GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #8

I'm also a bit surprised the attorney that spoke didn't head this off at the pass, by mentioning it, covering the bases so to speak, since they are struggling to present a good reputation for her. Instead he alluded, in precise lawyerspeak, that there were no drugs on the tox report.

LOL, you're staying a couple of steps ahead of me tonight! I just posted about that, too.

You don't go on TV and lie -- or promote a deception through clever use of words -- right before a report is released that will prove you're being deceptive. What was he thinking?

Ultimately, he did us a favor. We can add his name to the list of people not to believe.
From my post last night:
"Zero, none. [short pause] And we've not heard any toxicology reports either from her murder reflecting that there was anything in her system."
"Stmt re 'hearing' tox reports, rather than 'reading' tox results in autopsy rpt. Teensy detail."

"Originally Posted by Midge Montana ....
Instead he alluded, in precise lawyerspeak, that there were no drugs on the tox report."
sbm bbm

.... You don't go on TV and lie -- or promote a deception through
clever use of words -- right before a report is released that will prove you're being deceptive. What was he thinking? ....
sbm bbm

^^^GMTA^^^??? :thinking:
I'm also a bit surprised the attorney that spoke didn't head this off at the pass, by mentioning it, covering the bases so to speak, since they are struggling to present a good reputation for her. Instead he alluded, in precise lawyerspeak, that there were no drugs on the tox report.

What the lawyer said only made it seem really strange - particularly with what we know now - that there was only one pill missing out of the entire bottle. We are supposed to believe it was that one pill with it being the only one used in over a month that is responsible for these results. I also want to know what the family lawyer was doing handling that evidence to know if the police handed over evidence - prescription drugs no less - before the trial to the family or if the police did not conduct a thorough investigation and did not find the pills. I really want to know the chain of custody of the evidence and LE/DA's knowledge of the pill bottle and when they acquired knowledge of this pill bottle. Also I want to know the date of the blood test that was used for these results. That one pill gone seems very strange, it's more strange that she'd be out driving with a nearly full bottle of pills and her prescription and strangest yet that the family lawyer is handling this evidence before the trial.

TM being on drugs would certainly explain why she'd go to a gang member's home (if that actually happened) and do other such strange behaviors. Also being on oxycodone could explain why BM needed to help her out of her car as one of the things oxycodone does is gives you limp/weak muscles:

Also as a blast from the past:
This does look like the son should be tried for felony murder if he was part of some drug deal.
What the lawyer said only made it seem really strange - particularly with what we know now - that there was only one pill missing out of the entire bottle. We are supposed to believe it was that one pill with it being the only one used in over a month that is responsible for these results. I also want to know what the family lawyer was doing handling that evidence to know if the police handed over evidence - prescription drugs no less - before the trial to the family or if the police did not conduct a thorough investigation and did not find the pills. I really want to know the chain of custody of the evidence and LE/DA's knowledge of the pill bottle and when they acquired knowledge of this pill bottle. Also I want to know the date of the blood test that was used for these results. That one pill gone seems very strange, it's more strange that she'd be out driving with a nearly full bottle of pills and her prescription and strangest yet that the family lawyer is handling this evidence before the trial.

TM being on drugs would certainly explain why she'd go to a gang member's home (if that actually happened) and do other such strange behaviors. Also being on oxycodone could explain why BM needed to help her out of her car as one of the things oxycodone does is gives you limp/weak muscles:

Also as a blast from the past:
This does look like the son should be tried for felony murder if he was part of some drug deal.

You bring up some thought-provoking points here. Am I correct that the purse was in the front seat of the Meyers vehicle? Wouldn't you *think* that the police would have taken that into custody as evidence? Apparently they didn't because I cannot see them handing it back over, ESPECIALLY a bottle of prescription pain pills for a woman who was deceased (or as Bob put it, good as dead.) They wouldn't just say, "Here, maybe some of you can use her pain pills."
And now I cannot find the clip of the lawyer saying that they hadn't heard of a tox report that she had drugs in her system. I was looking for it because I wanted to hear if the lawyer said that HE went through the purse himself when he was describing finding the pill bottle with only one pill missing.
What the lawyer said only made it seem really strange - particularly with what we know now - that there was only one pill missing out of the entire bottle. We are supposed to believe it was that one pill with it being the only one used in over a month that is responsible for these results. I also want to know what the family lawyer was doing handling that evidence to know if the police handed over evidence - prescription drugs no less - before the trial to the family or if the police did not conduct a thorough investigation and did not find the pills. I really want to know the chain of custody of the evidence and LE/DA's knowledge of the pill bottle and when they acquired knowledge of this pill bottle. Also I want to know the date of the blood test that was used for these results. That one pill gone seems very strange, it's more strange that she'd be out driving with a nearly full bottle of pills and her prescription and strangest yet that the family lawyer is handling this evidence before the trial.

TM being on drugs would certainly explain why she'd go to a gang member's home (if that actually happened) and do other such strange behaviors. Also being on oxycodone could explain why BM needed to help her out of her car as one of the things oxycodone does is gives you limp/weak muscles:

Also as a blast from the past:
This does look like the son should be tried for felony murder if he was part of some drug deal.

Those are all very good points.

The pill bottle should have been collected by police and held as evidence. The Meyers family lawyer shouldn't be the one going tthrough her purse or counting the pills in the pill bottle.

I followed your link and also looked up some other info on oxycodone. That's serious stuff. It's a very strong, very dangerous, and very addictive narcotic. It's for very serious pain management; it's not like carrying around a bottle of ibuprofen and popping one when you get a headache. From everything I've read about it, if you only need to take one oxycodone in 45 days, you don't need oxycodone. I call BS on the lawyer's claims about that.
Wait a minute...I need something explained to me because I am not understanding this math.
I did find the clip of the lawyer talking about the pills.
It is here:

Now, he says that her Rx was for 60 pills. There were 44 or 45 in the container, and he says that she had only taken 1.
So how does 60 minus 45 equal 1?
I am sure I am misunderstanding this, because the math doesn't add up if she got 60 and had only taken 1. That would mean there would be 59 left, right?
You bring up some thought-provoking points here. Am I correct that the purse was in the front seat of the Meyers vehicle? Wouldn't you *think* that the police would have taken that into custody as evidence? Apparently they didn't because I cannot see them handing it back over, ESPECIALLY a bottle of prescription pain pills for a woman who was deceased (or as Bob put it, good as dead.) They wouldn't just say, "Here, maybe some of you can use her pain pills."
And now I cannot find the clip of the lawyer saying that they hadn't heard of a tox report that she had drugs in her system. I was looking for it because I wanted to hear if the lawyer said that HE went through the purse himself when he was describing finding the pill bottle with only one pill missing.

Meyers family lawyer: "We went through her purse as part of our investigation."

ETA: He did not specify that he/we/they went through the purse she was carrying that night. Maybe he went through another purse that was inside the house. He also doesn't say anything about going through her medicine cabinet or dresser drawers or night table drawers or jewelry box or anywhere else; he only referred to her purse.

I wonder if 8NewsNow has enough sense to be embarrassed about airing that interview.
Those are all very good points.

The pill bottle should have been collected by police and held as evidence. The Meyers family lawyer shouldn't be the one going tthrough her purse or counting the pills in the pill bottle.

I followed your link and also looked up some other info on oxycodone. That's serious stuff. It's a very strong, very dangerous, and very addictive narcotic. It's for very serious pain management; it's not like carrying around a bottle of ibuprofen and popping one when you get a headache. From everything I've read about it, if you only need to take one oxycodone in 45 days, you don't need oxycodone. I call BS on the lawyer's claims about that.

Oxy IS very strong and highly addictive. My doctor has discussed me taking it for my chronic pain, but I am terrified to even try it because of all I have read about it. BBM: exactly. The thing is, there are many physicians who overprescribe. Some docs used to hand narcotics out like candy, but with the new super-tough restrictions that is happening less and less. Still, every town has a doc that is known to be 'easy' to get narcotics from. I am not sure if the laws vary from state to state, but my doc told me they are really cracking down on physicians freely prescribing these meds through follow-up and examining of medical records to see if they are overprescribing.
You bring up some thought-provoking points here. Am I correct that the purse was in the front seat of the Meyers vehicle? Wouldn't you *think* that the police would have taken that into custody as evidence? Apparently they didn't because I cannot see them handing it back over, ESPECIALLY a bottle of prescription pain pills for a woman who was deceased (or as Bob put it, good as dead.) They wouldn't just say, "Here, maybe some of you can use her pain pills."
And now I cannot find the clip of the lawyer saying that they hadn't heard of a tox report that she had drugs in her system. I was looking for it because I wanted to hear if the lawyer said that HE went through the purse himself when he was describing finding the pill bottle with only one pill missing.

Here's the clip where the lawyer talks about the investigation the family lawyers did:
I find it extremely troubling that family lawyers rather than LE/DA/Defense are handling evidence before the trial and I really want to know how they got it. There's just all sorts of issues with this as it would look terrible if LE/DA overlooked dozens of prescription pills that were present at the crime scene that they photographed and by that same token it would look bad if LE/DA is letting representatives of the Meyers family take and handle evidence. Also does anyone know if the family attorneys are licensed PIs? If these guys aren't licensed PIs that too could add another layer of problems onto this as unlicensed investigators handled evidence related to a murder trial.

Something to keep in mind is that these family lawyers weren't hired until substantially later, so the Meyers would have had the purse in their possession for weeks totally corrupting the evidentiary chain of custody before the lawyers looked at it if it was in the Meyers' possession this whole time. However, the family lawyer saying she was out driving around with a full bottle of pills (only having taken one single pill in the 45 days since the prescription was filled) and the prescription does not seem exculpatory at all, especially now that it has come out that single magic pill with it being the only one taken in 45 days is the reason for the toxicology results just does not seem like the most likely explanation for this pill and tox evidence.

LE never checked the contents of the purse when they were doing the CSI or is LE/DA so chummy with the Meyers that they hand over evidence to them handle before the trial???:
Q. In the photograph by the lighted front door
of the Meyers' vehicle, was a wallet and contents
observed and photographed by where the victim's body had
recently laid?
A. Yes.
Q. Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit Number 12.
What are we looking at in that case?
A. This is the driver's license of the victim
Tammy Meyers.
Q. And then Exhibit 13 is a closeup of her
driver's license?
A. That's correct.
Q. And that was located in a purse right
outside the driver's side door; is that correct?
A. Yes.
The testimony by Mogg was that the wallet that was photographed was located inside the purse - not on the ground - yet nobody in LE noticed those dozens of pills or they felt it was just fine to hand over, which neither is a good explanation.

Meyers family lawyer: "We went through her purse as part of our investigation."

ETA: He did not specify that he/we/they went through the purse she was carrying that night. Maybe he went through another purse that was inside the house. He also doesn't say anything about going through her medicine cabinet or dresser drawers or night table drawers or jewelry box or anywhere else; he only referred to her purse.

I wonder if 8NewsNow has enough sense to be embarrassed about airing that interview.

Regardless of where they got it, they shouldn't have been handling it in the first place and LE/DA has no excuse for missing this. This doesn't exactly speak highly of LV DA/LE if they missed evidence that was found by lawyers who don't even normally work in criminal law. No wonder there has been so many problems with this case as LE/DA is showing they don't know how to investigate.
Here's the clip where the lawyer talks about the investigation the family lawyers did:
I find it extremely troubling that family lawyers rather than LE/DA/Defense are handling evidence before the trial and I really want to know how they got it. There's just all sorts of issues with this as it would look terrible if LE/DA overlooked dozens of prescription pills that were present at the crime scene that they photographed and by that same token it would look bad if LE/DA is letting representatives of the Meyers family take and handle evidence....
Something to keep in mind is that these family lawyers weren't hired until substantially later, so the Meyers would have had the purse in their possession for weeks totally corrupting the evidentiary chain of custody before the lawyers looked at it if it was in the Meyers' possession this whole time. However, the family lawyer saying she was out driving around with a full bottle of pills (only having taken one single pill in the 45 days since the prescription was filled) and the prescription does not seem exculpatory at all, especially now that it has come out that single magic pill with it being the only one taken in 45 days is the reason for the toxicology results just does not seem like the most likely explanation for this pill and tox evidence.

LE never checked the contents of the purse when they were doing the CSI or is LE/DA so chummy with the Meyers that they hand over evidence to them handle before the trial???:

The testimony by Mogg was that the wallet that was photographed was located inside the purse - not on the ground - yet nobody in LE noticed those dozens of pills or they felt it was just fine to hand over, which neither is a good explanation.

Seems the night of the shooting, fairly early on, LE team determined that TM and M fam
were victims, sooooooooooo
processed scene w to analyze physical evidence as though
TM's & M fam's acts had no (virtually no?) possible effect or impact in events leading to her being shot.

W that conclusion, why would LE have -
-- collected TM's meds or other purse contents?
-- searched M fam home for other Rx, OTC or street drugs TM may have been taking?
Maybe not a good explanation, but a quasi-explanation.

IIRC, ~ first day or two after shooting, there was some speculation or discussion about
whether LE did GSR tests on TM. IDK if we got definitive answer on that. Anyone know?
Prosecutors (sic) Frank Flansburg III and Samuel Schwartz provided FOX5 with the following statement Thursday:

"We have not yet reviewed the toxicology findings. The report of a therapeutic level of a prescribed medication confirms that Tammy Meyers did not abuse drugs. Tammy Meyers was a patient with prescription medication for severe back pain as a result of a serious car accident. It is important to point out that in death as in life, Tammy Meyers proved to be the quintessential generous person. Tammy Meyers underwent surgery and donated multiple organs, which accounts for the other trace medication. What this report apparently confirms is that Tammy Meyers was not a drug abuser as falsely reported."

I wonder if they get dizzy from spinning so hard. A therapeutic level of a prescription medication in no way proves that a person did not abuse drugs.

If it was indeed a therapeutic level, then that fact all by itself doesn't prove that she abused drugs, but it absolutely does not prove that she did not abuse drugs. Even very hard core drug abusers will sometimes have no drugs in their system, or a therapeutic level.

Add the diazepam into the mix, and it's certainly at least a suggestion that she abused these drugs.
W that conclusion, why would LE have -
-- collected TM's meds or other purse contents?
-- searched M fam home for other Rx, OTC or street drugs TM may have been taking?
Maybe not a good explanation, but a quasi-explanation.

However these lawyers weren't hired until long after that. For these lawyers to have had access to this, it had to have been in the family's possession for weeks. It means for weeks even after LE/DA knew of the changing stories and how the Meyers hid things like their knowing EN that LE/DA never found it long after the Meyer's credibility was called into question and they had been known by LE/DA to withhold information. LE/DA should have found this stuff weeks before these lawyers were even hired even if you excuse the first few days of the incident, which all these things should have actually meant that they investigated more thoroughly subsequently.
I still don't get the math that I mentioned in a previous post.
60-1=44 or 45?
I believe oxycodone is the common name. Oxycontin is one of the brand names.

Thanks! They are saying the Oxycodone was for a car accident....wasn't Robert Meyers' handicap sticker because he was in an accident also? I wonder when that happened?

Also, is the combo of Valium+Oxycodone a common mix?

I wonder if they get dizzy from spinning so hard. A therapeutic level of a prescription medication in no way proves that a person did not abuse drugs.

If it was indeed a therapeutic level, then that fact all by itself doesn't prove that she abused drugs, but it absolutely does not prove that she did not abuse drugs. Even very hard core drug abusers will sometimes have no drugs in their system, or a therapeutic level.

Add the diazepam into the mix, and it's certainly at least a suggestion that she abused these drugs.


"Prosecutor David Stanton said Meyers had a prescription for oxycodone. He also said he's still trying to determine if diazepam was administered to Meyers at the hospital before she died."

Jumping off Sonjay's link....why on earth is the prosecutor "still" trying to determine anything wrt hospital records? Shouldn't that have been a phone call 2 months ago??
Wait a minute...I need something explained to me because I am not understanding this math.
I did find the clip of the lawyer talking about the pills.
It is here:

Now, he says that her Rx was for 60 pills. There were 44 or 45 in the container, and he says that she had only taken 1.
So how does 60 minus 45 equal 1?
I am sure I am misunderstanding this, because the math doesn't add up if she got 60 and had only taken 1. That would mean there would be 59 left, right?

That is what I heard when listening to the interview, I thought he said she was prescribed 60 pills then there were 44 - 45 left which didn't make sense to me when he said what he said :crazy:
I still don't get the math that I mentioned in a previous post.
60-1=44 or 45?
When I did the math, I found the sum is greater than a big pile of piffle. This atty made me think of Charles Durning in the Best Little WH in Texas, singing "Side Step."
I'm not under the impression that TM was high on drugs that night, even if she took a pain pill to me taking the one wouldn't effect her ability to make decision, JMO. I've taken pain meds and it doesn't make me do crazy things. We are only getting bits and pieces here, we are not hearing/reading the full story. We don't have the full autopsy report to read, we don't have a full interview to listen to, we are just getting bits and pieces from these interviews or news reports. :crazy:
I still don't get the math that I mentioned in a previous post.
60-1=44 or 45?

My take on that is that it was just one of those brain farts that everyone has from time to time. He said she had a prescription for 60 pills, filled 45 days ago. Then he went on to say how many were left, and he got himself mixed up between the 45 & the 60. It seems like there's a little bit of a verbal stumble there, then he says "If it was 45 pills, there were 44 left."

I could be wrong, but I think he was just trying to say that whatever number of pills the prescription was for, there was one less than that in the bottle.

Whether or not he was being truthful about that, I couldn't say. But that was what I got from that bit.

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