MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #1

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I personally know the answer to that as I saw the police and ambulance there. Male of the household was sitting on the step cuffed. It was across the street and down a house or two. Domestic incident.

That is really the only kind of incident that happens in the neighborhood, other than maybe something taken out of a vehicle or something like that.

Wow thanks. It's great to have your insight into the neighborhood. :seeya:
Another comment to the neighborhood. The "neighbor" that said they had recently moved in could be a relative comment. The houses were built in the mid to late 50's and there are a lot of original owners or their families that still live in the houses. I grew up there and most of the neighbors are the same families that lived there in the 70's! So in their minds they could still be the "new" neighbors!
Difficult and cumbersome to climb out of the window while holding a baby, and trying to keep the baby from waking up. MOO

not if you cover its mouth with (duct) tape :( and shove the child into a duffle?
Does anyone else think the amber alert is being cancelled too quickly?

I agree with this, it seems more likely there were 2 people involved or the window was not the exit point. . . . .

Scratched last post, as info is not reliable. I agree an exit thought the front or rear door would make more sense than climing out of a window. That said, how close was the crib to the window? Close enough for "reach in and grab" scenario? The house and window are low to the ground from what I saw in the pictures. If the crib were directly beneath the window, there might have been no need to climb in.
The only way I can see the baby being taken from the home is if the intruder came in through the front door or something like that. Say Mom puts kids to bed and goes downstairs to change a load of laundry (laundry is downstairs in all of the houses I know of -cookie cutter houses, 5 floorplans at most, could be a remodel or two in the area though) and left the front door open. She may not think to check on the kids then if she just did right before she went downstairs. I guess that could have happened, but not very likely. Far more likely than taking baby through the window though.

Also it has been real nice out. This is a neighborhood that everybody probably does lock their doors, but not necessarily before they actually go to bed. Windows open is definitely not out of the norm.
not if you cover its mouth with (duct) tape :( and shove the child into a duffle?

Yes... in the photo that window looks to face the street ? So an abducter would take a huge risk by entering the window, securing the baby, and then exiting the same window MOO

Couple of interesting points :

A local poster wrote that the family was ouside on the porch a lot. Assuming that they usually took the baby out there, that greatly increased her visibility. MOO

This was the first time the husband had worked the night shift, and was gone from the house. If this was an outsider, it was probably someone who knew the baby's father would be gone.Narrrows it down a great deal.MOO
Can anyone remember an Amber Alert for less than a day when child was not found?
Can anyone remember an Amber Alert for less than a day when child was not found?

I can't clu, but I also can't recall an official Amber Alert being issued for a child when neither the vehicle nor the abductor was known. That may be the reason for calling it off. They have no information to provide that substantiates the Amber Alert.
I can't clu, but I also can't recall an official Amber Alert being issued for a child when neither the vehicle nor the abductor was known. That may be the reason for calling it off. They have no information to provide that substantiates the Amber Alert.
This is what I was the AA was issued without an identified vehicle. I hope that is the only reason for the premature cancellation.
I don't know. I'm getting a hinky feeling about this. If the baby's room is on the street side (I think I read that above), I just don't see an intruder messing with the window, climbing into the window, grabbing baby, and maneuvering out the window with said baby in hand, all with the possibility that someone could have come by on the street and seen what was going on. The windows would have to pretty pretty large for that to happen. IF a window was used, kidnapper could have set baby on the ground thru the window before climbing out himself? Or a second person was involved?

Has it been verified that dad was indeed at work and there the whole time until 4am?

Hmmm...I'm not sure where I am on this one yet. I hope she is found soon...and safe.

Also, RE: the Amber Alert. I thought they had to have a description of a vehicle and a possible witness in order to do an Amber Alert? From what I read they had neither, only a missing child. If that's the case, why doesn't every missing child get an Amber Alert?

ETA: Oops...didn't see the above posts with my same questions about the Amber Alert. :)
I don't understand the use of an Amber Alert either...without a vehicle or a suspect, not sure what people are supposed to do. I wonder if people are calling in every time they see a baby, that would be one reason to cancel it...
Per the twitter livelink posted earlier, as of 7:34pm they are reporting a homicide but it is not clear that it is related to this case. Praying it isn't!
I have to go feed the family. I am praying for good news when I get back.
Thanks, mrsu -- I was struggling to get that copied over.

Is there any chance this is unrelated, breaking news?
That could be totally unrelated (though still sad.)
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