GUILTY MO - Ireland, 2 & Goodknight Ribando, 7 weeks, found dead outside home, Kearney, July 2018 *arrest*

Most of us feel that the mother should face charges in this case BUT feel the father is in no way blameless in what happene

<modsnipped- facebook information> I had always wondered why she hadnt used her phone to call for help. I also assumed (I know.. Never do that) that he was goin to get gas in his truck that night.. Guess thats not what the gas was for.

I have no basis to write this other than the timeline is so fragmented.I hesitated to speak of a nightmarish scenario 'that had crept into my mind'. Is there the possibility he wanted out of the marriage and as she became more & more unhinged in desperation he gas lighted her? But how is that reconciled in preserving the well being of his children? Perhaps the well being of his children was just so much collateral damage to him? He just took the route that was most expedient for him to solve his problem?

It makes me shiver to even think about this. Just how many times have we mourned the deaths of children the true victims of these dysfunctional relationships.

Just my opinion
When you hear mid sixties at night it sounds like it was a nice cool night but the nights here are not cool at all. It is very very humid. I had my ac break and had to spend a couple days with none too. Even with all my windows open at night it was very uncomfortable and almost impossible to sleep. Humidity definitely makes a huge difference.

I live where the humidity is thankfully very low. Nevertheless, it's still uncomfortably hot indoors at bedtime when it's over 80*F inside and cooling down so slowly outside that open windows take hours to cool the house even with a breeze.

The "nighttime low" is generally not reached until around 5-6 am, just before the sun starts heating things up again. So the house can remain uncomfortably warm during the early part of the night.
Just to clarify.....I was born and raised not far from Bronx, NY without any type of air conditioning. I’ve actually only had ac for the last 10 ish years. I get the whole heat and humidity thing.
My point is if you are sitting in the car, outside, opening the windows is probably sufficient to cool off the car during the night. I’m not talking as cool as an air conditioned room but certainly a better choice than sleeping in the running car all night.
From this link Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day

“I dozed off for just a second. When I woke up, I saw them and ran to the neighbors,” Boedecker is cited in a search warrant as telling deputies.

Mother didn't "doze off for just a second" and then find the babies unresponsive. That's a flat-out lie. She knows it and anyone with any common sense knows it. It doesn't take a PhD in criminology to ascertain that Mom's tall tale doesn't add up.

Mother claims that she fell asleep in the car with her babies. I call total BS on that, as well. The front door to the house was found open by the CPS investigator at about 9:30 a.m. on July 4. The CPS investigator didn't notice anyone in the driver's seat of the Jeep.

1. The car was found running at about 9:30 a.m. by CPS.

2. No one was observed in the driver's seat

3. The front door of the house was open

4. The CPS investigator knocked, no one answered

Everything this mother says must be considered through the lens of a reckless, black-out drunk, IMO. I don't know whether or not she was under the influence of alcohol and/or other substances, but I suspect that she was.

Here's the thing: When you hear the phrase 'black-out drunk' - that phrase refers to memory impairment due to the effects of alcohol/pharmaceuticals on the hippocampus (a structure of the brain that is responsible for capturing short-term memories & storing them as long-term memories).

A person can be 'black-out' impaired and still be awake, upright, mobile, and conversing with others (or any of a number of other activities, including operating a motor vehicle). They just won't remember it later, because the hippocampus activity was suppressed by alcohol or other pharmacological substances.

'Black-out' drunk doesn't mean passed out and asleep. It means that the level of intoxication has affected the memory center of the brain, so that the brain is incapable of storing short-term memories, resulting in fragmentary memory loss.
I can attest to these blackouts. Whilst I have nearly 2yrs of sobriety now, I was a frequently blacking out drunk. I cooked dinner and held conversation in my blackouts and have zero recollection at all. I can easily see her forgetting kids due to this inability to create short term memories and leaving them in the car especially if she took them in the car during a time and doing something that is out of routine (like confronting an ex).
I’m blessed that there was no tragedy attached to my drinking back then.
So yeah it's a Quonset hut. I wonder if it was one of those trendy like "upcycled old outbuilding turned into a hip pad" kind of thing or if it's really just an outbuilding.

Greater Kansas City has it's share of de-commissioned military bases. The Quonset hut could have been part of one? I haven't checked a map, this is a guess.

Greater Kansas City has it's share of de-commissioned military bases. The Quonset hut could have been part of one? I haven't checked a map, this is a guess.

In case anyone, like me, doesn't know what a Quonset hut is:
"a building made of corrugated metal and having a semicircular cross section."

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day

So yeah it's a Quonset hut. I wonder if it was one of those trendy like "upcycled old outbuilding turned into a hip pad" kind of thing or if it's really just an outbuilding.
This one has windows on the side and in the back so it must have been retrofitted to make it into a house. I have a feeling it doesn’t have central air conditioning and I’m not seeing any window AC units. (One of the back windows is open. It looks like it opens by just pushing the whole thing out and up. Not going to get much air circulation to cool the house that way.)
Court tomorrow for JR. Does anyone know what is supposed to happen? I don't know the steps involved (the sequence?), is it just an appearance in front of a judge to make a plea? Or is it maybe question and answers? Could she be released from jail tomorrow? Does anyone think there will be news coverage? Or is this a story not many are following? It has been so quiet everywhere. Any word about autopsy info yet? Thanks.
Tuesday, July 24th:
*Prelim Hearing (@ 9am CT) – MO – Goodknight Berretta June Ribando (7 wks old) & Ireland Autumn Jane Ribando (2) (July 4, 2018) – Jenna Boedecker Ribando (29) “mom” arrested (7/4/18) for a prior incident (7/3/18) & placed on 24-hour hold; was formally charged (7/6/18) with 3rd degree domestic assault, armed criminal action & 1st degree property damage. Charges stem from an argument w/husband re his infidelity on night of 7/3. Plead not guilty (7/10/18). $75K cash only bond; bond condition: no contact w/husband. Nothing yet on death penalty charges.
7/10/18 Update: Plead not guilty; Bond will continue. Defense wanted Signature bond so she could get out of jail & go to daughter’s funeral. Requested denied, unless she comes up with $75K in cash. Next hearing 7/24.

Lucyray - to sort of answer your question - she had an arraignment hearing on 7/10 - see my description in blue above. I believe this hearing is a preliminary hearing. But what do I know! LOL!
Someone more knowledgeable will probably give you an answer.

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