NC - Shaniya Davis 5, Antoniette Davis pleaded guilty to 2nd Degree murder!

Antoinette Davis took a plea bargain. Should of faced trial.
My heart is breaking all over again for precious Shaniya. This one hurt everyone so badly. She so deserved a good life, and certainly not with that poor excuse of a so-called mother. We all loved that little girl, didn't we? I remember the night we first knew she was missing and stayed on here all night worrying about her and praying she'd be found safe.

Now I just want to be sick all over again. I feel grief and unbelievable anger all over again. I will never forget little Shaniya and her precious little face.

I will be 80 years old when AD comes up for parole. Believe me, I will write numerous letters begging the Parole Board to please not let this monster out of prison.

(shout out to Oriah and Kimberly! My granddaughter and her little family are now at Ft. Bliss, Texas. GB you both.)

Hi LaLaw, I'm 81 rright now. Please place a vote for me at that time! This is digust at its highest. What about the baby she was pregnant with when arrested? I hope she never saw the little one! :tantrum:
Beautifully and heart-breakingly said, LaLaw -- I don't think I've ever seen you as emotionally spent on any other case such as you have been on this one. And yes, we all loved her.

And I, too, remember that first night -- I thought she had been picked up (kidnapped) by someone while waiting for her bus, and I guess in a way she had. I, along with so many of us, I'm sure, had a bad, bad feeling. Like it was yesterday. She was the prettiest little girl I have ever seen. She's a happy little girl now, I'm sure, so think of that, please. And you will not be the only one writing those letters, please know that, too. :grouphug:

And yes, a shout-out to our Oriah -- and love, to you, too!! :loveyou:

all of it but especially the BBM. :goodpost:
I'm coming in late to read about this. I'm crying all over again. I'm glad the judge was able to say a small part of what I'd like to say to her. I'm always amazed when someone like ad doesn't spontaneously explode for the sheer torture she put her own daughter through. I hope her own mind gives her pain & memories evry minute of everyday, sadly people like her seem to be able to skip over the hell they cause others. As evident of her continuing to breed even after she helped in the brutal murder of Shanyia.

200 $ !! that right there is just pathetic. She deserved to be put through a trial. She needed to be made uncomfortable listening to the replay of how she wronged Shaniya, it's the least she could do. Or the least she could do since we all feel more pain for her daughter than she did. I am mad a plea was offered. She surely would've gotten more time. There was no need, maybe those first days when she could've been more forth coming about where, who & why Shanyia was missing, maybe right then offer a deal but now?? It's money right? To save tax payers? I get it, just so disappointe.

Amanda I do remember this being one of the first cases you documented for us. Thank you, it's a lot of work keeping all that going. You did right by this gorgeous precious child. I bet you have more photos of Shanyia than ad ever had.
Well, they finally finished completing her official record at the NC Dept. of Public Safety -- it took about 2 months to get it out there in its complete form. Looks like she's gonna remain at NCCI in Raleigh, NC. And they have her in Administrative Segregation (wise move).

I'm sure there are a lot of women there who would give anything to be able to hug & kiss their own children, but who can only see them through plexiglass. Can you imagine how they will feel about this woman?? And what about her other child -- who is still alive? Where is that little guy who has seen way more than he'll ever be able to understand. Grrrr. News travels fast in prison -- they know she's there...
Well, they finally finished completing her official record at the NC Dept. of Public Safety -- it took about 2 months to get it out there in its complete form. Looks like she's gonna remain at NCCI in Raleigh, NC. And they have her in Administrative Segregation (wise move).

I'm sure there are a lot of women there who would give anything to be able to hug & kiss their own children, but who can only see them through plexiglass. Can you imagine how they will feel about this woman?? And what about her other child -- who is still alive? Where is that little guy who has seen way more than he'll ever be able to understand. Grrrr. News travels fast in prison -- they know she's there...

I think of Shaniya's brother often. Poor baby. I have no doubt he witnessed horrible things.
Then I think of the baby (who she was pregnant with when she sold her daughter for drugs).
I can only pray both are happy and healthy somewhere being loved and cherished.

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Notice !!

Shaniya Davis' mother pleads guilty in her death

The above is just a short blurb -- they will publish more as the get it. I'll follow up...

ETA: Here's a little more:

Sorry nothing changed for me.
When I see the name Lockhart I run to the bathroom to throw up.
But I am glad monster mom will be jailed for a very long time,
not long enough life would have been better.

Hi Imamaze does thiss mean an automatic parole in 17 years? Or is it eligible for parole in 17years. Hoping its the latter. Shes a dirty S $!($#@^%ch. IMO

"at least 17 years" I sure hope it is much more.
I'm glad he's doing something worthwhile, but I just wish that he had done more for Shaniya while she was alive. He KNEW what kind of life her "egg donor" was living and KNEW that the living conditions there were disgusting, yet still allowed that precious child to be left there in her "care." I know he regrets it now...just wish he had shown better judgement then. JMO
"DITTO" and I cant look the other way.
NEVER should have been allowed to plea deal!!! Should be spending the rest of her life in prison if not executed...Poor little Shaniya...After 17 years, this worthless scum will still be young enough to live a free life...Shaniya never will, and to think of her last hours on this earth are unbearable...Hope AD's prison mates give her a taste of what Shaniya went through!!

IMHO there was somthing very worng with this case from the very start.
some were protected with no reason, accept perhapes of whom they knew or worked for that gave them a card to slide.
IMHO there was somthing very worng with this case from the very start.
some were protected with no reason, accept perhapes of whom they knew or worked for that gave them a card to slide.

I'm lost. Who was protected because of who they work for? Card to slide?

I have never heard of this and I've followed the case very closely from day one.
Then why bring it up in a vague post?
If it can't be discussed, it can't be discussed.
The important thing is that Shainya is okay. She is at peace and beyond any earthly harm..

Although I appreciate the thought, I don't think this is well said at all. This sweet little girl was brutally assaulted and raped, in tremendous pain, and then killed. She never got to grow up and graduate from high school, and never got to be all she could be. Shaniya is not ok, she is dead, and she died a painful death. And her mother will be walking all too soon. And yes, it is important to me to say, that Shaniya is NOT okay.
Although I appreciate the thought, I don't think this is well said at all. This sweet little girl was brutally assaulted and raped, in tremendous pain, and then killed. She never got to grow up and graduate from high school, and never got to be all she could be. Shaniya is not ok, she is dead, and she died a painful death. And her mother will be walking all too soon. And yes, it is important to me to say, that Shaniya is NOT okay.

Some of us believe that Shaniya is in Heaven and Heaven is perfect. There is nothing but peace there. Shaniya IS now ok IMO.

Yes she died a horrific death and dealt with evil and hell on Earth. But she will never have to again.

I agree that It's horrible she died so young and will never live to see those milestones you speak of. But she is at perfect peace living at the side of her Heavenly Father IMO. And that is a huge comfort to those of us that are left here to grieve.

What happened to Shaniya is NOT okay, but I'd like to believe that Shaniya's okay.
Although I appreciate the thought, I don't think this is well said at all. This sweet little girl was brutally assaulted and raped, in tremendous pain, and then killed. She never got to grow up and graduate from high school, and never got to be all she could be. Shaniya is not ok, she is dead, and she died a painful death. And her mother will be walking all too soon. And yes, it is important to me to say, that Shaniya is NOT okay.

Sayed, some things go on hurting, but we grieve and pray and we too heal, and hope that it never happens again, and work toward punishing all who need to be punished and pray they get what they deserve.
Although in this case I do not feel they ALL got what they deserve, but I think Shaniya is looking down and feeling the love she may have not known while she was here.
Bless her little heart. :loveyou:
Hang out with the angel, you little angel, we love you.
Although I appreciate the thought, I don't think this is well said at all. This sweet little girl was brutally assaulted and raped, in tremendous pain, and then killed. She never got to grow up and graduate from high school, and never got to be all she could be. Shaniya is not ok, she is dead, and she died a painful death. And her mother will be walking all too soon. And yes, it is important to me to say, that Shaniya is NOT okay.

It's okay. I take no offense. I feel one way you feel another. They are both equally valid as they are subjective to the feeler.

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