MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #2

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Nov 17, 2022
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"Three Missouri men went to watch a football game at a house in Kansas City, say friends and family.Three days later, those three friends were found dead outside the home.

Days after the bodies of these men were discovered, the Kansas City Police Department is revealing their identities — 38-year-old Ricky Johnson, 37-year-old David Harrington and 36-year-old Clayton McGeeney.
The bodies of all three men were discovered late Tuesday night when McGeeney's fiancée went to the house looking for the men, according to a spokesperson for the Kansas City Police Department.

Two friends of the men who spoke with Inside Edition Digital say that the three had all gone to the house on Sunday to watch the Kansas City Chiefs game, and no one had heard from them since that time.Those friends also claim that calls to the person who is currently living in that house went unanswered in the days after the game, an allegation police would not comment on at this time."


Thread #1
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Once again, as a reminder,

If a person has not been named by law enforcement as a suspect or person of interest, they are considered a victim. Period.

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As of this post, the cause/manner of death of these men has yet to be released to the public. It is fine to reasonably discuss what may have led to their deaths based on the facts of this case. Discussing the specifics of certain drugs and how they're made, sold, administered, or counteracted quickly derails the thread when there has been no confirmation that drugs (or anything else for that matter) played a role in their deaths. Generalized discussion and posts that don't directly relate to this case are considered off-topic and will be removed.

If you have a question or concern, please use the report feature at the bottom of any post to bring it to our attention. There are only a very few of us, and we aren't online 24/7, so please allow time for us to review your report.

Hope this helps,

Was attempting to post this in last thread as it closed.

Can we confirm these people actually texted or called his CELL PHONE number and not a text or call through facebook messenger? Did they actually have his cell phone number to text?

I'm thinking that they texted/called him through the facebook messenger app as I doubt they had his phone number to text his cell phone directly. After all, he wan't their friend - he was their family member's friend. If their family member had him on facebook they would be able to text him through the facebook app by finding him in their friends list.

Thing is, that with the facebook messenger app, individual messenger stettings vary depending upon set up. When I get messages from people on my friends list I get a notification in my facebook itself stating that "you have a new message from *advertiser censored*". If I get a message from someone not on my friends list, it goes to a 'spam' folder and I get no notification of it within my facebook page itself. To see them I actually have to open my facebook messages and do a deep dive to even see them. Thing is, if I click on 'mark all as read' it does so to them all even if I have not read them all - quite like "mark all forums as read" here on this site can be done even if one has not actually read them all.

I've posted a couple screen shots up to show the process to get to 'spam' messages or messages from "non personal friends" on facebook. It's not as simple as receiving a "you have a new message from" notifcation as I do NOT receive those for non-friends or "merely-possible acquaintances".


  • Facebook Messenger 1.png
    Facebook Messenger 1.png
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  • Facebook Messenger 2.png
    Facebook Messenger 2.png
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    Facebook Messenger 3.png
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Was attempting to post this in last thread as it closed.

Can we confirm these people actually texted his CELL PHONE number and not a text through facebook messenger? Did they actually have his cell phone number to text?

I'm thinking that they texted him through the facebook messenger app as I doubt they had his phone number to text his cell phone directly. After all, he wan't their friend - he was their family member's friend. If their family member had him on facebook they would be able to text him through the facebook app by finding him in their friends list.

Thing is, that with the facebook messenger app, individual messenger stettings vary depending upon set up. When I get messages from people on my firnds list I get a notification in my facebook itself stating that "you have a new message from *advertiser censored*". If I get a message from someone not on my friends list, it goes to a 'spam' folder and I get no notification of it within my facebook page itself. To see them I actually have to open my facebook messages and do a deep dive to even see them. Thing is, if I click on 'mark all as read' it does so to them all even if I have not read them all - quite like "mark all forums as read" here on this site can be done even if one has not actually read them all.

I've posted a couple screen shots up to show the process to get to 'spam' messages or messages from "non personal friends" on facebook. It's not as simple as receiving a "you have a new message from" notifcation as I do NOT receive those for non-friends or "merely-possible acquaintances".

Also, in the first photo, you can see my brother at the bottom of the list and a "you called ....". I called my brother through the facebook messenger app. Likewise, when a friend calls me on the app, it rings and I can answer the call. If they are not on my "friends list" any attempt they make to call me does NOT come through and I only get a notification that they even tried to call me by deep diving down into my messenger as per above photos.

I do not do deep dives into my messenger daily or even weekly to see spam or stuff coming from people who are not my friends. Once every couple of months works for me.

Also worthy to note that my "message notification" icon in the first photo shows "no new messages" or else a little number (# of new messages) would be displayed on it. BUT at the very same time, the third photo clearly shows that my 'spam' messages (left side of screen) are unopened/unanswered as the text of them is actually still "bold" - meaning actually "unread" and they were sent weeks ago --- and yet, my messenger also says that all of my messges have been "read".
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When I first heard about this story, I envisioned that the house was very isolated. !!!!!!! I just saw a pic of it and surrounding neighbors homes which look practically abutted next to house.

Makes no sense that three large grown men froze by being locked outside, without something hindering their abilities to seek shelter.

I have locked myself out before.. I go to neighbor, or business, gas station, ask another human if I can use phone, etc. Makes ZERO Zero Zero sense.
I am still interested in where exactly, and how, the bodies were found, it might answer some questions, imo.
Sad to think about but did all of them pass peacefully at once ?
Or did one try to get help knowing it was serious ?
Were the bodies visible from any window inside the house ?
My .02 is that their relatives have these same questions and more !
I don't know how a parent would be able to say their grown son in his 30s would never go outside without a coat. Do I spend time in the winter outside without a coat? Guess that depends on what you mean, do I go for a walk without a coat? No. Do I run barefoot in the snow with no coat and a tanktop to the garbage and to the garage? Absolutely.

As far as one of the deceased's coat being left behind, how many men would notice that? Unless my husband is the exception, he didn't notice when i painted our bedroom, removed the rug, replaced the baseboard and rotated the bed all in one weekend while he was out of town. So noticing a coat left behind? Maybe if someone left a kid behind. The other point about the coat, is he may have just thought it was his, if JW has a coat the same color he probably never even looked closely at it. Several friends of mine have similar coats, we all have to look at the label to differentiate between them. Not that uncommon.
Thank you for posting that new article that shows chairs in the back yard. Very helpful. We still have no confirmation about their use, but after seeing the configuration, I find it hard to believe that a body would have been found on the porch (which has two large chairs on it and almost no room to stand) if not in a chair.

I doubt we're going to learn much about where the bodies actually were unless the information is given to family members, who are definitely going to continue to speak out, I believe. Unless this is reclassified as a criminal investigation. I'm sure the relatives have the same questions. It's heartbreaking.

The timeline we have right now seems to say Fifth Person left at midnight and everyone was fine. JW (through attorney) seems to say he saw them at 2 am and thought they were leaving the house. It's clear that the gates in the fence work an the fence, IMO, is scaleable. That is not enough to solve this mystery.

I have a bunch of LE-related questions about common practices in Kansas City, MO (what kinds of available evidence would cause an investigation to be termed criminal? is the main one).

Has anyone thought about if the men left to possibly pick up and use drugs, then came back and re-entered through the yard thinking the back door would be unlocked? But they succumbed to the drugs before getting inside? Someone said the fiancé couldn't get the gate opened but that doesn't mean the men couldn't open it 2 nights before. MOO
Was attempting to post this in last thread as it closed.

Can we confirm these people actually texted or called his CELL PHONE number and not a text or call through facebook messenger? Did they actually have his cell phone number to text?

I'm thinking that they texted/called him through the facebook messenger app as I doubt they had his phone number to text his cell phone directly. After all, he wan't their friend - he was their family member's friend. If their family member had him on facebook they would be able to text him through the facebook app by finding him in their friends list.

Thing is, that with the facebook messenger app, individual messenger stettings vary depending upon set up. When I get messages from people on my friends list I get a notification in my facebook itself stating that "you have a new message from *advertiser censored*". If I get a message from someone not on my friends list, it goes to a 'spam' folder and I get no notification of it within my facebook page itself. To see them I actually have to open my facebook messages and do a deep dive to even see them. Thing is, if I click on 'mark all as read' it does so to them all even if I have not read them all - quite like "mark all forums as read" here on this site can be done even if one has not actually read them all.

I've posted a couple screen shots up to show the process to get to 'spam' messages or messages from "non personal friends" on facebook. It's not as simple as receiving a "you have a new message from" notifcation as I do NOT receive those for non-friends or "merely-possible acquaintances".

The most recent Fox4 news update has the 5th Person saying that he personally tried contact with JW through both FB and by phone, yes. On the 8th.

It frames this as a dispute - with one person's lawyer (JW's) saying he didn't get texts and another person's lawyer saying that a text was sent to JW's phone by him (5th person) after learning the men had disappeared.

Do we know the gate didn't open from the outside or is that just assumed because the fiance that broke in didn't use it?

We don't know if it was locked. There are pictures of the house with the gate open (the one next to the garage) but that doesn't mean the gate was operational that night. However, both gates have traditional framing and would easily climbed from inside the backyard, IMO. Same with the fence, but the gates have a Z-frame and appear slightly shorter than the fence. Certainly, two men working togther could boost one man over the gate. Since we now know there are chairs in the backyard, heck, almost anyone could pull a chair over to the gate (or fence) and climb over. Certainly at least one of those men should have been able to do that.

Which is probably why this story has become international.

When I first heard about this story, I envisioned that the house was very isolated. !!!!!!! I just saw a pic of it and surrounding neighbors homes which look practically abutted next to house.

Makes no sense that three large grown men froze by being locked outside, without something hindering their abilities to seek shelter.

I have locked myself out before.. I go to neighbor, or business, gas station, ask another human if I can use phone, etc. Makes ZERO Zero Zero sense.
I suspect that these three men were drunk. Drunk people often react and do things differently than sober people in the way of "rational" or non-dangerous thinking. They also wouldn't notice the cold or how cold they actually were like sober people would.

That's why we have laws about not drinking and driving etc.

Intoxication absolutely has the power to "hinder someone's abilities" with ZERO outside influence from other people necessary or required.

One doesn't tend to scream they are dying or make a fuss when one's intoxication levels make it such that they may not even realize that they are slowly freezing to death because they are so drunk they can't even feel it. IMO.
I’m trying to mentally juggle what scenarios could plausibly kill three adult males simultaneously.

What we can rule out:

1) LE says no apparent foul play, so we know they weren’t shot or stabbed to death. Likely not strangled either or their necks would show it.
2) They weren’t attacked by a dog or other animal because again, their bodies would show the wounds.
3) I can’t imagine they were suffocated to death because the second two would intervene for the first victim or at least run away, so I’d guess they were all unconscious or too weak if this would have occurred.
4) They did not simultaneously die of cancer or other disease. We don’t know this for a fact but the odds against this are just about insurmountable. Same for having three heart attacks all at once.
5) They did not commit mutual suicide because again the means of death would be clear.
6) They were clearly not in an accident with a vehicle.
7) They clearly did not all fall, let’s say off a roof or ladder, because the evidence again would show this.
8) not electrocuted by stepping on a live wire or by lightning because the burn marks would show.
9) they are three individuals so if any were allergic to something, it is just about impossible for them to all suffer anaphylaxis
10) multiple other things which at present are not crossing my mind.

What does that leave?
1) drug overdose
2) alcohol poisoning
3) carbon monoxide or other invisible poisoning
4) intentionally or unintentionally poisoned by ingesting deadly mushrooms or the like
5) freezing to death

I know I’m forgetting a host of other possibilities.

ETA: I was looking up if they could have suffocated in the snow if they were drunk, but for that they’d have to all be face down or covered as in an avalanche, but one was on the porch. Also, IIRC, we have learned that it hadn’t snowed at the time they first went outside.
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The most recent Fox4 news update has the 5th Person saying that he personally tried contact with JW through both FB and by phone, yes. On the 8th.

It frames this as a dispute - with one person's lawyer (JW's) saying he didn't get texts and another person's lawyer saying that a text was sent to JW's phone by him (5th person) after learning the men had disappeared.

I'm sure the police will obtain the necessary data as part of their investigation.

IMO, this will turn out to be tragic death through intoxicated misadventure. Drunk people often do things and make decisions that sober people find irrational or "not making sense".

The toxicology reports will tell the tale.
I’m trying to mentally juggle what scenarios could plausibly kill three adult males simultaneously.

What we can rule out:

1) LE says no apparent foul play, so we know they weren’t shot or stabbed to death. Likely not strangled either or their necks would show it.
2) They weren’t attacked by a dog or other animal because again, their bodies would show the wounds.
3) I can’t imagine they were suffocated to death because the second two would intervene for the first victim or at least run away, so I’d guess they were all unconscious or too weak if this would have occurred.
4) They did not simultaneously die of cancer or other disease. We don’t know this for a fact but the odds against this are just about insurmountable. Same for having three heart attacks all at once.
5) They did not commit mutual suicide because again the means of death would be clear.
6) They were clearly not in an accident with a vehicle.
7) They clearly did not all fall, let’s say off a roof or ladder, because the evidence again would show this.
8) not electrocuted by stepping on a live wire or by lightning because the burn marks would show.
9) they are three individuals so if any were allergic to something, it is just about impossible for them to all suffer anaphylaxis
10) multiple other things which at present are not crossing my mind.

What does that leave?
1) drug overdose
2) alcohol poisoning
3) carbon monoxide or other invisible poisoning
4) intentionally or unintentionally poisoned by ingesting deadly mushrooms or the like
5) freezing to death

I know I’m forgetting a host of other possibilities.
<modsnip: not victim friendly>

Some sort of overdose or intoxication by three guys screwing around in the cold.
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I’m trying to mentally juggle what scenarios could plausibly kill three adult males simultaneously.

What we can rule out:

1) LE says no apparent foul play, so we know they weren’t shot or stabbed to death. Likely not strangled either or their necks would show it.
2) They weren’t attacked by a dog or other animal because again, their bodies would show the wounds.
3) I can’t imagine they were suffocated to death because the second two would intervene for the first victim or at least run away, so I’d guess they were all unconscious or too weak if this would have occurred.
4) They did not simultaneously die of cancer or other disease. We don’t know this for a fact but the odds against this are just about insurmountable. Same for having three heart attacks all at once.
5) They did not commit mutual suicide because again the means of death would be clear.
6) They were clearly not in an accident with a vehicle.
7) They clearly did not all fall, let’s say off a roof or ladder, because the evidence again would show this.
8) not electrocuted by stepping on a live wire or by lightning because the burn marks would show.
9) they are three individuals so if any were allergic to something, it is just about impossible for them to all suffer anaphylaxis
10) multiple other things which at present are not crossing my mind.

What does that leave?
1) drug overdose
2) alcohol poisoning
3) carbon monoxide or other invisible poisoning
4) intentionally or unintentionally poisoned by ingesting deadly mushrooms or the like
5) freezing to death

I know I’m forgetting a host of other possibilities.
Combine 2 and 5 and you get something that passes Occam's razor, IMO.

Especially now that we know a little more.

IMO. Could also be 1, but most illicit drug use leaves nearby evidence and LE speaks as if there's no evidence of "foul play" (and says it's a death investigation, not criminal; I'd think that narcotic use would put it in the bin of "criminal" investigation).

People often think another person is only "sleeping" and that they are themselves merely "dosing off" when they are "nodding out" from alcohol (falling into an unrousable, unusual unconscious state that is not actually normal sleeping).

IMO of course.
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