MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #1

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Yes, it is so terribly sad, all these people missing. I grew up in a small town in the 50's; everyone knew everyone for miles around, and there was no need for fear.
Now, we live in another small town...and I only know one neighbor, the one next door. We all seem to keep to ourselves these days, and maybe that's part of the problem..I don't know.

Have any of you heard of the Franklin cover-up?? That involved children, politicians, judges, etc. I can't say for certain that it's true, but if so, it is a very frightening trend. Then the Johnny Gosch story.

I think Jacob could have been sold to someone looking for a certain look, certain age. Possibly taken overseas. I hate to think that, but it is a possibility.
At any rate, that neighbor should be checked out thoroughly.
thats what im thiniking he was taken overseas but a friend of mine who i regulary update on cases he says that when ur young like baby-about5 or 6 its easy to take a child and call it ur own if ur not gona harm it becuse he says that when your so young sometimes u can forget and not remeber ur other life but then their are some people who get older are living with this weird man and wife and she or he is having flash backs to the kidnaping, he says the older u are the harder it is to keep someone you take meaning if u kidnap someone older the chances of survial are slim, i dont totaly agree with his statements but yet their could be some sex or something ring overseas going on and that they wanted a boy his age, or he was being sold to the black market, didnt they hire an investigator a private one and their was a tip he was spoted in some country but it didnt pan out?
also what about when he was at the rink and missing, what if the parents had rented a video for them before they left. and the person was at the rink and knew where jacob lived ex the neighbor or someone else. im not saying anything bad would happen if he stayed home. but what if the person was wating for jacob to wander to another part of the house. and he somehow brakes in and takes him. but then that wouldnt make sence cuz when he was taken they wanted the oldest.
I'm going to go back and do some research on the case; as I've gotten foggy on some details. I do remember the story about the ice rink, and him disappearing for a short time.
When I re-think the sex ring theory; I wonder why they would go to a small town in northern MN. to look for a child. Why not a big city where they wouldn't be as apt to be noticed?? :waitasec:

I hope we have some answers soon. I'll e-mail family up there, and see if they've heard anything at all.
i know unless the guy who took him had other plans for him or maybe a family who lost a child figured if they replaced a new child no one would know the diffrence all these things run in my head i hope he is found soon
Smile, Jacob was riding his bike back from the video store with 2 other boys, including his younger brother, when he was abducted, which makes the case really strange. Neither of the other 2 boys recalled hearing a car, although they did as they were instructed and ran. There were tire tracks found, but just this year a young man confessed that he had been listening to his police scanner and actually beat police to the scene. The tire tracks were his. He has been completely cleared.

The original thought was that because St. Joe is located near an interstate, that Jacob may have been abducted out of the US. Now the thought is that everyone may have jumped to conclusions, and most recently investigators are focusing closer to home.

St. Joe is an area that may have had abuse by priests. The neighbor who wouldn't open his door is also very strange.

Personally, I think investigators bungled the case and unless someone comes forth, Jacob will never be found. It's been 15 years.
Trino said:
St. Joe is an area that may have had abuse by priests. The neighbor who wouldn't open his door is also very strange.
It's been 15 years.

trino; that's part of what I 'heard'..that St. John's monestary is in that area; IS secluded, and is where pedophile priest's were sent year's ago. (No, I don't have a link to this; wish I had saved one..) IF that is true, it should be investigated.
Did these boys ride their bikes often on this road, and some local person knew that??
Still, what boggles my mind is this: How did they know the boys would be riding by THAT NIGHT?? Something doesn't fit.
There was the strange man seen in the video store that night. But how would he know who they were and what their route to their home would be??
The neighbor still seems suspect. Has anyone any updates?? Surely, someone must hear local news.....???
i believe jacob wetterling has already been found...just not february of 1990, a mississippi river dam worker in ST. PAUL minnesota found the body of a boy between 9 and 13 years old, it's feet,hands,and head were missing...the feet were found near the torso...a fingerprint expert used his footprints to determine whether or not it was wetterling...and reported that it was NOT wetterling...i wonder about this...HOW MANY EXPERTS were given opportunity to do this test ? just one ? and was it even an expert ? makes me suspicious...furthermore, the police said the boy was not from ST. PAUL...they could not even identify him, much less accurately say where he was from !...another thing...they said it could not have been wetterling because the body had been embalmed...had it REALLY ??? it is possible to force someone to drink embalming fluid and some even use it for a RECREATIONAL DRUG HIGH ! so , basically, the police say that the body was dug out of a grave, dismembered and thrown into the river ...oh, and NO ONE ever came forward to say..."that was my boy that was stolen from the graveyard"...? i believe that whatever happened to wetterling was so bad that the authorities and/ or the footprint expert felt it was better to let the parents have some hope rather than to tell them what really can find the article at ...thanks..FROGGIE at

posted may 18 , 2004

i believe jacob wetterling has already been found-- but that he was never properly identified--

i am using some information from an article by pam schmid--
pam schmid with the associated press posted this article in february 15th of 1990-- the website is --

I believe that there is a 'cover-up' concerning the wetterling case that involves 'the authorities' and/or the coroner and/or the person or persons who did the footprint analysis on a boy that was found in the mississippi river
on TUESDAY february 13th, 1990
shortly after jacob was missing (october 22 , 1989)(this is not an attack on pam schmid--this is not an attack on anyone--this is just a theory)

basically i have some problems with the story 'the authorities' have told about this case

the authorities have stated basically this...that an embalmed boy between 9-13 years old was stolen from his grave by occult members, his head, feet and hands were removed and that he was thrown into the mississippi river
(his torso and feet were found by a dam worker in st. paul)

after footprints were analyzed, the examiner stated that the body was not jacobs

1--how many people examined and determined that the footprints were not jacobs ? just one ? that is suspicious...i would want more than one expert
to look at the footprints, wouldn't you ???

2--according to this article--jacob's parents never saw this body--
they relied upon the report given them by the authorities

3--the coroner could not tell how long the body had been dead and/or in
the river--i think enough technology existed in order to determine this

4--the coroner said that he had been embalmed--
had he really been
embalmed , or was he forced to drink embalming fluid ???
people use embalming fluid as a recreational drug...many people do not
know this
it could have been used to anesthetize and or poison the boy

5--if there was a missing corpse from a graveyard, i believe there would have
been parents coming forward wanting to find the corpse of thier son
don't you ??? but we never heard about that...hmmmmmm....
besides, most 'occult sacrifice ceremonies' are more likely to require a LIVE
person , also, there may be certain age requirements, etc..the kidnapper
asked jacob's brother how old he was before deciding to take jacob who
was younger

6--another suspicious statement by authorities is this...
they said
the boy
was not from St. Paul
how did they know this ???
they did not even know his identity, much less where he was from !!!
this was probobly thier only true statement, jacob was from st.joseph

i think
the condition of jacob was so bad
that out of mercy, the authorities decided it was better to leave the parents with some hope by telling them the boy found was not jacob than to have to tell them what really happened to him

well, that's my theory

i recieved this anonomous email
i think this reader has alot of EXCELLENT questions
so i decided to post's what the reader had to say...

"what if a bunch of us (websleuth members)e-mailed the people who worked on the case of the boy by the river and started asking alot of unwanted questions ?(because of this post) how do you know it's not jacob ? you know if it was found to be jacob, you'd be in alot of hot water because you would have a law suit on your hands for slander-get them scared. i don't know, you probobly could go to jail for messing with law enforcement.

what do you think ???

paragraph 8...emalming equipment
paragraph 9...the use of children in ceremonies

***********KIDNAPPING VICTIMS**********

"the necromancer travels to the UNDERWATER holding area where the FRESHLY DEAD wait to be called back to land as loa-racines

at the very bottom of the page

froggie at
im with all of u i think that it is jacob its sad but no one came foward about a grave robbery in the areas of minn or anywhere in the usa where a child was grave robbed is their someway we can reopen the child they found if i were the wetterlings i would have wanted to see the body some times le can be wrong
i don't know HOW the case could ever be re-opened--i don't know WHAT they did with the poor child that was found by the mississippi river dam worker (i believe it was indeed jacob) i just believe that it was a 'ritual killing' by occult members ( )and that the body was in such bad condition that the authorities decided to cover it up by saying it was another boy--i guess it was the most merciful way to handle it-- how long has it been since you heard the story about the boy found in the mississippi ??? was that a well publicized fact ??? how do you feel about the possibility of the authorities conspiring to cover this up in the name of mercy for the parents ??? if my theory is correct --should we demand truth at all costs in a situation like this ?

froggie at
i never knew about the boy on the river untill u posted it today have u done a search on the boy by the river to see who was handiong the case i know on the janice pockett case there is a state of ct website u can go to and it gives an email for someone u can contact on the case with any info

at all cost id do it becuse if i was jacobs family his sister or mother or aunt or anyone from his family and i knew that le lied to me id be hurt so much i think id loose all my trust in le i just think le didnt do a good job of looking into the river boy but what if someone from le had a child jacobs age and went missing he would follow every lead untill they were all cleared and till he was 100% sure of each outcome,
that's a very good question...i do not know who handled the case, if it is still being handled, or who may be handling it at the present time. i have visited a jacob wetterling website...nothing there about the boy found in the river...

so i take it that you belive no matter how bad the condition of the body was, the wetterlings should have had access to it for identification purposes --based on the idea that if the authorities would lie for mercy's sake, they may lie about other things...or if they did not lie, they were just not very good investigators ??? that is a very interesting point of view... i am still undecided as to what i would do if i was a law enforcement officer put in that position...i wonder if i could break the parent's heart like is so hard when you really think about it

thanks so much for you comments

Interesting story. Thanks for bring it to our attention.

The dismissal of the boy in the river, as I recall, was rather quick. I, too, would like to know what happened to the remains, what happened to the investigation and/or identification of this boy. Jacob, I believe, disappeared in 1988. The story is 1990. Timing is about right.

You would think that if a young person's grave were robbed, the parents/loved ones would be aware of a missing body, unless, of course, the grave was dug up immediately after burial and the grave robbers were very good at covering it again. This seems unlikely if they were in a hurry.

Fourteen years have passed since this body was found. There probably was more than one individual involved. Shouldn't someone have opened his/her mouth by now?
thank you so much for your comments
i agree with you
here's an important fact that begs repeating
EMBALMING is a process practiced in OCCULT RITUALS
if the coroner did not know this
this may explain why he thought it was a stolen body and not jacob

thanks again
i found this link on the web today-thought it may be of interest to some of you--don't know who the author is--he or she seems to be ANONYMOUS-i recieved an invitation to view the link--perhaps the author got my email from this site--i really don't know--perhaps he/she is a member of this site --
the author spends some time defending what it is that he/she does concerning astrology and crime sleuthing VS those with religious beliefs against it--
he/she makes some interesting points --then the author analyzes what i believe to be the wetterling case--only the author uses a false name for wetterling (BYRON) --the author calls this file "the BYRON file"--
i thought it was interesting
if you are interested in this link
feel free to check it out at on DOCUMENTS--then click on "theBYRONfile"
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