Moorers' Bond Hearing - #2

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I am so disappointed regarding the results today. There is no doubt in my mind they're responsible for Heather's disappearance. Ugh.
I agree. Judging by her inability to keep her mouth shut while she was in the spotlight before being charged...and SM having the opportunity to have a life without her. I don't think she'll be able to keep it together too long. IMO..."Hey. I love you, babe", indeed. Him not responding to her at all is enough to get her started, IMO. Will she be waiting outside when he's released tomorrow, do you think? I would not be surprised at all. That would make a great video.

Oh, those poor, poor children. :(

Then at the very end she blurts something to him and it looks to me like he ignores her and talks to his attorney.
I'm speechless. Just stunned. WHERE IS HEATHER???
I agree. Judging by her inability to keep her mouth shut while she was in the spotlight before being charged...and SM having the opportunity to have a life without her. I don't think she'll be able to keep it together too long. IMO..."Hey. I love you, babe", indeed. Him not responding to her at all is enough to get her started, IMO. Will she be waiting outside when he's released tomorrow, do you think? I would not be surprised at all. That would make a great video.

Oh, those poor, poor children. :(

I think she's already campaigning to have her family post the bond for him. She wants him with her, no way she'll be content if he's with his family and she can't keep an eye on him.
With the murder trial 3 months and 12 days away (supposedly), I doubt SM will have time for or be thinking of lining up a new honey right now. He's got much bigger fish to fry including the possibility of facing decades or life in prison and how he's going to get custody of the kids or partial custody, etc.

As for TM, sure hope she lets her mouth run. That could yield some goodies.
Prosecution takes the mike, begins defending the evidence and the judge is suddenly, Whoa! I don't care about the evidence, the accused is innocent until proven guilty by the US Constitution, etc., etc., etc. Why didn't he stop the defense attorneys from discussing the evidence, if he didn't care about the evidence? Beats me, but that's why it sounded so bad by the time he announced his decision on bond.

If the prosecution can't bring it at trial, that's when I'll be flipping smooth out.

This judge has already shown today he will give latitude to the defense over the state. If his behavior today is indicative of how he will be at trial, the state may have more to worry about than the veracity of any evidence, which will ultimately be up to a jury to decide. The judge can be a much bigger problem to them.
Is today's judge the one who's going to hear the trial? There hasn't been a change of venue and he's in Charleston, so did I miss something?
I'veI've been following HE's case from almost the beginning. It was the case that first brought me to WS. My gut, my intuition, my emotions all tell me that the M's (at least one of them, with the other covering), are responsible for HE's disappearance. But, that's not enough in our US legal system...only facts and evidence matter. I do agree that the judge kept cutting the Prosecution off, but imo, even if she had been able to present her entire case, I don't think the outcome would have been any different. I pray they have more evidence, because they were very weak today. IMO, the judge had no other choice than to allow bond. Heartbreaking, but fair imo, given what was presented today. Regardless of my emotions, the Ms are innocent until proven guilty. At the end of the day, my thoughts and prayers are only with the Elvis family -- they just want their daughter back, for a proper burial. I hope the truth and the evidence comes out to give this family closure. Moo, jmo.
I didn't think the state was weak today at all. The judge kept cutting her off. What she did say was compelling and showed that the defense was twisting things in their statements (except for the DNA not being found in SM's truck, which was accurate). But she didn't get very far and the judge had his mind made up before that hearing and then he spent the majority of the state's time "having the floor" talking about his own recollections of law school in 1970 and cases going through the windmills of his mind. Frankly the fact she kept her composure and didn't scream at his narcissism was impressive. ( ;) ) Can't stand narcissistic judges and this one loves to hear himself tawk and tawk.
Marking my spot. I did see .SM's lawyer's interview. Sound's like he is heading out of town...can't say I blame him. Life with her is gonna be bad.
Marking my spot. I did see .SM's lawyer's interview. Sound's like he is heading out of town...can't say I blame him. Life with her is gonna be bad.

At least she's sober now (though for how long who knows) and has that ankle bracelet on and is being watched and monitored. It would not surprise me to hear about looky-loos hanging around near wherever she's staying aka like the crazies in the Anthony case.

Cray-Cray will simply not be denied and this will surely be like catnip to them.

By all indications, SM will be living right near his own parents, maybe in his grandmother's vacant house, as his attorney implied.
Is today's judge the one who's going to hear the trial? There hasn't been a change of venue and he's in Charleston, so did I miss something?

Horry County Trial Judge R. Markley Dennis, Jr. will preside over the case, according to court documents.

The reason it was in Charleston is because that's where the judge was today.
I am so out of it. Was the bond hearing in Charleston today?

I'm hoping this bond approval will give them just enough rope to hang themselves with.
While I understand the valid point that one facing a murder trial would have more VITAL priorities on one's mind than trolling for a "new honey", I personally, MOO and no offense, believe that SM is nothing more than a shell of a man, a spineless, selfish, lying, phallus! There is NO WAY Heather is the first and only girl he cheated on TM with!!!What 30 something year old man, who cheats on his wife and mother of his children at his Place of Work(hardly seemed to be concerned at the time of affair of people finding out) repeatedly LIES to L.E. And ALLOWS his wife (who Has BIGGER BALLS than him---VILE as she is, at least shows her True colors) to Bash Publicly a MISSING GIRL that HE MADE the DECISION to Carry on an AFFAIR with?!!!! SM is MANIPULATIVE enough to actually fool majority of the public---oh poor Sidney, Tammy is such a controlling, crazy wife...he's just clueless and innocent and needed to escape....he'd never hurt a fly...BS! Don't misunderstand----TM is undoubtedly vile, and in MOO absolutely Capable of murder----BUT---in this case I feel there is a method to her madness and that ALL the answers can be found within SM---so so terribly sad for Heather and her family..... Heather, wherever she maybe, bless her with peace.
The many txt messages and threatening phone calls from TM to HE demonstrate that TM was obsessed with HE and the affair that was occurring or had occurred between SM and HE. Not that I think SM is innocent in this, not at all, but in looking at who was acting out and who had declared war, in essence, against HE, it wasn't SM so much as TM.

BTW, SM didn't have "a place of work" as he was a handyman who was self-employed and he worked at different bars and establishments in the area doing whatever handyman work he did, usually after hours. He didn't have coworkers or office mates who would tattle on him. His wife found out the way many wives find out -- seeing something on his phone.

The alleged evidence is that HE saw SM working at the Tilted Kit during her night shifts and was attracted to him and became infatuated with him and decided to go after him. Nothing wrong with that and I'm not blaming the victim here, but that's how she presented things in her own social media postings. SM should have declined and not gotten involved and that's on him.

As for cheating, SM may want to find a new galpal but he may not meet anyone in the months he has left before trial. Can't see too many young women being impressed with his new bling aka ankle bracelet/GPS monitoring by the Sheriff's office and then having to explain he's actually been charged with murder and will be on trial in a matter of a few months.

If he should be acquitted of the murder he still will have to face the other charges against him though that pales by comparison. Will he want his crazy wife back or will he escape once and for all? Remains to be seen.
This was a bond hearing. Not a trial. To those people who keep saying the state has no evidence that is just not true. They laid out plenty of evidence that still stands. I would convict just based on what I know. All this was was a bond hearing. It will it be dismissed and the Ms will be back in jail after trial. It's all good. Personally I think it's better they are out. Tammy will screw up.

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This was a bond hearing. Not a trial. To those people who keep saying the state has no evidence that is just not true. They laid out plenty of evidence that still stands. I would convict just based on what I know. All this was was a bond hearing. It will it be dismissed and the Ms will be back in jail after trial. It's all good. Personally I think it's better they are out. Tammy will screw up.

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This was a bond hearing where the state has now confirmed in open court that it has no direct evidence, which has been apparent as per LE's previous statement to the public. And according to the remarks in court, there is no DNA from SM's truck, as claimed previously. We don't yet know the extent to which the state's circumstantial case will meet the reasonable doubt standard.

I submit that conviction based on limited disclosures by LE and media reports would not seem so righteous if it was your conviction.

I think they're guilty. But I want to see that tested and proven in a court of law. If this goes to trial and their jury rushes to judgment, their appeals will go on forever. If what we've heard thus far is essentially the extent of what LE has, and they're convicted, the appeals will go on forever.

I'd really like to discover how the conclusion that she was murdered at PTL was reached, according to evidence at that scene or at the M's home. Because so far, LE has said they found "stuff" at the M's property that added more circumstantial evidence to their existing circumstantial evidence.

But this is JMO as someone who lives in the state that convicted Tim Masters.
A few things that I wanted to comment on.

First is why would bond (since issued) be so low on murder/kidnapping charges $100,000 seems awful low.

Second does anyone think this judge is so old school he has the old boys club mentality and since the prosecutor is a woman he dismissed her kept cutting her off while he let the male defense attorney have their say?
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