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Here is the link
Also, you are right,there was a boy that said he saw them walking home.This guy was another sighting.

So two people saw them walking home???????? Why on earth would anyone discount two separate eyewitness accounts of these girls making it out of the mall, off the mall property, and well on their way home??????
Incase the link doesn't work because I'm not computer friendly,this is the name of the article.

Lyon Sisters Disappearance Remains Kensington Height’s Biggest Unsolved Mystery

Researched by Barbara Ruben (Devin Place)
Incase the link doesn't work because I'm not computer friendly,this is the name of the article.

Lyon Sisters Disappearance Remains Kensington Height’s Biggest Unsolved Mystery

Researched by Barbara Ruben (Devin Place)

I copied and pasted it, thanks :)
I believe this is the only mention of two sightings of the girls. Did the police discount these sightings or just this forum?
It's interesting that both sightings occurred on Drumm Ave.
They must have made it that far.
So two people saw them walking home???????? Why on earth would anyone discount two separate eyewitness accounts of these girls making it out of the mall, off the mall property, and well on their way home??????

Most believe TRM took them from the mall and that the boy could have been mistaken about when he saw them(think he may have seen them on a previous day.)
Most believe TRM took them from the mall and that the boy could have been mistaken about when he saw them(think he may have seen them on a previous day.)

I understood that too, but were two people mistaken about the day??
All along I thought there was only one sighting and it was by boy who was a friend of theirs.

Here is part of a post Richard posted in the Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 thread. It came from his post #27 (I really need to learn to link WS posts.

"Another friend of the sisters later reported seeing them walking west on Drumm Avenue between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM near Devon Street. Drumm Avenue, a residential street, was part of the most direct route from Wheaton Plaza to their home. This was the last known sighting of the Lyon sisters."

This is the same account I've read several times. The article you linked is the first one to mention two witnesses. Very interesting . . .
I understood that too, but were two people mistaken about the day??
All along I thought there was only one sighting and it was by boy who was a friend of theirs.

Here is part of a post Richard posted in the Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 thread. It came from his post #27 (I really need to learn to link WS posts.

"Another friend of the sisters later reported seeing them walking west on Drumm Avenue between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM near Devon Street. Drumm Avenue, a residential street, was part of the most direct route from Wheaton Plaza to their home. This was the last known sighting of the Lyon sisters."

This is the same account I've read several times. The article you linked is the first one to mention two witnesses. Very interesting . . .

I believe the article I've shown you is the only one I've seen that has Mr.Mann's sighting. I think the boy that saw them also knew them but I don't know if Mr. Mann knew them. Richard has spoken to LE and can probably give us their thoughts on these sightings.
I believe the article I've shown you is the only one I've seen that has Mr.Mann's sighting. I think the boy that saw them also knew them but I don't know if Mr. Mann knew them. Richard has spoken to LE and can probably give us their thoughts on these sightings.

That is the first time I've heard that name. I'll be interested to know if LE discounted the sightings by both Mr. Mann and the friend of the girls. Both of whom claim to have seen the girls walking home on Drumm Ave. on 3/25
As I recently looked at the one picture each of Sheila and Katherine for the umpteenth time, I was thinking I wish there were more pictures of them available. People can look different in different pictures due to angles, hair, clothes,smile or no smile , glasses or no glasses etc. It is a huge stretch, but I was thinking if there were more pictures of them we could see , maybe one would jog someones memory . Maybe the pictures that have been used for 34 years isn't how they really looked that day in March. The pictures used look like school pictures, most likely taken the previous fall. I wonder if their hair was shorter/longer by March, and if there were other subtle differences.Of course they wouldn't look that much different, but I just think the more pictures of a missing person the better, to capture how they looked in different moods and angles.

I know these thoughts don't help much, but anything is worth pondering at this point.
As I recently looked at the one picture each of Sheila and Katherine for the umpteenth time, I was thinking I wish there were more pictures of them available. People can look different in different pictures due to angles, hair, clothes,smile or no smile , glasses or no glasses etc. It is a huge stretch, but I was thinking if there were more pictures of them we could see , maybe one would jog someones memory . Maybe the pictures that have been used for 34 years isn't how they really looked that day in March. The pictures used look like school pictures, most likely taken the previous fall. I wonder if their hair was shorter/longer by March, and if there were other subtle differences.Of course they wouldn't look that much different, but I just think the more pictures of a missing person the better, to capture how they looked in different moods and angles.

I know these thoughts don't help much, but anything is worth pondering at this point.

I know what you mean. I've often wondered that too. Does anyone know if there were ever any other pictures released?
I believe the article I've shown you is the only one I've seen that has Mr.Mann's sighting. I think the boy that saw them also knew them but I don't know if Mr. Mann knew them. Richard has spoken to LE and can probably give us their thoughts on these sightings.

I have typed up a very extensive story written by Washington Star reporter Mary Ann Kuhn and published on Sunday 6 April 1975. She interviewed numerous people in preparation of her article. I plan to post Ms Kuhn's entire article this week under the "Remembering Sheila and Katherine thread.

Ms. Kuhn reported that at least six persons saw Sheila and Kate at Wheaton Plaza on 25 March 1975.

- Sarah Biosca, a retired seamstress, saw them in a leather shop looking at a wallet. This was at about 11:45 am.

- An 18 year-old boy who was a clerk at Up Against The Wall, a jeans store stated that they came in his store to browse.

- Jay Lyon, the girls brother, saw them at the Mall Center apparently waiting at the Easter bunny display. He walked right by them, but does not know whether or not they saw him. This was about 1 pm.

- A 13-year-old boy (name not stated) who knew Sheila saw her sitting on the Easter bunny's arm, listening to children talk to him.

- "Jimmy", a 13-year-old boy who knew Sheila and Kate personally , along with another 13-year-old boy (name not stated) saw the two girls talking to a man with a tape recorder in the mall corridor, near the Orange Bowl restaurant. This was estimated to be between 1 and 2 pm.

note: Although not stated by Ms. Kuhn in her article, a Washington Post article stated that Jay Lyon saw his sisters eating pizza in the Orange Bowl around 2 pm. I do not know how accurate that report was, however. Ms. Kuhn had the opportunity to interview Jay and his mother at their home, and she most likely would have mentioned him seeing them at the Orange Bowl if that was the case.

- Ms. Kuhn reported that another boy, named David Reed, age 12 said that he saw both girls at about 7:30 pm near Drumm Ave. and Faulkner Place headed AWAY from their home and TOWARD Wheaton Plaza. David stated that he recognized the girls from having seen them at the swimming pool the previous summer, and that he attended school with Sheila.

That reported 7:30 PM sighting had police baffled for about two weeks, when they finally decided that it was an error of some sort - for unstated reasons. Perhaps they determined that he could not tell time, or perhaps he had seen them on some previous day.

- When it was reported in the news media that the 7:30 PM sighting was in error, yet another boy came forward to say that he had seen the girls between 2:30 and 3 PM that day near the intersection of Drumm and Devon. His reason for the delay in reporting this was that he had heard about the later 7:30 PM sighting and either he or his parents did not think his information was important. The problem was that after two weeks, police were somewhat skeptical about the information and its accuracy. Was this another case of getting the time or date wrong?

Ms. Kuhn did not mention Mr. Mann and his report in her 6 April article, and I do not know much about him. I suspect that he may have seen the second Drumm Ave report (the 2:30-3PM one) and may have made his statement to police after that. If this was the case, then the elapse of time would still be a problem.

As to police thoughts on these later sightings; I cannot speak for them, but I think from talking to them, that although they cannot completely discount the Drumm Ave sightings, they give them less credance than the sightings inside the mall.
I know what you mean. I've often wondered that too. Does anyone know if there were ever any other pictures released?

I have seen quite a few news articles about Sheila and Kate, and have only seen one other photo than the two portraits which are so much circulated in the many websites.

That photo was a blurry snapshot of both girls standing next to each other outside. You could see in the photo that Sheila was quite a bit taller than Kate.
I have seen quite a few news articles about Sheila and Kate, and have only seen one other photo than the two portraits which are so much circulated in the many websites.

That photo was a blurry snapshot of both girls standing next to each other outside. You could see in the photo that Sheila was quite a bit taller than Kate.

Thanks so much for the great account of events. Is it possible for us to see the other photo you mentioned?
Reading this latest article posted by Richard made my heart ache for Mrs. Lyon. I can only imagine the things she may wish would have gone differently that day. Hindsight in this case is so much more than 20/20.
I hope one day this family gets the answers they so desperately need.

What I found interesting about this article is the fact that it reports the police weren't called until 8pm when all other accounts have the police called at 7pm. And of course that it fails to mention Jay seeing the girls at the Orange Bowl. What else was left out? What was true in this account that was misreported in others???
- "Jimmy", a 13-year-old boy who knew Sheila and Kate personally , along with another 13-year-old boy (name not stated) saw the two girls talking to a man with a tape recorder in the mall corridor, near the Orange Bowl restaurant. This was estimated to be between 1 and 2 pm.

Could "Jimmy" and James Mann be the same person? I don't know how old James Mann is now. But, it's certainly possibly that he was 13 yrs old in 1975 and went by the nickname "Jimmy". Of course, the reporter should have clarified that in the article, if James Mann is the same person who was a kid back then and saw them walking. But, it may have just been poor reporting.
The charleyproject's accounts of the disappearance of the Lyon sisters doesn't answer any of my questions.

Whoa, how did I miss this lovely reply. Nice of you to stop by once, start a thread and on your 2nd and last post put down my helplink link. Sweet!

Actually, the Charley Project link that I posted answered at least two of your questions concerning the clothing and other identifying body characteristics.

As for the other things you listed, sorry to say I don't think I've ever seen the blood type of a missing person listed in a description. But, of course, you don't have to take my word for that. Google is a great thing and you can even do it all by yourself. :cool:
Could "Jimmy" and James Mann be the same person? I don't know how old James Mann is now. But, it's certainly possibly that he was 13 yrs old in 1975 and went by the nickname "Jimmy". Of course, the reporter should have clarified that in the article, if James Mann is the same person who was a kid back then and saw them walking. But, it may have just been poor reporting.

Longtime Kensington Heights resident James Mann may have been one of the last to see the two girls. He recalls waving to them as they passed his house on the corner of Drumm Avenue and Devin Place that afternoon. He said they continued down Drumm toward McComas.

According to the Missing Persons Cold Case Network, a volunteer-based Web site profiling 3,000 missing persons cases, a friend of the girls also placed the girls near Drumm and Devin Place.

Back in 1975, Mann recalled that there was a large wooded area with a cut-through path connecting the two segments of Drumm. Drumm Court and the newer houses on Drumm were years away from being built.

Police and neighbors fanned out across Kensington Heights searching for clues. Mann recalls that police asked permission to search his crawl space, along with those of his neighbors. They also checked the sewer drain on Drumm and dove in the pond at what was then the Kensington Gardens Nursing home.

“I wanted to help them in any way I could,” he said. “It was such a tragedy.”

Snipped by me

I understood him to be an adult.It said long time resident and "It was such a tragedy," seemed like something an adult would say rather than a child.JMO
I understood him to be an adult.It said long time resident and "It was such a tragedy," seemed like something an adult would say rather than a child.JMO

I think maybe you are reading the article as though it were written in or around 1975? However, it's my understanding that this article was written several years after the disappearance. The article refers to James Mann remembering back to 1975 when there was still a wooded area dividing Drumm Court, an area that - per the article - has been cleared away and has houses built on it now. The quote from him about it being "such a tragedy" is something he said in present an adult.

Also, if he has been living in the same neighborhood since he was a child or teenager, then I would definitely call that a long time resident. Granted, he could be in his 60s or 70s now and have been an adult homeowner at that time. Either way, the interview with James Mann and the article were done within the last 10 years. Near the end of the article, the author makes reference to a 1998 Washington Post article.

edited to add-that the article also references the Missing Persons Cold Case Network, which is a website that closed down sometime in 2003 or 2004 and then they transferred everything to the Charley Project. So, as far as a timeline on the article, we can estimate that it was written sometime between 1998 and 2004.
I think maybe you are reading the article as though it were written in or around 1975? However, it's my understanding that this article was written several years after the disappearance. The article refers to James Mann remembering back to 1975 when there was still a wooded area dividing Drumm Court, an area that - per the article - has been cleared away and has houses built on it now. The quote from him about it being "such a tragedy" is something he said in present an adult.

Also, if he has been living in the same neighborhood since he was a child or teenager, then I would definitely call that a long time resident. Granted, he could be in his 60s or 70s now and have been an adult homeowner at that time. Either way, the interview with James Mann and the article were done within the last 10 years. Near the end of the article, the author makes reference to a 1998 Washington Post article.

edited to add-that the article also references the Missing Persons Cold Case Network, which is a website that closed down sometime in 2003 or 2004 and then they transferred everything to the Charley Project. So, as far as a timeline on the article, we can estimate that it was written sometime between 1998 and 2004.

I found the part of the article naming James Mann confusing. "Jimmy" reportedly saw the girls at the mall talking to TRM. James Mann saw the girls walking on the street. I can't tell whether or not James Mann was a child at the time or if he was an adult at the time. He is probably someone other than "Jimmy" unless "Jimmy" saw the girls talking to TRM and then saw them again on the street. Which is not out of the realm of possibilities either.
I found the part of the article naming James Mann confusing. "Jimmy" reportedly saw the girls at the mall talking to TRM. James Mann saw the girls walking on the street. I can't tell whether or not James Mann was a child at the time or if he was an adult at the time. He is probably someone other than "Jimmy" unless "Jimmy" saw the girls talking to TRM and then saw them again on the street. Which is not out of the realm of possibilities either.

Oops, I edited the ending of my previous post before you quoted me. I am thinking now, based on piecing together some references made by the author, that it was written between 1998 and 2004. Anyway, I just wanted to clear it up that the article was relatively current and that he was being reinterviewed in it as an adult. So, that's why I thought he might be the 13 yr old Jimmy from way back when.

You're right, the "Jimmy" and James thing is a little bit confusing. It is too bad that the author didn't ask him straight out whether his sighting was one of the originals or even mention his age at the time of the disappearance.
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