Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #4

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haven't heard of one yet, but i know at one point there was a search warrant for a computer, from the "mistress" of Jason Young....(the man that killed his wife, Michelle Young....imo)

it's possible we'll hear of something similar with this case...if there's a mistress...

Howdy CE!!! :blowkiss:

Finally made it through to the fourth thread here. My biggest question right now is what time Nancy came home from the party. To the best of my recollection, it was stated "sometime" after midnight. Do we know for sure what time? Maybe I just missed it. I really want to know the answer to that question. :waitasec:
:doh: It just dawned on me when I read your post ~ decomposition! For those of us who followed Jessie Davis' murder, again bleach came into the picture, and some speculated it could've been put on her to hasten decomposition. Putting the body out in the open, in the hot sun, maybe he was trying to destroy evidence, but Nancy was found sooner than he thought she would be. :eek:

Wow! Yeah, I had forgotten about that, too, panthera!
So here's the thing I just don't get with these guys...assuming that Brad did kill his wife, and assuming it was NOT premeditated. Instead of removing the body, why not call the police, explain that there was an argument...some accident. (Even if it was accidentally striking her with a heavy object). Wouldn't he rather admit his wrong doing, have a lesser sentence for involuntary manslaughter, than put up this front for the press and family/friends, only to be put in jail for life anyway?????? I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I just wonder why they always opt for hiding the body?
I'm sure he wasn't thinking clearly...but still, think of your daughters!!! I also really wonder if they heard anything. I'm assuming the 4 year old has been interviewed by police. Sorry for the ramble. I guess its just hard to understand a psycho, when you aren't one. :laugh::laugh:Although, now my husband think I am, because I'm newly obsessed with this site.

Cracked me right up!:floorlaugh:
In response to your post - I would guess that one's first reaction out of fear would be to deny the whole thing. If and when he's charged and sees the evidence he may have the opportunity to cop a plea.
Howdy CE!!! :blowkiss:

Finally made it through to the fourth thread here. My biggest question right now is what time Nancy came home from the party. To the best of my recollection, it was stated "sometime" after midnight. Do we know for sure what time? Maybe I just missed it. I really want to know the answer to that question. :waitasec:

"a little after midnight" is when she left the party.......

& a :blowkiss: to you too, girl!

eta....this is what i had heard from a reporter on Greta's show the other night...
OK so where are we? Search Warrants have been served on Brad's home, cars, and person now. Where will LE go next? What is their next move? Brad's office? His gym?

As Cyberpro mentioned, Brad has the ability to leave no evidence on his computers at his office would probably be bust, too. So what is left to search? His cell phones and other communication devices?
If you watch really can see the Chief literally gulp. If it was an unsubstantiated they said on NG earlier..."We don't know anything about that." would be the normal response and would have been an indicator. When she said they could not confirm or deny it and mentioned the ongoing says to me that she does know.

I saw that too. The way she reacted when listening to that questions compared to the others was telling.
Yes, I think you're right. Unfortunately, I think all of the crime shows are "teaching" criminals how to cover their tracks a little better, and mistakes to avoid etc. Pretty scary. I guess if you are crazy enough to strike out at your wife, you aren't the type of person who would call the police...even if it would have been the better decision with hindsight.

Not only that but everytime we have a trial more info gets exposed like cell phone pings and towers etc.
OK so where are we? Search Warrants have been served on Brad's home, cars, and person now. Where will LE go next? What is their next move? Brad's office? His gym?
I think it all depends what they found in the house and if there's any evidence in or on the SUV. Meanwhile, it's late so I'll say goodnight and hoping we hear more updates at the news conference in the morning! :seeya:
i'm getting sleepy...must get sleep (zombie face inserted) eyes are crossing, i've read so much today.....

OK so where are we? Search Warrants have been served on Brad's home, cars, and person now. Where will LE go next? What is their next move? Brad's office? His gym?

As Cyberpro mentioned, Brad has the ability to leave no evidence on his computers at his office would probably be bust, too. So what is left to search? His cell phones and other communication devices?

The girlfriend?
Thanks, WindChime!

Philamena, I wasn't fast enough to bring over the photo you posted from the newsobserver, but could you repost it here..please? I was trying to figure out what the object were they were carrying out. One looked possibly like a pillow and the tall one may be a lamp. Thanks!!

On my way SeriouslySearching. :blowkiss:
Had an interesting chat with the local neighbors this evening. A few thoughts to throw for thought.

Brad seems to be quite arrogant. Is it possible she came home from the party and found him home with someone?

Some rumors state he was having an affair with her best friend. Her best friend's husband was heading up the search. Did anyone find it interesting HE was heading up the search and not Brad?

IF he did this could his fear have been that she was going to take the girls back to Canada where her family is and he would have never seen them again? Could that have been his motive? It seems he didn't like to loose.

Very interesting butta. When you say the best friend's husband led the search are you refering to Adams? Because, as I recall, it was alleged that Adams was not the friend he cheated with. I just wondered as i have not noted a name given for the 'former best friend' and wondered if you had any additional insight on that.

What you said about on imhoo. I had actually posted earlier that I bet LE had people watching him due to being a huge flight risk to Canada.

It all kind of fits into premed (not convinced but it sure smells hinky). If he is the killer, he left the body posed and out in the open instead of hiding it after formulating an intricate plan. He did not want a separation and would not leave the home. He was the last one to see Nancy and the one who provided her clothing details (unless that was deducted by le having him check the closet to see what clothes were missing). He did not lead the search. He was wearing long sleeves in super hot weather. He only showed to one pressor. He was cheating on his wife..allegedly multiple times. He went to the store at 4am and allegedly bought cleaner than lied to LE about the timing. It may not seem like a lot of solid stuff but it is gestault, baby. The sum of all the pieces is bigger than the whole. Again...IMOO...

A City-County Bureau of Investigation agent (left) and a Cary police investigator remove large bags of items from the home of Brad and Nancy Cooper at 104 Walsburg Court in Cary on Wednesday afternoon.
I think it all depends what they found in the house and if there's any evidence in or on the SUV. Meanwhile, it's late so I'll say goodnight and hoping we hear more updates at the news conference in the morning! :seeya:

If there is any truth to the rumor posted earlier of blunt force trauma to the head, my guess would be it wouldn't take long for an arrest in this case. He may have been smarter leaving her in the house and saying HE went for a run early in the morning.
I'm thinking he was rushed too & afraid of being seen. Maybe because of it getting light outside, or maybe spooked by noises or if he was there like before 4am, fear of getting caught as a vehicle with headlights would be very noticeable in a dark area.

I think you covered them all. Even if he is a murderer, remember- in panic mode, even for the smartest of people, the ability to focus and get everything right after such a heinous event is extremely impaired.

"..90% of murders that lack an eyewitness, confession, or immediately available direct physicl evidence, are solved by the unsubs post-offense behavior..."

-John Douglas, Former Head of Beavioral Science Unit and Pioneer of Criminal Profiling, FBI.
I am not LE, nor an ET, but I have read a lot of crime related books and so forth. I know that IT folks, or any folks who troubleshoot things for a living, or design things are trained in logical thoughts. IF BC was PLANNING this, I think he would have been better prepared for disposal efforts, etc. I think that even if he gave it his best shot, he would have overlooked something, because he would not be likely to understand all of the evidence that can be gathered during a Postmortem, and would not understand how small pieces of evidence would not be completely eliminated from the house, or other location. Even if he was very careful, he could have missed dozens of things. Unless, as I have read here and some other places on the net, his narcissistic/superior side was telling him that he was a smart/educated person, and would be dealing with some hayseed cops who would take his story at face value, pat him on the head and start chasing shadows.

If the perp, whoever it was, wanted decomposition or a delay in finding the body, it seems to me that putting it in the water would be best. It would help destroy trace evidence, and might delay the discovery for a while. The water does not look deep, and the body would probably float, but it would have helped get rid of some of the trace. On top of that, it might seem more plausible that a stranger would dump in the water...

In the slide show on the news and observer page, it looks like the CCBI is giving the SUV a very careful look... I guess they do not suspect that the body was levitated to the discovery point.

I am not sure though, after the Durham case of Mike Peterson, there were some who disagreed with the guilty verdict in the case, and were making the argument that the wounds on the victim's head could be consistent with those made during an owl attack! Ok, I saw the autopsy report on that, and I can see how the wound patterns COULD have been caused by an attacking owl. Owls do sometimes attack people, but this happened inside her house, on a narrow staircase. Still, let us consider the possibility of an owl attack. Did we find any evidence that an owl had been in the house? (no), any feathers? (no) Did anyone see an owl? (no) OTOH, luminol did find evidence that a large amount of blood on the kitchen floor had been cleaned before the arrival of the PD and EMS.... so, let me see, the invisible owl attacked her inside her house, while her husband sat by the pool outside. The husband did not hear any screams, or see an owl, or hear any noise while his wife fell down the stairs. Then the owl cleaned up his feathers, cleaned up some of the blood, and slipped out of the house, leaving the husband to discover the body a short while later.... right? OK, now I know that owls are supposed to be wise, but this thing had to be darn near a genius! To kill the lady of the house and frame the husband at the same time! WOW!

Remember, "When you hear the sound of hoofbeats, think of horses, not Zebras."

IMO .... If BC did buy cleaning solution just because they were out, wouldn't that be something that would still be in the house. Maybe that is one of the things the investigator s would be trying to locate in the house. Also judging from the shock on Bazemore's face when the Canadian reporter mention the 4am trip and the bleach maybe they knew about it and did not want BC to know that they knew.
Just speculating..... and trying to avoid writing a paper

That's it! Three slaps with the dead fish for paper~procrastination LOL:trout::trout::trout:
I am not LE, nor an ET, but I have read a lot of crime related books and so forth. I know that IT folks, or any folks who troubleshoot things for a living, or design things are trained in logical thoughts. IF BC was PLANNING this, I think he would have been better prepared for disposal efforts, etc. I think that even if he gave it his best shot, he would have overlooked something, because he would not be likely to understand all of the evidence that can be gathered during a Postmortem, and would not understand how small pieces of evidence would not be completely eliminated from the house, or other location. Even if he was very careful, he could have missed dozens of things. Unless, as I have read here and some other places on the net, his narcissistic/superior side was telling him that he was a smart/educated person, and would be dealing with some hayseed cops who would take his story at face value, pat him on the head and start chasing shadows.

If the perp, whoever it was, wanted decomposition or a delay in finding the body, it seems to me that putting it in the water would be best. It would help destroy trace evidence, and might delay the discovery for a while. The water does not look deep, and the body would probably float, but it would have helped get rid of some of the trace. On top of that, it might seem more plausible that a stranger would dump in the water...

In the slide show on the news and observer page, it looks like the CCBI is giving the SUV a very careful look... I guess they do not suspect that the body was levitated to the discovery point.

I am not sure though, after the Durham case of Mike Peterson, there were some who disagreed with the guilty verdict in the case, and were making the argument that the wounds on the victim's head could be consistent with those made during an owl attack! Ok, I saw the autopsy report on that, and I can see how the wound patterns COULD have been caused by an attacking owl. Owls do sometimes attack people, but this happened inside her house, on a narrow staircase. Still, let us consider the possibility of an owl attack. Did we find any evidence that an owl had been in the house? (no), any feathers? (no) Did anyone see an owl? (no) OTOH, luminol did find evidence that a large amount of blood on the kitchen floor had been cleaned before the arrival of the PD and EMS.... so, let me see, the invisible owl attacked her inside her house, while her husband sat by the pool outside. The husband did not hear any screams, or see an owl, or hear any noise while his wife fell down the stairs. Then the owl cleaned up his feathers, cleaned up some of the blood, and slipped out of the house, leaving the husband to discover the body a short while later.... right? OK, now I know that owls are supposed to be wise, but this thing had to be darn near a genius! To kill the lady of the house and frame the husband at the same time! WOW!

Remember, "When you hear the sound of hoofbeats, think of horses, not Zebras."


OMG I cant believe you brought up the "other" Peterson case.
NOt to get OT, but I completely believed Mike was guilty, and was completely shocked he was convicted. I still think that he will win a new trial based on the judge letting in the evidence about the German wife. Without it, I do not think he would have been convicted necessarily.
I address it because it is relevant to sometimes people CAN and DO get away with this stuff- frightening.
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