NOT RIGHT: Police close case on Zodiac

aRnd2it said:
I saw a program last year about the case and there were a few people cleared by the DNA found under the stamps on the Zodiac envelopes. Here's one story I found about it:

Fascinating article. It is amazing that they were able to obtain a partial DNA print from so long ago. It would seem that one suspect has been eliminated - at least as the person who sealed the letters. Unfortunately, there is not enough of a DNA print (as of 2002) to submit it to the growing DNA data base of known criminals. Hopefully more will become available with further testing of other letters. The article mentions author Robert Graysmith, who has written some very good books on the subject of Zodiac.
OMG! I have always followed the Zodiac and although I belive he was correctly i.d' by Robert Graysmith and is now dead I don't think this case should be closed!
messiecake said:
OMG! I have always followed the Zodiac and although I belive he was correctly i.d' by Robert Graysmith and is now dead I don't think this case should be closed!
BUT MESSIE: dna & finger print analysis was done on Allen (suspect) and no match. He sure looks to me like the perfect suspect BUT I don't think he is the guy. How would a bloody finger print be left by the Zodiac and Lee Allen's fingerprint isn't the same. I don't think in the 70's that would be possible to fake? I don't know.
I belive there are ways it couldve been faked.

Is he/Was he Zodiac? I think so *but* now with a closed case we'll never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that the case should not be closed. The big problem with this case - as with many others - is the overlapping of jurisdictions and the separation of evidence. One of Zodiac's victims, Cheri Jo Bates had Zodiac's skin and hair under her nails. There were palm prints, fingerprints, numerous mailed letters, etc that DNA could be obtained from. That is if it still exists.
Unfortunately none of the favorite suspects were ever found with any of Zodiac's writing materials, weapons, cars etc. Just no Physical Evidence, so Close but no Cigar. If better DNA could be obtained from existing evidence, then perhaps this case could at last be solved.
I don't think it is clear whether the riverside murder is really connected.
There are many that are working on the Zodiac case.

It's just that there is no new info for the police to check on.They just don't have the time or money to follow up on every suspect someone submits to them.
In the case of SFPD they have stacks of unsolved murders that now need clearing.

There is some DNA work going on.

I have researched the case since 1987 having gotten a tip from a now ex- brother in law who was an Assistant DA in L.A. in 1974.
My Zodiac web site

I am always glad to answer brief questions.Thank you.
messiecake said:
I belive there are ways it couldve been faked.

Is he/Was he Zodiac? I think so *but* now with a closed case we'll never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are ways to "fake" a fingerprint. Remember the movie "Seven?"
mihaff said:
I don't think it is clear whether the riverside murder is really connected.
In one of Zodiac's confirmed letters, he mentioned the police stumbling on his Riverside activity. (Arthur Leigh Allen is believed to have been in Riverside at the time of murder. He died in '92. by the way). One thing I've wondered...has the watch which was found at the scene of Cheri Jo Bates' murder ever been checked for DNA? It would seem an easy object from which to obtain skin cells...
As to the DNA on the envelopes and stamps, Allen (who went by the name "Leigh"-it is believed by some that Darlene Ferrin's mystery visitor was called "Lee") had the strange habit of having others lick his envelopes and stamps...
I think your man is Lawrence Kane,I will always believe that and no one can change my mind.I would really recommend to anyone who hasn't read them Robert Graysmith's books on the subject.Very informative and intriguing.I would also comment to anyone who has read them that I think that Graysmith's solution to the 340 symbol cypher was not exactly correct,they say it was,but it doesn't make any sense to me,however I do think he was on the right trail.I do not understand why they haven't done DNA testing on this man.He just reaks Zodiac!!!!!!
shadowangel said:
As to the DNA on the envelopes and stamps, Allen (who went by the name "Leigh"-it is believed by some that Darlene Ferrin's mystery visitor was called "Lee") had the strange habit of having others lick his envelopes and stamps...

That is certainly an odd habit. I had thought of dampening a sponge, and using it to dampen the glue. I had never thought of having someone else to seal them. That would result in a number of different DNA results though, a number of different suspects, and would certainly cause problems if the suspect would ever have to go to court.
I won't change my mind about L.Kane unless DNA testing rules him out.There's always a chance that it wasn't him,however,everything I've read about him,I can't see how he's not been tested.But then,Aurther Leigh Allen lokked real promising too and you see where that ended up.
upallnite said:
He would only have been concerned about fingerprints.He wouldn't have even considered that his saliva might incriminate him.Today he would think twice.Hey,check this out.
I couldn't get the link to work...Allen died before enough evidence could be brought against him. One of the problems with building a case against Allen was the fact that he owned or had access to so many different vehicles, trailers, etc. Somewhere out there is a wealth of physical evidnece, just waiting to be found.

Now, 26 years later, David Fincher, who made "Fight Club," has taken up the challenge. Due late next year, the Warner Bros. film "Zodiac" will star Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal and Mark Ruffalo as the lead detectives and reporters. The $80 million film was shot on location last month in the Bay Area, and will continue its production for 85 days on Los Angeles sets.

Aiming for historical accuracy, the filmmakers hired witnesses, survivors, detectives and reporters as consultants to the film whenever possible.
Around 1965 I was a young patrolman working the midnight shift, and we began finding bodies, 5 in all, spaced over a period of two or three months, all had been murdered and dropped off in the same area. All had been strangled, but the medical examiner said that before they died the killer had played tic tac toe on their bodies with a sharp knife. All the victims were what in those days we called "smokehounds", or bums, today they are called homeless. Evidently the killer was picking them up, taking them somewhere, and killing them after torturing them, and then dropping them off. We never got close to solving the case.
These were the only things public search engines google & dogpile turned up on tic tac toe murders.
Tic Tac Toe Murders
Both are fictional stories.

One tic tac toe murder result was listed in a book describing one man that stabbed victem multiple times & then played tic tac toe with his knife on one victem.
Not sure I understand why the search engines not picking up on this.
Oh well I guess that's as far as I get.
Pook said:

Now, 26 years later, David Fincher, who made "Fight Club," has taken up the challenge. Due late next year, the Warner Bros. film "Zodiac" will star Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal and Mark Ruffalo as the lead detectives and reporters. The $80 million film was shot on location last month in the Bay Area, and will continue its production for 85 days on Los Angeles sets.

Aiming for historical accuracy, the filmmakers hired witnesses, survivors, detectives and reporters as consultants to the film whenever possible.

Very interesting!! Will definitely put that on my list of movies to see!
There is a Zodiac movie out right now. Please take my advice and do not rent it- we got it and the movie is just horrible- bad acting- bad directing- just plain bad all around- we couldn't even finish it. I'll wait for the new one to come out and hope it tells the story how it should be.

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