MSU professor strips naked in classroon and runs down hall screaming

Aren't there any federal laws that say a class has to be taught. It doesn t sound like the man is well enough to do that from reports.
In US, grants and research money are not "perks." It's something that a professor has to compete for. And there is a lot of competition-and not enough money to go around.
And I know that at least at UCLA and The Ohio State University, a professor has to pay for parking. I don't know why- that just seems dumb. But I know some other professionals in big cities have to pay for parking as well. I just don't get why that is...oh well. I guess this is all off topic anyways.

I will let you in on another little secret: most dedicated profs work about 350 days a year. That was a big surprise for sure. I thought there would be more vacation/leisure time for sure. Only a little bitterness here, folks. At least there is job security once there is tenure...
Aren't there any federal laws that say a class has to be taught. It doesn t sound like the man is well enough to do that from reports.

It depends on the institution. So-called "research universities" often emphasize publishing (including lab work) over classroom performance.
And I know that at least at UCLA and The Ohio State University, a professor has to pay for parking. I don't know why- that just seems dumb. But I know some other professionals in big cities have to pay for parking as well. I just don't get why that is...oh well. I guess this is all off topic anyways.

I will let you in on another little secret: most dedicated profs work about 350 days a year. That was a big surprise for sure. I thought there would be more vacation/leisure time for sure. Only a little bitterness here, folks. At least there is job security once there is tenure...

Yep. I paid for parking every quarter I taught at UCLA and was grateful to do so. There is no street parking within a half-mile or more of the campus.
Quite true. Full professors earn a tidy sum ... definitely in that range. There's an automatic increase in salary annually, or based on the number of hours of teaching. The pay schedule starts based on years of teaching experience, and then, for example, each additional 600 hours means being bumped up to the next level in the pay schedule. Teaching on a contract basis is worth about $100/hour, but everything is negotiable at the university. In addition to a salary, there are numerous perks, such as a very generous book allowance, grants, research money, travel expenses, parking etc....

I don't know that $100K/year is so "tidy" for a full professor with years of experience when a beginning, 25-year-old lawyer at a large corporate firm starts at $120K with the equivalent of an MFA.

Maybe hourly teaching is worth $100/hour in the Sciences, but my experience teaching in the Arts at a Cal State school and a private California college was closer to $40/hour/week. And of course that only counts credit hours, not preparation, grading or private counseling of students. (You are right, of course, that were I famous, I might have negotiated for more.)

Likewise the perks vary widely depending on the university and its funding. There are far fewer grants in the Arts and Humanities because large corporations aren't using the Art Department to do their R&D.
Jmo, but i think those who posted his naked picture ought to be disciplined by the university if possible. What a disrespectful, inhumane thing to do. Just shameful.
Hejlena, Not sure how these students would be disciplined by MSU, but I would say that the professor could file some sort of complaint. It is my understanding that he is a brilliant man. Sounds to me as if something is terribly wrong. Nervous breakdown, brain disorder, tumor........... Very sad.

In the middle of a lecture, a math professor at Michigan State University started yelling and swearing, took off all his clothes but his socks, and ran down the hall screaming a lot of nonsense. The internet has photos of him sitting naked in the hall, handcuffed, before he was hauled off to a local hospital. There are many articles on the web with first hand accounts by students who were there when it happened.

This really sad. I cant help but feel sorry for the poor man. :(

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This story reminds me of the movie "A Beautiful Mind" which was excellent and based on a true story of a professor with schizophrenia.
So sad....
I sure do hope that if I ever lose it and flip completely out, I do it in private.

Poor guy.

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