NY - Christian Nunez, 8 wks, suffocates in rat-infested Bronx apt, 29 Jan 2007

LionRun said:
I have found so far in my short membership here that our posters usually show great compassion for victims. I've also seen that we tend to jump on anyone who we believed have done wrong and or who have hurt others. Maybe the story of this woman and her child induces conflict as a result. But, please posters, let's stop being negative towards each other; it defeats our purpose.

We are all individuals with varying opinions on how to raise children and what is most important. Perhaps because there are so many good and caring people with strong values on this forum, our feelings intensify when we hear of a tragic case of the death of an innocent little child. Please folks, let's come together more as a group and show respect for each other.


A terrific post. (OH and by the way, I LOVE YOUR GSDS)

My dander gets raised when I see people who obviously don't have two nickels to rub together, but they've got 10 kids. I don't know if that's the fact with this family and I DO give her credit for trying to protect the baby. If the slumlord did get notices of this problem, but made no effort to rectify the situation, then I think she's got a good case for lible.
Jeana (DP) said:
A terrific post. (OH and by the way, I LOVE YOUR GSDS)

My dander gets raised when I see people who obviously don't have two nickels to rub together, but they've got 10 kids. I don't know if that's the fact with this family and I DO give her credit for trying to protect the baby. If the slumlord did get notices of this problem, but made no effort to rectify the situation, then I think she's got a good case for lible.
Thank you Jeana:). I understand your point of view, and I too think that when planning to have children, parents should make an effort to have their ducks in a row first. But, there are varying ideas on what ducks should be put in that row and in what order. And, there are so many exceptions that come with this topic. And, of course when it comes to the mother of that poor child, we just don't a whole lot about her.

We do know that the landlord had about 380 citations in the past. I wouldn't mind focusing a bit more on this fine, upstanding man (inserted: sarcasm smiley).

OT: The dog is my dog's sire, Vimo. I cannot yet get good pics of my dog, Falcon, his son up on the site. However, he looks much like Vimo. In fact he was shown at a couple of the Sieger shows in Vimo's progeny group (and in his own class, too). I do love my canine buds--does it show?

LionRun said:
OT: The dog is my dog's sire, Vimo. I cannot yet get good pics of my dog, Falcon, his son up on the site. However, he looks much like Vimo. In fact he was shown at a couple of the Sieger shows in Vimo's progeny group (and in his own class, too). I do love my canine buds--does it show?


My little baby, Argus Attila VonBrycehaus is too bouncy to be shown, but he's a beautiful GSD.
Masterj said:
You are being awfully presumptuous. We know NOTHING about her life outside of this horrible tragedy. We don't know what her circumstances are - maybe she was married and her husband left her alone the kids and no child support. Stop assuming she had the CHOICE to move. I think it is pathetic how people are jumping all over this mother for this ACCIDENT and no one is even discussing the father. Where is he in all of this?
Excuse me, but as a woman, she had a CHOICE. She chose to get pregnant and stay that way.

Geesh, what happened to personal responsibility?
Linda7NJ said:
Sure she should sue him.:boohoo:
While we're at it, let's put all of those poor people up at the Hilton with our tax dollars!

This case is why punitive damages were established. The landlord/slumlord was cited 380 times for having a rat problem. He did nothing to fix it. I find him a lot more able to handle the rat problem then the woman to find a new place to live. (And for the record, I was in on the Neil Boortz thread awhile back saying that I don't believe for the most part people should have children until they can afford them.) His negligence in fixing the problem resulted in a death. The mother is at fault too, but one can understand why she did what she did. The law relies on what a reasonable person would do in a situation and the definition of legal negligence in particular relies on the concept of what a reasonable person would do.
Jeana (DP) said:
My little baby, Argus Attila VonBrycehaus is too bouncy to be shown, but he's a beautiful GSD.
OT: Jeana, have you got a pic you can put on the WS photo thread? I'd love to see the boy. Mine are all energizer bunnies in the, "bounce" department, and there drive and energy keep me on my toes.

My thoughts and feelings about the mother aside, if the landlord is in fact a slum lord, than maybe it would be good to sentence him to stay in that apartment until there is no longer a rat problem.

Linda7NJ said:
Children? So just how many did she have? I thinnk she should have found suitable housing before having yet another child.

Linda7NJ said:
One thing success is NOT...living in a rat infested apartment & smothering your baby to protect him from the real possibility the rats may EAT him.

So true.
Linda7NJ said:
Excuse me, but as a woman, she had a CHOICE. She chose to get pregnant and stay that way.

Geesh, what happened to personal responsibility?

Personal responsibility has gone out the window.

I remember when Mrs. Crosby blamed "society" for the murder of her son Ennis.

I did not murder Ennis.

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