Missing Baby Lisa Sighting Reported in Kansas

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Very sad it's not Lisa but so glad people are still looking!!

:rose: Still hoping :rose:
ITA.....if those who are on alert and are willing to report possible sightings see such negative comments, EVERYONE is less likely to take a chance in the future for baby Lisa or any other missing child.


I think it's fine if folks want to report sighting, if they really feel they see her. I don't at all like that this story ends with people approaching strangers at a restaurant. The people, who were with a small baby, were so spooked they took off without even eating. I'm not too wild about that.

These people need to report, not try to take the law into their own hands where little ones are concerned.
CaseSignalCase Signal (BeanE)

RT @PeterAlexander: Police reported #BabyLisa sighting at Kansas deli tdy NOT missing girl. New clips from Lisa's mom tomorrow @TodayShow

6 minutes ago
Because she looks like so many other babies all it's likely going to do in this case is create a lot of work for police to check out all these "sightings."

My nephew is a sheriffs officer in that area and said they would willingly check a thousand leads just in the hope that one would be of help....
I don't know about y'all, but after the searches and the sighting today, I'm freakin' exhausted!:beersign:
It is good that people are aware and looking for Lisa, but I seriously doubt a kidnapper would be eating out at a restaurant with her just now.
What sightings are you referring to by "all these"?

Manhattan, Kan.
St. Joseph truck stop
Kansas Highway Patrol reported a small black car with Missouri tags with two women and a baby inside
It is good that people are aware and looking for Lisa, but I seriously doubt a kidnapper would be eating out at a restaurant with her just now.

Apparently these women with baby who was not "baby Lisa" didn't even get to eat despite paying for their food.
So it wasn't Lisa? Thank you in advance.
Manhattan, Kan.
St. Joseph truck stop
Kansas Highway Patrol reported a small black car with Missouri tags with two women and a baby inside
That's two, with about ten days in between. There was one other, in California, near the time of the St. Joe sighting. I can't see how this constitutes "all these sightings." In MSM only three have been noted.
That's two, with about ten days in between. There was one other, in California, near the time of the St. Joe sighting. I can't see how this constitutes "all these sightings." In MSM only three have been noted.

I think it's a safe bet there are many more press just didn't know about.
Apparently these women with baby who was not "baby Lisa" didn't even get to eat despite paying for their food.

For whatever reason they didn't eat their food, police have verified that this is not Lisa Irwin.
I don't know about y'all, but after the searches and the sighting today, I'm freakin' exhausted!:beersign:

I am also getting very tired of all of this. They have to find her soon!
I find it very odd the vehemence of the attacks on this story; regardless of whether or not it pans out, it does offer some of us a bit of hope that baby Lisa might still be alive.

Perhaps.....perhaps these sightings give hope. But sadly, I don't think this baby was kidnapped. Which IMO is why her parents aren't pleading for her return.

Mom knows exactly what happened to baby Lisa. Deborah's concern seem to be in cya mode., not find my baby mode.

I think it's fine if folks want to report sighting, if they really feel they see her. I don't at all like that this story ends with people approaching strangers at a restaurant. The people, who were with a small baby, were so spooked they took off without even eating. I'm not too wild about that.

These people need to report, not try to take the law into their own hands where little ones are concerned.

I see your point of view. But then again I am reminded of little Sierra Groene who was SAVED by a waitress and a diner in a Denny's when she was recognized by them when she was out dining with her captor.
If this is the case.....and it may very well be so.....what purpose are the posters, and putting the picture on tv and in newspapers serving, if no one would ever be out in public anywhere with a missing child? Not at all being critical here, as I have often wondered just how effective those hundreds of thousands of posters really are in these cases.


I've never seen a poster very effective. In the Elizabeth Smart case thousands of posters went up, and she was eventually identified by an alert biker who had heard of the kidnapping on America's Most Wanted (not a poster).

My mother (bless her soul) was always red-faced-infuriated at posters. She used to say "that child isn't a dog"! She always felt there should be a better way to find a child than putting a poster on a tree. I kinda agree. I personally think FaceBook gets the word out quicker than those darn posters. Of course the media is quite effective too.

But that's just my opinion :)

I see your point of view. But then again I am reminded of little Sierra Groene who was SAVED by a waitress and a diner in a Denny's when she was recognized by them when she was out dining with her captor.

I am pretty sure (close to a 100 %) Duncan did that because he wanted to get caught.
Did these ladies say why they left without eating or is this all speculation?
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