NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #37

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I've said it all along and so I just want to say it again ;)

IMO Zahra has been dead for a long time. I don't think EB and/or AB killed her the day of the fire or 911 call. They had lived there for 6 weeks before Zahra went missing. None of the new neighbors ever saw her. That speaks lounder than words ... it screams something is/was wrong with this picture. Neighbors in previous neighborhoods saw her ... so why didn't these people in this new neighborhood ever see her??
I also feel LE is leaning in this direction. I don't believe for one second that BS saw Zahra on that Thursday.

Anyway that's all just my opinion.
lol, no I think we add 2 + 2 and figure out if there was a bill, and a ransom note was wrote on that company's envelope it was one in the same. I know I know, :banghead: we should not do that.......but darn, sometimes it just seems sooooooooo easy.:angel:
So, we theorize that the power bill listed on the search warrant as taken from one of the vehicles came from the power envelope the ransom note was written on?

Not necessarily. While it makes an attractive assumption, it can't be proven from current MSM sources, I don't think.
Here is my list of things that we know that Adam has done to aid in finding Zahra..Please feel free to add to it..

(1) called 911 9 hours after discovering a fire and ransom note to report that his brooding, pubescent daughter was missing..


I read alot and post a little. There's not much left that shocks me anymore. I think this is a great forum with alot of intelligent followers.

I do get disgusted when I see someone instigate quarrels and I'm not talking about bellyup. KWIM
Thank you for the reply. Is it confirmed that Zahra's mother had located them in NC?

Biomom talked about this on the HM. So yes, she said she had located them.
You might want to read her posts if you haven't already.
No. The news report said that a 911 was placed about a fire and responding officers found a mulch fire and gasoline poured in a vehicle. News report then went on to say that a second call came shortly thereafter from AB, reporting that someone had also poured gas in his car and that his daughter was missing. I'm questioning both the report that gas was poured in 2 vehicles (I was under the impression that it was just the Tahoe), and I'm questioning AB making any mention of gasoline poured in another vehicle during the 911 missing child report.

Those aren't the facts as I know them, but I certainly could have missed something. Afterall, I didn't even know the RN was written on electric bill envelope. :banghead:

I see. No, I haven't seen that either. My understanding was that the second call was about the missing daughter. I think AB did reiterate a lot of what had gone on earlier (the fire, the note, the gasoline), but that was because the dispatcher said she wasn't familiar with the events of the morning. But, again, my understanding was that the second call was to report Zahra missing.

My Friends,

Let's dial it back OK? This case is so emotional and we understand this but please remember, don't take the bait.

If you feel someone is baiting you hit the alert button.

Attack the post and not the poster.

Please remember this is why Websleuths is very different from all the other forums. We don't allow baiting or name calling. No matter how tempting I am begging you to back away from the computer (after you alert on the offending post if need be) and take a break.

Zahra's case is one of the most emotional cases we have had on Websleuths. All and all you are doing a great job of keeping your emotions from spilling over in a negative way and I want you to know how much I appreciate it.
lol, no I think we add 2 + 2 and figure out if there was a bill, and a ransom note was wrote on that company's envelope it was one in the same. I know I know, :banghead: we should not do that.......but darn, sometimes it just seems sooooooooo easy.:angel:
Very interesting. How many people have more than one electric bill floating around in their company work truck? Here's a thought - was that bill a FINAL NOTICE before disconnect?

Also, about the GJ indictment today - they indicted EB for "falsing reporting" Zahra missing. Ok, so why wasn't AB indicted for this as well? He made the 911 call and said his daughter is missing.
Thank you. I read a comment posted by someone on a newspaper blog that read "What kind of hillbillies are these people in Hickory?" Really, condemn a town of 90,000 because of two people?

I personally have the utmost adoration and respect for hillbillies....and rednecks. After all, I fit into these categories myself ;)

Heck, hillbillies and rednecks make fabulous sleuthers, ya'll!
Here is my list of things that we know that Adam has done to aid in finding Zahra..Please feel free to add to it..

(1) called 911 9 hours after discovering a fire and ransom note to report that his brooding, pubescent daughter was missing..



wasn't he at a bunch of the search sites...the brooding word, my mom said that about me all the time,, but it didn't have anything to do with me being a girl, it was just me being moody and cranky, everybody in my family says brooding...
Very interesting. How many people have more than one electric bill floating around in their company work truck? Here's a thought - was that bill a FINAL NOTICE before disconnect?

Also, about the GJ indictment today - they indicted EB for "falsing reporting" Zahra missing. Ok, so why wasn't AB indicted for this as well? He made the 911 call and said his daughter is missing.

LE had to bring generators in to search because the power was off, I wonder how long it was off?
I wonder if perhaps the police have told AB everything they know and what they are doing, and perhaps there is nothing he can do. They may have asked him to lay low, maybe they don't want the distraction of him running around crazy in the town. He could be grieving with his mother and family right now, we don't know. Someone had posted earlier about him not cooperating with LE, but I thought the article said they hadn't talked to him,, not that he wasn't cooperating, they just hadn't contacted him. It doesn't sound like he's hiding or anything...I really think that if he was involved they would have him still sitting in jail, they can find something to charge him with, but they haven't. I just don't think we have enough solid facts to say for sure he was involved, yeah alot of stuff bugs people,, the 911 call, but that doesn't mean he did anything, I'm trying to think of what else he has done that would mean he was guilty. yes, perhaps he worked to much and wasn't involved enough with her life, but thats pretty normal in these rough times...but it does not make a person guilty, I have no doubt that he loved his daughter and regrets alot of things...JMO way have they told Adam what they were doing..who/what they suspect. They wouldn't even tell him that if he had been cleared himself..which he has not..

If you mean did they tell him not to talk to media and the like..maybe, maybe not...I don't believe for a minute that LE won't allow him to speak at all...they possibly would prefer to know what he was going to say..what I meant in my post was that it would not matter to me even if they did, there is no way in h@ll that I could sit by and twiddle my thumbs while my child was way...jmo..
So, we theorize that the power bill listed on the search warrant as taken from one of the vehicles came from the power envelope the ransom note was written on?

No I was pointing out AB had the bill in his work truck having control of that bill. In case he wanted to pay it or had to pay it . Or bounce a check or something.

BTW my keyboard is sticking awful. so I miss letters ..
I've said it all along and so I just want to say it again ;)

IMO Zahra has been dead for a long time. I don't think EB and/or AB killed her the day of the fire or 911 call. They had lived there for 6 weeks before Zahra went missing. None of the new neighbors ever saw her. That speaks lounder than words ... it screams something is/was wrong with this picture. Neighbors in previous neighborhoods saw her ... so why didn't these people in this new neighborhood ever see her??
I also feel LE is leaning in this direction. I don't believe for one second that BS saw Zahra on that Thursday.

Anyway that's all just my opinion.

Actually, the apartment manager of the apartment they lived in (prior to the mobile home park), whose own apartment shared a wall with theirs, was quoted as saying that she never saw Zahra after the day they moved in, so assumed Zahra was a "grandchild or a visitor", rather than their daughter.
LE had to bring generators in to search because the power was off, I wonder how long it was off?

Don't know but I'm sure LE would want the power off before they started sawing walls and floors with power tools.

I'd also suspect they cut off gas and water too.
Hi all,

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been being mom, working and doing all the crazy things involved in life. I had looked at the threads a few times and finally got around to looking at the rest of the pics on photo bucket that I think SH took it could have Punknlove too but I am not really sure. I am so tired and sick(head cold) ughhh! I just wanted to let every one know without getting in trouble that I thought there was a persons shadow in one of the pics. It is pic #74 in the album Zahra's house 102710. I was just looking over them one more time and I noticed this. I found it a little odd there was no one else in the pic. It just says luminol glow? And there is the blue background but if you look deeper into it there appears to be the shadow of a person. I have looked at it changed it around and also changed the color. You can really see it sepia and grayscale. It looks like the thing is turned to the right side. I am not really sure what this is but if anyone believes in paranormal things happening I truly do. Feel free to look at it and tell me what you think. I am sorry if this gets me in trouble but I am still kinda new and have no idea where to post this. And plus it is really just what one sleep deprived person has seen. I am sure that it could be something else but it just looked awkward to me.

Please let me know what you think. I will put the link to the one that I seen and let you all decide. I am just wondering if anyone else sees it too. If so please let me know. I would love to hear your opinions. Thanks hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and weekend.

And this is just the pic I think....:waitasec: :angel:

wasn't he at a bunch of the search sites...the brooding word, my mom said that about me all the time,, but it didn't have anything to do with me being a girl, it was just me being moody and cranky, everybody in my family says brooding...

I don't know if he was at any search sites because he wanted to be..or if LE asked him to giving him the benefit of doubt that makes 2 things..As far as the 'brooding'..I have used that term as well..difference is, I wasn't using it and 'puberty' while I was reporting one of my children missing..just somehow wouldn't be at the top of my lists of issues at that moment..
Don't know but I'm sure LE would want the power off before they started sawing walls and floors with power tools.

I'd also suspect they cut off gas and water too.

I'm sure they would. But wasn't it off already? eh......never mind, I'm not gonna say that because then I'm going to have to go find a link, so....(((((hugs))))). lol.
No I was pointing out AB had the bill in his work truck having control of that bill. In case he wanted to pay it or had to pay ir . Or bouce a check or something.

No offense but to me it seems logical that EB wrote the note in the house grabbing the power bill/envelope from inside the house then took it to the truck for LE to find.
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