NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #21

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Coming up on Steven's Anniversary-if you are out there Steven, it is NEVER too late to go home.

People love you and miss you.
Praying that Steven's family will someday receive whatever information they need to be at peace.

I don't have any great words of wisdom. I have questions with no answers. :banghead: I don't know if he met with foul play, left voluntarily, or was kidnapped by aliens (I've seen as much evidence to support that as I have the first two obvious scenarios.) I have been to the location where the car was located, and only came away with more questions. :banghead: I just hope that Steven's family will eventually learn the truth and be able to come to terms with whatever that truth may be.
Man's vanishing in Henderson still unsolved

Members of a Bountiful family say one of their last memories of Steven Koecher was when the then-30-year-old St. George resident decorated a tree in his parents' front yard with white Christmas lights.

The lights are going on again in a ceremony this week -- but this time as a reminder of the man who disappeared Dec. 13, 2009, in Henderson almost without a trace.

Thinking of Steven's family and still praying for his return.
Bountiful Family Remembers Missing Son With Lit Christmas Tree

Police and his family have no idea what happened.

But tonight, Koecher's family finds comfort in a Christmas tree that will be permanently displayed on their front yard in his honor.

The lights on this tree in front of the Koecher's Bountiful home will never go out.

Steven's mother says when these lights burn out, they'll just hang new ones

Koechers to light tree honoring missing son


Lighting a tree with white lights is a symbolic way to remember a missing loved one.

That’s a way the family of Steven Koecher, who has been missing for two years come Tuesday, Dec. 13, is remembering their son. The former Bountiful resident was last seen walking away from his car Dec. 13, 2009 in Henderson, Nev.

Very soon, Steven's thread will be moved to the Missing But Not Forgotten discussion forum. Don't lose him! There will be a redirect for a while, but after that, you can find her in that forum.

Come home soon, Steven.
Kelly, Remind me please, when did the PI state, "Steven Koecher walked into a big mess."

I agree with you that SK is no longer with us, yet I don't remember the PI revealing any information. While at the search near the exec airport the PI didn't reveal anything to us.

Hello I have been away for quite some time. I just watched the episode of disappeared this evening and I believe the exact quote was, "you don't know what happens behind closed doors, Steven could have walked into a mess."

I was paraphrasing at the time.

After spending the past two years looking at this, it is evident to me that this is not a volunteer disappear at all. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Also I emphasize again and again, that walking away from one's life is very hard to do and not be detected at all in this day of technology.

You have to have I.D. to get a job and it is very difficult for someone who is not street savy or criminally sophisticated to obtain a false I.D.

Secondly it is expensive to disappear that is how most criminals are caught is because they are not able to find work because of their need to use a false name and stay under the radar. Very few are successful at it. If Steven was a volunteer disappear why leave his car in a neighborhood that is not on the beaten path. Why make things miserable for yourself with no wheels. It's possible, but not probable.

I think what happened is that Steven Koecher met someone at a Barnes and Noble or a Starbucks and struck up a conversation and revealed either that he was looking for work or canvassing the area with fliers trying to grow the business and Steven was invited over under the guise of interest or help with a job or with his fliers.

His walk on that video is not of someone who is depressed or upset, but someone who is simply heading toward a destination with purpose as they said on the show Disappeared.

I have no doubt that Steven is deceased and a victim of homicide. He either saw something that he wasn't suppose to, he was the victim of a thrill kill or dare or the victim of a serial killer (which I think is not likely) Serial killers are so rare, even though the media play them up.

Something tells me that Steven was used for some kind of financial motive, maybe for an insurance scam of somekind. Homicide detectives will tell you that there are only three reasons for murder, sex, revenge or money. I think this maybe a case for money. I don't know why but that is my gut feeling. I can't explain it. I could be wrong though.

I do hope that the Koecher family can get some answers as to what happened to their son, brother, cousin. Very sad that Rolf Koecher passed away before he found out what happen to his son.

Steven's Disappeared episode is on Investigation Discovery right now (11pm EST).
I just saw the Disappeared episode earlier then googled and found some site trying to link Susan Powell and Steven's disappearance by the parallel similarities in their lives and accusing them of running off together. It looks to me like this young man was set up in advance with either the ruse of a job or something to do with his existing job. Surely the cops and PI can see that there is WAY too much coincidence in all this. The lack of job opportunities seemed to have been Steven's vulnerability. The show said he had hundreds of apps online. Someone could have found out all his resume history and info somehow then lured him with a job interview on a certain date just because of where he was from, had worked, and being a Mormon. Maybe even a previous date didn't pan out. Maybe that's why he went up North as his mother called it. Maybe something didn't happen and he visited with old friends while there and made it back home, that time. It all seems premeditated. I doubt if he walked in on anything or met up with any stranger serial killer. Hopefully every single thing he did online, told all friends, hopes for jobs, and every link that could lead to the other case is being looked at hard. Did they check the blanket and pillow in the vehicle for hairs and fibers the same as they would in a murder investigation? Even that and the presents could have been a set up to make it look like something else. I hope the heat is put on because whoever may have planned all this was very premeditating, but might flub up in some attempt to try and prove their point. It looks like they already have, but not enough to be charged obviously.
snipped for brevity:

After spending the past two years looking at this, it is evident to me that this is not a volunteer disappear at all..........................

His walk on that video is not of someone who is depressed or upset, but someone who is simply heading toward a destination with purpose as they said on the show Disappeared.

I'm not a body language expert, but as I've mentioned before - walking with one's arm positioned like he did with papers close to his heart is the way I would walk went going to an interview or a meeting....
Why is it expensive to disappear? People do it all of the time, clearly. We dont know whether or not he had cash on him-his window washing employer was paying him in cash, correct?
Personalizing this - but very difficult to leave one's entire family behind. No matter how mad you may get at one family member, there are others you suddenly find yourself missing and it plays upon your mind in ways you can't imagine...
So I cannot see Steven shutting everyone out. I might add, it easier to do if you go away with a friend or lover, but no evidence of that in his case.
I cant imagine leaving mine, but in the end we do not know what the dynamic was between SK and his family. Especially towards the end of the weeks before he disappeared. We dont know what his conflicts were-it appears that a simple word to his family would have taken care of his bills...specifically his rent. But if he reached out regarding that issue, we dont know it.

I think he had some debt piling up and no way to pay for it himself unless he was working a job that no one seems to know about, or at least no one appears to be discussing.

A single guy in the Las Vegas area-he could slip away unnoticed. I think we have discussed several men who disappeared from Vegas alone much less the rest of the country. There are 800K MP on the books in any given year. They are not all dead, especially dead from foul play. The majority must be voluntarily missing. IMO anyway.
I cant imagine leaving mine, but in the end we do not know what the dynamic was between SK and his family. Especially towards the end of the weeks before he disappeared. We dont know what his conflicts were-it appears that a simple word to his family would have taken care of his bills...specifically his rent. But if he reached out regarding that issue, we dont know it.

I think he had some debt piling up and no way to pay for it himself unless he was working a job that no one seems to know about, or at least no one appears to be discussing.

A single guy in the Las Vegas area-he could slip away unnoticed. I think we have discussed several men who disappeared from Vegas alone much less the rest of the country. There are 800K MP on the books in any given year. They are not all dead, especially dead from foul play. The majority must be voluntarily missing. IMO anyway.


I totally agree

If they're all dead, where are their bodies?
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