MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #8

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I'm starting to wonder if, IF the teen is responsible, if it was done in retaliation? Maybe there has been .. contact .. between teen and mom? And that's why she failed the poly (if true)? Perhaps concealing something about the teen, but she's completely innocent of harming baby? Could also account for what some posters (not myself, but have seen others) feel is a distance between mom & dad?

I hate to even put this out there. But it would fit with circumstances. Obviously I hope I don't have to say that I'm not judging this mom, this is just a hypothetical, and even if true its not any kind of justification for a kidnapping murder...

Feel like I have to add a disclaimer there... Its a bad thought, but just popped into my head. :(

Well then we are both having bad thoughts, because the same thing entered my mind. Could there be something going on between mom and this teenager? It wouldn't be the first time..

But like you I hate myself for thinking that.:innocent:
Not sure why, but I'm calling bull on this reason. I believe 100% in LE on this case and they must have a reason for canceling the Amber Alert. But I don't believe it was for a technicality. JMHO

Where I live they would not have even issued an Amber Alert. They will only issue one when they have a description of a car/perp, etc. There has been controversy about it when people have gone missing with no witnesses and they will put out a missing persons but not an Amber Alert.
If I am correct, and I might not be, I believe the electronic signs on the highways only show the info if it is an Amber or a Silver Alert (or Homeland Security) issue.
I think the family is coming clean on the phones.

Hmm, if they lied a/b the phones, what else could they have lied a/b ? I do hope if both or one of the parents are involved, they come completely clean.
FWIW, we have all our cell phones lined up on the kitchen counter at night because they charge in the same location. So if someone came in my house it would be nothing to pick up every cell phone and toss them in their pocket.

But I didn't hear that the phones were charging, it's my understanding they were on the counter and the mom was programming them. I just doubt the story because it is a convenient way to explain three missing phones.

My daughter uses her phone for an alarm clock.

Hello sweetie!... I mean "Makinwaffles"! :seeya:

(Whenever anyone says "Mom" I feel the urge to answer, since mine are teenagers who are currently doing their best to pretend I don't exist unless they need something!)

Welcome to Websleuths and thanks for cluing us in on which house!

lol, hello to you too, but i meant mom in the biological since, knew mom was on these boards alot and when in da middle's pic was akita security and she posted about her "big baby" (meeeee!) i knew who it was
CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Capt. Young says metal detectors at #LisaIrwin house is bc they searched land behind property, but not yard yet. Lisa's parents consented
10 seconds ago
And if you trespass private property and get arrested, say one hour into your search, that's going to what way?

Worse, if one happened upon a body and contaminated the scene...and crucial evidence may not be allowed in court...and a possible killer go free....then what? Searching needs to be done by the professionals. Should they need the public they will call for volunteers and train them prior to going out.
Where I live they would not have even issued an Amber Alert. They will only issue one when they have a description of a car/perp, etc. There has been controversy about it when people have gone missing with no witnesses and they will put out a missing persons but not an Amber Alert.
If I am correct, and I might not be, I believe the electronic signs on the highways only show the info if it is an Amber or a Silver Alert (or Homeland Security) issue.

They had a description of a possible perp right at the first (the guy carrying a baby in a diaper) it was ruled out they said so I bet they had to delete the amber alert.
CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Police have no tip or reason to think they'll find something with metal detectors at #LisaIrwin house. Just checking so it's covered.
28 seconds ago
I'm starting to wonder if, IF the teen is responsible, if it was done in retaliation? Maybe there has been .. contact .. between teen and mom? And that's why she failed the poly (if true)? Perhaps concealing something about the teen, but she's completely innocent of harming baby? Could also account for what some posters (not myself, but have seen others) feel is a distance between mom & dad?

I hate to even put this out there. But it would fit with circumstances. Obviously I hope I don't have to say that I'm not judging this mom, this is just a hypothetical, and even if true its not any kind of justification for a kidnapping murder...

Feel like I have to add a disclaimer there... Its a bad thought, but just popped into my head. :(

Maybe instead of retaliation, the teen "helped" by assisting.

from what i have heard on the man with the baby in the diaper thing (even if it had been ruled out) which perpendicular street (heading towards chouteau or brighton) and if it was near brighton, before or after the location of the dumpster.
Working on a new thread... will be closing this thread in a few...
After being here for 18 hours yesterday, I took a break earlier today for real life, but I see there has been a few developments.

I did notice that quite a few are talking about a "house" and a "male teen" in the neighborhood. I'm not sure what all has been previously divulged about this and so I wanted to ask if this is common knowledge, could someone please provide a link to the house and teen? We aren't to sleuth people not named, so please disregard if this is the case. Thanks!
I think I would call Tim Miller.....and America's Most Wanted, instead of appearing on Nightline with nothing new to say that hadn't been said on all the news outlets for 7 days. If I were afraid of LE, I'd call Jose Baez or Lin Wood. So odd they haven't gotten an attorney - and TES is normally always called....although he did file a suit against the Anthony's for wasting the money that was needed for legitimate searches.

Of course this is hard on them, but as a parent, you do what you have to do, and then you rest.

Remember, getting on Nightline to present the case of missing Lisa is a blessing for the family. Many families of missing do not get that opportunity. You have to remember YOU may know all that has been reported, however, those tuning into nightline may not have even heard of the case of Baby Lisa. As for calling in professional SAR teams, that has to be approved by the Police Dept. One cannot just call someone into the case without their approval, unfortunately..not when it comes to SAR teams. As for Jose Baez. I think I will bite my tongue now. LOL
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