MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

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Update: Parents still have not talked to LE since Thursday:

UPDATED: 10:46 am CDT October 8, 2011

Police said they still have not heard from Lisa's parents since it was announced on Thursday that Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley stopped "cooperating" with investigators.

I would like to hear their plan for rescuing their kidnapped baby without talking to LE.
I keep coming back to Dad saying that "he had reached his boiling point" with the police questioning.
I do not see this man as HAVING a boiling point. He is so passive and robotic, even as he says "he would do anything".
The "anything" he was already asked to do was to answer questions, and he has refused.

I sincerely hope it isn't the parents, but it doesn't look good.

As for the 2:30AM call or text, I take that with a huge grain of salt. The only MSM who cited it was Fox. It was mentioned in the video, and cited way down in the last paragraphs of the story, which has since been edited. It was the commentator who characterized DB's LDT failure in stark terms as "miserably" failed, and there is no other MSM link to that characterization by LE.

I do wonder about all the media appearances that the parents are planning, when I would spending my time working with LE and looking myself.
I am leaning away from the stranger abduction theory. If all the lights were on, three people in the home, ect. a person would be taking a big risk walking in there that someone would not wake up.
It's difficult for me to believe this kidnapper was such a criminal mastermind he/she avoided leaving any clues or evidence for LE/FBI to trace. That takes me back to the family. But I still don't know. The missing cell phones, just can't process how that fits an intruder theory.

Praying for Lisa.

I didnt realise that the police only found out about the cell phones when the parents told reporters!

I need to go back to that discussion. There was a question on what "That" morning meant. The morning of the abduction or days later when that interview was done. Was it ever clarified?
The parents don't want to talk to LE because they're scared they'll slip and reveal something incriminating. JMO.
So what DOES "I want a Minsky's Pizza" mean, other than "I want a pizza from Minsky's?"

Is it local code for "got some dope?" or something?

LOL, no, it's a local pizza chain and the BEST pizza in the world.

What is the deal with this teen neighbor? How old is he/she?
From the KMBC (ABC affiliate) live blog:

Katie, an Irwin relative told KMBC's Micheal Mahoney that police were following a lead on the West Coast, but we have not heard any more about that.
by Karen Yancey 11:20 AM

Is there any information on the California lead? They said something about it and then we didnt hear anything more. Is there any new info on this?
by Katie 11:19 AM

KMBC's Cliff Judy is scheduled to talk to Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley later today. We'll let you know what they have to say.
by Karen Yancey 10:43 AM

It's day five and there are no solid leads in the search for missing 10-month-old Lisa Irwin.
by Karen Yancey 10:40 A
That's all Ozzie & Harriet, but she also had 2 other children with her that night. Maybe she took care of them, cleaned up dinner dishes, got the boys ready for bed, things like that. As a parent of more than one child, I can't see going through my normal routine with a baby tucked in my arms so I can hear every single breath.

Lisa had a cold. Not pneumonia, not some life threatening breathing disease, a cold.

Am I correct in understanding that Lisa was reported having a cold on Sunday at the b'day party? Do we know when she first got sick? What if Monday p.m./tues. a.m. was the first night that she was restful in her crib, and her mom simply didn't want to disturb her. It also may have been that first night after several that mom was able to get a full night's rest. MOO!
IMO, upthread MsFacetious posted the best explanation for the taking of the phones yet. Paraphrasing....

Criminals used to cut phone lines. Nowdays they take your phones.
What speaks volumes is that the cops won't say, yes, we found the baby being carried one street over and it wasn't her.

They're like the Portugal police - can't follow that lead so it didn't exist, must focus on demonizing mom.

We don't know that they can't follow the lead. They may have very well followed it and found that a man was up with his baby about that time.

IIRC that lead was during the time that the parents were still cooperating. And LE may have strategized that it was best not to deny the rumor about the man and the baby, allowing the family to hang their hopes on the fact that someone else was being chased. What LE does is as much strategy as it is evidence collecting. What to release and when is just as important.

And sometimes things never get released. If it had slipped out that the man was named X X there would always be some who would not believe that he had been correctly ruled out. Even if he had really been on the porch with his own little baby, or if he had been carrying stuffed teddy bear instead of a baby. Sometimes it is better to just let things alone. a pizza place that is sooooo good that one gets random and quite strong sudden cravings. I haven't had one for YEARS and I still prefer them to ANY other kind or brand of pizza!

Wasn't at all hungry till you brought up Minsky's! I also could go for some Gates barbecue along about now.
I didnt realise that the police only found out about the cell phones when the parents told reporters!

I forget where the link would be or what thread it would be in at this point... but when this case broke the aunt told reporters in a video that the phones were taken (the reporter mis reporter and said LE took them).. it was literally a few hours after the amber alert was put out... I will see if I can find you the link (it might be in the timeline????)
RE: cel phones and when reported to LE missing

Steve Young stated parents informed police of that that morning.

We debated if THAT morning meant the morning of the discovery of Lisa missing or the day he was speaking. My own opinions was that THAT morning meant the morning LE became involved and first interviewed parents. I feel Cpt young would have stated it differently if he meant LE heard about it when the public did. I feel he would have said this morning.

all just MOO. If it helps I believe it was in either thread 4 or 5 and I was the one who threw up the link to the exact quote.
About time for a new thread? This one's about filled to the brim.
That information does not appear to be out there, though it's something you might want to google and research. I haven't seen it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Thanks for your response to my inquiry re: where in California the "sighting" took place. I did google it and apparently the family member (related to Jeremy) who mentioned the sighting to the local media "did not elaborate" on his statement.
CliffJudy Cliff Judy
#LisaIrwin's family says parents unavailable right now, but still hoping to talk today. Again, stay tuned.
32 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Was supposed to do 1-on-1 interview with #LisaIrwin's parents at 11:00 (scheduled talks with all stations). Family's not here. Stay tuned.
34 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Got call from #LisaIrwin's family this morning. Upset media still reporting no cooperation with PD. Says they talked to feds, PD 2x yest
57 minutes ago

Cliff Judy
@CliffJudy Kansas City
Reporter for KMBC 9 in Kansas City!/CliffJudy

(See above report that parents still have not talked to LE since Thursday.)
I voluntarily turned over our cell records when our son was missing. I moved heaven and earth....and LE knew it. I had nothing to hide...and I was on their side.

Maybe the phones were gotten rid of to hide text messages. Of course they can be deleted, but is anything ever really deleted? There are no records of text messages, as far as I know, except on the phone itself. I know KCA's texts were found, but I don't recall whether from her actual phone, or in documents.

Innocent parents normally move heaven and earth. The ones who hide behind lawyers and stop cooperating with the police normally have a bad outcome, or no outcome at all.
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