Nancy Grace FEB 3, 2010:Released, Haleigh fmr. step-mom/babysitter jailhouse videos!

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I don't know but why can't somebody show some respect for Haleigh and care that she's been missing for a year??? :furious:

Not within this group they are still worried about the same thing now that they were when Haleigh was alive....There next fix, smoke, money, themselves and getting out of the pokey....They did not care about Haleigh and JR before she went missing they sure don't care about her now that she is dead.
I was so thrilled when all of these players were arrested and I want to see them all STAY there!
Lets not forget the bond was talked about way back.

;) - I keep fergettin' he's a paid media consultant.

JMO - but all this $$ for reality shows, photos, book deals, etc., has completely screwed up people's sense of right and wrong and is creating havoc in our justice system. [Exhibit 1: KC]
What I find interesting is that Misty's tears seem more real when they are for her. When she did the video with her mom discussing Haleigh, it was more like drama class.
Nancy talking with a doctor about withdrawls from the drugs MC's been using, memory loss and so forth. Drugs combined with alcohol could cause blackouts.

What I'd like to know is if MC were in that kind of state the night Haleigh disappeared, how could she come up with the stories she did, about laundry, sleeping in bed with Jr., etc? It doesn't seem she was that much "out of it". MOO

JMO, but I believe that she was given the exact story to tell and most likely rehearsed it with TN, GGMS or Ron prior to calling 911.
Especially before his head was shaved.:furious:

I have always said that the only reason that JR had his head shaved was because they were scare to death of a toxicology report being taken on him either thru LE or DCFS.
Nancy talking with a doctor about withdrawls from the drugs MC's been using, memory loss and so forth. Drugs combined with alcohol could cause blackouts.

What I'd like to know is if MC were in that kind of state the night Haleigh disappeared, how could she come up with the stories she did, about laundry, sleeping in bed with Jr., etc? It doesn't seem she was that much "out of it". MOO

We are all thinking Misty was withdrawing off drugs after her 3 day party.........maybe she wasn't........Ron would supply something to keep her babysitting!!!!
They are probably watching the show right now nancy LOL LOL. Ya think?
Please remind me that if I'm ever invited to appear on national television I need to read up on the topic before I go on the air. [gosh - ready to shoot either them or myself right now.]
Are the tapes available to see? How can I find them, thanks.
And as long as we're placing an order for spines... let's get another one for Lindsey too... :banghead:


kiki, I know that you're right..but I have a hard time with that because ashamed as I am to admit it, when I was much younger..I was just as naive thinking I could "fix" my ex. I will say that while in my case my ex DID go to jail a couple of times in 19 years (he was just lucky though and didn't get caught usually) I did not ever take my children to see him..big whoop, huh? ...But yeah, I've been in her shoes and in hindsight it was SO stupid for me to stay for SO many reasons..but I did..and as much as I would like to shake her..I understand it...Just sayin..
She is pissed about Ron saying she is not his girlfriend.

You know what, I'm glad they told her that. She needs to hear things like that so she can "open her eyes" and see Ron and his people for what they really are. I think, the more she hears stuff like that, the more likely she will talk. One can only hope.
Well, I guess NG did not want to acknowledge that RC's bond is now at $900,000.00, did she?
In Misty's audio she mention the name of Matt Lauder (SP), when she was told that Ron had contacted Dana and TN putting the blame on her. Her dad said her attorney may not like that idea. At least that is what I thought I heard..

tiny bird brain exploding... information overload... can't keep case minor players straight

What I find interesting is that Misty's tears seem more real when they are for her. When she did the video with her mom discussing Haleigh, it was more like drama class.
We got a glimpse of the "true Misty" when her purse was stolen. She was ballistic on that 911 call! MOO
IIRC Misty wanted to go to modeling school and Ron promised to send her,
I wonder if she ever thinks of how it all went down when she met Ron????
We are all thinking Misty was withdrawing off drugs after her 3 day party.........maybe she wasn't........Ron would supply something to keep her babysitting!!!!
I've always been of the opinion she wasn't sleeping at all that night and the party continued...MOO
Like to know who the man and woman are in the tape that MC is talking about!!!
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