NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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Was just thinking of something else, I don't know how SSI works, but with social security disability, the parent gets a check, and a check for each child until they turn 18. CS was on disability. So wonder how much she was getting each month between the disability check, the checks for the kids, and the check for Erica. Kids were just another means for her to get more money, IMO. IMO!


The money that she gets for the kids is a maximum family allowance. When I started SSI I had 3 minor children living at home. Two have since become of age and no longer receive benefits, however their benefit money simply rolled over to the youngest. When he turns 18, then the additional family benefit will cease.

In the parsonses case, they have 2 other younger children so the amount received each month for Erica from SSi would remain the same and just roll over to the younger kids. There IS a form that the rep payee (parent?) has to fill out each year saying exactly how much money was spent on that child's expenses. Would be interesting to see what she put on that form these last few years!
if, if, if cp was duped, she wouldn't insist that erica was fine, happy, healthy with nan...
How can anyone say the adoptive parents are not responsible for Erica's being missing? According to their story they gave Erica to someone else and washed their hands of her.
Erica may have known she was adopted, that's possible, but the first and only clue we got that she may have known was when Carolyn finally told the story of how and why she met Erica back in January 2011. According to this story, that was an arranged meeting that Casey and Sandy made to tell Carolyn that they had to give Erica back. So at that point we can "assume" that Erica knew she was adopted.

I'd like to hear more from Carolyn and why she so tickled at that point that she could bond with Erica. I'd also like to know if, during that January 2011 meeting at the "Whataburger," if Carolyn, in her babbling excitement of finding her own bio family, if she told all of that to Casey, and if, as a result, was Casey probing Carolyn more for the bio family names. And IF that is perhaps when the Goodman name first came up with them talking about Erica's bio father's name.

It's weird that Casey had the name Goodman right but got the first name of Irene wrong. Isn't it interesting that out of the three media interviews the Parsons gave, there was no mention of them ever traveling to Mooresville in January 2011 to met with Carolyn to talk about giving up Erica!!
If the Parsons turn out to be lying, I wonder if their attorney will be quick to eat crow.

That's a curious thing to say. Has he said anything that is not based on what the Parsons is telling or demonstrating to him?
Current max rate for SSI is 634 or 661. (can't remember)

Not sure if that's for minor's, but I get alot more than that. Just got a increase Jan. 2013. As I have a disability, I only had to go see a state dr. every couple yrs. Not sure if it depends on the state.

Waiting to see them do the perp walk. Where's Erica?
Considering Carolyn was at least a part of CP and SP's life until Erica was two when they officially adopted her, I would think at the least they knew who Carolyn thought the father was. Otherwise, Carolyn could have pretended it was the same father as the other kids, and went on with her life. An affair is typically talk of the family. Though nothing seems typical in this family!
Seems to me that CP pulled the same thing on biomom that she did with the mother she was the surrogate for. When her plans changed she turned around and started attacking them and cut them off with no further communication. I'd like to know what biomom's reply was when they talked about giving her back and what else may have been said in the conversation by CP and SP.
I am sitting here with a sore back and cramped fingers from making bracelets. These bracelets give me lots of time to think. You see.... I have one left out of fifteen that are fundraisers for a teen-aged boy who was severely injured in June. His mom has kept vigil by his side. The mother's love for a child is infinite... and the compassion and empathy from other mothers is what often helps us to carry through in trying times with each other's parenting experience. I don't even know this woman, but want to help in ways that I can. :(

Now....because I am able to recognize and relate to the unconditional devotion that a mother feels for her children, I can also feel when a mother seems to lack that 'connection'.

My heart feels sick for Erica, because it is my personal opinion that CP had such little appreciation or concern for this innocent child, her arrogance and detachment honestly allowed her to think that she, and/or her family, could unilaterally make such profound decisions for a thirteen year old's future. And CP's passivity, combined with her lackadaisical responses, tell me that she valued Erica so lowly, that she honestly believed that everyone else would too.... and that no one would notice the disappearance of an innocent and trusting child, whose only desire was to 'belong' and feel safe.

Poor Erica. In my fantasy-land, Meemaw Irene is a legitimate person (unrelated to the P's or G's), and somehow recognized how she could rescue Erica.... and that Erica is living in a safe environment, with a closet full of clothes in every colour, and a pretty horse with a bright pink bridle....and that the Parsons' family is the last thing on her mind. <3
I don't even know where to start. This case just makes my head spin!
Obviously we're dealing with unusual people here, imho. I think we can agree there...

LE/FBI should be able to trace whoever the Parsons were communicating with at the time Erica was not with them, through their computers, deleted accounts or not. A good computer forensic team should be able to find something helpful. Let's hope.
As for collecting $ benefits in Erica Parson's name while she's been "missing"? Oh, they have to pay for that crap, and they likely will. You don't "dupe" these Agencies.
I hope answers come, for this poor little girl, and I pray there is justice for her. Too sad.
Considering Carolyn was at least a part of CP and SP's life until Erica was two when they officially adopted her, I would think at the least they knew who Carolyn thought the father was. Otherwise, Carolyn could have pretended it was the same father as the other kids, and went on with her life. An affair is typically talk of the family. Though nothing seems typical in this family!

MOO but I have a feeling one of the main reasons CP/SP hated CarolP was because they were fully aware of CarolP's cheating on SP's brother with BDG and having the baby from the affair....EP. Now, why they would then agree to take a baby that was a product of this affair while hating the mother they took the baby from and also hating the baby because it reminded them of the mother? That, however, makes no sense to me though.
Nice analysis. Regarding knowledge that she was adopted, I think it is also fair to think the always knew she was adopted. I imagine this clan spent considerable time discussing how everyone was related.

It sounds like the Jan. 2011 visit did not go well for Carolyn. She was shut out. Perhaps she spent the rest of the year lining up a way to get Erica out of there?

I have no doubt Erica knew she was adopted. Bet that Casey would throw it in her face "I'm not your REAL Mom" and made her feel like she was unwanted and not really part of the family. Hope it's not true but that is just the vibe I get from those people.
I think the adoptive parents were ready to get rid of Erica as early as January 2011. I don't think they were ready to give up the monetary benefits though.

Another thing that is confusing to me....If CP/SP took EP to meet with their biomom to discuss the possibility of giving her back, wouldn't that mean they were aware they would lose the benefits in that situation? I have to wonder why they suddenly changed their minds or what happened that caused them to stop allowing CarolP to talk with and meet with EP. The timing of this last meeting with CarolP and the closeness of that timing to EP's disappearance seems highly suspicious IMO. I think there is much more to this part of the story.
I get the feeling that the Parson's like $ too much to just dispose of Erica. If I had to guess today, i'd say they sold her. If so, what are the odds of tracing where she was taken?
Not sure if this link has been posted yet. Not a ton of new information but at least a tidbit.

SALISBURY, N.C. -- There is mew information about the number of tips investigators are receiving about missing teen Erica Parsons.

This, while the family comes back for a another round of moving out of the Salisbury home where Erica was last seen two years ago-- and where red stains found on the flooring and walls are being tested for blood.

The Rowan County Sheriff's Office says it has gotten more than 500 calls about Erica over the last month.

But the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, the folks who came up with the age progression picture of what Erica would look like now at 15, says just a handful.

Test results of the red stains found in the Parsons' home, as well as anything else investigators found while executing two search warrants, have not been released-- and won't be unless or until there's a need for them in court.

I am not surprised to hear about the lack of tips based on the age-progression photo. IMO, this further emphasizes the amount of time Erica has been missing.
Okay, completely off topic but I need to get this off my chest. The Parsonses thing.

Wouldn't it be:

The Parsons are coming over this evening for dinner.

We are going to the Parsonses' house for dinner OR

We are going to the Parsons' house for dinner (either acceptable).

Okay, completely off topic but I need to get this off my chest. The Parsonses thing.

Wouldn't it be:

The Parsons are coming over this evening for dinner.

We are going to the Parsonses' house for dinner OR

We are going to the Parsons' house for dinner (either acceptable).


Parsons ends with 's', so to pluralize it you add es. Like "Keeping up with the Joneses".

Singular possessive would be Erica Parsons' disappearance or (old school) Erica Parsons's disappearance.

Plural possessive would be Parsonses' or (old school) Parsonses's.

Yes, English is silly. :)
The vigil for Erica was held Friday night at a neighbor's house. Today, WCNC reports,

The Parsons have "No Trespassing" signs at their home on Miller Chapel Rd. I guess their neighbors need a few "No Trespassing" signs, too, because the candles and posters that Sandy Parsons removed were not on the property where the Parsons live. They were the property of the neighbors next door who held the vigil at their house.

Wasn't SP just being a good and considerate neighbor by helping clean up the mess, since he was told he shouldn't be at the vigil or anywhere near the media?

Just because he's guilty of one thing doesn't make him guilty of another. That kind of thinking lacks both clarity and charity.
This might have already been brought up (sorry, if it has!)...however, CP's blog about her tubal reversal stated she had her tubes tied in 1995. I'm going to assume in Nov after giving birth to her first daughter. Then she states that she got them reversed in Mar 2003 & has child in Aug 2004. She was a surrogate mother in 2001/02???

I'm sure this has already been brought up...however, I can't find it when I search the threads. Is this just another lie we can add to the list? Maybe she received monies by giving a false testimony about this place in Mexico? That definitely seems to fit her MO.
Maybe someone else can make sense of how Nan lived about 15 minutes away from the Biltmore House and yet meeting in Mooresville was to save her about two hours driving time. From Biltmore to Miller Chapel Rd. is a 3 hour trip.
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