NE NE - Jessica O'Grady, 19, Omaha, 10 May 2006

Odder still - how did she get menstrual blood on the ceiling, that must have been some romp!.:waitasec:

Anybody but me find it odd that she'd texted her friend saying she got lost on the way to Dipwad's house? Like, maybe she'd never been there before? So how could she have left menstrual blood in a bed that she'd never slept in?

Wow I never looked at it like that. Good thought
Odder still - how did she get menstrual blood on the ceiling, that must have been some romp!.:waitasec:

Can't you tell by looking at him that he is a major stud...after all he had two girls pregnant at the same time...where is that puke icon!!! Metro/Region Section

No DNA was found on the shovel or the broken handle.

But Gabig, a trace evidence expert, said her look at the handle led her to believe it had been recently broken. She noted several fine fibers at the break ? fibers that would fall off with time.

And Gabig said experts tested the spots of soil on the shovel and determined it was alluvial soil, a sort of sandy dirt found in river- and creekbeds...

The mattress:

There was no denying the depth of the stain. At the deepest red parts, Kofoed said the blood had soaked through 1.75 inches of foam...
Beatrice Daily Sun

Asked if Edwards ever mentioned that O'Grady was pregnant, (Chris' girlfriend) Wilken said, "I don't remember if he said she told him she was or if he said it was possible she was."
What has happened so far today....

Trial Briefs: The latest from the Christopher Edwards trial

Mellissa Helligso, a forensic DNA analyst, told jurors Tuesday morning about the DNA testing she performed on evidence in Christopher Edwards' car and bedroom.

Blood spots on Edwards' headboard, ceiling and bedroom walls all matched Jessica O'Grady with relative certainty, she said.

In fact, there was only a 1 in 26.6 quintillion chance that blood spots on the headboard, the blade of Edwards' sword and the trunk of Edwards' car could belong to another white person other than O'Grady, Helligso said.

A "quintillion" is the number 10 followed by 18 zeroes.......
Thanks Megs and Jersey girl. Geez why did that reporter say the girlfriend was standing by her man? she wouldn't look at him or acknowledge him. I am praying that she isn't involved with him if that is even possible with him locked up. Nothing about the aunt and other relative helping cleaning. This is the first I had read about the soil on the shovel so that is why they were searching near water. Lord I wish they would find Jessica.
On the news it said that the girlfriend is still with that little creep and that they hope to get married. Dream on Edwards...what dreamland is he living in. They have a little girl that I believe is 9 months now. If that girl is planning on waiting for him she is going to have on heck of a long wait...aside from being down right stupid.
You're right, BA - it did say that she still hopes to marry him. I imagine that she didn't look at him because she was a witness for the prosecution and I imagine that she wasn't too happy about that.
I wish I was on this jury. Then I could sit there and silently cheer and laugh at the defense's meaningless, irrational, sleazy cross-examination, knowing that the murdering twit had no chance for a "not guilty" verdict. Has that defense lawyer ever heard the phrase "grasping at straws"? They're all the same, I can't stand them, then the audacity to drag the victim's name in the mud.

The system is stupid, the monsters shouldn't be given all the rights. It should be reversed. The defense should have the burden of proof and this whole "reasonable doubt" is simply ridiculous. No reasonable person would say, with all that evidence, (sorry Mr Lying Defense Lawyer DNA is most certainly reliable) that the guy didn't slaughter that young woman to pieces.

There was really no need for a trial in this one. I propose this Edwards killer should be turned over to the young woman's family. They can be free to do what they want with him. If they want no part of any of that, then go to his cell and shoot him in the head. Case closed.

ahhh but he'll probably be set free because of reasonable doubt. or maybe 1 year probation. after all DNA doesn't count, the crime scene was contaminated so nothing should be admissable, and there is a possibility the girl was on her period and somehow gallons and gallons of blood on the bed, ceiling, garage, swords, etc, etc, etc was from her period. I'm sure she made sure to get menstrual blood on the ceiling. She also ran into the garage with two towels and got more mentsrual blood on them, then hid the towels in a plastic bag. At the same time this Edwards monster decided to re-paint his room, he also didn't wanna clean up the "period" blood on his bed, he just flipped the matress over. The young woman was playing with the swords too....and she was naked! that's why her "period" blood got on the swords! Finally she made sure to jump in the trunk of the guy's car so she could get "period" blood in the trunk too. It's all clear now! And what a coinkydink, she has completely disappeared off the face of the Earth after all this! Thanks Mr Defense Lawyer you put on a good show! Maybe Edwards can kill your wife with his swords! And you can defend him too!
I really got a picture of what that defense attorney is really like when I read that he used to come to court with a ponytail, baseball hat, t-shirt and shorts :confused: Can you even begin to imagine!

I haven't read anything that he said during the trial that would cause me to have reasonable doubt as a juror. But I'll tell you one thing...that little creep smiling at the witnesses for the defense and winking at some of them didn't escape the jurors. What an arrogant little pric_. That is the only word I can think of right now for him.

I wonder if his girlfriend has been sitting in the courtroom since she testified? I would love to know that. If she has then she is getting an ear full with the phone calls. This guy was really playing those two girls. I'll bet he really thought he was something hot. Sickening little jerk.

That stepmom that testified was there and helped with the clean up in his bedroom. So did the aunt and one of her kids. How can they get on that stand and lie about what a great guy this creep is?

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