NC NC - Allen Croft, 46, Durham, 11 May 2005

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Justice4Jack said:
He did NOT have MS!!!!!.......The donation was made by his wife, and she also has made a contribution to her pharmacy school, yet not to his alma matter?!?!?! (She only made the ONE donation to MS)

If you also notice this was done the year he was found dead, and not since.....?!?!?!?!
Hello Justice4Jack. It was me who previously googled your beloved brother's name and found him listed on an MS site. I was trying to find more news and any info about his case and was confused when I found that site. I meant no offense at all. I was confused and wanted to clear it up. Thank you for explaining why your brother's name was memorialized on the MS site. I hope you can find the full truth of what happened to your brother. Please let us know how it goes. Best to you.
Thank you for caring! Again, he did NOT have MS, and the medical examiner and his doctor will also testify to that account.....

In our opinion, this was an "excuse," and a bad one at that!!! No person in our family has ever had it, and I hope to soon have justice once all of the fraud is brought forward!!!!!

My heart bleeds for families of murdered children, and I pray God will have some good come from so much suffering!!!!!!!
Im speaking from experience on this topic. My uncle died a couple of years ago. He had been estranged from my grandmother and myself for about a year. GM believes his wife had something to do with his death and we learned our lessons the hard way.

If a person is married then they are next of kin no exceptions that we found. My uncle's wife left him at the morgue and let the city bury him in a pauper's grave. We could not even get him to bury.

Where is the wife now in our case? We have no idea and really dont care because she's not important after she chose to cut off contact.

We've accepted my uncle's death. Nothing we do will bring him back. I am a social worker with many government contacts in my area and learned that we will never know details or info about the wife.

You need to examine your motive now. Im NOT being defensive towards you need to know. I just want you to think about what we had to consider. IF HE WAS murdered do we want to subject our family to possible threat from the persons involved? It wouldnt bring him back and he would not want me to risk my children's lives because of choices he made that lead to his mysterious death.

Your brother may have had a life that NO ONE knows about. Its very hard to accept the fact he MAY have been involved in something that lead to his death. I admire your desire to find out but please be careful also.

Ask yourself WHAT it is that is pushing you to get someone in the government to say it was a murder? Do you have anything to gain (not speaking of money here)? Will it ease your pain to know this for a fact? You've spent so much time on the internet in regards to your demand for answers. It may be time to take a rest and focus on your mother and daughter and pleasant things to do with them. They are alive and love you. Your brother loves you too and with your faith you know you will see him again one day.
My goal is to see his murderer caught, his dignity restored, and laws to change, regarding next of kin......

FAMILY has a right to know, and nobody should have to go through what my family, and so many others have!!!!

I want my mother and child to be brave, and to not be afraid to ask questions!!!
I want the TRUTH to be known, for his memory's sake!!!!

I want others to be spared such indignation, and to be an example to my child to fight for what is right, and to make a difference!!!!!!

Just as my dear brother did, and did not deserve to be killed for his goodness, and money!!!!

My MOTIVE is JUSTICE, and with God's help, it will not be much longer!!!!!!!
LionRun said:
Hello Justice4Jack. It was me who previously googled your beloved brother's name and found him listed on an MS site. I was trying to find more news and any info about his case and was confused when I found that site. I meant no offense at all. I was confused and wanted to clear it up. Thank you for explaining why your brother's name was memorialized on the MS site. I hope you can find the full truth of what happened to your brother. Please let us know how it goes. Best to you.

LionRun, you were not being offensive at all and neither was I or anyone else. I just read page 8 again and there are so many posts that sum up my feelings I couldn't decide which one to quote.

I was PM'd and invited to come here, was told my posts about the Ramseys were being read, etc., and when I finally said I was leaving this case because we couldn't get any information that would enable us to offer any ideas to help, was PM'd again and again. Because I refused to judge the Ramseys and have spent a lot of time brainstorming with the rest of you about that case, as if I have no troubles of my own? The Ramseys don't
attack us but have been themselves under attack, besides losing a child and I'm just being unbiased, as we all are about the unknown-to-us wife.

Finally we are finding out that the wife is a pharmacist, and as JerseyGirl or someone said on page 8, evidently had her education almost complete before marrying. Wasn't it pretty white of her to make a donation to something he'd been interested in? And so far as we know she did NOT claim he had MS.
Swoodski said:
Im speaking from experience on this topic. My uncle died a couple of years ago. He had been estranged from my grandmother and myself for about a year. GM believes his wife had something to do with his death and we learned our lessons the hard way.

If a person is married then they are next of kin no exceptions that we found. My uncle's wife left him at the morgue and let the city bury him in a pauper's grave. We could not even get him to bury.

Where is the wife now in our case? We have no idea and really dont care because she's not important after she chose to cut off contact.

We've accepted my uncle's death. Nothing we do will bring him back. I am a social worker with many government contacts in my area and learned that we will never know details or info about the wife.

You need to examine your motive now. Im NOT being defensive towards you need to know. I just want you to think about what we had to consider. IF HE WAS murdered do we want to subject our family to possible threat from the persons involved? It wouldnt bring him back and he would not want me to risk my children's lives because of choices he made that lead to his mysterious death.

Your brother may have had a life that NO ONE knows about. Its very hard to accept the fact he MAY have been involved in something that lead to his death. I admire your desire to find out but please be careful also.

Ask yourself WHAT it is that is pushing you to get someone in the government to say it was a murder? Do you have anything to gain (not speaking of money here)? Will it ease your pain to know this for a fact? You've spent so much time on the internet in regards to your demand for answers. It may be time to take a rest and focus on your mother and daughter and pleasant things to do with them. They are alive and love you. Your brother loves you too and with your faith you know you will see him again one day.

Welcome to Websleuths, Swoodski, and thanks for taking the trouble to do such a thoughtful post. Also welcome to the club. Many of us are in much the same boat and all of us seem to have the same thoughts about it.
Eagle1 said:
LionRun, you were not being offensive at all and neither was I or anyone else. I just read page 8 again and there are so many posts that sum up my feelings I couldn't decide which one to quote.

I was PM'd and invited to come here, was told my posts about the Ramseys were being read, etc., and when I finally said I was leaving this case because we couldn't get any information that would enable us to offer any ideas to help, was PM'd again and again. Because I refused to judge the Ramseys and have spent a lot of time brainstorming with the rest of you about that case, as if I have no troubles of my own? The Ramseys don't
attack us but have been themselves under attack, besides losing a child and I'm just being unbiased, as we all are about the unknown-to-us wife.

Finally we are finding out that the wife is a pharmacist, and as JerseyGirl or someone said on page 8, evidently had her education almost complete before marrying. Wasn't it pretty white of her to make a donation to something he'd been interested in? And so far as we know she did NOT claim he had MS.
Eagle1, thank you for your post. None of us should feel as though we are hounded by another on a forum like this. Each person is free and should feel free to express opinions.

I can imagine the pain that Justice has experienced and continues to endure. And, we all have lives not always free from our own painful experiences. I can say though, that I like the sleuthers here. I enjoy trying understand how evidence ties into crimes, and I love hearing happy endings to potentially deadly situations (like the three children of the delusional mother being found unharmed). I am enjoying my new hobby as an amateur amateur (no mistake--I am a double amateur LOL) websleuther. And, I am happy to have met already some friendly people like you.

Swoodski, welcome to the forum!
Just something I noticed.... that donation to MS foundation was made by IBM Corp... not an individual person....
MagicRose99 said:
Just something I noticed.... that donation to MS foundation was made by IBM Corp... not an individual person....

Thanks, Magic Rose, and Welcome to WS if you're new.
As they were just saying on C-Spran about some other criminal situation, Usually you look at who would profit, and that will usually be the guilty person.

The wife would have known Jack had a prenup, as she probably had one too.
Which is probably why she never moved to have her name put on the Deed to the house.

Usually prenups aren't very inforceable, anyway, I've heard, don'[t know how true it might be in N.C.

The general law in that state may be that the wife gets 2/3 of an estate, and the children divide another 1/3. In this case there were no children, both of them just career-oriented, evidently.

So who does that leave to have killed him? Can anyone think of any possibilities besides an enemy among his daily activities acquaintances,
and what else? Who could have had a profit motive? I too have always thought, all along, he'd simply made an enemy, who could lure him somehow to a deserted location 3 miles from his home, without his dogs.

What are some ways a person could do that? If he was a suicide, why would he walk to such a location? What's it close to besides a railroad trestle?
Eagle1 said:
Thanks, Magic Rose, and Welcome to WS if you're new.
Thanks! I've been here several months but I am new to this thread.
My brother was NOT diagnosed with MS, and his wife has used this as a reason for his "suicide!!!"

Let me be quite clear here, he did NOT have MS, and his wife had NOTHING going into the relationship!!!!! They lived together for a couple of years before being married in 98, and my brother helped her pay off her student loans, and was financially well off, as he was 38 when they married.......

I was shocked to hear of the prenup, and applaud him for doing so!!!!! Deep down he must have had reservations, and was NOT going to be taken as a fool!!!!

I contacted the sheriff's office, and told them of the latest news of fraud against his estate, and the prenup, and living will......

My brother's lawyer was NEVER contacted, and did not know he was dead until I called him a couple of weeks ago!!!!!!

He TOLD me she was to get NOTHING, and he is a very well known lawyer, and now in government!!! I am praying this is the key, and will shed light to the long awaited TRUTH!!!

I CANNOT wait until the murderer comes forward, and am anxiously awaiting to hear of an arrest!!!!!

No one is saying that your brother had MS... we're saying a donation was made in his name to the MS Society. And it was IBM Corp not his wife that made that donation.

Someone does not have to have the disease in order for someone to make a donation in that person's name. It may not even have been something your brother was interested in, but IBM was doing something to remember your brother by and selected that particular charity.
I'm really not in the mood to be yelled at every time I make a statement in this thread. So, I am bowing out of it.

To whomever is still around, good luck in your endeavors. May our paths cross elsewhere on WS!
It just means you're a member of the club, as in "Welcome to the club."

We all love you, and especially your hat.

I have been following this thread from the beginnning and now I am finally ready to weigh in as kindly as I can. Websleuths is a community forum and as long as a poster is not directly threatening you it is very rude to ask them to stop posting on YOUR thread. The last time checked you are not the owner or the moderator of this website and to personally attack another memeber in such a way is disrespectful and you are lowering yourself to the level of the person you are accusing. You are looking for help in an injustice and sometimes that reqires looking at everything negative and positve to figure out what happened. You opened yourself and your family to scrutiny we (Websleuths) did not come to you. So I ask on behlaf of everyone here on this forum that you keep your posts to looking for justice as you say and not personal attack on another member. Good luck in your search for justice. May there be a positve outcome.

You are ALL welcome to post on this or any other thread at Websleuths. If anyone has some sort of problem comprehending this concept, please feel free to contact me. Otherwise, I expect all of the members to adhere to the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you became a member (and a guest) here at Websleuths. Once an idea or an opinion is posted, ALL members are invited to respond and/or reply.
Sometimes we think that others forget about us, that maybe our lives don't really matter to another....but that's just not true. Our lives are like a thread, woven together, crossing each other, to someday make a beautiful tapestry....each life does matter. We all touch each other in some way and hopefully as we intertwine, leaving something good behind.... I know Jack..."Jackie" did and his life did matter. "Jackie" you are special, and will be missed.

This is from our cousin Sandra.....


This one from another cousin Sondra


Day he was given to us: July 28, 1958
Day he was taken away: May 11, 2005 [/size]

[size=+1]~Memories Of Jack~

Games of chess, clue, and monopoly

with well thought strategy the winner you would be.

Gazing at stars through your telescope,

at a world of wonder, awe and hope.

Mathematical equations you solved with ease

to the doors of knowledge you held the keys.

Sometimes a prankster and tease you could be,

a little boy with a face full of glee.

With your bible in hand, you caught the church bus,

you were an inspiration for all of us.

A compassionate and loyal friend,

A man to respect through thick and thin.

As the sun goes down behind the trees,

A trumpet solo floats on the breeze.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

With loving memories, your cousin, Sondra


THIS.......... is Allen "Jackson" Croft Jr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack to family.....:blowkiss:
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