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Apr 10, 2024
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Hi I'm a newbie, curious about what you all do, how it all works. Online it states some people are actually paid for being websleuths is that true?
I'm curious by how you all work,how it starts.
I've always been one that's fascinated by Hauntings, horrors based on true events, supernatural events stated to be written about real life occurrences.
But there is never much to find online other than the same story typed by different writers.
So how do you solve cases with such limited info? And do some of you actually explore so called haunted houses where crimes occurred?
I've just done some reading about the McCullough family and how the horror film was filmed at the actual home of the writer who wrote about what his family actually experienced in the house. That alone fascinates me. Why stay in the house, why not just leave and start over. The horror movie is probably great but it's a fictional version of the events.

That's an example of my mind and what I think about I guess. I have no idea if I even know how to be a sleuth I could be Totally terrible at it. But life has just thrown a horrible curveball at me so I'll see what happens.
Hi Curiousrose92,
Welcome to Websleuths.
Our members choose which true crime cases we discuss. You will find the members here amazing. I encourage you to read in all our different forums and then choose an interesting discussion.
No one gets paid to post here.
We have over 200,000 members from all over the world. I have found that our members come to Websleuths because they are interested in true crime and want to help.
We do not solve crimes. We do, however, think outside the box. I know law enforcement and mainstream media read at Websleuths regularly. Hopefully, law enforcement will get some ideas to help them with their investigations. We will never know, but since they do read here, I can assume we help them in some way.
We do not have a category for horror movies, as you mentioned. That is not something we offer at Websleuths.
I suggest you take a look at our Missing but not Forgotten forum.
Pick a case that is older and has only a few posts. Then, do a Google search on the case. If you find any new information on the case, post it. Remember if you post something as a fact you need to post the mainstream media outlet where you found the information.
You can also make a post of encouragement to the family on a case with a few posts. It will help them to know someone cares about their loved one.
Finally, please read our rules.
The main ones to remember are;
*Don't be a jerk when you post
*Anything you post as fact needs a mainstream media link or law enforcement link to back up what you are saying
Thank you for joining Curiousrose92.
Tricia Griffith
Good afternoon. As a retired PI, there is always the one case left unsolved. This case includes a young man who was murdered in front of others. Due to threat of injury, witnesses are not talking. Another investigator worked on this case at behest of victims mother.

There is a significant report of the case that I would like to provide.
Law enforcement has turned a blind eye, not sure why tho. Zero help from LE. A young man’s murder has been left unsolved.

This case is very disturbing to some not only due to murder but also sexual abuse. The abuse is the root of the case.

It’s thought the abuser killed young man due to about to blow the whistle. Some of witnesses had also been abused by subject. Therefore, threat of additional injury was already validated.

The subject,victim and witnesses are/were in high school.

It also appears there is a coordinated effort to disappear the case.

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