GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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Ashley426 transcribed the press conference:

We continue to ask the public for information. It seems recently we have gotten some more information and tips that should have come in days within the investigation start. Certainly it is our hope that Abby will be coming home soon. We're asking Abby to reach out to her mother, her sister, or any law enforcement agency, in the manner she reached out previously. We're releasing some photos of a necklace and a pocketbook that may be in Abby's possession. Reach out to us if you know anyone who has recently move anywhere with these things (paraphrased)

Letter written on 10/22, postmarked on 10/23, received 11/06. Written by Abby to her mother. We have had it in custody since 11/06. LE had to take every possible step to verify it's authenticity. We believe it was written by Abby and sent to her mother. One of the most tangible leads, wanted to take every step needed to find Abby. We have not been successful, but we are not giving up. Why would you spend all these resources on a runaway? If this were your child, as it is Zenya's, what would you want? We have been able to confirm she has no source of income. Other than that letter, there has been no source of contact. She is not out there alone. We are going to continue the search for Abby, as Zenya has asked us to do. If she hears this, if she's able to see this, please contact. If someone has Abby, we implore you to make that contact. If it's a citizen that has her, it is not a good thing, please reunite with her family. We will continue this investigation as long as we need to. We are not going to release the letter. We have thought long and hard, we are concerned that letter may generate letters from someone other than Abby that might lead us where we do not want to go.

Kieran Ramsey, FBI: Volunteers, LE, community have done everything possible to help us bring this 15 year old girl home. Is this a runaway, missing persons case? Our initial indications when Abby went missing were certainly consistent with an abduction. Either willingly, coerced..she is a 15 year old girl with no independent financial means. One in eight runaways can be forced into sexual situations after the abduction occurs. As the investigation proceeded, it showed us her public life, her private life, who Abby is, who her family is.When we received this letter, it was unprecedented. We have not seen this in previous investigation and it gave us hope. Is Abby safe? It continues to be our biggest concern. Although she may have left willingly, someone may have coerced her. We are mindful of incidents around the country where we have had miraculous reunions with their families. We continue to hope that with all the effort of LE, the community, the media who continue to put the story out there..thank you.

Where is it postmarked from? Not disclosing to not jeopardize.
Reaching out for help? Demands? Describing the tone that is one that Abby would have used.
How long was the letter? Pleading for help or saying I'm okay, don't worry about me? She's 15, we're worried about her. It's our job as LE. Her mother is worried. Not releasing any contents of the letter as it is a critical piece of evidence. Do not contact Zenya and ask these questions, direct them to LE. She has received a lot of calls, and while we appreciate it, it could be an impediment in the investigation.
Has the letter changed the direction of the investigation? The letter was a piece of evidence. We sent it out for expert analysis. It gave us the focus we were looking for and have been asking for. As much as you can keep this story out there, we will take information and follow through.
Dedicating resources to the geographic locations to where it was written..doesn't that hinder investigation so people might be aware she was there? That's why we released the letter. We're hoping it will receive national attention. Look there someone you haven't seen there before? Elizabeth Smart was seen in a library, we need your help and the public's help..we have thought about what we released. (missed part of it--buffering) When we get those calls, these gentlemen follow up.
One in eight young women may be victims of sexual exploitation, is this a problem in New England or is there any indications of that? I wouldn't say it's in NE, but all over the child is too many. One in eight is a disturbing fact. Abby is certainly at risk, no financial means. Doesn't plague us necessarily, but it is a problem all over the country.
Has Abby run away before? This is not a characteristic she has shown before.
Since the wrote a letter, does this mean she might be alright? It does not give us a lot of comfort. It didn't come to LE for a number of days. I'd like to say it does, but it doesn't.
Why was it postdated and received so much later? Why 13 days? I'm not going to answer that.
Different date for written, postmarked, and received?
Do you believe she's still in NH? This investigation is wide open.
Are these items definitely what she had when she went missing? The necklace was something she wore regularly and the purse was something she might have had when she went missing.
Necklace any sentimental value? Certainly, not sure if it's her birthstone..verified she had that type of necklace.
Runaway? Abduction? Still classifying as missing persons, we have grave concerns for her safety. She was not last seen in winter clothes, she needs food, shelter, clothing.
Thank you for keeping this story alive, this is what her mother and sister need.

I did the best I could transcribing! Hope Abby is found soon...
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NH NH - Abigail Hernandez, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #8

Thank you so much geevee for reposting & Ashley426 for transcribing! I highlighted in red what I believe are key points, but I don't have a firm theory at all.

One thing I do wonder is if LE believe whether she for example is being held locally by one person or being trafficked, by putting that info. out there would put Abby in more danger, possibly causing her to come a liability, so I can understand if they are being extremely careful in that regard. This case has had access to the best of the best in terms of LE assistance from the beginning for whatever reason & I believe that is still the case although it is frustrating.
IMO LE is stressing that she is in danger to keep interest level while at the same time having to admit she wrote to her mom. Many people would completely lose interest in "another runaway" if LE does not make a big deal about her possibly being in danger. Of course, any young runaway is always in danger. Yet LE seldom "cares" much. Seems like they may be busy justifying their intial reaction compared to other cases. Again, just a feeling on my part. I think she is probably with someone she knows on some level and does not want to come home, at least not yet. And of course, the situation is dangerous, as whoever is with her is going to be charged with harboring, at the very least. Anyway, I am just not feeling overly confident in LE right now.
Thank you so much geevee for reposting & Ashley426 for transcribing! I highlighted in red what I believe are key points, but I don't have a firm theory at all.

One thing I do wonder is if LE believe whether she for example is being held locally by one person or being trafficked, by putting that info. out there would put Abby in more danger, possibly causing her to come a liability, so I can understand if they are being extremely careful in that regard. This case has had access to the best of the best in terms of LE assistance from the beginning for whatever reason & I believe that is still the case although it is frustrating.

You're welcome Dee (and big thanks to Ashley426 for the transcription!), I too agree they were being very cautious with what was said for fear of putting Abby at possibly more risk than she is in now.

I also agree with something someone mentioned upthread, LE seems to think she has internet access, and I hope she does. If for whatever reason she cannot get away from whomever she's with, at least she might have some comfort knowing how much everyone cares about her and wants her home safe.

Abby - if you can't get home, please keep trying to let your parents know you're okay.
Just did a quick search regarding writing letters to parents and missing children. I did find one thing that made me totally sick, a young girl who had a friend in her high school that kept her captive in his house for three days while he sold her to people for sexual purposes. We've never even thought of an upperclassman who might have been able to coerce her into meeting him. I also heard wind years ago of a girl in the school I was working in attempting to recruit girls to meet men she had connected with out of state. I never thought of that as "sex trafficking" but I'm understanding that it's not just international sex trade.
Exactly. It's a commonly held notion that "sex-trafficking" implies some wide-spread network of high level criminals. But that's not the case at all.
In the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, sex trafficking is defined as: “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” Also defined in the TVPA, the legal definition of “severe forms of trafficking in persons” is:

-- sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age; or

-- the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

Trafficking victims can be men or women, adults or children, rich or poor, and U.S. citizens or foreign-born.

Domestic sex trafficking involves U.S. citizens who are forced to perform commercial sex acts entirely within the borders of the United States
Trafficking of minors for the purpose of commercial sex acts is a form of modern-day slavery. Child sex trafficking occurs when a person under the age of 18 is induced to engage in commercial sex. Unlike other forms of trafficking, there is no need to show that a minor has been forced, coerced or defrauded into engaging in commercial sex. If a minor has been induced to perform commercial sex in any way, that minor is a victim of human trafficking.
Traffickers and Buyers
Victims of sex trafficking are exploited by pimps/traffickers who may operate alone or as part of a criminal network. In the United States, traffickers range from teenage boys, young men, and men and women who work for older male pimps to organized criminal syndicates operating both within and across state and national lines.

Pimps/traffickers profit by receiving cash or other benefits in exchange for the sexual use of an individual by another person. It is more profitable for a trafficker to prostitute a child than to commit other crimes such as dealing in drugs. For one, the commodity (child) is reusable. In addition, technological innovation has allowed traffickers to reach a wider client base and connect more quickly with buyers.
Has anyone discussed the possibility of her joining some kind of group/activists/sanctuary? Would they accept a 15 year old and take her in?
From the transcript, "Our initial indications when Abby went missing were certainly consistent with an abduction." LE never once expressed this in the media that I am aware of mention the word "abduction", only stating Abby was "missing". I wonder what was "certainly consistent"? Teens run away all the time, but abductions are rare. What was so different here & right from the beginning that multiple LE agencies were brought in immediately, including the secret service???
It suddenly hit me, I don't think the press conferences are for the public, I think they're for Abby. The letter was received and they feel they authenticated it. At first I thought the press conference was for damage control, info was leaked they needed to address it. Now, with everything we've been talking about, I'm wondering if the press conference was to let Abby know they got her letter and to respond to it. To let her know her Mom read it. They don't release any info in these press conferences, so why have them? They could have issued a press release in two sentences the night we got word there was contact. I think they gave a time so they would increase the odds that Abby would have the opportunity to see the press conference. I think they're communicating with her in the only way they can. I think something in that letter gave them cause to believe she is able to see the press conferences.
It suddenly hit me, I don't think the press conferences are for the public, I think they're for Abby. The letter was received and they feel they authenticated it. At first I thought the press conference was for damage control, info was leaked they needed to address it. Now, with everything we've been talking about, I'm wondering if the press conference was to let Abby know they got her letter and to respond to it. To let her know her Mom read it. They don't release any info in these press conferences, so why have them? They could have issued a press release in two sentences the night we got word there was contact. I think they gave a time so they would increase the odds that Abby would have the opportunity to see the press conference. I think they're communicating with her in the only way they can. I think something in that letter gave them cause to believe she is able to see the press conferences.

Yes Mom24, I think you're likely quite right.
Many of you think this is a case of some lone wolf in the NH woods, a perv, has Abby. If this is the case, maybe she can outwit him and free herself. I hope so.

If that's the case, however, why does LE want NATIONAL media attention for the case?

I think the letter was postmarked from another state, possibly a good distance from NH, lending credibility to the sex trafficking theory.

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I have not followed this case closely but am familiar with AH through WS. Tonight the story was aired here on CBS/San Diego for the first time with the information regarding the letter sent. Hoping LE are broadcasting to areas they believe she is may be in. Prayers for Abigal....

Many of you think this is a case of some lone wolf in the NH woods, a perv, has Abby. If this is the case, maybe she can outwit him and free herself. I hope so.

If that's the case, however, why does LE want NATIONAL media attention for the case?

I think the letter was postmarked from another state, possibly a good distance from NH, lending credibility to the sex trafficking theory.

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In my opinion, and I go back to my earlier thoughts on this, he is someone who also works the Fryeburg fair and after he broke it down he picked her up on his way out of town. So by now he could be anywhere.

I think the whole missing/abduction scenario was planned to look that way knowing LE would stay local while he and Abby skipped the state.
As I said before, it makes no difference where the postmark was because who in their right mind mails a letter locally if they don't want to be found.

Again, speculation and my opinion only.
It suddenly hit me, I don't think the press conferences are for the public, I think they're for Abby. The letter was received and they feel they authenticated it. At first I thought the press conference was for damage control, info was leaked they needed to address it. Now, with everything we've been talking about, I'm wondering if the press conference was to let Abby know they got her letter and to respond to it. To let her know her Mom read it. They don't release any info in these press conferences, so why have them? They could have issued a press release in two sentences the night we got word there was contact. I think they gave a time so they would increase the odds that Abby would have the opportunity to see the press conference. I think they're communicating with her in the only way they can. I think something in that letter gave them cause to believe she is able to see the press conferences.

Same with the one before Thanksgiving - it was all about ZH reading her letter to Abby while the Police Chief left his letter to The Conway Sun in Email the night before. He could have said those things at the PC. His cryptic letter which aluded to a major shift in the case now makes sense as that was 2 weeks ago when they "developed" this information ie: authenticated the letter. Yet no info was given at the PC.
Mmm...The mention of grocery stores and churches....and then the mention of Elizabeth Smart....
Could she be with some type of religious zealot? Was Abby's family faithful in going to church? Are they Catholic?
Could LE believe that someone came into her life posing as a religious person, someone she could trust...and then she realized too late that she couldn't really trust this individual? I don't know but that's what strikes me.
Also, one more thought.....the mother's mentions of "making your dreams come true" came across as an intentional statement by mom. What kind of dreams did Abby have? What was she interested in...what was she hoping to do or become?
IMO LE is stressing that she is in danger to keep interest level while at the same time having to admit she wrote to her mom. Many people would completely lose interest in "another runaway" if LE does not make a big deal about her possibly being in danger. Of course, any young runaway is always in danger. Yet LE seldom "cares" much. Seems like they may be busy justifying their intial reaction compared to other cases. Again, just a feeling on my part. I think she is probably with someone she knows on some level and does not want to come home, at least not yet. And of course, the situation is dangerous, as whoever is with her is going to be charged with harboring, at the very least. Anyway, I am just not feeling overly confident in LE right now.

Finally a soul mate. I believe LE really messed up and to be fair I think they were not told the whole truth from day one and now everybody looks bad.

They are in 'recovery mode' and plenty angry about it.

What really surprised me at the news conference was that Zenya nor Sarah spoke. I would think a few kind words pleading for her daughter/sister from the mother or sister would go a long way but they were silenced...why?
In my opinion, and I go back to my earlier thoughts on this, he is someone who also works the Fryeburg fair and after he broke it down he picked her up on his way out of town. So by now he could be anywhere.

I think the whole missing/abduction scenario was planned to look that way knowing LE would stay local while he and Abby skipped the state.
As I said before, it makes no difference where the postmark was because who in their right mind mails a letter locally if they don't want to be found.

Again, speculation and my opinion only.

That's an interesting thought. She was up there at the fair on the weekend and perhaps other days as well???

Would be an uneducated carny type guy with a buck or two for hots and cots would not care who she called and could mail letters on their way in and out of town. I wonder where the carnival moved to after breaking down at Fryeburg and if the letter was postmarked from there???

Surely if she met somebody there she would have told her friends because girls do that...they do.

She would surely be in danger with him because he could toss her out any time any place.

Abby needs to get her butt home and whomever is helping her needs to get her home safely. Enough.

JY said, "We are going to continue to search for Abby, as Zenya has asked us to do."

Sounds like they gave her an option, no?

That's confusing!

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That's an interesting thought. She was up there at the fair on the weekend and perhaps other days as well???

Would be an uneducated carny type guy with a buck or two for hots and cots would not care who she called and could mail letters on their way in and out of town. I wonder where the carnival moved to after breaking down at Fryeburg and if the letter was postmarked from there???

Surely if she met somebody there she would have told her friends because girls do that...they do.

She would surely be in danger with him because he could toss her out any time any place.

Abby needs to get her butt home and whomever is helping her needs to get her home safely. Enough.


A carny rat? Lol!

I can't see Abby dropping her standards that low, especially if she was following her dreams. What 14yo dreams of that kind of life?

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I wonder how they've been able to confirm that she has no source of income? Surely there are (non sketchy!) ways to do so under the radar, like babysitting or, say, house cleaning.. I would assume Abby, in this voluntary getaway situation, would be too smart to bring in whatever ID she had on her to get photocopied at a paycheck-dispersing employer's.

If it were sex trafficking, she wouldn't be seeing any of that money anyway. If she's helping somebody sell drugs/stolen goods, it could be a different story. Rather confused by this confirmation.
Is there a possibility that Abby ran away voluntarily...and is going to "pretend" that she was held against her will in hopes of getting a book or movie deal? Not just Abby, but whoever else is helping her, whether they are friends or family. There's been two big news stories this year after abducted victims coming home alive; Cleveland Trio and Hannah Anderson.
If Abby is out there trying to earn money… an easy way would be similar to the job she already had at home in N. Conway. Cleaning homes. She could (hypothetically… I don't necessarily think this is true) be cleaning people's homes and being paid in cash. She could be hooked up with these people via Craig's List or the like.

I think it is unlikely that Abby is out there earning money, but it isn't altogether impossible for someone to earn money without ID and without being involved in criminal activity.
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