GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #2

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Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 7m

Attorneys and judge (& me!) coming back at 2:00pm today to hash out some legal issues w/tomorrow's expected testimony. #JonathanRichardson.

Thank you gxm for all that you do for WS. It is appreciated more than I can say.:loveyou:
Is the court day over? Had to be away for awhile, I don't see any twitter updates here?
I asked Heather on Twitter two questions: (one from here)

@ashcat79 Yes, #JonathanRichardson's grandparents are both on the list of possible defense witnesses.

(Q- @HeatherMooreNow Has #JonathanRichardson grandpa (Wade) been attending trial? Why isn't he being mentioned as possibly hearing Teghan?)

@ashcat79 #JonathanRichardson's granddad,Wade,is sick;I think w/cancer.I don't think he's well enough 2Bhere.Don't know his condition in2010

Sorry for lack of better formatting posting from my iphone.
Yes. I have no idea why the defense would present this testimony unless they are trying to prove that there is a history of mental illness in JR's family…???

That's all I can figure, too, gxm -- and all I can say about that is: "So freakin' what? I don't give a dayam."

Depression is a bad sickness, yes, but children who inherit from, and live with the depression of, a depressed parent don't manifest it by torturing, maiming, terrorizing and mercilessly killing an innocent 4 year old child. WTF?? :banghead:

Will any of us be the same after this horrible, horrible trial?
I asked another question of Heather:

@HeatherMooreNow Has the sheriff commented on if Helen C. or Wade will be charged related to Teghan's death?

@ashcat79 No, but I assume since #JonathanRichardson's grandparents haven't been charged yet (nearly 4 yrs later), they likely won't.

Disappointing but what we had all thought as well. I (still) hope that with Grandma admitting what she heard and saw that she will get charged. It was interesting to see in the CPS report that said they talked to the grandparents within a day of Teghan being referred to them - too bad nothing incriminating enough :( came out of that

A few new tweets being posted now:

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 19m
@MooreIndia9000 Just b/c #JonathanRichardson def has 71 ppl on potential witness list,doesn't mean they call 'em all. DA had 127, called 31.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 19m
@MooreIndia9000 Also, #JonathanRichardson defense presented 4 witnesses this morning. Will call 5th-a psychiatrist-Thurs.

eather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 16m
@connieketchup Sorry. Around 2:30-5 or 6, we're all getting our stories in for the day. Attnys argued abt what psychiatrist can & can't say.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 14m
@connieketchup We found out under cross it was pet feces & urine that stained carpet throughout #JonathanRichardson's Mom's rented trailer.

(not trying to steal anyone's thunder just had it up and thought I'd share :) )
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 34s

Yes, #JonathanRichardson's grandparents are both on the list of possible defense witnesses.

Never happen. No way. Nyet.*

* I hope I'm wrong...
How is it that there are so many seemingly conscience-less monsters around these days? Is this a product of our materialistic consumption-oriented entitled society? Where does all of the brutality come from? Nothing JR experienced even remotely comes close to the wrath he spewed on little Teghan. Why all the sadistic behavior? The evil? I will never understand it. Or accept it.

Statement regarding Wake County Child Services investigation of this case.

Thanks for that amazing article, glee. SMH.

A whole lot was done by the right people. A whole lot of cooperation. A whole lot late.

IF ONLY, huh, folks??

But before a complaint, etc., is filed, CPS can't do one dayam thing. But the CPS personnel really got moving with, it sounds to me, a lot of good, hard casework. When the house is on fire, they bring the buckets. SMH again.

Oh, little Teghan. So many helpless and good people looking down at you and your broken little body in your little bed in the big hospital.

If that report doesn't enable LE to sock it to the g-parents and especially to HR, I don't know what would. The Rapture??? (I don't believe in it, but maybe they do...)

I asked another question of Heather:

@HeatherMooreNow Has the sheriff commented on if Helen C. or Wade will be charged related to Teghan's death?

@ashcat79 No, but I assume since #JonathanRichardson's grandparents haven't been charged yet (nearly 4 yrs later), they likely won't.

Disappointing but what we had all thought as well. I (still) hope that with Grandma admitting what she heard and saw that she will get charged. It was interesting to see in the CPS report that said they talked to the grandparents within a day of Teghan being referred to them - too bad nothing incriminating enough :( came out of that

A few new tweets being posted now:

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 19m
@MooreIndia9000 Just b/c #JonathanRichardson def has 71 ppl on potential witness list,doesn't mean they call 'em all. DA had 127, called 31.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 19m
@MooreIndia9000 Also, #JonathanRichardson defense presented 4 witnesses this morning. Will call 5th-a psychiatrist-Thurs.

eather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 16m
@connieketchup Sorry. Around 2:30-5 or 6, we're all getting our stories in for the day. Attnys argued abt what psychiatrist can & can't say.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 14m
@connieketchup We found out under cross it was pet feces & urine that stained carpet throughout #JonathanRichardson's Mom's rented trailer.

(not trying to steal anyone's thunder just had it up and thought I'd share :) )

Don't worry a bit about that, Ashcat -- we all try to get the info to each other -- and if there are duplicate tweets, or duplicate MSM articles, or whatever, I think we're happier to see it twice rather than not at all. (Yours is not a duplicate, btw.) That's why we all pitch in.

Thanks for the tweets!!

And like you, I want to see the g-ma at least have to explain why she didn't at least check on Teghan -- especially after she heard her whimper.

I think...

  • She was afraid of him and had to know, HR there or not, something didn't sound right

  • Maybe she thought HR & Teghan might be good for him -- to settle him down. Maybe he would get a better job and a real place to stay, and become a family man. And maybe get off their property.

  • If that is true, I can see why she had no thought about calling LE, EMS, or any authority -- the child might be taken away and JR might get into more trouble, and there she'd be -- with JR mad as he!!, and a (possibly) ailing husband.
Best news I've heard all day/night:

Melaine ‏@yours917 26m
@MooreIndia9000 @HeatherMooreNow @heathiebird03 I wish I was able to writes to certain inmates & tell them about crimes against children

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 15m
@yours917 @MooreIndia9000 @heathiebird03 I've heard the inmates know who #JonathanRichardson is,what he's accused of,& treat him accordingly

:loveyou: good to know he's maybe getting a taste of what he gave Teghan!

(Thanks Borndem :) I've been a long time lurker but didn't post really until this case so I feel stumped on the posting etiquette here).
I'm speechless, horrified, angry (really really angry), and sad beyond belief. Tears for Teghan. This is one time where the punishment will NEVER fit the crime!

I took a day away from reading about this trial because I wasn't in a good place emotionally yesterday and couldn't handle it.
After reading yesterday's testimony from the Pediatrician just now, I'm speechless.

I wanted to quote this post because it explains exactly how I feel.

I have such a rage within me I just don't know if I will burst into tears and weep for days or jump in my car, drive to NC and beat this monster to death. I'm not a violent person, but this trial has really affected me in ways I never knew were possible. What a sick, sadistic he is.
Been away for a day. Not feeling great.

Just want to thank all the updaters yet again :tyou:

And a special thank you to Landonsmom for the "purple ribbon" campaign she might try to get going.
Someone else on here (I am sorry I forgot the name!) was asking what they could do, and I thought they lived in the area? Maybe you could recruit him/her?
Been away for a day. Not feeling great.

Just want to thank all the updaters yet again :tyou:

And a special thank you to Landonsmom for the "purple ribbon" campaign she might try to get going.
Someone else on here (I am sorry I forgot the name!) was asking what they could do, and I thought they lived in the area? Maybe you could recruit him/her?

Yes I have talked to them :) Well I sent Steve Bizzell an email and dropped a copy off in his mailbox in case the email doesn't reach him.

Yes I can't wait to hang purple ribbons after the trial. Hopefully this will be a quick verdict. :please:

I have been researching about starting a walk/run in Teghan's name. With all proceeds going to help child abuse victims. I'm trying to recuit some sponsers right now. I guess I have to get permission from the town first? Anyone know?

Also does anyone remember the name of the Skiba's? I wanted to let them know about the purple ribbons and about thed possible walk/rum campaign.

RIP Sweet Teghan
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 58s

#JonathanRichardson's Mom & Grandma in court. #TeghanSkiba's paternal grandparents are back in court too.
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 3m

Psychiatrist says #JonathanRichardson "idolizes his father." Also said his father "spanked him a little too hard" as a child.
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 1m

#JonathanRichardson's Gma told psychiatrist his Mom,Sandy attemptd suicide by slittng wrists when younger,possbly indicative of mood disordr
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