Identified! NV - Carson City, Lone Mtn, WhtFem 42-71, UP13838, rings, clothes, Sz 7 Asics, adult diaper, Mar'15 *Joyce Rogers*


Retired WS Staff
Apr 8, 2013
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Human remains may have been discovered in Carson City -- officials said a hiker stumbled upon bones in a shallow grave that appeared to be suspicious.

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said the grave contains, “What is believed to be human extremities, and is being investigated as a suspicious.”

A witness who was walking his dog past the crime scene reported to see what appears to be a piece of clothing on the ground. Carson City Sheriff’s Detectives are on the scene, and a crime lab and coroner have been called. Currently the scene has been taped off and investigators are calling it a “long term investigation.”

Carson City Sheriff's Deputies say they are investigating a body found late Tuesday morning near Roop Street and Winnie Lane at Lone Mountain... Furlong says responding deputies found two shoes and a foot that appeared to be exposed from a shallow grave on the hillside. Furlong says the area is not associated with the cemetery, but is heavily traveled by the homeless population and hikers.

The Carson City Sheriff's Office is coordinating closely with the Washoe County Medical Examiner's Office before any “unearthing” is performed...

Investigators say they are also searching old records of any missing persons from the area.

BBM: Does that mean years old or decades old? I wonder what style of shoes, maybe distinctively vintage?
i know right.... you would think really old shoes would rot off though.

It's pretty dry around Carson City. Even non-embalmed human remains around northern Nevada tend to mummify rather than rot away. It's not unusual to find well-preserved old clothing and shoes around old mining settlements.

I wonder if this could be related to an earlier case of skeletal remains found last summer in Douglas County. Here is the info on that case
It's pretty dry around Carson City. Even non-embalmed human remains around northern Nevada tend to mummify rather than rot away. It's not unusual to find well-preserved old clothing and shoes around old mining settlements.

I wonder if this could be related to an earlier case of skeletal remains found last summer in Douglas County. Here is the info on that case

If I remember correctly, the oldest known surviving pair of Levi's jeans were discovered outside of Virginia City in an old mine.

New info, we now have a thorough description:

"Full results from an autopsy are not in, but detectives now know the body is that of a female with reddish/blond hair, between 5 foot 2 inches and 5' 8". She was wearing an adult diaper, white Aics size 7 shoes with purple lines, size 8 rings, and Aristar bifocals glasses with 135mm inscription, plus partial top dentures.

The woman may have been associated with the local homeless population. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Acosta 775-283-7855 or, or 775-887-2008."

May we get a mod to update the description?
Great find! I find the "adult diaper" and "bifocals" information in the post above yours to be interesting. It makes me wonder if this is a disabled or elderly adult. I'm not sure how many homeless walk around in adult diapers.

It does sound like this is an older woman.

The diaper makes me wonder if the medical examiner was able to figure out if the unidentified woman had given birth at some point in her life. A lot of women become slightly incontinent after childbirth, especially if they've had more than one child. If the UID had kids and was slightly incontinent as a result, it could have worsened with age (since incontinence is a very common issue among the elderly anyway) and gotten to where she had to wear a diaper.
I wonder if this is Opal Parsons? She was 81 years old when she disappeared from Las Vegas in August of 2007. She wore an upper denture plate. Her hair was dyed blonde at the time of her disappearance.

Here's the link to the UID Namus page, with a lot more description of clothing and items......
****GRAPHIC **** WARNING ****** Photo of UID skull, teeth, and jawbones at NAMUS link
There is only one ruleout on the Namus page-Lisa Adcock from KY
Warning: Pictures 17 - 18 are very graphic and show the partially-decomposed remains (with a close-up of the face), still clothed, not very long after she was unearthed. The rest of the pictures in the gallery are of the dry bones and articles of clothing. But seriously, if you're faint of heart, definitely skip over those two.

There aren't many reasons why someone would wear camo. Makes we wonder if she was going hunting. Do people hunt in that area?
Hey, does anyone reading this know enough about dentistry to make a dental chart using the photos we have of her teeth? Carl?

Asics shoes, I was surprised to find out, have been around since the 1940s. I easily found pairs with colorful stripes from as far back as the 90s. Didn't look in depth. Edit: "Gel-Frantic 4", her specific model of sneaker, is still on the market and the oldest reference I could find was 2011. The rest of it sounds like random donated Walmart clothes.

Aristar glasses began manufacture in the early 1990s.
Some witnesses had come forward who said they believed her name was julie or Montana, or was from Montana. So, the detective I emailed is checking to see if it's Debbie Munyon who disappeared in 1984. Also for the record the shoe brand is sold in many stores around here including Walmart, previously Mervyn's, could of been found at good will as well. Mervyn's closed in 2008 in Carson city. I'm more interested in her teeth and jewelry. I will ask to see if opal Marie Parsons is a match as well. She coincidentally had a gold ring with an opal on it. However they believe she was younger than 80yrs old. A local dentist I spoke with suggested the upper partial dentures suggest she was not homeless as they are more expensive than getting the rest of the teeth pulled for full dentures and that they (the partial dentures) appear to be about 5 years old. Also in my opinion chances are she frize to death as temperatures at night here drop really low during the night and there's usually at least one homeless person death in the news yearly. Her right hip bone in namus picture appears broken in my opinion but unknown if that was post mortum. Also in the pictures she appears to have a pullup on as opposed to diaper. Which is indicitive of a younger more independent person from my experience of caring for the elderly in this area. I live very near where she was found, like 5 minutes away...and I would really like to go walk around the sight she was found but I don't want to go alone:(.
Asics shoes, I was surprised to find out, have been around since the 1940s. I easily found pairs with colorful stripes from as far back as the 90s. Didn't look in depth. Edit: "Gel-Frantic 4", her specific model of sneaker, is still on the market and the oldest reference I could find was 2011. The rest of it sounds like random donated Walmart clothes.

Aristar glasses began manufacture in the early 1990s.

Sometimes people use adult diapers when they're in a situation when they're not going to be able to stop for a bathroom break for a prolonged period. Driving long distances, usually. One woman I used to know didn't like to stop when she was driving at night because she was worried about being attacked, etc.
Sharon Neal was reported missing later in 2015 in Las Vegas, she was also wearing asic shoes, and dyed her hair, had dementia and was about that age range. I couldn't find weather they ever found her or not. ,
2. I wonder if Opal Marie Parsons has been ruled out?
3. Or Judith Casida from Washoe?
4. Or person reported as Endangered :Stephanie Pheasant from Carson city?
5. I find the position if her body odd, I wonder if the broken ribs, pelvis, and collar bone were post mortem.
6. Every woman around here matches that description of clothing except for the NCAA shirt. Let me tell y'all one have to be steady on your feet and fit for a 60+ older person to get to where she was found I know because I went to check it out and I 28 years old @ 135lbs was a little short of breath and almost slipped a couple times..if there were snow I would have slipped for sure.
7. Not many people travel that hill that was a lie, Everytime I go by no one's walking around there and I pass by multiple times a month. Along the side walk yes but up where she was found no.
I visited the sheriff's office last week. From the meeting with the detective I spoke to I received this info:
The coroner had reported no signs of trauma to the body
That they believe it was a 70year oldsh homeless woman who may have been disoriented or not and died naturally most likely...however this is not a confirmation of cause of death.
She was wearing a pull up as opposed to a taped on the sides type of incontinent brief.
It is not Stefany Pheasant who by the way was found to be safe.
They would look into the information I provided which were names of possible identities of the woman which included:
Opal Marie Parsons, Sharon Neal, Judith Casilda, and Victoria Prokopovitz.
Judith Casilda may have already been ruled out as he mentioned that they had checked all local missing persons.

I had contacted Victoria p. Daughter who replied, "I looked into it, I don't think that's my mom."
Then I contacted investigation authorities handling her disappearance who pretty much told me to not contact the daughter anymore and that they would work with the info I provided.

I still personally refuse to believe the woman is 70years old or older especially in this area..I work at the main hospital and its just hard for me to believe a 70year old woman would go so long without breaking a bone. I still find it odd that someone would walk thier dog up that hill since it is a "no trespassing" hill clearly signed. When namus showed the lady's face and hair, it's from my experience in hair dying and bleaching that I believe her hair was bleached at the roots and possibly reddish brown at the ends and worn short. Homeless people don't dye thier hair, if they do its in a facility or home....since there's no homeless shelter here in Carson it gives me even more reason besides the choice of partial denture as opposed to cheaper full set, the jewelry... to believe she was not homeless. On a side note she had to be in shape to climb that hill...unless she was taken there by someone. I really think they should look into residents of the street where that would be the backyard of...because even snow and winds we've had wouldn't burry a body deep enough not to notice immediately that it's a body...but at the same time anyone birthing a body in that kind of rocky dry shrubby land would give up before too deep. Oh he also said they didn't build the um thing up there don't know what its called like rocks in a circle and flowers but I'll post a picture on my YouTube channel as a video.
Search for Carson city Jane Doe.
So, while at work in Carson city at the old hospital, couple days ago I was giving report to my coworker and I told her that one of our patients might be missing a family member of a woman who's been reported as missing in Nevada...And she randomly replied to me...."did I ever tell you I took care of this lady at ormsby 4-6 years ago and after she was discharged her husband was admitted. He confessed to me that his wife died and he took her up on that hill next to the cemetary on long st and Winnie ln and buried her in a sleeping bag!" I told her omg you may be one of the few if any persons that can identify her because she was found last year and she is still unidentified. I asked her if she remembered her name or even her husband's name and she didn't at that second but she says between her and her mom she believes they will remember her name. She thought that the only reason she was not identified was because her husband can not be located to release her name! I said are u kidding me they have no clue who she could be. I begged her to find out and immediately call the sheriff's office to provide the name of Carson citys only Jane doe. She said that Jane doe and her husband were in fact homeless and they were living out of a van and she drew a pic looked like an old 1968-1970's volkwagon van that would park around town like on deer run rd to name one place of frequency, but she has not seen the van lately. She describes it by saying, " you know it was a blue van with a white top and a white back and front bumper" as if I and everyone must have seen it around. So, I emailed Det Acosta and he replied the next day with one sentence. "I found the person you were talking about and they were living in Dayton." Still don't know what he meant. I have not heard anything since. There's no way this can't lead to her identification.
Bad news everyone...When the detective got a hold of my then called friend aka coworker employed by my employer...She denied everything. She denied saying anything at all. Made me look like an idiot. It's upsetting idk why she did that. So I'm reaching out to my fellow nurses and nurses aides in hopes that someone else may remember these details if they were true. Hoping they will bring a name to the sheriff's office. Kinda feel like all hope is lost...
Found a nursing assistant who worked at the ormsby nursing home and she confirmed that it was true what "my friend" had said about the man with the van. She said there was about 7 of them (nursing staff) who believed the ui woman was the same person they cared for there. She specifically recalled the ring she was wearing. Unfortunately according to her the detectives confirmed that it was not. Now I know what the detective meant when he said he checked and "they were living in Dayton." I think he should double check that he looked for the right person, and that this man didnt have an ex wife. I'm going to search every street through Google earth in Dayton, NV to see if I can find that van...
In other thoughts I wonder if it could be missing person Molly Meyer?

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