GUILTY NH - Harmony Montgomery, 7, Manchester, missing after placed in Father's Custody in 2019, reported 2021, *1 Guilty perjury, 1 guilty weapons* #3

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FEB 7, 2024

Legal analyst Patrica LaFrance said the decision could mean that Adam Montgomery might try to blame someone else for his daughter's death. She said the likely choice for that would be Kayla Montgomery, who is a star witness for the prosecution.

"I would guess that he will point the finger at Kayla Montgomery and say she was the one who did it and just basically use the logistics of he is alleged to have hit her while driving, right? So how could he do that?" LaFrance said.

She said such a strategy could require Montgomery to testify himself because his attorneys' opening statement isn't evidence.

"I would anticipate he would have to testify that it was Kayla who struck her, and she was distraught, and he had to handle the body," LaFrance said.

This is the intersection where prosecutors say Adam Montgomery’s car broke down and he first realized his daughter, Harmony, who was in the car, had died. Jurors visited the scene today. (The judge prohibited media from photographing jurors.)

Judge Messer reminding the jury today that #AdamMontgomery has the right to not be present in court but Openings start tomorrow at 9am and his acknowledgment of guilt on 2 charges will move forward with the trial #HarmonyMontgomery #wmur
"I would guess that he will point the finger at Kayla Montgomery and say she was the one who did it and just basically use the logistics of he is alleged to have hit her while driving, right? So how could he do that?" LaFrance said.

There have been other cases of men driving cars while also periodically turning around and beating children in the back, so if he wants to claim that couldn't have happened, I hope the jury sees right through it.

8:04 a.m.​

Court officials tell News 9's Ray Brewer that Adam Montgomery is not expected to be in court for his trial today.

COWARD! That is my comment, tee hee!
So.... the right to be judged by a jury of one's peers...

How does he not have the duty to appear before them?

And by duty, I mean by whatever means possible. Straight jacket and Lecter gurney if need be.

Moreover, if the jury needs to be there every day, so should he.

Unjust protection.

FEB 8, 2024
Opening Statements, PART 1
Bob Ward Boston 25 on X

I’m in court for opens in Adam Montgomery trial. I was told he again has refused to come to court. Yesterday he indicated he wants to plead guilty to two charges in his murder trial.
@boston25 #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery

Adam Montgomery trial is ready to resume without him. Opens today. Likely first witness too. Also heard that Adam's wife, Kayla, also refused to come to court today.

NH Prosecutor "He is only person in the world knows where she is. And he is hoping she’d never be found. The one and only person who murdered Harmony, butchered her body and disposed of her like yeterday’s trash." #adammontgomery #harmonymontgomery

NH: "For 2 years he got away with butchering a five year old girl.He believed if there was no body, there could be no evidence, he would get away with it."
@boston25 #HarmonyMontgomery #adammontgomery

NH : In the months that followed, he beat and terrorized the only witness. Kayla, his wife was his loose end. He conditioned her thru force and threats. Kayla was in a nightmare with no end as he carried Harmony's body for 2 months."
@adammontgomery#HarmonyMontgomery @boston25

NH Prosecutor as Harmony's picture is displayed:"Her name is Harmony Montgomery.Born to defendant and mother Crystal Sorey June 7, 2014She was a daughter and sister, Minnie mouse fan. Fun loving girl loved being a big sister." @boston25
#HarmonyMontgomery #AdamMontgomery
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FEB 8, 2024
Opening Statements, PART 2
Bob Ward Boston 25 on X

NH Prosecutor: " In last 10 days of Harmony's life, "She is scared, skinny, constantly exhausted and she is bruised. At this point, she is not able to control her bladder or bowel movements."
@boston25 #harmonymontgomery #AdamMontgomery

NH Prosecutor "The defendant you saw two days ago, would hit her. He was a large man. She was tiny. He would strike her with a fist over something she had no control over."
@boston25news #HarmonyMontgomery

NH Prosecutor "He looked back at Harmony and said, “Really Harmony again?” And he reached over and punched her. Blow after blow after blow and he didn’t stop."
@boston25 #harmonymontgomery #adammontgomery

NH Prosecutor After attack "He did drugs for 20-25 minutes. Showed no concern for the child dying just feet away from him. Kayla was terrified to see what he had done. She could hear the moaning. Sounds that eventually stopped." @boston25
#adammontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery

The info in NH's open is very graphic and tough to hear. Trying my best to be careful here.
@boston25 #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery
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Ahhh, I see they're trying to make Kayla a victim too, somehow.

Not to be "that guy" or "that gal" but sorry not sorry, Kayla doesn't get to have a pass because Adam beat her. I'm sure she's gotten some kind of a plea deal but she is not without her own guilt.
FEB 8, 2024
Opening Statements, PART 3
Bob Ward Boston 25 on X

NH prosecutor is describing how #AdamMontgomery placed #HarmonyMontgomery's body in ceiling of shelter, and how Adam slept beneath it. Details are brutal. @boston25

NH Prosecutor : "Fl lab confirmed blood found in ceiling was Harmony. It was his mistake. And surrounding the blood, the defendant's fingerprints."@boston25

NH Prosecutor is describing how Adam Montgomery placed Harmony’s body in restaurant freezer and Union St apartment. Jurors are paying close attention. One juror has hand to his face . @boston25 #adammontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery

NH Prosecutor said, six days after Montgomery moved to Union St, he bought saws, and lime at Home Depot, and put in work order to unclog his bathroom drain, where he allegedly dismembered body @boston25 #HarmonyMontgomery #AdamMontgomery

NH Prosecutor: March 3, 2020, in middle of night. "The defendant headed south. When he left, he wouldn’t tell Kayla where he dumped Harmony. Didn’t want her to have info. He was in control." @boston25 #adammontgomery #harmonymontgomery
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FEB 8, 2024
Opening Statements, PART 4
Bob Ward Boston 25 on X

NH prosecutor: Kayla was Adam's loose end. "He beat her, conditioned her. She lied and went to jail for him. But she is helping us. She is still living this. The reason there is one witness, is because he killed the other."@boston25 #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery

NH Prosecutor: "You will hear who had motive for killing Harmony and getting rid of her." He told a friend, "Harmony was evil. She was a constant reminded of her mother, Crystal, who he hated. He hated Harmony to his core." @boston25 #HarmonyMontgomery #AdamMontgomery

NH Prosecutor: "The defendant committed multiple violent crimes against a small helpless child.He murdered because of his rage. He destroyed Harmony so he would never be caught. And he beat Kayla for control." @boston25 #HarmonyMontgomery #AdamMontgomery
FEB 8, 2024
Opening Statements, PART 5
Bob Ward Boston 25 on X

Defense: "Adam Montgomery did not kill harmony. He did not beat her in the headAdam Mongromery did not cause Harmony’s death.Kayla is the last person who saw her alive.She didn’t come clean with Adam or police, she will not come clean with you. She is still lying."

Defense: "Adam set himself up for Kayla's betrayal. For her to accuse him of something he did not do." @boston25 #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery

Defense Atty: "Only Kayla knows the truth, and only she benefits from all the lies that she told." @boston25 #HarmonyMontgomery #AdamMontgomery

Defense: Is telling jury that Harmony did not die from a beating in the car, but hours earlier, in parking lot of Colonial Village apartments. And that they both conspired to hide the body. #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery @boston25

Defense: When asked, both Adam and Kayla told police Harmony was with Mom in MA #AdamMontgomery #HarmonyMontgomery @boston25

(I'm off to work, have a good day everyone!)
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