NM - Dillen Maurer, cycle framemaker, foot amputation: accident or deliberate?


Verified Outdoor Recreation Specialist
Jun 9, 2013
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Here are the nuts and bolts (metaphorically speaking):

A prominent figure in America’s outdoor and cycling scene has lost a foot in circumstances that remain mysterious, as local police say he cut his foot off with a chainsaw, while he and his spouse maintain the amputation happened during a hit-and-run accident.

We seem to be hearing an awful lot from the cycling community recently.....
More coverage:

Non-SM background on Dillen Maurer:

I want to be clear: although the Guardian wording implies the amputation could be deliberate, I believe "deliberate" is completely off the table. Both the ATV version AND the chainsaw version would be accidental.
Was there anything at that 600ft mark that needed chainsaw work?

Familiar with the terrain around Taos, one of the articles describes solar energy powering this bike shop, do they use wood for heating?

Was there any reason for anyone to have a chainsaw in that area?

I've had, um, unpleasant & unsportsmanlike experiences with ATV & dirtbike riders on foot & horseback not too far from here.

Weird situation, no matter what.

jmho ymmv lrr

@pillywiggin @Cracka*Jaxx
This is bizarre. I must not understand the definition of a "clean cut". I wouldn't think a chainsaw could make anything that could be described as a clean cut. When I think of "clean cut," I think of something a sharp knife would make. Does the sheriff's dept. suspect a legitimate accident with the chainsaw, something he did accidentally while under the influence, or an intentional act for whatever reason? I would like to know the reasoning of the investigators.
Here's the Taos County Sheriff press release. https://www.kob.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Taos-County-Sheriff-Press-Release.pdf

There's also some backstory for Dillen here in podcast: We Got To Hang Out: Episode 57 // Dillen Maurer of Breadwinner + Sugar Wheel Works

Basically he claims he had a massive stroke but couldn't speak, then eventually learns to speak through singing Irish folksongs... now only speaks in Irish accent.

There's a lot of conflicting info regarding the tourniquet (who applied it, sheriff or Dillen, or that Dillen fixed it) as well as the state of the chainsaw (missing for a month, chain on, chain off) between socials and . Lots of things simply don't reconcile.
Here's the Taos County Sheriff press release. https://www.kob.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Taos-County-Sheriff-Press-Release.pdf

There's also some backstory for Dillen here in podcast: We Got To Hang Out: Episode 57 // Dillen Maurer of Breadwinner + Sugar Wheel Works

Basically he claims he had a massive stroke but couldn't speak, then eventually learns to speak through singing Irish folksongs... now only speaks in Irish accent.

There's a lot of conflicting info regarding the tourniquet (who applied it, sheriff or Dillen, or that Dillen fixed it) as well as the state of the chainsaw (missing for a month, chain on, chain off) between socials and . Lots of things simply don't reconcile.
A massive stroke that left him unable to speak yet able to cycle to the hospital. Yup.
This is bizarre. I must not understand the definition of a "clean cut". I wouldn't think a chainsaw could make anything that could be described as a clean cut. When I think of "clean cut," I think of something a sharp knife would make. Does the sheriff's dept. suspect a legitimate accident with the chainsaw, something he did accidentally while under the influence, or an intentional act for whatever reason? I would like to know the reasoning of the investigators.
When I first read it, I took "self-inflicted" to mean "deliberately self-inflicted". That's why I posted the case. I don't get it at all.

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