NC NC - Antwan Maurice Pittman: Rocky Mountain SK

The suspect is only charged so far with 1 or 2 of the murders, right? Is it common for a African American serial killers? I just don't recall reading about many.

is what common for a african american serial killer?
the common profile is usually of a white male and it just seems nowadays we don't hear about the half of them (black or white).
i guess society has become desensitized to serial killers. it's surprising this case hasn't received more attention due to the high body count.
there has been other african american serial killers, i would guess there is just as many as there are white ones.
WINDSOR – Twelve jurors and two alternates from Bertie County were selected Monday to serve on the jury in the first-degree murder trial of Antwan Pittman.

Pittman, 33, has been charged in the death of Taraha Shenice Nicholson, who was found strangled to death on March 7, 2009, in the woods along Marriott Farm Road. The mother of two had been missing for three weeks when her body was found.

Nicholson’s death has been tied to at least 10 others whose bodies have been found in rural Edgecombe County in the past several years, generating publicity about the case and causing the trial to be moved to the small N.C. Superior Courtroom in Windsor.
Graham also called SBI Agent Elliott Smith to the stand who testified he and a female SBI agent interviewed Pittman at Perdue Agribusiness in Bertie County, where Pittman worked in 2008 and 2009.

Smith testified Pittman was asked, as a convicted sex offender, to complete a survey about his sexual habits with questions ranging from partner preferences to whether he had ever had sex with a prostitute. According to the survey, which was submitted into evidence by the state, Pittman said he had never had sex with a prostitute and denied recognizing or ever having sex with Nicholson.

Pittman, 33, also reportedly refused to submit a voluntary DNA sample during the interview, Smith testified.


I guess the Defense strategy will be that Pittman dated Nicholson so there is nothing wrong with his DNA being found on her. I have to wonder if that is even true?
DNA Analyst Sharon Hinton, a State witness, testifed that the DNA "can be no one other than" Antwan Pittmans, or a twin brother.

“The picture entitled Taraha Nicolson that was pulled from the internet and located in the temporay internet files location was created on August 10th, 2009," said Mark Schlitter, SBI Digital Evidence Analyst.


I keep waiting to see if the Prosecutor is going to establish that Nicolson did not know Pittman. Defense is objecting to online visits to rape websites and videos.
was a very fast trial, i think the jury now has the case
Pittman found guilty in missing Rocky Mount woman's death

After less than an hour of deliberation, a jury on Thursday found an Edgecombe County man guilty of first-degree murder in the strangling death of a missing Rocky Mount woman more than two years ago.

Antwan Maurice Pittman, 33, will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Someone in another thread directed my attention to this case here. Seems, Pittmann really killed Nicholson, but the open question is, did he kill the others as well?
The whole history of Pittmann consists of two main factors:
a.) drug crimes and crimes to feed his own addiction including solicitation of a prostitute.
b.) molesting children.
On the other hand, we have a victimology with an age bracket of 18 years to about 50 years of age. That makes me think, there is maybe a serial killer still out there with some similarities that would connect him to the majority of the scene (there are some more crack addicted prostitutes, pimps and dealers out there).
However, the wide age bracket and the fact, not all victims were still active crack smokers, indicate a random perpetrator. A witness described a probable as older black guy of a rather small built. Nothing except the color fits Pittmann. The drag marks in Nichols would normally indicate also a weaker perpetrator, but then, according to the pathological report, she weighted 201 lbs.
Unfortunately, strangulation is a rather common method of killing used by sadists, narcissists with psychopathic tendency, pure psychopaths (sometimes), serial killers who started out as anger assault and power assurance rapists and so on. The dropping of the bodies without any staging and signs of remorse indicates an anti-social personality disorder at least as secondary diagnosis. Which appears not to be the case with Pittmann, who, according to his sheet is rather the anger assault type off the leash when he got enough crack.
The sloppy selection of dropping sites shows a lower degree of organization (30-50%). This is indeed something, that fits Pittmann. And killing in the won ethnicity is typically for anger assault rapists and the form that escalated to serial killers. So this SK would have more sexual offenses especially against women with a wide range of ages in his sheet, together with the usual petty thefts. Due to the low degree of organization, I think, we can exclude scam and forgery in this case.
So, I think, the real guy is still out there, but I can be wrong.
In the Nicholson trial the defense tried to make it look as though Pittmann knew the victim and that's why the DNA matched to him.
In the Nicholson trial the defense tried to make it look as though Pittmann knew the victim and that's why the DNA matched to him.

I don't have pathology reports for the other victims and I'm much more in behavioral patterns than on the ground sleuthing, but I can easily imagine, Pittmann killed Nichols, either after having consensual sex with her, if something came up after, or also raped and killed her. But that doesn't mean, all murders are connected. In fact, I can't remember a serial killer case in which weren't another killer either using the known fact of the monster out there to hide an additional body in the pile or, even worse, serial killers crossed their paths in the same area.
I don't have pathology reports for the other victims and I'm much more in behavioral patterns than on the ground sleuthing, but I can easily imagine, Pittmann killed Nichols, either after having consensual sex with her, if something came up after, or also raped and killed her. But that doesn't mean, all murders are connected. In fact, I can't remember a serial killer case in which weren't another killer either using the known fact of the monster out there to hide an additional body in the pile or, even worse, serial killers crossed their paths in the same area.

Would you think this SK is local or would he be someone who moves around? I've been saying for a long time that something was going on with missing black girls in NC, SC, and Fla.

On the missing web sites they are listed as endangered runaways but they never show up again. So I've thought this was just a easy title or excuse not to search for them. jmo
Would you think this SK is local or would he be someone who moves around? I've been saying for a long time that something was going on with missing black girls in NC, SC, and Fla.

On the missing web sites they are listed as endangered runaways but they never show up again. So I've thought this was just a easy title or excuse not to search for them. jmo

I haven't looked too deep in that case yet. But there are more states with a growing number of missing black girls. From you, I hear NC, SC and FL, in an email I heard today about some more in NY and in IL and last week, I heard about a statistical spike in LA. So chances are, there is more than one and some are mobile. In NM, the Albuquerque case, also some black runaways appeared when they found the dump site of 20.
The "runaway" term means basically run away/no trace whereto. In most cases, their youth gives them a little priority over other missing person cases, but in general missing person reports are rarely followed up if there isn't reason to think, they became victims of a capital crime.
Maybe I should look more in this case, but I was busy with Long Island and the Baseline Killer trial in AZ and it seems, we have one in the Midwest also.
Would you think this SK is local or would he be someone who moves around? I've been saying for a long time that something was going on with missing black girls in NC, SC, and Fla.

On the missing web sites they are listed as endangered runaways but they never show up again. So I've thought this was just a easy title or excuse not to search for them. jmo

Okay, I took a quick browsing. Unfortunately, the articles from the Rockytelegramm are mostly not available anymore.

The victimology looks like a mess. From 18 to 50 we find everything and Nicholson, which is connected via DNA to Pittmann would be right in the middle, so extracting her doesn't change a thing.
The few pictures are interesting, because on the visual level, which is for most low organized SKs initial trigger in the victim choice, they have not much in common. Different hair cuts, skin color from middle brown to deep brown, different face shapes and different weight classes as it looks.
As far as I see, they found DNA on none of the victims except for Nicholson. An early report says, Wiggins died from blunt force trauma, Nicholson was strangulated and for the other victims it couldn't be established (with inconclusive in Battle's case which means she was beaten and strangulated but the ME can't say, what the fatal part was since over time, both would have been fatal).

The geographical profiling is a blast, but we shouldn't rely too much on it, because, since I know the mathematical modesl behind such programs, I know also, that they don't work if you don't have a clean victim list, means, only the victims of one SK in the model. Otherwise, you get distortions because basically the preferences of two individuals tend to pull the anchor points to a median position between the different anchor points of each killer. So take this geographical profile from PREDATOR as a good guess and approximately.
However, if you take Nicholson out for a moment, you get basically a straight dropping zone along this little road (I haven't found the name of it) and it's extension SW-ward. The anchor point would be then over the thumb, somewhere S of Pittman's house, but a way distant and maybe a little more East, but that depends what is there. SKs rarely just camp in the middle of nowhere in a tent.

So, what is left is not an anger-assault rapist like Pittmann (he has all the settings but not really lived it out). This guy has a higher degree of control (therefore no DNA) or is unable to perform (but most sexual motivated SKs have a rather excessive libido, so it's rare).
There are two things, that make me a little nervous about that guy. He had, as it appears a medium decreasing cool down time (not exponential but rather along a linearity). That indicates, he is urge driven plus another influence factor. Since there were no murders anymore as far as I can see, there is a high probability, he changed the area and kills on somewhere else. However, he was local, at least for a while.
The second thing is this secondary influence factor. This guy kill over a wide age range, but he knows the area. He is obviously not enough organized to make a narrower selection. This would normally add up to a type of "john-approach" and later blitz attack, but Wiggins' beating points out rage and power-gain. There is a difference between mere power-gain and control. This guy had changes in his life. Battle was strangulated but also beaten. My bet was, he lost control and just canceled the already started strangulation to beat her to death. So, either it's a real low IQ sadist (but then, why no DNA?) or he is also driven by some other delusion, maybe religious, ideological or just a wild mix.
My bet is a slim built black in the age bracket of about 45-55. He is in daily life rather shy and polite, a little bit hampered in his communication, but not really socially awkward. He is probably a regular church visitor. He was once in a very firm relationship or marriage, but his wife divorced him or just ran off. Not for violence in this relationship but for his basically ambition-less nature. This had to be around 2205 or 2006, a while before the murders started. And he moved away short after Pittman's arrest (or died, fell sick, that's another possibility).
Personally, I would expect a RAP sheet with petty theft in it, maybe minor drug charges but nothing heavier than pot. No domestic violence, no bigger crimes. In his youth, I would expect only the bed wetting part of the MacDonald triad, but not torturing animals. Not sure about setting fires.

Just some detail questions:
- Is Pittmann a left-hander?
- Did in one of the neighboring counties also disappear black girls?
- was the body, they found behind Pittmann's house buried in a shallow grave or out in the open?
New story on Pittman, but I don't think there's much (or any) new information. The families of his other suspected victims want their own trials:

It's been five years since a suspected Rocky Mount serial killer was convicted of a single murder.

Victims' family members said they're hoping for a sense of closure only a trial can bring. They've been patient for years, but will most likely have to continue to wait.

Antwan Pittman, 38, is believed to have killed around a dozen women in Rocky Mount from 2003 to 2009. Almost all the victims were black prostitutes with drug addictions, making them easy prey for a killer who discarded their bodies in wooded or rural areas, mostly along Seven Bridges Road.
I live in the area. 7 Bridges Rd where the bodies were mostly found is in the middle of nowhere. Could easily be more out there . An organized search would be useful to try.

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