NY - Christian Nunez, 8 wks, suffocates in rat-infested Bronx apt, 29 Jan 2007

dark_shadows said:
This is such a sad story.

When both my sons were infants and still breatsfeeding, they would sometimes end up in the bed at night with us. I never slept very well when that happened because I always worried about something like this happening.
That poor mom. That landlord should be charged with murder.
How many citations did he have? What a pig.
Poor lady. To have to live in such conditions becasue the landlord was to self involved to do anything about it and then have this happen. :(
csds703 said:
That poor mom and that landlord should be charged with murder.
How many citations did he have? What a pig.
I don't think the mom should be charged with murder---it was an accident & accidents DO happen. There have been many cases of parents accidentally rolling over and suffocating their child when they make the mistake of taking them into bed, but I don't think any of these cases ever resulted in murder charges.

I also don't think the landlord should be charged with murder---yes, he was waaaay negligent & obviously a complete idiot---but I don't see how any murder charges could be filed against him.
This is sad. I agree that the mother should NOT be charged with this accidental death.

As for the landlord, I don't believe he is guilty of murder and I am sure he's about to get his. With all the publicity, he'll be lucky to escape some sort of jail term for his negligence in maintaining the property.

Being a slum lord is a crime, isn't it?
julianne said:
I don't think the mom should be charged with murder---it was an accident & accidents DO happen. There have been many cases of parents accidentally rolling over and suffocating their child when they make the mistake of taking them into bed, but I don't think any of these cases ever resulted in murder charges.

I also don't think the landlord should be charged with murder---yes, he was waaaay negligent & obviously a complete idiot---but I don't see how any murder charges could be filed against him.
NOT THE MOM, THE LANDLORD. His overt negligience lead to this.
Sorry I wasn't clear. Responding at work quickly leads to unclear thoughts.
Those rats are a real problem in NYC, I saw a show on that subject once and I couldn't believe how many rats were in one apartment and what lengths the people went to to either live with them or try and get rid of them.

That is a sad story, poor mother, I slept with my newborn all the time, he was always in bed with us...that was just a tragic tragic accident and my heart goes out to her.
julianne said:
I don't think the mom should be charged with murder---it was an accident & accidents DO happen. There have been many cases of parents accidentally rolling over and suffocating their child when they make the mistake of taking them into bed, but I don't think any of these cases ever resulted in murder charges.

I also don't think the landlord should be charged with murder---yes, he was waaaay negligent & obviously a complete idiot---but I don't see how any murder charges could be filed against him.
I am in complete agreement. This is tragic, but there's no murder here. I wonder if the landlord had prior complaints from this woman and/or others.
in baltimore we used to have rats everywhere.. in the basement, in the house, in the alleys, in the streets.. they would run out and jump over your feet while you were walking. they were just a fact of life. unfortunately you get used to it when you live with it. and in large cities, it is a constant battle. but as for the landlord being charged with murder.. i don't know if that is legally possible. this was an accident, and he did not intend to murder this child. if he could be charged with murder, then everyone who ever did anything that indirectly set off a chain of events that led to an accidental death could be charged with murder.. talk about a slippery slope.
I'm speechless and most of you know that don't happen often. I could never live anywhere near them. I feel very sorry for her, but I have to wonder why she would bring a child into that world.
reb said:
in baltimore we used to have rats everywhere.. in the basement, in the house, in the alleys, in the streets.. they would run out and jump over your feet while you were walking. they were just a fact of life. unfortunately you get used to it when you live with it. and in large cities, it is a constant battle. but as for the landlord being charged with murder.. i don't know if that is legally possible. this was an accident, and he did not intend to murder this child. if he could be charged with murder, then everyone who ever did anything that indirectly set off a chain of events that led to an accidental death could be charged with murder.. talk about a slippery slope.

I do not believe that rats are just a fact of life. That is like saying a roach infested house is a fact of life...
I agree that the landlord did not intend for anyone to die but then again neither does a drunk driver..
He may not have intended death but he certainly showed lack of reguard for the lives of others. Does anyone think he had rats in the house he lives in?
amaraan,, i didnt mean that they are and should be a fact of life everywhere.. what i meant was in major big cities they are, to some degree. to what degree exactly, depends on the quality of your city government. when you live around large numbers of them it is not enjoyable.. but you learn to accept it as just something you deal with on a daily basis... unless you decide to move to a cleaner area. obviously the landlord here should be charged with negligence and fined for allowing the place to be so overrun with rats... and so should other landlords.. but NYC is the largest city in america.. how on earth could they enforce that?
but it's a bit of a grey area to charge him with murder. drunk driving is a different story altogether. you are actively and directly hitting and killing someone out of your own negligence.
Jeana (DP) said:
I'm speechless and most of you know that don't happen often. I could never live anywhere near them. I feel very sorry for her, but I have to wonder why she would bring a child into that world.

Well, you are lucky you don't have to, some people don't have the choices others have.

Because that was her world, some people aren't as fortunate as others, who are you to say someone shouldn't have kids?
narlacat said:
Well, you are lucky you don't have to, some people don't have the choices others have.

Because that was her world, some people aren't as fortunate as others, who are you to say someone shouldn't have kids?

I guess I'm just me -- that's all. I think that children are owed a certain amount of things. How about being free to sleep in a crib without being eaten alive by rats? How about being free to walk down the stairs without stepping on used crack pipes. Where did they think they were going to be able to afford to send her to school? These are all things we must think of before bringing into this world a child we cannot provide for.
Jeana (DP) said:
I guess I'm just me -- that's all. I think that children are owed a certain amount of things. How about being free to sleep in a crib without being eaten alive by rats? How about being free to walk down the stairs without stepping on used crack pipes. Where did they think they were going to be able to afford to send her to school? These are all things we must think of before bringing into this world a child we cannot provide for.
The article didn't mention anything about crack pipes, not everyone poor and who lives in places like that are on crack..

How do you know they couldn't afford to send their kid to school?
narlacat said:
The article didn't mention anything about crack pipes, not everyone poor and who lives in places like that are on crack..

How do you know they couldn't afford to send their kid to school?

They were living in a place so bad she had to smother her baby in order to protect it from rats trying to eat her, but you somehow think they got a college fund started?
narlacat said:
How do you know they couldn't afford to send their kid to school?

Easy. If you can't afford to live in a place without rats, how are you going to afford to send your child to college?
Jeana (DP) said:
They were living in a place so bad she had to smother her baby in order to protect it from rats trying to eat her, but you somehow think they got a college fund started?

I think we were typing at the same time. While this is very sad, I agree that people who can't afford to support their children, should prevent pregnancies.

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