MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #14

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I'm thinking more along the lines of computer bulletin board systems which were more widespread at that point than internet access was with the mainstream population.

BBS systems were typically single microcomputers running on a second phone line in a back bedroom. There were BBS' for all kinds of interests but I wouldn't be surprised if these guys had something like that. In my years of using BBS' I encountered special interest BBS' that weren't necessarily publicized and where the number was passed from person to person.

Those were mostly used for trading illegal software but it wouldn't surprise me if guys like this had their own little space to talk about their "interest."

In 1989? People did not even have cell phones back then. A computer?? Highly unlikely
Great info Jewelia. I also think the Bahners story when the one Bahner admitted he was there and the whole story about Jacob being dragged away makes so much sense and I don't understand why they have not been investigated more or why their buddy Louis hasn't been investigated.

Seriously? The FBI and BCA as well decided not to look into this fabulous info? Um, no
I think those of us who have been on WS a longer time have seen all kinds of scam artists doing things in cases.

It is getting worse and worse as raising money for missing children seems to be a new way to make money.

I am very wary of people who make claims . I think those people shoud be investigated before anyone jumps on their bandwagon. You may be surprised at what you find out about schemers

There's been ample opportunity for LE to investigate this with the Bahners, but the tapes came up missing, and they never contacted DM for the remaining information which corroborates it all together. At the very least, it could lead to other information to who took Jacob, if it isn't Lou. The assigned person in Stearns LE is Pam Jensen.

Apparently she was in charge of "traffic" before this. I hope she was in charge of "child trafficking", then this might make sense. But if it was vehicle traffic, then I don't understand why they'd put her in charge of a high profile abduction case,
and she's been on it since 1999.

(RB and snipped BM)

Pam Jensen is more than just the "assigned person" on Jacob's case - she is the Captain of Police in St. Cloud, MN. She was the Deputy Medical Examiner before she became Captain. See article at link below.

From article:
In Stearns County, Pam was the Deputy Medical Examiner before she became Captain because Stearns County has a Medical Examiner system instead of a coroner. “It’s sort of the interesting part of the job,” she says. “It is kind of hard because you have to deal with people. You have to give death notifications to family members when there has been a car accident..."
article on pg. 13
Well, I'm pretty sure Stearns county screwed up any investigation from the beginning. They are not exactly seasoned investigators and no I really don't think the fbi is giving much more thought into it either. It's a cold case and will probably never be solved. I can pretty much guarantee its not the local band geek and not an Internet sex ring. If you know anything about offenders you would look elsewhere.
Great info Jewelia. I also think the xxxxx's story when the one xxxxx admitted he was there and the whole story about Jacob being dragged away makes so much sense and I don't understand why they have not been investigated more or why their buddy *advertiser censored* hasn't been investigated.

If you read the transcripts of these infamous tapes you'll note that these convicted sex offenders who claim to have been at the scene give conflicting versions of where the supposed perpetrator kept the gun in his car. One also says it was a knife instead, and another time it's a pickup not a car.

Investigate further and you'll find there was a triad of criminals pointing their fingers at each other. It got so convoluted that the Polk County Wisconsin district attorney eventually dropped 26 counts of child *advertiser censored* against two men associated with the suspect you have in mind. The man was in fact investigated for Jacob by the FBI.

The man lived and worked in Eau Claire, Wisconsin at the time.
Well, I'm pretty sure Stearns county screwed up any investigation from the beginning. They are not exactly seasoned investigators and no I really don't think the fbi is giving much more thought into it either. It's a cold case and will probably never be solved. I can pretty much guarantee its not the local band geek and not an Internet sex ring. If you know anything about offenders you would look elsewhere.
They had national experts involved in the case within days--both the BCA and the FBI.
I welcome New posters and ideas. Gets kind of stale reading the same four people post over and over again.
If you read the transcripts of these infamous tapes you'll note that these convicted sex offenders who claim to have been at the scene give conflicting versions of where the supposed perpetrator kept the gun in his car. One also says it was a knife instead, and another time it's a pickup not a car.

Investigate further and you'll find there was a triad of criminals pointing their fingers at each other. It got so convoluted that the Polk County Wisconsin district attorney eventually dropped 26 counts of child *advertiser censored* against two men associated with the suspect you have in mind. The man was in fact investigated for Jacob by the FBI.

The man lived and worked in Eau Claire, Wisconsin at the time.

It's hard to say ELOCsoul, as this case has not been NOT fully investigated as they would like the general public to think. I'm talking with her, and they have never contacted her for the rest of the documentation/research that corroborates it all together. She was a bail bonds agent for many, many years. Yes, the BCA, and the FBI were involved, but there's still a lot they didn't investigate. If you're talking about LC as the suspect, I don't know, but there was a third party. Again, these Bahner Brothers were NOT FULLY investigated, because I'm currently talking with the person who has voluminous amounts of information that was never looked at. The tapes that were taken to the Sheriff's office came up missing. Pam Jensen said they were gone, and there's more. It's not a good situation; not at all.

Where are these transcripts?

Yes, these Bahners are convicted sex offenders, and that is precisely why they need to watch every move they make, and not rule them completely out on the Wetterling case. MB unplugged everything around before he was interviewed, fearing he was being recorded. I think there's more involved than the Bahners, and the third party. People in that area won't talk because they're afraid of being killed. There's ugly things happening in Stearns County....AND St. Johns Abby.

There needs to be a very large group of people asking questions, and demanding answers. Has anyone heard of any abductions since 1989 in Stearns County? They call them runaways now.
They had national experts involved in the case within days--both the BCA and the FBI.

I've been speaking with a PI who used to be a federal agent. He said there's huge rings of pedophiles that go very high up. When you have judges, FBI agents, BCI agents, Sheriff's, cops, and polititions,who are either pedophiles, or making money, lots of money, it's hard to rope down these predators who are taking these kids. It's been going on a very long time, and goes as high as the CIA. This PI I'm speaking with had to personally walk a murder case all the way to the judge. This was a case of a teacher who was moved from one school system to another, and he murdered the boy he was molesting. And the majority of these kids that are abducted/raped/or used in trafficking are young boys between the ages of 7-14. It's a billion dollar business, and it's a true nightmare on earth.

After dealing with trying to get a serial pedophile put away, that committed federal offenses, and this monster is still loose, even with known FACTS that can get him convicted, I've learned a lot. It's not safe for kids out there.

Bottom line: Just because they're national experts doesn't mean they can't be corrupt, or a pedophile themselves. This isn't "conspiracy thinking", this is all based on factual information coming from one of these experts who has worked on many levels in law enforcement, including the federal government, and The Justice Dept.
Have her post on here. I'm not going to email some anonymous person.

Diane Muehlbauer isn't anonymous, as her name has been floating around here for a while. She may have a reason she cannot post on here. I don't know, but there were people who posted here previously who wanted to get in touch with her, and she offered her email.
Seriously? The FBI and BCA as well decided not to look into this fabulous info? Um, no

No....I said Stearns County Sheriffs. FBI agents have looked into this. Several were put on the case, and several were pulled off the JW case. This has been doing a 360 for over two decades, and they always come up with -0-. There has been a BCA agent and an FBI agent made aware of the Bahner brothers situation, and a possible third party. As I said, it's something that needs to be investigated much further. (my opinion) They haven't because they never looked at the rest of the information. Someone doesn't work on this for 18 years, and not have voluminous amounts of documentation and records, and other information. It's just something that needs addressing. I've stated this to an agent in Minneapolis.
(RB and snipped BM)

Pam Jensen is more than just the "assigned person" on Jacob's case - she is the Captain of Police in St. Cloud, MN. She was the Deputy Medical Examiner before she became Captain. See article at link below.

From article:
In Stearns County, Pam was the Deputy Medical Examiner before she became Captain because Stearns County has a Medical Examiner system instead of a coroner. “It’s sort of the interesting part of the job,” she says. “It is kind of hard because you have to deal with people. You have to give death notifications to family members when there has been a car accident..."
article on pg. 13

Thanks for the information on Pam Jensen. Regardless of what she was doing prior, she has not asked Diane for the additional information, or never listened to the tapes. There's several tapes, and when Diane asked her if she listened to them, she went into the evidence room, and they were gone.

I'm not from the area, and I live in Ohio. BUT, I've talked with two experts who have dealt with pedophile rings for over 30 years, and Diane is backed up by two people who worked in LE in Stearns County.

As I said in an earlier posting, I became acquainted with the JW case because a serial pedophile from Ohio looked like the sketch, and there was other information that I had that may connect him in Minnesota. I'm not suggesting he took JW. I do think it's possible he could have been one of many pedophiles in the area. I did a lot of homework before I posted on here, and a lot of reading.

I would thin Jensen would be parked on Diane's porch....same goes for the more recent FBI agent that is aware of these tapes. You'd think they'd want to see the rest.
When did the bahners first come to light in this investigation? Before or after 2003?
I'm having a mind blank or maybe i never knew but who is DM?***CASE-FACTS***NO-DISCUSSION***

On the first page of each thread are two links, at the top, Bessie's first post, one of the links is for "Case Facts" it lists a 'Who's Who' listing most all of the main people concerned; there you'll find the description for DM, among others.

DM - Diane Muehlbauer: DM was a former bail bonds agent from St. Cloud, MN who has stated she conducted interviews with VS, MB, BrB, RB, BEB and others. She has posted these video interviews on you tube as "stearns truth" and "truth stearns". LE has dismissed these tapes as "not credible." She had stated she would reveal all in her VOCNOW blog in Oct. 2013, but she never revealed anything, and her blog is gone now in 2014. Her hard-to-hear videos are still on you tube. She is now part of the Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force and has written a book due in Nov. 2014 called "Boy Disappearing."

The link, under the description of DM, doesn't seem to work anymore.
When did the bahners first come to light in this investigation? Before or after 2003?

DM started her research and investigating since 1997. The Bahners just need to be investigated much further.
There needs to be oversight on this case; especially since they've been batting -0- so far, and there's material that needs to be investigated, and it has not. Believe me, I've talked with DM since December of last year. At the very least, her information should be fully reviewed.
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