GUILTY NM - Jesus Acosta-Contreras, Roberta Marquez-Chavez, child abuse, Albuquerque, 2011

Thank god for the neighbors that called LE ! Those poor babies, they would have probably been dead within the next month if it wasn't for those wonderful women, god bless them ! Mom's claiming she was to afraid to get the girls treatment :furious: she is also only 19 years old with a three and 5 year old.

And of course the sicko who did his is still at large, you don't know what I wouldn't give for 5 mins in a locked room with that *advertiser censored**h**e.

Police Say Children Suffered Horrible Abuse
Young Children Forced To Live In Bathtub


According to police, the two little girls were taken to the hospital, where officials said they are being treated for black eyes, broken ribs, a fractured skull, burns, cuts and chunks of hair pulled out their heads.

The girl's mother, 19-year-old Roberta Marquez-Chavez, told police she didn't report her boyfriend, because she's afraid of him

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A) She's only 19???? She looks way over thirty. I know having kids ages you, but I have five and don't look as old as she does. And I'm 26. That tells me drugs are very likely a large factor here.

B) Broken arms, broken ribs, a knife wound, missing hair, a fractured skull, burns, rope marks, malnutrition, and severe bruising. There is likely no medical explanation for why they weren't dead, especially when you consider that this has apparently all occurred in 6 months.

If I hear one single word fro authorities about reunification of this "family", I am going to throw up.
I hope and pray this does not end up being yet another case of a mother who put her kids in harm's way and did nothing to protect them from abuse is excused.
With a 5 year old, she was pregnant at 13 or 14. She couldn't have grown up in good circumstances. Too bad it sounds like she was giving her kids the same screwed up life she experienced herself.
I am sure mom has had a hard life and knows not even the basics about being a mother. But FGS why not contact the state social services office and have the kids put in foster care, or put up for adoption? It is not that difficult to realize when you are not fit to be a mom, whether it be due to immaturity or just plain not caring or whatever. I am sick and tired of kids being abused and even killed because the parent has problems. There are lots of people who would love to care for such children and it boggles the mind that kids are suffering just because of their parent's ignorance or greed or addictions of what-have-you. Is it because they get a welfare check for each child? Welfare is a pittance so it's hard to buy that as the reason, but there has to be some explanation for why people keep kids that they do not want.
I am sure mom has had a hard life and knows not even the basics about being a mother. But FGS why not contact the state social services office and have the kids put in foster care, or put up for adoption? It is not that difficult to realize when you are not fit to be a mom, whether it be due to immaturity or just plain not caring or whatever. I am sick and tired of kids being abused and even killed because they are unwanted by a parent. There are lots of people who would love to care for such children and it boggles the mind that kids are suffering just because of their parent's ignorance or greed or addictions of what-have-you. Is it because they get a welfare check for each child? Welfare is a pittance so it's hard to buy that as the reason, but there has to be some explanation for why people keep kids that they do not want.

I am not cutting this woman any slack because her life was hard. So was mine, I was raised by an alcoholic, religiously fanatic, hoarder mother that literally put everything in her life ahead of me. At the age of 15, when I moved out, I had no idea how to operate a microwave or a washing machine. It sucked, let's not sugarcoat that. I had to learn how to live in a world that I had literally never been a functional part of. But I figured it out. And at 17 when I had my first child, yes, I struggled. Financially, emotionally, you name it. My boyfriend, her father, became abusive, and I didn't leave. Until he hit her. Once, that was all it took. If a 17 year old with no financial support, no grasp on the world as a big picture, and a no resources for help can get the guts to lave the second her child is abused, this woman could have done the same. Luckily, he only used his hands, because if he had ever stabbed her, I would have stabbed him back. There is no excuse.

In many cases, I think it is the welfare check. Most people don't realize how much a person on welfare and enrolled in other low income programs can make off the system. They ask for help with furniture and toiletries and appliances, the community helps, they sell them for drug money. The community helps through toys for tots, christmas programs, and things given away for free on Craigslist. The parents sell those things for drugs. The state helps with cash, food stamps, and WIC, and the parents trade them for drugs. Not to mention, a child is always good for getting money from family members that believe a good sob story, as well as being a financial gain for people soulless enough to sell their kids, which happens quite often. And remember, the more kids you have, the more the state pays you, and if you aren't using that money to feed them or clothe them like you should, then it's considered free money by some. Most of the people that live like this grew up poor and know how to live on next to nothing, or the paradox is that they are complete addicts and no amount of money will ever be enough, so having a dollar in their pocket is the same desperate situation as having a thousand dollars in their pocket. They know it will be gone at the end of the day anyway, and they will be searching for more very soon.

Sorry for the editorial, I have just about hit my limit with people that think it's okay to allow someone else to beat their kids, that allow their kids to starve, or any of the other daily atrocities. It's Christmas, and I bet those kids didn't even know it until they had been removed from that house. It makes me literally ill.
I am not cutting this woman any slack because her life was hard. So was mine, I was raised by an alcoholic, religiously fanatic, hoarder mother that literally put everything in her life ahead of me. At the age of 15, when I moved out, I had no idea how to operate a microwave or a washing machine. It sucked, let's not sugarcoat that. I had to learn how to live in a world that I had literally never been a functional part of. But I figured it out. And at 17 when I had my first child, yes, I struggled. Financially, emotionally, you name it. My boyfriend, her father, became abusive, and I didn't leave. Until he hit her. Once, that was all it took. If a 17 year old with no financial support, no grasp on the world as a big picture, and a no resources for help can get the guts to lave the second her child is abused, this woman could have done the same. Luckily, he only used his hands, because if he had ever stabbed her, I would have stabbed him back. There is no excuse.


Sorry for the editorial, I have just about hit my limit with people that think it's okay to allow someone else to beat their kids, that allow their kids to starve, or any of the other daily atrocities. It's Christmas, and I bet those kids didn't even know it until they had been removed from that house. It makes me literally ill.

Um...good post but...I hope you didn't read into mine that I was excusing this mother. I am not excusing her. In fact, I want her to face the same consequences as the boyfriend faces.

In my state a young mother left her twin infants with her ex-husband while she went to work and he beat them both to death. They were only 7 weeks old! Everyone here said take it easy on the mother, she has suffered the loss of her children, but My God what does it take for a mother to realize that a man who repeatedly abused her and had a history of going off the deep end every time he drank is not someone to leave the kids with? She faced no charges. None. And I am still sick over it.

Just wanted to clarify that I do not have sympathy for parents who fail to protect. I was even upset that Rusty Yates did not face charges based on his knowledge that Andrea was mentally ill and had a history of psychosis.
I didn't think anyone was cutting her that much slack. Like I said,it ended up an editorial. The excuses are always the same, that's what I was getting at. "i didn't know how to be a mother" or "I was abused growing up" or "I was overwhelmed." or "I was an addict." I'm just sick of the excuses, and they seem to be the same old tired ones day after day. I was more responding to the welfare part of your post, krkrjx. It's a sad reality that sometimes it really is the welfare check. That's why they keep the kids even knowing that they suck at this parenting gig.
This is normal...the neighbors won't report DV, public disturbances, etc because of fear of retaliation. Finally someone did, but this could have been stopped way before this!!! Why is there no mention of who the boyfriend is? No name except Jesus.. and in one article..he's just the boyfriend?? No pic? He's still at large and no one in the media is asking his whereabouts or to be on the look out? Why is this?
Yes, why isn't "Jesus" featured on the front page today, with an APB out for him?
I cant find a full name for him either. In this video at the link they have a picture of him at about 2:17 mark, but only Jesus for his name. I do not know how to do a screen shot of the video to post his picture, if someone else would like to that would be great.

I didn't think anyone was cutting her that much slack. Like I said,it ended up an editorial. The excuses are always the same, that's what I was getting at. "i didn't know how to be a mother" or "I was abused growing up" or "I was overwhelmed." or "I was an addict." I'm just sick of the excuses, and they seem to be the same old tired ones day after day. I was more responding to the welfare part of your post, krkrjx. It's a sad reality that sometimes it really is the welfare check. That's why they keep the kids even knowing that they suck at this parenting gig.

There is a big difference between talking about WHY abuse happens and cutting someone slack.

I thoroughly believe in do the crime, do the time.....BUT, I also think it is really hard to be a good parent if you had a crappy childhood and were abused yourself. How can you know how to comfort a child or what is right or wrong if you were never taught? If you were routinely neglected, you would have no idea what love feels like or how to give it. You grow up like a feral dog on a very superficial level thinking solely about the next meal, or next fix, what's on TV, just trying to maintain an existence but not trying to be better. Thinking about goals in life for you and your children are not on the radar. Some of the discussion in previous posts assumes she is a high functioning intelligent woman. I find it hard to believe she even had the chance to become intelligent or educated, being a parent at 14. The mothers maturity was essentially stunted when she got pregnant and probably even well before that if her family support was nonexistent. Now her life is ruined so thats one wasted life from start to end.

That being said, I find no compassion for her whatsoever and hope she will have a chance to grow up and learn the exact extent of her crimes in prison. Only then will she experience the devastating guilt she ought to have for the rest of her life. The kids thankfully are young enough that they have a chance for a normal life in a new home. I don't consider their lives over like hers unless they're given back to her!
The Mother and her boyfriend need to be taken to the Bering Sea and dumped overboard....alive.
The Mother and her boyfriend need to be taken to the Bering Sea and dumped overboard....alive.

After some "lifer's" who miss their kids spend some quality time with them.
Updated: Roberta Marquez-Chaves, 19, says she was so afraid of her boyfriend she didn't call police even after he stabbed one of her kids. The boyfriend Jesus Acosta Contreras, 28, is still on the run.

When Roberta Marquez-Chavez faced a judge Monday, she asked him why she was being charged, claiming she did nothing wrong. The judge disagreed. He said there was more than enough evidence to keep her behind bars. He set her bail at $100,000 cash surety.

I don't think "mom" will be making bond anytime soon - it's a start.
I myself have 2 different from each other opinions in this case.

In one I think she has most likely been a victim of abuse her whole life ,
used to seeing things she witnessed agaisnt her kids and used to having them commited agaist her.

In the second one I think she must be a souless drug addict to watch her babies be stabbed starved and not act.

I guess the truth is probably in the middle somewhere. I think before trial she will need a check up from the neck up.

They should find out if charges can be laid in getting her preganant at 14 because that is clearly a crime.
This is one of those cases where I just couldn't bring myself to read the news links. I found out enough from just reading the posts here. Every villain has his reasons. I'm guessing neither the boyfriend or the mother had easy childhoods. But I'm sure they both know it hurts to be beat, burned, stabbed and starved. And I'm also pretty sure that they both knew that if this situation came to light, they would be in trouble with the authorities and did their best to hide their crimes. There are probably reasons, explanations, but there are no excuses. It's also very upsetting to realize that instead of spending many long years in jail, they will probably get a sentence of a few years, shortened by time served, good behavior days, and early releases because of jail overcrowing and will emerge ready to have more children. The penalties for these kinds of crimes are not nearly severe enough. All MOO.

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