GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #5

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For some reason, I think JW returned to the scene of the crime once EMS left and that might explain the baggies. I just cannt picture Kt and DH sitting around drinking beer and doing drugs, especially with KT's medical procedures. Nor can I imagine JW took time to do whatever drugs before committing the crime. I would think time would be a factor.
Autopsy reports blunt force vaginal trauma. From what I'm told, blunt force doesn't usually come from penile penetration.
Oh my word....soooo many ?'s
don't see him coming back to do drugs. thinking that IF he is involved with baggie corners (big if) - others equally suspect - maybe kt surprised him, walking in on it...
For some reason, I think JW returned to the scene of the crime once EMS left and that might explain the baggies. I just cannt picture Kt and DH sitting around drinking beer and doing drugs, especially with KT's medical procedures. Nor can I imagine JW took time to do whatever drugs before committing the crime. I would think time would be a factor.

IDK, but that made me think of something from a long time ago. Someone I know was raped. She was asleep after having gone out and having a couple drinks - she did not hear anything. The rapist got in through an unlocked back door (she thought it was locked) and spent some time there before he actually attacked her. He left about 5 cigarette butts in the toilet - apparently he actually thought about what he was going to do or what his next move was.

He was never found. just never know what someone might do...
diphi, you're right -- you can't make the irrational rational.
diphi, you're right -- you can't make the irrational rational.

AMEN and this whole thing is irrational!

I could understand if KT was there by herself but with DH as well -unless JW wasnt aware of that.
Perhaps, the vaginal trauma was from the attacker trying to rape her while she was resisting...thus the bruising in that area. This would have provided her the opportunity to scratch him and to make her nails ragged. Because she is resisting, he then strikes her to put her into submission. She is knocked out and he then completes the rape, no longer with resistence and therefore no further signs of resistence. This is assuming she is on her back. If that is the case, why wouldn't there be bruising on her inner thighs?
Was the lamp broken as she tried to defend herself? Was it knocked off the table or grabbed by the attacker to force submission?
Was the lamp broken as she tried to defend herself? Was it knocked off the table or grabbed by the attacker to force submission?

the lamp is an interesting part of this. if it was in fact a weapon, was it the one that the perp used on kt or was it something she grabbed to use on the perp in self defense?
the lamp is an interesting part of this. if it was in fact a weapon, was it the one that the perp used on kt or was it something she grabbed to use on the perp in self defense?

odd that SW only listed lamp assembly unless that were to include broken lamp pieces if ceramic or perhaps a metal lamp.

another thought - wonder if DH or even EMS would notice a lamp to have blood on it or maybe the intruder took murder weapon with him.
wonder if DH or even EMS would notice a lamp to have blood on it or maybe the intruder took murder weapon with him.
Today 10:42 PM
wheaten Quote:

if there's blood "everywhere everywhere" probably not

True but you would think EMS would recognize the extent of KT's injuries or the room being in disarray and suspect a crime scene. Obviously not though...
Perhaps attacker struck with a back handed blow. I would think punching in the face would occur instead of blow to the head. guess it will all come out if there is a trial.

is it me, or do WSers think the media has died down on this. Never saw where WRAL or WTVD posted the actual autospy report.


So far WRAL hasn't. They have posted other, more sensitve info before in other cases. I'm very disappointed in them at this point...
So...if her vagina was unremarkable...does that mean they could not confirm it had been penetrated based on observations? To determine that they would have gotten a dna sample from inside of her and made the connection?

I'm going to suggest that a woman 62 years old does not have sex on a regular basis, especially if she doesn't have a boyfriend she sees all the time. me...seems like evidence of sexual intercourse would be remarkable in a woman like that. Seems like there would be some evidence of tearing or something. Just sayin....

ETA: On reflection, I can understand that the interior vaginal vault may be unremarkable. But it does seem like the the ME might, at least briefly, discuss evidence of penetration on the outside of the vagina.

Of course, we have no idea about the details of KT's sex life. Getting a boob job and face lift tells me she was very aware of her 'sex appeal'. The fact that the cops said they have PC to believe he had "vaginal intercourse", tells me there was evidence of such an act in the rape kit performed in the hospital, 4 days before the autopsy.
Autopsy reports blunt force vaginal trauma. From what I'm told, blunt force doesn't usually come from penile penetration.
Oh my word....soooo many ?'s

"blunt force" could be from his hand or fist, not necessarily a weapon.
odd that SW only listed lamp assembly unless that were to include broken lamp pieces if ceramic or perhaps a metal lamp.

another thought - wonder if DH or even EMS would notice a lamp to have blood on it or maybe the intruder took murder weapon with him.

The biggest question I still have is did he enter the intention of raping KT or was it presented as sudden opportunity and he acted? If he did not plan to encounter anyone in the home, he likely would not carry a weapon in with him (bat or perhaps a hammer). In the SW of his apartment, the cops told the judge they wanted to seize "blunt force instruments and any and all other weapons. Any item or items that could be used as a weapon to inflict blunt force trauma". This tells me they did not find the murder weapon in JG's home.
Perhaps a ceramic lamp fell off the bedside table and broke? Maybe EMS and D thought she struggled alone after experiencing severe complications from major plastic surgery?

So what was the "heavy blunt object" used to pulverize her skull and produce a "depressed fracture" severe enough to cause brain death?
The biggest question I still have is did he enter the intention of raping KT or was it presented as sudden opportunity and he acted? If he did not plan to encounter anyone in the home, he likely would not carry a weapon in with him (bat or perhaps a hammer). In the SW of his apartment, the cops told the judge they wanted to seize "blunt force instruments and any and all other weapons. Any item or items that could be used as a weapon to inflict blunt force trauma". This tells me they did not find the murder weapon in JG's home.
Perhaps a ceramic lamp fell off the bedside table and broke? Maybe EMS and D thought she struggled alone after experiencing severe complications from major plastic surgery?

So what was the "heavy blunt object" used to pulverize her skull and produce a "depressed fracture" severe enough to cause brain death?

I would think the object would have blood and hair on it. I'm sure they've looked for that evidence on eveything in JG's home as well as JW's.
Would they release information about that....meaning, "we didn't find any evidence on the objects tested"
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