MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #2

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Well, except for JW stating he saw them leave through the front door an hour or so after the 5th guy left (around midnight) and before he went to sleep. Your question wasn't clear to me about the phones. It's a good question! Yes, they absolutely would have used their phones to call for help if they could have, but it seems they were incapacitated instantly. MOO.
Right -- if guy #5 is to be trusted, the men were still inside at midnight.

But when a family member says they texted/spoke with one of the men at 2am, that does NOT tell us whether the man was in the house or out in the yard when that communication happened.

I suppose we also don't know if the men went in and out multiple times before succumbing to whatever it was.

Most likely they just went out and stayed out, of course, but we don't know that for sure. If they were overcome by some impairment, we can only assume they were outside when that happened (or as someone suggested, went out to throw up but then passed out before going back inside). But whether that happened on their first trip to the yard or their third, we just don't know.
Yeah, like let's go have a quick cig before we leave (maybe because whoever was driving doesn't like people smoking in the car - that happens a lot), so dude inside was drugged but warm and just passed out but not in the cold and the other 3 just made that unlucky choice to go outside for a few minutes and during those minutes is when the drug really kicked in rendering them unconscious. Then the cold/snow comes along on top of their already unconscious bodies and that's what did it. All just my opinion, of course!
Yes it's a possibility
Right -- if guy #5 is to be trusted, the men were still inside at midnight.

But when a family member says they texted/spoke with one of the men at 2am, that does NOT tell us whether the man was in the house or out in the yard when that communication happened.

I suppose we also don't know if the men went in and out multiple times before succumbing to whatever it was.

Most likely they just went out and stayed out, of course, but we don't know that for sure. If they were overcome by some impairment, we can only assume they were outside when that happened (or as someone suggested, went out to throw up but then passed out before going back inside). But whether that happened on their first trip to the yard or their third, we just don't know.
100% I agree. We don't even know if it happened in the early hours on Monday. They could have driven away and returned the next day or night for all we know. The autopsy will determine time of death.
But if the family member said they know it was after 02:00 on Monday morning, they must know something we don't?
I don't recall the family saying they texted/phoned with one of them -- that was only my assumption reading between the lines. I believe this was mentioned by the lawyer on News Nation which was posted previously. MOO.
Complete speculation, but let's say all five men are hanging out, drinking, maybe smoking some weed, and watching "Jeopardy!" when Friend No. 5 decides to leave. After a bit, maybe when the show ends, JW tells them to head out because he has work the next day. The three friends leave and JW goes upstairs to bed or passes out on the sofa. As the other three are walking to their cars, one says he has some coke in his pocket/in his car and asks if anyone wants to do a quick bump to keep them alert for the drive home/help them sober up. (Note: This is not a practice I endorse, but I have had friends over the years who would've done just this.) They try to go back inside, but the door is locked, so they let themselves into the backyard for some privacy. Ultimately, the cocaine is cut with fentanyl, which is either instantly lethal or instantly renders them unconscious and they succumb to hypothermia without ever regaining consciousness. (Alternately, they do it in the car, realize something is wrong, try to get back in the front, find it locked, try to get in the back, and then the same scenario unfolds.) Meanwhile, JW wakes up the next day and is just "in the zone" and works without going outside, looking in the backyard, or checking his phone. MOO, of course, and I'm not saying this IS what happened, but it would come closer to making the pieces fit for me.
Complete speculation, but let's say all five men are hanging out, drinking, maybe smoking some weed, and watching "Jeopardy!" when Friend No. 5 decides to leave. After a bit, maybe when the show ends, JW tells them to head out because he has work the next day. The three friends leave and JW goes upstairs to bed or passes out on the sofa. As the other three are walking to their cars, one says he has some coke in his pocket/in his car and asks if anyone wants to do a quick bump to keep them alert for the drive home/help them sober up. (Note: This is not a practice I endorse, but I have had friends over the years who would've done just this.) They try to go back inside, but the door is locked, so they let themselves into the backyard for some privacy. Ultimately, the cocaine is cut with fentanyl, which is either instantly lethal or instantly renders them unconscious and they succumb to hypothermia without ever regaining consciousness. (Alternately, they do it in the car, realize something is wrong, try to get back in the front, find it locked, try to get in the back, and then the same scenario unfolds.) Meanwhile, JW wakes up the next day and is just "in the zone" and works without going outside, looking in the backyard, or checking his phone. MOO, of course, and I'm not saying this IS what happened, but it would come closer to making the pieces fit for me.
At this point all theories are valid....
Harrington senior said: 'I'm aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable – but the idea was to get high, not dead. If they were supposed to be friends, why didn't [Willis] come find them.

'I'm sure they have a hundred different answers to that, but that's my question.'

Mom of Kansas City Chiefs fan said his daughter said 'I miss my Dad'<modsnip: not victim friendly>
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Harrington senior said: 'I'm aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable – but the idea was to get high, not dead

Unfortunately this is the idea, to get high, of the millions of drug users who die of an OD.

And I say this while I live with the panic every day that my relative who’s an addict could end up the same, so I understand the father clinging to this.

They don’t plan to die. But drugs bring death, regardless of the plan.
My initial reaction to this bizzare case, was an accidentald drug overdose. However it is hard to ignore the home owners attorneys stories of 'he slept for two days with headphones on beside a noisy fan', What really gets me is that the Fiancee was banging down the door and he did not hear her? Two days alleged scores of text messages and not hearing someone bang down the door? hmmmmmm....

Police found Harrington, Johnson and McGenney’s bodies in Willis’ rental home’s yard two days later during a welfare check after scores of calls and texts to their phones went unanswered.
Picerno’s Attorneys claims that Willis did not receive any texts, only messages via Facebook Messenger.
Willis’ lawyer said the man was “asleep on the couch” for two days while his friends’ loved ones frantically tried to contact him.

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I think it was more about going for a quick moment outside and then to be back inside
This is what I am thinking. A quick moment outside to try some type of drug that one of them had.

I know that the fiance of one of those found dead said that her boyfriend didn't use drugs. Kansas City Chiefs fan found dead did not use drugs, was ‘murdered,’ longtime girlfriend says

Still, I have to wonder if one of the three had scored some cocaine that was laced with fentanyl (unbeknownst to any of them).

In 2022 West Point cadets vacationing in Florida bought some cocaine that was laced, and they almost died. West Point cadets among group of spring breakers hospitalized from fentanyl overdose in Florida

Even if any of them had never used drugs in the past, it only takes one time if the drug happens to be laced with fentanyl.

I don't believe that the owner of the house or the 5th guy doesn't know more unless they were totally drunk and/or totally absorbed by the football game.

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Yeah, like let's go have a quick cig before we leave (maybe because whoever was driving doesn't like people smoking in the car - that happens a lot), so dude inside was drugged but warm and just passed out but not in the cold and the other 3 just made that unlucky choice to go outside for a few minutes and during those minutes is when the drug really kicked in rendering them unconscious. Then the cold/snow comes along on top of their already unconscious bodies and that's what did it. All just my opinion, of course!
This is what I have been trying to say, if all participated in drug activity. One survived because he was inside and in bed. The others went out to smoke.
How long does fentanyl stay in system? Can LE get blood sample from survivor?
edit - I am only using word survivor if he participated.
I would be interested to know if the man at the porch area was the one with no coat? Maybe he tried to go back to get it when he realized he forgot it. Maybe his car/house keys were in the coat and they were waiting for him to retrieve it. What if they smoked one more "for the road" when they left through the front door, then he realized his coat/keys were still inside the house. Maybe they tried to re-enter though the front door and it did lock, so they went through the back gate (not that hard to do when you're familiar with it) and tried to get back inside the back door, and they all succumbed within minutes. Just speculation. MOO.
This is a very good thought. Where were their car keys found?
The only thing that could kill 3 men at pretty much the same time quickly could be cyanide or something like opioids....basically poison
There's no evidence that they died quickly. All we can surmise is that they all lost consciousness around the same time. If they had taken a quick poison like cyanide they would have died inside the house. They either were feeling fine when they went outside to horse around and then got into trouble later or else the reason they went outside was to get some fresh air because they were feeling ill. The latter is more likely. If they were horsing around after midnight I suspect neighbors would have hear noises and at least one call for help when the first one passed out.
This is a very good thought. Where were their car keys found?
I'd like to know about the car keys and phones too! I would think if they were going to consume drugs, it would have been earlier and throughout the evening, not just as they were leaving. So, were they not using that particular drug earlier in the evening? (If it was indeed drugs). And if they had used other drugs earlier, where did the fatal drugs come from, and why did they only pull it out as they were leaving? Or did they go out to get more drugs, then return to the back yard. MOO.
There's no evidence that they died quickly. All we can surmise is that they all lost consciousness around the same time. If they had taken a quick poison like cyanide they would have died inside the house. They either were feeling fine when they went outside to horse around and then got into trouble later or else the reason they went outside was to get some fresh air because they were feeling ill. The latter is more likely. If they were horsing around after midnight I suspect neighbors would have hear noises and at least one call for help when the first one passed out.
Maybe quickly is not the correct word but the 3 individuals died before being able to call for help...that fast...
There's no evidence that they died quickly. All we can surmise is that they all lost consciousness around the same time. If they had taken a quick poison like cyanide they would have died inside the house. They either were feeling fine when they went outside to horse around and then got into trouble later or else the reason they went outside was to get some fresh air because they were feeling ill. The latter is more likely. If they were horsing around after midnight I suspect neighbors would have hear noises and at least one call for help when the first one passed out.
You're not the first person to bring up cyanide. How does cyanide work as far as poisons go? Is it liquid or solid? And what would be your thoughts surrounding where it came from and why they might have consumed it?
If any of the three had their phone with them, LE would know what time they left the house and how long it was before they stopped moving. They may already know this but waiting on toxicology to confirm their assumptions before releasing information to the public.
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