MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 mos, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011

Here is the Missouri statute that covers 911 calls.

  610.150. "911" telephone reports inaccessible, exceptions. — Except as provided by this section, any information acquired by a law enforcement agency or a first responder agency by way of a complaint or report of a crime made by telephone contact using the emergency number, "911", shall be inaccessible to the general public. However, information consisting of the date, time, specific location and immediate facts and circumstances surrounding the initial report of the crime or incident shall be considered to be an incident report and subject to section 610.100. Any closed records pursuant to this section shall be available upon request by law enforcement agencies or the division of workers' compensation or pursuant to a valid court order authorizing disclosure upon motion and good cause shown.

Here is the Missouri statute that covers 911 calls.

  610.150. "911" telephone reports inaccessible, exceptions. — Except as provided by this section, any information acquired by a law enforcement agency or a first responder agency by way of a complaint or report of a crime made by telephone contact using the emergency number, "911", shall be inaccessible to the general public. However, information consisting of the date, time, specific location and immediate facts and circumstances surrounding the initial report of the crime or incident shall be considered to be an incident report and subject to section 610.100. Any closed records pursuant to this section shall be available upon request by law enforcement agencies or the division of workers' compensation or pursuant to a valid court order authorizing disclosure upon motion and good cause shown.

Yes. Thank you for this. This just affirms the reasoning I had previously surmised. In other words, it’s a bunch of baloney. Transparency needs to be a focal point of any police reform in this country. Too many law enforcement agencies hide information from the general public underneath the “It’s an open case” umbrella. Many law enforcement agencies release the 911 call during the open investigation, even when they are not required to do so. With this case being almost a decade old, a good portion of the case file, including the 911 call, should be released to the public. Not doing so actually hinders the investigation and can lead to distrust and possible corruption. There is no viable reason for the 911 call not to be released in this case.
Cadaver dogs almost never get it wrong...could they have been wrong here? The offender would have to know the husband was working night shift and the mother was drunk. Who would that be? The neighbour. That certainly wasn't discussed much on real life nightmare.
Cadaver dogs almost never get it wrong...could they have been wrong here? The offender would have to know the husband was working night shift and the mother was drunk. Who would that be? The neighbour. That certainly wasn't discussed much on real life nightmare.
The HRD dog could have been right in alerting but the conclusion that a dead human was present could be wrong.

Why would the kidnapper have to know all of theses details in advance? JMO

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