the one that had the mental problems...not Ricky. I hope both of these people get locked up with the key thrown away.

Tim Holland pleads guilty in Ricky's death

Tim Holland pled guilty Tuesday morning to second degree murder in the death of his son, Ricky.
Tim Holland and his wife, Lisa, were scheduled for trial this month for killing their seven-year-old son. His body was found in summer 2005 not far from their home in southern Ingham County.

Along with his plea, Holland agreed to testify against his wife.

Both the parents claimed the other killed Ricky.

Tim Holland pleads guilty in Ricky's death

Tim Holland pled guilty Tuesday morning to second degree murder in the death of his son, Ricky.
Tim Holland and his wife, Lisa, were scheduled for trial this month for killing their seven-year-old son. His body was found in summer 2005 not far from their home in southern Ingham County.

Along with his plea, Holland agreed to testify against his wife.

Both the parents claimed the other killed Ricky.
<<Originally Posted by Concernedperson
We are hearing way too much about adoptive parents and them killing the children or abusing them. >>

Adoption doesn't kill children. It just makes the news when this happens.

<<Originally Posted by bykerladi
And the best part is that ALL THAT MONEY IS TAX FREE!!! That's right kids - money from adoptions and foster parenting is all TAX EXEMPT!!! >>

My husband's adoption benefits from his company were taxed at the regular income rate. You don't know what you're talking about.

On the witness stand Tuesday, Tim Holland recounted the evening Ricky died. "When I walked into the room I found my son lying the opposite way in the bed with an utter look of terror on his face," Tim Holland said, as tears flowed down his face.
Tim said he put his son to bed. "He just wasn't acting like himself. He wasn't acting like the Ricky that I knew."

Tim recalled Ricky had trouble walking to bed that night. He now believes he should have taken his son to see a doctor.

Once tucked in, Tim told the judge he turned out the light, "walked out and Lisa had asked me to go down to the Citgo in Williamston and pick up a treat for her."

Tim returned 30 minutes later and his wife was waiting. Tim said she was "agitated and upset."

Tim said he noticed Ricky's bedroom light was on, went to check on his son, and discovered him lying in a puddle of vomit.

"What Mr. Holland said was that he knew the pattern of abuse. He appreciated the pattern of abuse. He failed to do anything about the pattern of abuse," said Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III. "And that, in and of itself, established the want and willful disregard of the likelihood that the natural tendency would be death or great bodily harm."

On the witness stand Tuesday, Tim Holland recounted the evening Ricky died. "When I walked into the room I found my son lying the opposite way in the bed with an utter look of terror on his face," Tim Holland said, as tears flowed down his face.
Tim said he put his son to bed. "He just wasn't acting like himself. He wasn't acting like the Ricky that I knew."

Tim recalled Ricky had trouble walking to bed that night. He now believes he should have taken his son to see a doctor.

Once tucked in, Tim told the judge he turned out the light, "walked out and Lisa had asked me to go down to the Citgo in Williamston and pick up a treat for her."

Tim returned 30 minutes later and his wife was waiting. Tim said she was "agitated and upset."

Tim said he noticed Ricky's bedroom light was on, went to check on his son, and discovered him lying in a puddle of vomit.

"What Mr. Holland said was that he knew the pattern of abuse. He appreciated the pattern of abuse. He failed to do anything about the pattern of abuse," said Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III. "And that, in and of itself, established the want and willful disregard of the likelihood that the natural tendency would be death or great bodily harm."
He knew what was going on and he did nothing to stop it? Slam that cell door and throw away the key. Was he so enthralled by this woman that he would turn away from what she was doing? How cowardly. Not thinking with his brain, apparently. May this poor little boy rest in peace.
What a pitiful excuse of a man Tim Holland is. I remember when he wouldn't speak to the media because of his "work." That was just a bunch of bull like we thought. He didn't want to talk to the media because he was guilty. He may not have actively participated in Ricky's death but he is as guilty as if he had. He is supposed to be a man. Yet he let his wife wear the pants in that family right down to him removing Ricky from the home for a couple weeks or not...if what he said is the truth. I don't know why they gave him a plea bargain. Why not prosecute both of them for 1st degree murder and let them testify in front of a jury against each other? They will have seperate juries.
Wasn't it Tim Holland who got rid of Ricky's body?

Anyone know when Lisa's trial is. I hope they are charging her with 1st degree murder. It is obvious that she sent her whipped husband to the store to "get her a treat" so that she could murder poor little Ricky. I've never heard of a person deserving a treat for committing murder. I hope the women in prison give her a lot of "treats" for murdering that beautiful little boy. They will hate her guts.
Lisa Holland's trial begins next Monday. The article in our local paper today said that her parents may be arrested as well. The details are nauseating:

"In chilling testimony Tuesday, Tim Holland detailed what he called years of physical and mental abuse of Ricky.He described incidents involving both his wife and her parents.

Holland stated under oath that his wife told him she and her father handcuffed Ricky to a bed after he tried to run away, and that after Ricky ran away another time, her father "tackled" Ricky, brought him home and made him stand naked in the TV room as his punishment."

Complete article:

We really need the death penalty back in this state.

What is the MATTER with people(?) like that? Are they even human? I just can't fathom how anyone could treat a helpless child like that. Jail them all, the b.... and her parents as well as the husband. R.I.P. Ricky.
I didn't think this case could get any sadder. You can tell that the rotten apple didn't fall far from the tree. Why did they even adopt poor little Ricky?
If you don't really want the child or have a problem with him why go through with the look good as a citizen? I think I read that Tim Holland's parents were foster parents or something like that. Maybe Tim felt it gave them some type of standing in the community..."oh what wonder people those Hollands are...just look at all of the kids they've adopted!" Well, that isn't what the community is thinking now is it!

I bet the Pros will learn a lot from people in the town the Hollands had just moved from. It is also being said that they don't think that Ricky had any of the problems that the Hollands said that he had. They just added that to make their story sound better.

Anyone know how many kids were in the household all total? I wonder how many they had of their own. Also wonder if Ricky was the only one that got abused? Those grandparents don't deserve to carry that title. I can't imagine grandparents acting like that...participating or going along with abuse.

Tim Holland recounted neglect dating back to May 2001, yet he admits he did nothing to stop it. He says he was too afraid to confront his wife.

The assistant prosecutor asked Tim if after a 2003 family trip to Florida would the family return for another vacation.

"I couldn't take him back to Florida....because I was afraid of what was going to happen," Holland said.

"Lisa had told me she wanted me to go back to Florida and find a way to go back to Florida so she could feed Ricky to the alligators or rent a boat and drop him off into the ocean."

Plus, Tim Holland claimed he would return from work only to find Ricky locked in the dark basement of their Williamston home as a form of punishment.

"And there's Ricky with his feet duct taped together, his wrists duct taped together, and duct tape across his mouth."

more at link
Oh my word, I am so ready to vomit at the pit of my stomach, this poor sweet little boy, treated with such evil. I cannot even begin to describe the rage I feel in my heart for these two evil people, how anyone can abuse their child in the first place is beyond my brain's ability to understand, but secondly how a second person who can sit by and watch someone else do it, is even more disturbing....What a poor excuse of a human being Tim Holland is. Poor little Ricky was tortured in the worst way, I mean if I come home and there is duck tape on my kids mouth and feet and wrists, I'm gonna take you out and kill you myself, even if I am married to you. He was failed so miserably, it is just so hard to believe that a human being can do this to another child, especially one they took the time to adopt...

My heart hearts, my eyes are filled with tears for the lonely nights he spent crying himself to sleep and the terror he felt when he was tied up and noone, not a damn person on earth tried to help him. I pray that God answered his prayers to take him out of the situation and he is in heaven now.

I haven't posted on this forum in a long while, the stories are just so sad, but this one absolutely floored me when I read about the abuse he suffered and noone lifted a finger to try to help and comfort him. How dare those people call themselves parents, how dare they expose their other children and train them that this is what you do to people and how dare they lay a finger on this beautiful child's head in anger and hatred and pure evil.

They should both be executed immediately with a hammer assault, just get it over, they are both lying sack of *advertiser censored* anyway. We as people who love our children can never understand or wrap our brains around this kind of behavior. God has given us a job to do, he has blessed us with children and we are to love and nurture them and lead them to God, it's that simple folks. Sometimes, is it tough? you bet, does that give you the right to do this to a child, any child, hell no... I wish so bad that someone, anyone, the neighbors would have called the authorities and said they suspected abuse, he might have been saved from all of this.

If you suspect anything, get involved, make an anonymous call for Pete's sake, it's your duty to protect children, any children, any human that you feel is in danger, especially an innocent child.

I will pray for Ricky tonight and I know he will be in Heaven telling me not to cry for him anymore that he is fine now, but I can't help it, I am a loving momma to two little boys and I cannot stop the tears when I read this. Evil is all around us, but God is stronger than evil.

Ask yourselves one question, would Jesus have done this, if the answer is no, then don't do it.
Those people should never get out of prison. He was to afraid of his wife to stand up to her...BS. It's not like he is some little skinny man. If you can call this wussy a man. She should have grown some OO a long time ago :behindbar
Justice is served, to the extent possible. The evil b*tch, Lisa Holland, was convicted this morning of first-degree felony murder and first-degree child abuse. She faces mandatory life in prison when she is sentenced November 28. Full story:

I sincerely hope that Lisa, Tim, and Lisa's parents all rot in hell for eternity. It's still not enough for what they did, but it's a start.
Nasty, foul, scum sucking people. That's what they are. How in the world can another human being hurt a helpless child like Ricky? What in GOD's name were they thinking? And Tim Holland just sat by watching this happen? I think he is just trying to cover his own guilty filthy *advertiser censored*. That piece of dirt of a mother should be hogged tied & thrown to the gators. She is not human, she is not a mother, she is NOTHING as well as her husband. They both are NOTHING. They will be dancing with the DEVIL come judgement day. They both will ROT in HELL where they both BELONG!

May you rest in PEACE sweet Ricky!
To think that all of the men and women gave all their time and effort to search for Ricky. To think of all of the "LE manpower" put into this in an effort to find Ricky alive, all the while Lisa was "wrapping" X-mas presents knowing full well that Ricky lay dead in a swamp.

Buring in He** is too good for both of them. Life in Prison is also too good. The DP is too good for them also. Letting them die a slow, agonizing painful death, helpless and hopeless would be better suited.

YES. That is what I said aloud when I read that she was found guilty.
Absolutely CyberLaw!! Very well said. :clap: :clap: I will never comprehend what makes a person harm a precious, innocent child. :furious:

God Bless Little Ricky. :angel:

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