MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #4

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Why was it claimed (loudly! ) that MB was shot in the back?

I read hundreds of passionate posts, denigrating the officer for shooting in the back. I'm sorry to bring this up again but I'm eager to find out WHY.

Was the lie created to bolster the claims of murder? If it was really an unprovoked shooting...
I can't believe the staunch supporters of the "shot in the back" are ignoring the autopsy. They've just eliminated that line from their rhetoric. Now it's simply "Shot in cold blood while he was surrendering."

Sounded better with the "shot in back" and that's what perturbs me. It's a crafted story, imo, with very little basis in reality.

Via Kindle, like a true Amazon junkie

Tonite will be so interesting. The curfew is off? and the guard will be there, this will be interesting.
From the link posted below: "But some coroners and medical examiners in Missouri say Parcells has inflated his qualifications and performed autopsies without a medical license. Others allege that doctors whose signatures were on some autopsy reports were not present at the autopsies, did not review the work or never actually signed the documents. Meanwhile, Parcells’ online work profile is filled with inaccurate information."

Originally Posted by popsicle View Post
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joelcurrier ‏@joelcurrier 45m
The controversial pathologist Shawn Parcells assisted the family's private autopsy on #MikeBrown #Ferguson His story: …

Bad link. Thanks
I am completely disgusted by the comments this fool parcells is making on FOX right now.
Link please to where you "heard" Dorian went for the gun first

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IT was said by Don Lemon. Now I think he meant Darren because in the recap he said Darren instead of Dorian.
go to cnn they are going to play audio of scottie moms find we can then tell (tone of voice etc) how it makes us feel

you know what just hit me---they need to look in his car - it there is a bullet hole in his car confirms this account ! Should be easy to do

we have all heard this about 5 times!!!!! Jmo
Is the gentleman being interviewed by Sheppard Smith on Fox News Network, the same person referred to in this article?

Originally Posted by popsicle View Post
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joelcurrier ‏@joelcurrier 45m
The controversial pathologist Shawn Parcells assisted the family's private autopsy on #MikeBrown #Ferguson His story: …

Just watched him, I'm completely disgusted. He makes no mention of the alternate scenario of the head shot, and asserts their autopsy supports witness statements.
As more time goes by and more info it makes sense they did NOT arrest him. We arrive on scene after shooting. He was taken to hospital for injuries (although specifics not released ) so we walk up see our officer left side of face (just hypothesisng)injured) matches officers report that he was lunged at while in his car.

Then he explains the tussle with gun and says gun went off. Then we look in car and see bullet hole. Confirms more.
Then officer says he lunged at him.
Then we see the store video - he is lunging at the store owner - validates the "lunge" out in the street.

Then we play the video of the store and see the same guy, with cigars in his hand and see cigars at the scene

SO at this point everything we are being told by the officer -- has proof - makes sense that they would believe the officers report from the beginning.

In addition in the video of the body with the officer who shot - watch his body language. He is upset, his arm gestures. his hands are palm up, (like confusion), he is pacing, head down, shoulders slumped- looks just upset. And when he walks away from the body there is one final quick glance at body in road

Starts at 143

will try to find longer version! That is the one I saw
This Shawn Parcells is big trouble for everyone, imo. For all sides, all colors, all involved. They all need to distance themselves from him.
Just watched him, I'm completely disgusted. He makes no mention of the alternate scenario of the head shot, and asserts their autopsy supports witness statements.

Didn't I read that he is not an MD? I thought those doing autopsies were MDs.
Seriously? They call in the National Guard and then lift the curfew?

Didn't you hear? Mr. Shabazz is going to have a talk with the protesters and everything will be okay :rolleyes:

I watched an interview with him this morning on CNN
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