GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #5

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JTF- Do you feel comfortable in giving us an idea what type of field your profession is in? You are extremely knowledgeable about the law, and all that comes with it etc. and I am just curious about your profession.

I am not in LE or any sort of legal profession. I picked up knowledge about criminal law procedure in the 3 years I intently (my wife says obsessivly :D) followed the Michelle Fisher Young case.
Was JW's wife at home that night?
If so, she should know if he had been drinking or doing drugs.
How would he leave the apartment (presumably on foot) after midnight w/o alerting her?
I think subpectoral means behind the muscle-she would have had stitches under each breast, covered in gauze and would have been wearing a special bra over the wrappings-her chest muscles would be very soar, and her breasts would have been swollen and very tender. I have been a caretaker for someone who has had this done-and I had to help rearrange pillows, I had to help her sit up and then stand up to go to the bathroom-she wanted as little movement as possible the first day-it was painful just to watch.
Anyone in this situation would scream out in pain just if they changed position in bed or bumped into something-so something stopped her from making noise if DH was in the house and did not hear anything.

I had the same surgery several years ago. My caretaker said she was given specific directions about how to care for me. The #1 thing she was told to do was to check on me VERY frequently. I was able to call for her(which I did several times).
I was not able to eat the night of my surgery much less drink beer & watch a movie, so it's hard to imagine KT eating supper & watching Paper Moon. IMO, KT would have gone straight to bed as soon as she got to the house.
ruben, i agree -- very hard to imagine dinner and a movie after one, much less, two procedures! Any alcohol was strictly forbidden.
I noticed the autopsy pages are numbered 1 of 11, not counting the "viewer discretion" page.

I wonder what pages are not included in the PDF released. Maybe something key to what the ME found?


Maybe it was released, but the news station has edited it out for some reason. I compared it to the one I obtained recently, but they appear quite different in format.
I have been away traveling the past week and a half. My travels took me to Raleigh at one point and I took the time to drive down both Cartier and Wayland Drs. It is always so surreal to see in person the places up to that point I've only read about. On the day I drove by the JG house was either being extensively cleaned or painted (or both). The upstairs windows facing the street were open and the lights were on in the rooms. It looked like the furniture was covered up. It looked to me like there were two rooms in the front of the house with a bathroom in between them. I then rode by the JW apartment. There is no doubt that he could have easily walked the area behind his apartment to the JG house at night and not be seen b/c there are a lot of trees, bushes, etc. The thing about the whole ride by that I did not anticipate at all was that I saw 2 houses between the JW apartment and the JG house that had children's play equipment in the yards. Something about there being children close by gave me the chills. Also, Daniels Middle School is literally about 1 block away. I know JW has no prior concerns relating to children, but still the fact that there were children so close by really, really bothered me and that was an aspect I had never thought of.
During my trip I also read both of the Amanda Lamb books that Just the Fax recommended. One is called "Deadly Dose" about the Ann Miller case and the other is "Evil Next Door" which is about the Stephanie Bennett case. They are both very interesting and they do reveal a bit about how the Raleigh Police Department operates, why and why not they do certain things or reveal certain information, etc. I highly recommend them both. The Stephanie Bennett case is beyond sad. It was just awful.
Burglary means he had intent to commit a felony...wonder if they found the murder weapon?
Maybe it was released, but the news station has edited it out for some reason. I compared it to the one I obtained recently, but they appear quite different in format.

Would you tell me how many pages yours is?

Strange that your autopsy report would have a different format. Was it also from the NC Chief Medical Examiner?
Wondering if the family had a private autopsy performed?
Would you tell me how many pages yours is?

Strange that your autopsy report would have a different format. Was it also from the NC Chief Medical Examiner?

When you request them they have 3 boxes. They offer the Investigation Report, Toxicology and the Autopsy REport.

The toxicology report was emailed and it was two pages. I really want to see KT's to determine if her meds had been taken.

One part is on a form entitled North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Chapel Hill, NC and is entitled
REPORT OF INVESTIGATION BY MEDICAL EXAMINER It is a form and the information is handwritten such as name, address, date of death, Probable Cause of Death, OGME Review, Medical History, Means of Death, Activity of Decedent, Description of Body, Diagrams of Body, and a narrative summary of the circumstances surrounding death. It is signed by the MD.

Then there is a separate typed report that gives the details of the autopsy. in the categories of Pathologic Diagnoses, Cause of Death, Contributing Causes, External Description, Evidence of Injury, Evidence of Medical Attention, Microbiology, Internal Exam, Microscopic Exam, and a Summary and Interpretation. It's about 9 pages total, excluding the Toxicology.

I still don't know what could be missing from the one the tv station posted.
minus cover sheet w/warning

autopsy was 9 (although numbered indicates 11)
investigation 4

toxicology 2 pages (might be the missing ones from autopsy)

15 total
For those interested in more autopsy detail, you can make an appointment with the ME in Chapel Hill to view all the color photos taken in the autopsy suite. Very unsettling for sure, but the graphic reality should answer questions about the wounds, possible weapon and clear up the questions as to the visual evidence of rape,
You know when I read those charges and look at that man, I think My God, how and why would you do this. There is nothing in that house that KT would not have given to a thief, if he were just to go along and leave them uninjured. Why such cruel and violent behavior, for really no financial gain?

I'm trying to recall some arguments on the defense. Isn't is true that Voluntary Intoxication is no defense to a crime. I'm trying to figure which way they are going to go. Assuming the DNA evidence can be used. Cut a deal and avoid the death penalty or argue that he was out of his mind drunk and did not intend to murder, but still I think they have him with the felony murder rule. So it's still first degree.

With his DNA on or in the victim's body, he will have a difficult time denying everything.

OH, I just remembered. I wonder if anyone noticed any scratch marks on his face or neck the day after the attack. If a family member or friend did notice it, it's going to be very hard to not be truthful with that testimony, especially if LE specifically ask you.
You know when I read those charges and look at that man, I think My God, how and why would you do this. There is nothing in that house that KT would not have given to a thief, if he were just to go along and leave them uninjured. Why such cruel and violent behavior, for really no financial gain?

I'm trying to recall some arguments on the defense. Isn't is true that Voluntary Intoxication is no defense to a crime. I'm trying to figure which way they are going to go. Assuming the DNA evidence can be used. Cut a deal and avoid the death penalty or argue that he was out of his mind drunk and did not intend to murder, but still I think they have him with the felony murder rule. So it's still first degree.

The killer was blitzed out of his mind on whatever was in those baggie corners. It will be a defense and illogical reason for the murder.
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