now blame men for hot flushes

Hubby will love this :giggle:

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Hubby will love this :giggle:

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I started to read this article to DH and he rolled his eyes and stated that I coulden't use this excuse in future. I was born 4 monthes before he was. He married an 'older woman'.:floorlaugh:

Researchers at McMaster University believe that over tens of thousands of years, a lack of reproduction among older women has given rise to menopause as an unintended result of evolutionary natural selection.

Using computer modelling, the researchers found that over time, competition among men of all ages for younger mates left older females with much less chance of reproducing.

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Shoot. I've been blamin' guys all along. Just always nice to have research to back up one's theories! lol
I started to read this article to DH and he rolled his eyes and stated that I coulden't use this excuse in future. I was born 4 monthes before he was. He married an 'older woman'.:floorlaugh:

Just blew that out of the water for me...I'm 3 years older than NPH


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Of course it is men's fault. Isn't everything?
The new theory holds that, over time, competition among men of all ages for younger mates has left older females with much less chance of reproducing. The forces of natural selection, Singh said, are concerned only with the survival of the species through individual fitness, so they protect fertility in women while they are most likely to reproduce. After that period, natural selection ceases to quell the genetic mutations that ultimately bring on menopause, leaving women not only infertile, but also vulnerable to a
host of health problems.

So basically what he's saying that once the women got too old the men stopped having sex with them and there was no longer any point in being fertile because the ladies weren't getting any action?

JMO but I'm not too sure I believe this theory that preferential mating explains why fertility in older women died out. Women don't have to be a man's preferred mate to become pregnant, they just have to have sex with a fertile male, and many older women have no problems finding a male to have sex with even if the guys might rather be out having fun with eighteen year old twins with big *advertiser censored*.

I think it's more to do with the long life span of humans and the relatively long time that the offspring needs their parents to survive and prosper. The risks of pregnancy rise as women grow older, both for the woman and the baby, even with the current state of medical care today, and I expect they may have done so even in the early days. The grandmother theory seems to have some merit as an active grandparent may help in the child rearing and increase the children's chances of growing up, but I think that considering the long time that human children are somewhat dependent on their parents it might have been an advantage for the existing children if the mother stopped reproducing after having them, so A) she didn't die in childbirth in her next pregnancy, leaving her little ones orphaned and without care B) she had a chance to feed all of her brood because there weren't so many C) she wasn't as tempted to throw her previous little olive branches into the wilds to take care of themselves because she had her hands so full. And D) there would have been little point in being fertile after the age that you were likely to die before you had managed to raise your last child.

These days women may of course live happily for decades after their last child has left the nest but the life expectancy used to be much shorter when this all this evolutioning was taking place and many women would have died well before the current menopausal age anyway.

Another thing to consider is that with females, chromosomal abnormalities increase with the mother's age, so if 60- or 70 year olds were having babies they could be too ill to survive anyway, even if the mother lived long enough to feed them until they could fend for themselves. So there could have been little point evolutionarily in using scarce resources to nurture pregnant elderly ladies who would give birth to babies who were unlikely to survive into adulthood.

Men's preference for younger women in selecting mates may have led to menopause in older females, a new study led by an Indian-origin researcher has claimed.

A sexist study pointing to male control over female sexuality coming out of India! Say it ain't so!

Menopause is most likely related to another strange phenomena -- the fact that human females are the ONLY species of mammal that does NOT give off obvious signs of fertility. They think that may have occurred long ago when human brains developed enough to allow women to realize when they were fertile, and since death during child birth (and a scarcity of resources in some areas) was a big big problem in some populations the women chose NOT to breed during times of obvious fertility.

As a result the trait (overt signs of sexual fertility) were bred out of the human population and neither gender could be absolutely sure when the female was fertile.

If the above theory is correct then WOMEN were in control of their sexuality and reproduction which is what caused the initial change in sexual displays and probably also influenced the development of menopause.

Women can now blame men for hot flushes, mood swings and other symptoms of menopause they suffer from! Men's preference for younger women in selecting mates may have led to menopause in older females, a new study led by an Indian-origin researcher has claimed.

It ccurs to me that he got the order of causality totally confused and azz backwardz... He's saying that old women are not fertile because men are not as attracted to them but more likely it's the other way around .... men arent as attracted to old women because they aren't fertile...

i think that it s a pretty well established theory in evolutionary psychology across most species that it makes evolutionary sense for the males to be the most attracted to healthy young females because healthy young females are the most likely to be fertile and bear healthy strong offspring.
It ccurs to me that he got the order of causality totally confused and azz backwardz... He's saying that old women are not fertile because men are not as attracted to them but more likely it's the other way around .... men arent as attracted to old women because they aren't fertile...

Our closest sub-species of primate is the Chimpanzee and male Chimps are MORE attracted to older females than younger ones.

Older females show not only good genes (age equals good genes, resistance to disease, and better survival skills in the natural world) but also implies more experience raising offspring which leads to success for future generations.

Plus males are designed to spread their genes around freely, some species are monogamous by nature but not humans or other primates. Social engineering no doubt had a big effect on the odd mating behaviors of humans. Some species (canadian geese, some rodents, etc...) are extremely monogamous via nature, other species (cannids) have strict social hierarchies that dictate breeding patterns among groups in order to insure the care and success of the young among packs of related animals. Humans apparently came up with some totally different pattern which has proved to be a success (at least temporarily).

However, in contrast to humans, chimpanzee males prefer older, not younger, females. These data robustly discriminate patterns of male mate choice between humans and chimpanzees. Given that the human lineage evolved from a chimpanzee-like ancestor, they indicate that male preference for youth is a derived human feature, likely adapted from a tendency to form unusually long term mating bonds.

Yep...figured it actually WAS menopause in fact. And knowing that my doctor had a wicked little sense of humor and would say nudge nudge you sure you're not pregnant hahaha? I was going to be prepared to whip out that pregnancy stick and say nope, already checked!


I took the test, and you've never seen anything turn pink so fast in your life! Good thing the potty was there to catch me when my knees buckled!
Yep...figured it actually WAS menopause in fact. And knowing that my doctor had a wicked little sense of humor and would say nudge nudge you sure you're not pregnant hahaha? I was going to be prepared to whip out that pregnancy stick and say nope, already checked!


I took the test, and you've never seen anything turn pink so fast in your life! Good thing the potty was there to catch me when my knees buckled!

What The Lord???? So you followed through with the pregnancy?! (It's very personal, not required to answer of course). x
So basically what he's saying that once the women got too old the men stopped having sex with them and there was no longer any point in being fertile because the ladies weren't getting any action?

JMO but I'm not too sure I believe this theory that preferential mating explains why fertility in older women died out. Women don't have to be a man's preferred mate to become pregnant, they just have to have sex with a fertile male, and many older women have no problems finding a male to have sex with even if the guys might rather be out having fun with eighteen year old twins with big *advertiser censored*.

I think it's more to do with the long life span of humans and the relatively long time that the offspring needs their parents to survive and prosper. The risks of pregnancy rise as women grow older, both for the woman and the baby, even with the current state of medical care today, and I expect they may have done so even in the early days. The grandmother theory seems to have some merit as an active grandparent may help in the child rearing and increase the children's chances of growing up, but I think that considering the long time that human children are somewhat dependent on their parents it might have been an advantage for the existing children if the mother stopped reproducing after having them, so A) she didn't die in childbirth in her next pregnancy, leaving her little ones orphaned and without care B) she had a chance to feed all of her brood because there weren't so many C) she wasn't as tempted to throw her previous little olive branches into the wilds to take care of themselves because she had her hands so full. And D) there would have been little point in being fertile after the age that you were likely to die before you had managed to raise your last child.

These days women may of course live happily for decades after their last child has left the nest but the life expectancy used to be much shorter when this all this evolutioning was taking place and many women would have died well before the current menopausal age anyway.

Another thing to consider is that with females, chromosomal abnormalities increase with the mother's age, so if 60- or 70 year olds were having babies they could be too ill to survive anyway, even if the mother lived long enough to feed them until they could fend for themselves. So there could have been little point evolutionarily in using scarce resources to nurture pregnant elderly ladies who would give birth to babies who were unlikely to survive into adulthood.

This was the longest post ever to read at 430am in the morning lol, but I do agree!
What The Lord???? So you followed through with the pregnancy?! (It's very personal, not required to answer of course). x

Yes...but she died in the womb because of a then-undiagnosed blood disorder which I have. I carried her "that way" until nature took its course.

In my lifetime I've lost the man I love, my momma, my sister. But losing that little girl was the hardest thing I have ever gone through, bar none.

Her name was Grace Elizabeth. She would be 13 now.

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