Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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I certainly expect intense rage from Gypsy. But I'm struggling with the fact that, rather than being an impulsive act, this murder appears to have been very well planned. It was an execution, if you will, complete with an executioner used by the abuse victim. JMO


I'm sure you're right that the abuse will be a major mitigating factor. It will be very interesting to see how this is presented and how much weight the jury will give it. I would not want to be a juror! JMO

When the abuser is so powerful, you always have to plan it. Did you see the physical difference between them? DeeDee was a large, violent woman. How else was she to be put down but through careful planning?
OK, I've really, really tried to give this poor abused girl the benefit of the doubt. But let me get this straight. She is capable of maintaining a secret online relationship for two years AND googling how to kill her mother AND getting a very disturbed person to carry it out for her. If she could do all this, she was capable of secretly getting help from her father, other family members, friends or law enforcement...if she really wanted to just be free. It seems clear to me that she wanted her mother dead. I don't see any more benefit of the doubt here, as much as I'd like to give it.

Yes, she was seriously abused, robbed of her childhood, and is obviously disturbed and morally bankrupt because of it. But Dee Dee deserved prison time, not death, according to our legal system. We don't do vigilante justice here. Gypsy did not have the right to impose that sentence upon her. This was not self-defense IMO. She could have walked out the door while her mother slept and disappeared. This was a calculated, brutal attack that she manipulated another person into doing. JMO, MOO, etc.

You are wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but as someone who was similarly abused by my mother (in private, in public she was the most loving parent ever), Gypsy's actions make perfect sense to me. To a T. I would not have acted differently, and I am afraid "normal" people would not understand how it is the only way to do it.
You are wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but as someone who was similarly abused by my mother (in private, in public she was the most loving parent ever), Gypsy's actions make perfect sense to me. To a T. I would not have acted differently, and I am afraid "normal" people would not understand how it is the only way to do it.

I'm sorry for what you went through.

Reading about Gypsy's plan reminded me so much of what I've read about survivors of domestic violence - because they can't just get up and leave one day they have to meticulously plan (in secret) and have everything covered. One mistake means no escape and leads to even more abuse. The most dangerous time for victims is after they leave, and I wonder if Gypsy knew that, and suspected if she didn't kill DB she would be killed by her?
We already know why Gypsy likely didn't believe she could just leave. She left before, but mother found her and brought her back.
The comparison to spousal abuse really puts it into perspective.

When one sees women with a putrid abusive guy( I know men get abused as well), from the outside we look at the guy and see what a hideous person he is.

To the person in the relationship it is totally different because of the enotional bonds.

To the outsider it looks like a simple walk out the door. But to the person in the relationship it looks like a maximum security prison.
You are wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but as someone who was similarly abused by my mother (in private, in public she was the most loving parent ever), Gypsy's actions make perfect sense to me. To a T. I would not have acted differently, and I am afraid "normal" people would not understand how it is the only way to do it.

When the abuser is so powerful, you always have to plan it. Did you see the physical difference between them? DeeDee was a large, violent woman. How else was she to be put down but through careful planning?


Lulu, my heart hurts for you, Gypsy and anyone who endures abuse. I feel terrible that you came came out of your experience with your mother believing that it was OK for Gypsy to make plans for Dee Dee to be "put down." (If I understood you correctly). You obviously did not kill your own mother, for some reason, fortunately. I won't presume to try to persuade you to feel differently. And I do understand (intellectually) that it is very dangerous to walk away from an abuser and that there are a lot of emotional issues at play that I know nothing about.

Since I am "normal" as you say, I cannot possibly accept that killing someone in cold blood is acceptable, morally or legally. The laws in our society do not allow for that option. So I do stand by the main point of my original post (linked below) that if Gypsy had the ability to plan the murder of her mother so carefully and secretly, she also had the ability to reach out secretly to someone who could help her escape. Abused women do escape their abusers without killing them, as dangerous as it is. I realize fully that Gypsy may have believed that she had no other option (even within her family), after unsuccessfully attempting impulsive escapes in the past.

But it concerns me greatly that, rather than attempt a secret online escape plan AFAIK, she plotted her mother's execution, involved another person, and that you and others seem to assume and accept that she had no other choice. Some have even said that Dee Dee deserved to die. The bottom line is that if we accept those beliefs as a society, we are overriding laws put in place to protect all of us from vigilante justice at the hands of anyone we may have wronged. Gypsy's culpability will be decided by the court, not by individuals. That is as it should be. JMO

We will have to agree to disagree on this, so I think it's best if we drop the subject. I wish you well. :)
Family? My understanding, family, including her father, haven't seen Gypsy in years. My understanding that at least some of Dee Dee's relatives might have suspected Gypsy was abused. Yet Gypsy remained with Dee Dee for years, apparently without family notifying anyone. I am not sure why Gypsy would think she could count on them.
I believe the law does aloow for mitigating circumstances. Everything is not black and white.

I don't know about others, but sometimes I cannot see the answer to something when it is right in front of me. It takes an "aha momet" or someone else to pint it out.

Gypsy was pretty much on her own thinking about the horror she lived in and how to get out. She wrongly figured out the plan that she had with her willing executioner.

It could be not being able to see the "forest for the trees" and being stuck on what to do.

I am sure she hated DeeDee. Why not? The woman was depraved.
It's not like as if someone raised like Gypsy has a rationally-functioning mind or anything. She "felt" reality one way (healthy, normal) but was repeatedly told reality was another way (sick and abnormal).

People keep comparing this to women who are abused by men but I think it is so much worse. The thing is that an adult woman may very well have had her entire youth plus some of her adulthood building up healthy relationships with other people and of learning how to navigate the world as an independent person. She has far more resources if she needs help than Gypsy did. Godejohn was the only person in Gypsy's life who knew the true story. And what kind of person was he? So Gypsy finally has someone 100% on her side who believes her and he does not rationally explain to her that killing her mother will only make her problem worse. Instead he goes along with it. It's Shakespearean.
You are wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but as someone who was similarly abused by my mother (in private, in public she was the most loving parent ever), Gypsy's actions make perfect sense to me. To a T. I would not have acted differently, and I am afraid "normal" people would not understand how it is the only way to do it.

Abusers tend to be the most loving, devoted people ever in public. It makes it that much harder for victims to be believed and gives the abusers more control. I think it's hard for people to imagine the degree of isolation, the inability to act independently, the lack of personal power, the tendency to (in your mind) make the abuser bigger and stronger than he/she really is, etc. Since it was first revealed that GB was arrested, I have very much been on her side while still supporting justice for the victim.

But this latest news gives me pause. At some point, according to published reports, she and Godejohn were seriously considering introducing him to DB. What happened to change that? She spent all that time researching ways to murder while thinking about introducing her boyfriend and keeping the murder as a sort of twisted "backup plan." Was there a reason she wasn't researching alternative ways to escape? Why was it either introduce OR murder? It just seems like such a bizarre set of options. Either DB was at least occasionally decent enough to be introduced to a boyfriend, or she wasn't. If not, then why was this ever considered? I suspect there was far more going on behind that scene. That doesn't mean that GB wasn't horribly abused or that DB was a complete innocent. It's just that I'm really perplexed by this new twist.

And no, I did not have a "normal" upbringing by any definition. Those documentaries about escaping from the FLDS show how hard it can be to get out of any abusive fundamentalist religious sect -- except they don't show how much harder it is to get away when there is no one to help.
I don't believe for a second Dee Dee would have agreed to Gypsy having a boyfriend.
She was pretending Gypsy was functioning at a level of a child. That wouldn't work very well with a boyfriend around, would it?
You picked up on one of the things that bothered me most about this murder. The fb postings being so callous. Especially the part about 'screaming so loud LOL'
Really shows her state of mind IMO
The other thing was GB having had a chance to pull back and change her mind. Her bf asking if she still wanted it done and GB saying yes and handing him the implements to proceed. IMO

Exactly. GB had also supposedly been around health professionals all of her life and saw how dedicated they were to saving lives, but GB thinks it's okay for her to take a life? IMO, GB was an innocent when her abuse was started by her mother. She was an adult when she had her mother murdered. Yes, she had chances to change her mind but didn't. Now, IMO, she needs to pay the price for what she did.


Defense attorneys for Blancharde told the judge on Monday that they're having trouble getting medical records for her. Dee Dee Blancharde controlled access to her daughter's records so tightly that Gypsy Blancharde can't even access them because her mother had power of attorney. Defense attorneys say they've had a hard time reaching a family friend who now has the power of attorney that controls access to those records.
Do you all think that Gypsy's defense attorneys will do the Nurmi thing of throwing DD under the bus? For some reason, I think DD will be on trial more than Gypsy.

And would throwing DD under the bus be warranted? It wasn't in the Arias trial and I just wondered what you all thought.

PDs in Springfield aren't exactly known for their willingness to do in their client's "best interests."
It just occurred to me that it's very interesting that Gypsy had the ability to think on her feet and come up with excuses when the judge disapproved of her consulting with her attorney. Most of us in her dire situation would be intimidated and just say "Yes, your honor." Again, while I sympathize to a degree, I refuse to trust her and be scammed by her. JMO

I realize that this is a very old post, but from dealing with the court system in Springfield.... Most of the judges don't like to see the consulting between an accused and their public defenders. Ive seen it happen a few times while attending court matters with a relative. I'm not sure why they like to do that, however.
I live in Springfield. When I look at this and think about my daughter, who just started kindergarten this year, I do find it interesting. We moved from out of state and long story short, the pediatrician's office we had originally chosen here did NOTHING for 5+ months to get my daughter's immunization records (they were lost at some point during our move) from out of state. We had started to enroll my daughter in school and she'd even HAD her most recent shots in Missouri, but they absolutely would NOT allow her to attend without her records.

So she didn't attend the very first day of a kindergarten, which is full day.

The school sent some people (I didnt answer the door, hubby did so idk if it were nursing staf or an assigned social worker kind of deal) to badger us about why our daughter wasn't at her first day of kindergarten (her records arrived in the mail four hours later). So when I think about that and look at this case, it does strike me as a bit interesting.

I know when my son was a sophomore, he had to have an emergency tonsillectomy, he was out of school for 2 weeks after surgery, not to mention all the days he'd missed because of his tonsils; the school assigned someone, a teacher, that brought him all his class work & books to the house so he wouldn't fall any more behind than he was already. He was able to complete all his assignments & turn them into the teacher when she brought his next round of assignments. Is it possible that the school did the same for Gypsy? Her "illnesses" would have prevented her from attending class. And it would've been very easy to pull the "we don't have extra money for Internet", so she wouldn't have been able to go the HS route. Also who's to say DD wasn't doing her assignments for Gypsy?
I know several parents/kids who went the HS route, for me, not a good option, there is a reason I'm NOT a teacher!! Lol. But the kids are still the same kids, they can participate in any extra curricular activities they wish with kids who live in their neighborhood. And I've known some kids in public schools that I think would've been better off going to school at the alternative education center for juvenile delinquents. Like Armstr said HS works for some, public school works for others & private school works for some, to each their own I say!
To address Gypsy's education, I would be willing to bet ya a $1 she's a heck of a lot smarter than anyone, including DD, is or has ever given her credit for!! Maybe not book smart or even street smarts but she has learned how to be one helluva manipulator, I'll have to wait & see how a judge & jury reacts to her to see if she has in fact mastered manipulation! I keep going back to that movie with Richard Gere & Edward Norris, he stutters & is such a fragile boy, well until the end when he shows his true colors!!

Gypsy's hair is growing out now that her mom isn't shaving it any more.
I really hope they don't seek the death penalty :(
When the people who abused my husband, when he was both a child and an adult, called the police here in Springfield alleging that we failed to take our daughter to the hospital following a major automobile accident (that never occurred, but they alleged happened in another state).... The police came to the door. They looked at our daughter in areas that were visible. They did not so much as lift a pant leg to check for bruised shins. They then checked the conditions of cleanliness and that she had food. They called CPS and said she was perfectly fine. Both the police and CPS left it at that and never bothered back around for follow-up. We did bring up the past abuse from the "anonymous caller" against my husband in the past to the officers. They took it at just that. A follow-up was never made by the police or CPS. Relieving as we were innocent, but so very disturbing when I look at Gypsy's story.

It did cross my mind that maybe Gypsy herself made the anonymous call to the police. Perhaps that was one of her attempts to escape, hoping an investigation would free her. Regardless of who made the call, it did not help Gypsy at all. It probably reinforced that she was never going to get away. I do wish she had chosen another way.
Could have.... yes.
Been able to stay away without her mother managing to convince some sort of authority to wrangle Gypsy back home.. Probably not.

My husband was abused by both sets of parents, but particularly by his mother (psychologically) and step-father (physically and psychologically). His mother is a former prison guard and is now a special education teacher. She's had no less than three arrests related to felony shoplifting and contributing to the delinquincy (which led to the arrest of two minors who were with her when she was arrested). Her husband is a repeat offender for DUI and domestic violence. I as a woman "have nads," but they scare the everloving sxxt out of me. She holds a degree in psychology and is a special education teacher. I won't go into details of the things they have said and done, but to this day... four years later and four states away, we still struggle to escape them legally and physically. They are very very frightening people.

My husband, on probation at the time, lived with his mother and step-father, along with our (his bio) daughter. They lived just off the mountains in a rural, but not entirely isolated area. The nearest town of sizable worth was about 40 miles away. We tried.. and tried... and tried... and tried to get ANYONE we could to help. I lived in the midwest at the time and they lived on the west coast. She always covered for her husband to get him released from the veteran's psychiatric care and would often lie to the courts in regard to herself and her manky husband. I called domestic violence shelters. I called churches. And the only help people would give was "no we can't" and "call CPS and let them take the child, but to hell with your husband."

And sadly, they weren't the only two being abused. His exwife and HER HUSBAND also lived there (my inlaws refused to kick them out). In the end, I had to take out a $5,000 loan, rent a car, make up lies to the inlaws to hide the truth behind getting his probation transferred out of state) and ultimately drive the 2,000 miles myself to get ALL of them out the situation. We get back here to Missouri.. the harassment begins again. They even got a court in THEIR state to grant them custody of our daughter AFTER we moved here... and they arrived here waiving the paper hoping my husband would fall for it and just hand our daughter over. We called the police here and they told my inlaws to go pound sand, yet we were denied a restraining order against these whackos.

So just WHAT do you have to do in Missouri to free yourself of such people and abuses?

The court and justice systems here in Greene Co. are.. well... awkward.

We cant shake off these nutjob inlaws of mine here WITHOUT them being our power of attorney and without being considered to have severe physical and intellectual disabilities. I can quite easily see how Gypsy could have escaped but not gotten far..

Its wrong!
There is no way this should have gone on for so long!
Mommie dearest was very good at what she did.

IMHO I don't think Gypsy COULD get away from her.
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