NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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Was just thinking of something else, I don't know how SSI works, but with social security disability, the parent gets a check, and a check for each child until they turn 18. CS was on disability. So wonder how much she was getting each month between the disability check, the checks for the kids, and the check for Erica. Kids were just another means for her to get more money, IMO.

Still think disability needs to open a case against her! Since she was raising hedgehogs, and dogs, she was making money. She should have to pay every penny back! Plus taxes! AND pay back every penny she received for Erica when she wasn't in her care! Including those 8 months that Erica lived with someone else! Hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook! IMO!
Years ago, I recall an email support group for people looking to adopt from or rehome a child they no longer wanted. It was called disrupted adoptions or something to that affect. People would send kids to other people site unseen... But the subsidy would go with the child and ideally it would all be made legal at some point.
Iirc a few people were "collectors" much like animal hoarders. Very scary all around, for everyone.

:facepalm: That's scary!!!!
Imagine being little Erica. While eating burgers, and meeting your biological Mom for possibly the first time, your adoptive parents are discussing 'returning' you. WTH?
Yes! That is the question, and Carolyn should be considered. She shows up over a decade later, gets a visit, goes to Louisiana, then is never heard from until she introduces Nan? Sounds like there is definitely a motive to get Erica, a plan and opportunity. Since Erica's brother was apparently exhibiting extremely dangerous behaviors, the Parsons probably were looking for a safer home away from him.

Plus, Sandy has an Erica tattoo! That obviously means he is innocent. (Sarcasm).

Sorry, I am afraid you may have misunderstood my sarcasm. I don't believe that Carolyn introduced Nan to Casey nor do I believe that Sandy ever met or talked to Nan.

Some people may be duped into buying, selling or giving away something like an old guitar to a stranger in a parking lot but not a child if you have any morals or humanity.
The original story was Carolyn gave all their information to this "Irene Goodman" who then CALLED CP and wanted a relationship with Erica. The story has changed at least 3 times. On of the versions has CP finding Irene on FB, though none of the Irene Goodman's on FB is the right one. CP states she was shown photos or FB accounts by LE and they just weren't the right one. Can't remember what the other version was right now.

Yet according to the last MSM posted, Carolyn stated Erica's father wouldn't accept he was the father, so doubtful any of her paternal family has or had a relationship with Erica!

And considering that Erica had some type of learning disability, wouldn't that make you even more protective? Wouldn't that make you triple check and get a background check of anyone that wanted the child? And who in their right mind would let a child go stay even a weekend with someone you just met? According to CP... Erica went two prior times but I don't remember reading how long she stayed those times. And the third time she left, she was to visit for Christmas. YET, not once since Erica went "missing" have they tried to visit? Tried to send Birthday wishes, Christmas gifts, anything???

I've rehomed animals, and gotten photos afterwards, and visited afterwards. No way, no how would I allow my child to leave with a stranger, and think it was perfectly OK! Makes me sick!!!

On Dr. Phil, Casey Parsons said Erica spent ONE WEEKEND in September. Dr. Phil actually said "September 11, 2011" as the date he was reading off the documents he was holding in his hand, as the date of THAT first weekend.

I've not heard any story or comments about October 2011 and why Erica didn't go for a visit that month, but the next visit was in November, they claim, and that was also for ONE WEEKEND. Apparently that was before Thanksgiving as Casey said Erica was with them on that Thanksgiving.

So up to that point, according to the Parsons, Erica spent FOUR DAYS (two weekends) with "Nan" riding horses and getting new clothes and just fell in love with her. And based on that, they decided to let her stay forever and ever after she went for the visit in December, on the 17th for Christmas vacation.

Was just thinking of something else, I don't know how SSI works, but with social security disability, the parent gets a check, and a check for each child until they turn 18. CS was on disability. So wonder how much she was getting each month between the disability check, the checks for the kids, and the check for Erica. Kids were just another means for her to get more money, IMO.

Still think disability needs to open a case against her! Since she was raising hedgehogs, and dogs, she was making money. She should have to pay every penny back! Plus taxes! AND pay back every penny she received for Erica when she wasn't in her care! Including those 8 months that Erica lived with someone else! Hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook! IMO!

Current max rate for SSI is 634 or 661. (can't remember)
Years ago, I recall an email support group for people looking to adopt from or rehome a child they no longer wanted. It was called disrupted adoptions or something to that affect. People would send kids to other people site unseen... But the subsidy would go with the child and ideally it would all be made legal at some point.
Iirc a few people were "collectors" much like animal hoarders. Very scary all around, for everyone.

Just the thought of this leaves me speechless. SMH
On Dr. Phil, Casey Parsons said Erica spent ONE WEEKEND in September. Dr. Phil actually said "September 11, 2011" as the date he was reading off the documents he was holding in his hand, as the date of THAT first weekend.

I've not heard any story or comments about October 2011 and why Erica didn't go for a visit that month, but the next visit was in November, they claim, and that was also for ONE WEEKEND. Apparently that was before Thanksgiving as Casey said Erica was with them on that Thanksgiving.

So up to that point, according to the Parsons, Erica spent FOUR DAYS (two weekends) with "Nan" riding horses and getting new clothes and just fell in love with her. And based on that, they decided to let her stay forever and ever after she went for the visit in December, on the 17th for Christmas vacation.


You know it seems like they started saying she was with Nan everytime they were probably with other members of the family. Think about it, you're having thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and your family members say, where's Erica? Well they couldn't very well say, oh we got rid of her, so instead they just said oh she's with Nan. That may even be where that whole story was brought to life.
Years ago, I recall an email support group for people looking to adopt from or rehome a child they no longer wanted. It was called disrupted adoptions or something to that affect. People would send kids to other people site unseen... But the subsidy would go with the child and ideally it would all be made legal at some point.
Iirc a few people were "collectors" much like animal hoarders. Very scary all around, for everyone.

Current max rate for SSI is 634 or 661. (can't remember)

In most states (perhaps all), you can't collect both an adoption subsidy AND SSI/disability. Also, adoption subsidies do not come with food stamps, or additional forms of income.
No, I was paraphrasing for the Parsons.

I find this case very interesting because of the family dynamics at play within this family. I do not buy everything the Parsons have said, and I don't buy what I've heard from other family members. It looks like these folks have redefined dysfunctional.

The majority of those watching this case decided early on that the Parsons killed or sold Erica. They base this on statements by other family members who probably have very sharp axes to grind. To me, there are many other suspects here that need more scrutiny other than the Parsons. If there was evidence that the Parsons caused her disappearance and/or death, they would have been arrested by now. But, after extensive review by local, state and federal law enforcement, there is no.

I am very sympathetic to those wrongly accused. I know that every household has problems of varying difficulty. While there are valid criticisms about the manner how the Parsons let Erica go and the fact that they kept cashing money for her care, I think that's those are the only proven gripes. The only crime possible is taking the money, and I am sure they would be able to avoid jail time if able to repay it. If someone did something to Erica to harm her, that would be a much more serious crime, and I would like to know who, if anyone, did it. That's why I am trying to get others to explore other possibilities. If the Parsons turn out to be telling the truth, I wonder if those who were quick to convict them will be just as quick to eat crow. I know the answer is no, as we, as humans, hate to admit we are wrong! I think that is why folks have moved on from "they are murderers!" to "they took our tax money!" but with the amount of furor.


Alas I have eaten crow several times here and make it known that I have a great recipe for crow stew.It is delicious...however, this time I doubt crow stew will be on the menu.

It filled a desperate need that social services didn't want to.
Many of the people there adopted children they were ill equipped to parent, many were lied to by agencies and many of the children were serious violent, respite or help of any kind simply wasn't available.

Most of the people willing to take these kids were not able to adopt the conventional way .... The reasons were never made clear.

But desperate people do desperate things to ensure the safety of their other children, preserve their own sanity, or for other reasons.
In most states (perhaps all), you can't collect both an adoption subsidy AND SSI/disability. Also, adoption subsidies do not come with food stamps, or additional forms of income.

But, you can collect food stamps, SSI/Disability and Medi-aid on the child? CP was already collecting disability for herself, which would be about $1200 a month, plus the child's benefits. On top of that, I wonder how much she was getting for the other kids, and her illegal puppy mill business. I'm sure she didn't claim any "on the side" income on her tax returns. :banghead:

I hope the state and the feds prosecute her for fraud and require every dime be paid back! IMO - we all were "duped", the taxpaying citizens. JMO
No, I was paraphrasing for the Parsons.

I find this case very interesting because of the family dynamics at play within this family. I do not buy everything the Parsons have said, and I don't buy what I've heard from other family members. It looks like these folks have redefined dysfunctional.

The majority of those watching this case decided early on that the Parsons killed or sold Erica. They base this on statements by other family members who probably have very sharp axes to grind. To me, there are many other suspects here that need more scrutiny other than the Parsons. If there was evidence that the Parsons caused her disappearance and/or death, they would have been arrested by now. But, after extensive review by local, state and federal law enforcement, there is no.

I am very sympathetic to those wrongly accused. I know that every household has problems of varying difficulty. While there are valid criticisms about the manner how the Parsons let Erica go and the fact that they kept cashing money for her care, I think that's those are the only proven gripes. The only crime possible is taking the money, and I am sure they would be able to avoid jail time if able to repay it. If someone did something to Erica to harm her, that would be a much more serious crime, and I would like to know who, if anyone, did it. That's why I am trying to get others to explore other possibilities. If the Parsons turn out to be telling the truth, I wonder if those who were quick to convict them will be just as quick to eat crow. I know the answer is no, as we, as humans, hate to admit we are wrong! I think that is why folks have moved on from "they are murderers!" to "they took our tax money!" but with the amount of furor.


When one chooses to have kids or even adopt kids then they have to be responsible for those kids. This young girl has been missing for 2 years and these parents don't know what happened to her? Give me a break, that is their responsibility. They chose to adopt her so they better know what the heck happened to her. I hope the government hits them hard for fraud. A kid goes missing for 2 years and they don't report her missing. Something is seriously wrong with this picture and with these parents. I don't feel one bit sorry for them. This young girl is a victim not the parents. JMO
Well, they won't be able to hide from the media. But, will the Charlotte media camp out 3 hours away? This story is not as big in Eastern NC as it is in the Charlotte area, and there are fewer TV news shows.

Where was it reported that they went to a movie last night? If you put down your torches and pitchforks for a minute and consider the possibility that they are not as guilty as you may think, wouldn't all this attention be pretty annoying? Can't say I blame them for a temporary change of scenery. Also, this gives LE plenty of opportunities to take a long hard look at their property now.

The Parsons must be pretty darn sure she isn't chopped up and buried in the back yard. Remember, that was the initial accusation from their son that started this whole mess and that many across the country still believe to be the case.


um, no

if I was concerned about finding my missing daughter, the media attention would be a gift - I would be on that front lawn talking to reporters every chance I got
No, I was paraphrasing for the Parsons.

I find this case very interesting because of the family dynamics at play within this family. I do not buy everything the Parsons have said, and I don't buy what I've heard from other family members. It looks like these folks have redefined dysfunctional.

The majority of those watching this case decided early on that the Parsons killed or sold Erica. They base this on statements by other family members who probably have very sharp axes to grind. To me, there are many other suspects here that need more scrutiny other than the Parsons. If there was evidence that the Parsons caused her disappearance and/or death, they would have been arrested by now. But, after extensive review by local, state and federal law enforcement, there is no.

I am very sympathetic to those wrongly accused. I know that every household has problems of varying difficulty. While there are valid criticisms about the manner how the Parsons let Erica go and the fact that they kept cashing money for her care, I think that's those are the only proven gripes. The only crime possible is taking the money, and I am sure they would be able to avoid jail time if able to repay it. If someone did something to Erica to harm her, that would be a much more serious crime, and I would like to know who, if anyone, did it. That's why I am trying to get others to explore other possibilities. If the Parsons turn out to be telling the truth, I wonder if those who were quick to convict them will be just as quick to eat crow. I know the answer is no, as we, as humans, hate to admit we are wrong! I think that is why folks have moved on from "they are murderers!" to "they took our tax money!" but with the amount of furor.


Esquire, I've read this post over and over again, and while everything you claim makes some sort of sense, I think you're either missing the point, or trying to distract the rest of us from the point.

Casey and Sandy Parsons never reported Erica missing. They never intended for anyone to know that Erica was missing. They didn't give a care or ***** about Erica. They falsely collected money on her behalf. All this I know is fact.

Your statement, "If there was evidence that the Parsons caused her disappearance and/or death, they would have been arrested by now. But, after extensive review by local, state and federal law enforcement, there is no.."

Seriously? Erica has been missing for over 2 years, she was only reported missing on July 30, 2013.

I guess you expected LE to wrap everything up in less than 30 days.
I can see how a thread like this could look like a lot of people saying not nice things that aren't helpful to figuring this out. I can see that. That's not what's going on though. We don't get all of the information, so we have to take every little bit and piece we do get to try to put this puzzle together. We're doing that knowing we don't get all of the pieces.

Nothing would make me happier than for all of us to be wrong. For CP to be a loving mother who was desperate in a dire health situation and asked for help so that her daughter could get the care and attention she needs. For Erica to be somewhere fine, and happy. That's not the puzzle we got this time though. This one is sadder, and darker, and the little pieces about how they act and what they do help it come together.

As far as adoptive CP cutting off contact with BIO CP I have my own theory. I think it was before everything went wrong, and I think the reason why is really really simple. She hated bioCP and didn't want her to be happy. I think it's as simple as jealousy and hate. I don't think it has anything to do with Erica or anything else.

In other news who's up for breaking out the black turtleneck for a nighttime puppy rescue with me?
I can see how a thread like this could look like a lot of people saying not nice things that aren't helpful to figuring this out. I can see that. That's not what's going on though. We don't get all of the information, so we have to take every little bit and piece we do get to try to put this puzzle together. We're doing that knowing we don't get all of the pieces.

Nothing would make me happier than for all of us to be wrong. For CP to be a loving mother who was desperate in a dire health situation and asked for help so that her daughter could get the care and attention she needs. For Erica to be somewhere fine, and happy. That's not the puzzle we got this time though. This one is sadder, and darker, and the little pieces about how they act and what they do help it come together.

As far as adoptive CP cutting off contact with BIO CP I have my own theory. I think it was before everything went wrong, and I think the reason why is really really simple. She hated bioCP and didn't want her to be happy. I think it's as simple as jealousy and hate. I don't think it has anything to do with Erica or anything else.

In other news who's up for breaking out the black turtleneck for a nighttime puppy rescue with me?


What is a nighttime puppy rescue?
No, I was paraphrasing for the Parsons.

I find this case very interesting because of the family dynamics at play within this family. I do not buy everything the Parsons have said, and I don't buy what I've heard from other family members. It looks like these folks have redefined dysfunctional.

The majority of those watching this case decided early on that the Parsons killed or sold Erica. They base this on statements by other family members who probably have very sharp axes to grind. To me, there are many other suspects here that need more scrutiny other than the Parsons. If there was evidence that the Parsons caused her disappearance and/or death, they would have been arrested by now. But, after extensive review by local, state and federal law enforcement, there is no.

I am very sympathetic to those wrongly accused. I know that every household has problems of varying difficulty. While there are valid criticisms about the manner how the Parsons let Erica go and the fact that they kept cashing money for her care, I think that's those are the only proven gripes. The only crime possible is taking the money, and I am sure they would be able to avoid jail time if able to repay it. If someone did something to Erica to harm her, that would be a much more serious crime, and I would like to know who, if anyone, did it. That's why I am trying to get others to explore other possibilities. If the Parsons turn out to be telling the truth, I wonder if those who were quick to convict them will be just as quick to eat crow. I know the answer is no, as we, as humans, hate to admit we are wrong! I think that is why folks have moved on from "they are murderers!" to "they took our tax money!" but with the amount of furor.


If the Parsons turn out to be lying, I wonder if their attorney will be quick to eat crow.

What is a nighttime puppy rescue?

I was talking about the dogs left behind. The comment wasn't serious. The dogs being left could be something easily explainable. They moved so fast I'm sure he didn't have time ahead of time to secure the fencing or whatever to make sure they had a safe place to be outside. If some are kept separate he might need to do something to get another area for the rest of the dogs or something. I'm sure with all of the people watching they're being fed and have water though.

Sorry I might be a little lost, but what makes us think Erica didn't know she was adopted? If she knew her bio mom until that contact was cut off, and knew her siblings that would mean she knows she's adopted. A friend of mine was adopted by her bio mother's aunt and her husband. She knew the whole time we were growing up who her bio mother was, and that her mom and dad adopted her. Then again I have another friend who found out as an adult that his mother was his bio grandmother and his sister was his bio mom so it can go either way.

Honestly early on in the case I thought her bio mom or dad came up with a plan to get Erica away from them and used a grandmother/great aunt to do it. I so wish that would of been the case. She did initially say she met Nan through bio mom, but I think she abandoned that after bio mom said it wasn't true.
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