NonProfits For Max

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Oct 14, 2009
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On June 7, 2012 – the day his soccer-loving son Max would have turned 7 years old – Jonah Shacknai launched MaxInMotion, a nonprofit foundation conceived to give financially-disadvantaged Valley youth access to organized sports. Max’s older teenage siblings, Gabriele and Ethan, are co-directors of the foundation.

Dina Shacknai applauds MaxInMotion but says she was not asked to participate, learning of its existence via “a one-line text message” on the day before its launch. She also says that Jonah declined to contribute resources to Maxie’s H.O.U.S.E. – the foundation she launched in July.

In response, Jonah released this statement through his publicist: &#8220;I respect Dina&#8217;s efforts to help others through her creation of Maxie&#8217;s H.O.U.S.E. My children, close friends, members of the community and I launched MaxInMotion... to also provide a much-needed community service and commemorate Max in a very meaningful way. Since then, hundreds of caring friends and members of the community have participated by visiting <modsnip> the
website, volunteering and donating funds... Everyone is welcome and appreciated for joining us in these efforts.&#8221;
Snip- It’s impossible to parse Dina’s motivations for starting Maxie’s H.O.U.S.E. from her suspicions that Rebecca was not forthright about her son’s injuries. Dina expresses sympathy for Rebecca and the Zahau family (“I feel horrible for Rebecca... a loss is a loss... it’s sad and painful for everyone.”) but also believes a background-check agreement would have reduced stress on the family and invited an “extra layer of scrutiny” that might have benefited Max.
LASH - I am still having problem with Rebecca being so dangerous and needing a background check when, "Sadly, the family started unraveling almost from the moment Max joined it. Though the terms of the Shacknais&#8217; 2011 divorce settlement forbid Dina from disclosing the more acrimonious details of their marriage, several archived police reports of alleged spousal abuse came to light after the San Diego tragedy."

Max was born in 2005, this means 4 years of unraveling before Rebecca became serious with Jonah. "...the marriage essentially ended on Christmas Eve 2008", but we know there was domestic abuse calls in 2009 when Jonah returned to the house (I believe to drop off Max or something).

"Dina found out that Zahau had moved into Jonah&#8217;s Paradise Valley home sometime in 2010. &#8220;Obviously I wanted to meet this woman who was helping care for my child. So I went to Max and asked if it was OK if I met her. And he was thrilled about the idea.&#8221; Rebecca and Dina met at a Scottsdale Starbucks in September 2010."

Maybe RZ had been seeing Jonah since 2009, but I think this puts to rest that she broke up their marriage also.

What I found significant about the nonprofit formation was that Dina appears to think she should have been included in Jonah's nonprofit and that he should donate to her nonprofit. Furthermore, his children are involved in MaxInMotion, he barely informs Dina of the formation (a day before it was announced), and won't donate to her nonprofit (I don't see why he should). I have to give Jonah a lot of credit here. He seems to really care about his kids, even Kimberly and a psychologist said so and he seems to have formed a nonprofit in Max's name that really serves a need for other kids. Evidently, Jonah does not see Dina as part of his family although the Boy Interrupted article, per Dina's claims makes it appear he tried to be reasonable and facilitate things after the divorce.
In that article, both hot links to Jonah's 'max in motion' and to Dina's 'maxie house' go to Dina's 'maxie house'. I wonder if the writer knows?

On June 7, 2012 – the day his soccer-loving son Max would have turned 7 years old – Jonah Shacknai launched MaxInMotion, a nonprofit foundation conceived to give financially-disadvantaged Valley youth access to organized sports. Max’s older teenage siblings, Gabriele and Ethan, are co-directors of the foundation.

Dina Shacknai applauds MaxInMotion but says she was not asked to participate, learning of its existence via “a one-line text message” on the day before its launch. She also says that Jonah declined to contribute resources to Maxie’s H.O.U.S.E. – the foundation she launched in July.

In response, Jonah released this statement through his publicist: “I respect Dina’s efforts to help others through her creation of Maxie’s H.O.U.S.E. My children, close friends, members of the community and I launched MaxInMotion... to also provide a much-needed community service and commemorate Max in a very meaningful way. Since then, hundreds of caring friends and members of the community have participated by visiting the website, volunteering and donating funds... Everyone is welcome and appreciated for joining us in these efforts.”

It is strange that Jonah excluded his ex-wife Dina from knowledge and launching of MaxInMotion when they both conceived Max together. Appears Jonah was making a public statement that he no longer is connected to or involved with Dina in any way -- almost a renouncement of Dina.

That makes me wonder whether Jonah was at all complicit with Dina in Rebecca's death and whether this public renouncement is a sign that Dina will have to take the fall alone when the truth comes out about Rebecca's death.
The irony of it all is Dina Romano setting up her np in Maxie's honor with it's mission being to ensure children of blended families have a safe, harmonious, etc. environment. When in fact while with Jonah it was anything but. Then, when Rebecca came in the picture...Dina was all about being petty. And controlling. Behavior like that sure makes for a harmonious world...NOT.
It is strange that Jonah excluded his ex-wife Dina from knowledge and launching of MaxInMotion when they both conceived Max together. Appears Jonah was making a public statement that he no longer is connected to or involved with Dina in any way -- almost a renouncement of Dina.

That makes me wonder whether Jonah was at all complicit with Dina in Rebecca's death and whether this public renouncement is a sign that Dina will have to take the fall alone when the truth comes out about Rebecca's death.

BBM - a big ditto on that! Immediately where my mind went.

Was Dina's nonprofit in the works already when MaxInMotion was announced - I mean had we heard anything about it?
It appears that The Phoenix New Times corrected the 'hot links' situation.

With that, there are some amazing similarities in the writing, especially in the descriptions of Max.

IE: Maxie's House says:

"Max was very well-liked by fellow players and coaches in the Blackhawks program, and respected for his intensity, coupled with a great sense of camaraderie and humor."

Whereas, Max in Motion says:

"Max was very well liked by fellow players and coaches in the Blackhawks program, and respected for his intensity, coupled with a great sense of camaraderie and humor."

That's just one and perhaps the most blatant example of the ASTOUNDING similarities in the writing.
It appears that The Phoenix New Times corrected the 'hot links' situation.

With that, there are some amazing similarities in the writing, especially in the descriptions of Max.

IE: Maxie's House says:

"Max was very well-liked by fellow players and coaches in the Blackhawks program, and respected for his intensity, coupled with a great sense of camaraderie and humor."

Whereas, Max in Motion says:

"Max was very well liked by fellow players and coaches in the Blackhawks program, and respected for his intensity, coupled with a great sense of camaraderie and humor."

That's just one and perhaps the most blatant example of the ASTOUNDING similarities in the writing.

Good catch! Similar?

I think identical except for one "-"... it's not even feigned paraphrasing.

So, who wrote that, was the author hired to write for Dina or did Dina/her associates write that and the author co-opted it at her behest?
And it's not just that one sentence. The same person wrote for both foundations?
Perhaps some of this is because the nonprofit was put together very quickly. Des anyone know if it's possible Dina just decided to form this nonprofit after she was excluded from involvement in MaxInMotion?

We all commented earlier how there really wasn't much on the website for Maxie's HOUSE (whose Acronym is painfully constructed to have some relevance). It doesn't seem difficult to call in your connections, a PR firm, write up some generic mission statement and vague goals as to it's importance in a fairly short time period.

That brings me back to this questions. I think Dina and associates or on the site, they claim to have 501(c)(3) status ... required in order for donations to be tax deductible, I think. Has anyone found confirmation the nonprofit actually already has this IRS status? The BI article claims they've already had significant (?) donations?

Finding documentation on the IRS status would say when they received that status. Although occasionally, I think the paperwork can go through fairly quickly. For me, it took about 2-3 months as I remember.

Maxie's House Arizona Corporations Data:

Agent Status: APPOINTED 06/28/2012 [MaxInMotion was announced on Max's birthday 06/07/2012, three weeks earlier]
ARTICLES 06/28/2012



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In my opinion, Dina created Maxie's House because she believes the blended family Maxie had at the time of his accident is the cause of his death. Maxie's blended family would include JS, GS, ES and Rebecca. If Jonah was to contribute to Maxie's House, it might appear he agrees with Dina's belief of what caused Maxie's death. A belief that includes himself, his former girlfriend Rebecca, her minor sister XZ and his Spreckles home. Jonah is not going to contribute to a foundation that believes he was partially responsible for his own sons death. According to Dina, Jonah broke their agreement when he left Maxie alone with Rebecca and XZ to go to the gym. Jonah is not going to take that seat. He is not going to set himself up. Jonah is smart and he is not going to lay down his cards.

In my opinion, Dina knows exactly why Jonah did not contribute to Maxie's House. Unlike MaxInMotion, Dina's NP has an unfortunate agenda. I personally believe Dina threw Jonah under the bus with that comment. The same move was made with the comments about Rebecca, a dead woman who cannot defend herself. Dina and her lawyer knew Jonah would not be able to give an honest response to why he chose not to contribute to Maxie's House. In my opinion these personal attacks are planned to further maneuver an agenda.
Exactly, Lash. The very founding principle of Maxie's House is that Dina believes Max was "unsafe" in his blended family, and that Jonah, Max's father, allowed and approved of Max being in this "unsafe" blended family environment. And that somehow, "if only" Rebecca had been forced to submit to a background check, her evil shoplifting charge and wicked previous marriage would have been known by Dina, and she would have had some valid reason to keep Max away from her. Imagine if Rebecca had had a couple of parking tickets! Horrors!

That is unbelievably harsh. Of COURSE Jonah would not contribute to that organization.

But let's turn it around-- has Dina contributed to Max in Motion? Because it seems everyone can agree that Max loved soccer.

There is no one, IMO, that Jonah could have dated that would have met with Dina's approval to be around Max.

On June 7, 2012<snip>
Dina Shacknai applauds MaxInMotion but says she was not asked to participate, learning of its existence via “a one-line text message” on the day before its launch. She also says that Jonah declined to contribute resources to Maxie’s H.O.U.S.E. – the foundation she launched in July.

I'm not sure why Dina used this piece on Max to dig at Jonah. She is no longer in his life and she could have just said, "Jonah has started a nonprofit in Max's name which I think is laudable - especially since Max loved soccer." Again, it sounds like spreading some kind of 'in-the-know' gossip to even say that Jonah was asked to donate to her nonprofit and that he said no. Same stuff, trying to make someone else look as bad as possible based on silliness. Like people are supposed to say "Shame on him", but I think us normal folks are just saying, huh? Why was that tidbit even passed on just because you had the bad taste to ask him in the first place.

Does anyone know what Dina did before meeting Jonah? She was an really younger mother. I know she must have gotten a bachelors degree, but what else did she do between the ages of 18 and 33/34?
Since this is being discussed again, this is the screenshot taken on 7/15/12 prior to the Maxie's HOUSE website going live.


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Since this is being discussed again, this is the screenshot taken on 7/15/12 prior to the Maxie's HOUSE website going live.

I can't decide if someone is incredibly intelligent, extremely stupid, totally insensitive, or totally off her rocker.

That imagery is disturbing.
This thread is being returned for reading only. No further posting will be allowed here because it is apparent that posters cannot stay on topic. It seems every thread in this forum turns in to a 2-way bashing thread regarding the 2 women in JS's life at the time of Max and RZ's deaths.

Just unacceptable and too difficult to moderate.

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