Found Deceased NY - Halle Schmidt, 21, Copake, 2 Sept 2016

The body was not sliced up in pieces. A murder charge would be much easier to come by if that was the case. Or at least I would like to think so. Who knows in such an *advertiser censored* ‘backwards’ county.

For those following, Cotman is now up for parole at the end of this month. He was originally supposed to be up for parole January 18th, however he decided to contact a family member of Halles which was against his sentencing orders and it was pushed to June. Shortly after my last update an officer (who will not be named for obvious reasons) mentioned in a popular and very supportive local business that Molly had come forward with more information. She admitted to driving the vehicle that night, and had gone in multiple times for interviews. The interviews were recorded and being held by the Sheriffs department. The family has not been contacted in regards to this and no return calls to the family have been made.
The body was not sliced up in pieces. A murder charge would be much easier to come by if that was the case. Or at least I would like to think so. Who knows in such an *advertiser censored* ‘backwards’ county.

For those following, Cotman is now up for parole at the end of this month. He was originally supposed to be up for parole January 18th, however he decided to contact a family member of Halles which was against his sentencing orders and it was pushed to June. Shortly after my last update an officer (who will not be named for obvious reasons) mentioned in a popular and very supportive local business that Molly had come forward with more information. She admitted to driving the vehicle that night, and had gone in multiple times for interviews. The interviews were recorded and being held by the Sheriffs department. The family has not been contacted in regards to this and no return calls to the family have been made.

Hi, Shh_shes_here. Any updates?
Hi, Shh_shes_here. Any updates?

The family received the the deposition a few weeks ago from the parole hearing. Cotman confirmed two other people were involved and Molly was in fact driving the vehicle and helped dispose of the body. We were pretty sure this was the case, especially since Molly has gone in herself and admitted to this, but detectives still maintain she had nothing to do with it. Much of the other info was blacked out. Trying to figure out what steps to take from here. We did learn he will be released May of 2019.
The family received the the deposition a few weeks ago from the parole hearing. Cotman confirmed two other people were involved and Molly was in fact driving the vehicle and helped dispose of the body. We were pretty sure this was the case, especially since Molly has gone in herself and admitted to this, but detectives still maintain she had nothing to do with it. Much of the other info was blacked out. Trying to figure out what steps to take from here. We did learn he will be released May of 2019.

Two other people?! Who was the third person?
Two other people?! Who was the third person?

Himself, Molly and two others. He didn’t reveal the names of the other two unless that was part of the blacked out section. It didn’t even state Molly’s name, it referred to her as the female aquaintance.
Himself, Molly and two others. He didn’t reveal the names of the other two unless that was part of the blacked out section. It didn’t even state Molly’s name, it referred to her as the female aquaintance.

WTF?! Do you have suspicions about who they may be?
There were a few names that got tossed around in the beginning, nothing we could bring to investigators tho. I’m sure they are well aware anyway.
I just read through this case today. Looked at all of the FB posts and the Hope For Halle page. I was looking for an update from the guy who took the FOIA request in, based on his statement that he would be posting updated info that proves that Halle didn't OD, but I couldn't find anything further. I watched the family's YouTube from Cotman's parole hearing and I am just heartbroken for all of them. I don't know how to post this without it causing pain, but if her teeth were knocked out at the site he dumped her, how in the world could the sheriff & coroner chalk this up to an OD and a transport & concealment of a dead body? One of the teeth were recovered at the site she was found at, obviously it had been knocked out there. Nothing the sheriff has done makes any sense relative to the actual findings in her death. I don't mean to cause anyone any further undo pain. I pray that you and Halle get the justice you all deserve.
Going to try replying to all in one comment if that’s okay.

First, thank you for those still following and those just starting! We really appreciate the continued support and without it, would still be at square one.

Angelo Salvatore was with them that night/morning. We knew there was another person involved but didn’t have a name until a few months ago. We learned most of his involvement through the deposition from Cotmans parole hearing, but the name was not in it, that came word of mouth. According to the deposition they went back looking for the body to put back in the motel and couldn’t locate the spot.

As for the teeth, the original autopsy didn’t mention the teeth at all, or a broke arm she had prior to that weekend. We didn’t know about that until her mom found the tooth at the scene. After questioning the Sheriffs department about it another autopsy report came in that mentioned both the teeth and arm. However since the family didn’t see the body for themselves, who knows what else may have been left out.

As for the OD, she did not do heroin. I know people automatically assume we just wouldn’t know, or that we wouldn’t want to admit it, but there is no doubt in any of our minds. She DID party, we’ve never denied that or portrayed her as a goody two shoes. She likes to drink, she did take Xanax and smoke but she was highly against heroin due to a very close loved one that had an addiction. I understand that is hard for many to believe, so I’ll just leave it at that.

There is soo much more to this case to be released. I’ll have to go back and read this thread from the start since it’s been awhile and I’m sure there are things that should be addressed. Right now we are trying to send recordings from meetings with the sheriffs department. There are multiple recordings, although some meetings were not recorded. Hopefully they will be released in the next few days so people can hear the info and lack there of that we received from the sheriffs themselves.
Going to try replying to all in one comment if that’s okay.

First, thank you for those still following and those just starting! We really appreciate the continued support and without it, would still be at square one.

Angelo Salvatore was with them that night/morning. We knew there was another person involved but didn’t have a name until a few months ago. We learned most of his involvement through the deposition from Cotmans parole hearing, but the name was not in it, that came word of mouth. According to the deposition they went back looking for the body to put back in the motel and couldn’t locate the spot.

As for the teeth, the original autopsy didn’t mention the teeth at all, or a broke arm she had prior to that weekend. We didn’t know about that until her mom found the tooth at the scene. After questioning the Sheriffs department about it another autopsy report came in that mentioned both the teeth and arm. However since the family didn’t see the body for themselves, who knows what else may have been left out.

As for the OD, she did not do heroin. I know people automatically assume we just wouldn’t know, or that we wouldn’t want to admit it, but there is no doubt in any of our minds. She DID party, we’ve never denied that or portrayed her as a goody two shoes. She likes to drink, she did take Xanax and smoke but she was highly against heroin due to a very close loved one that had an addiction. I understand that is hard for many to believe, so I’ll just leave it at that.

There is soo much more to this case to be released. I’ll have to go back and read this thread from the start since it’s been awhile and I’m sure there are things that should be addressed. Right now we are trying to send recordings from meetings with the sheriffs department. There are multiple recordings, although some meetings were not recorded. Hopefully they will be released in the next few days so people can hear the info and lack there of that we received from the sheriffs themselves.

When you say "they went back looking for the body to put back in the motel and couldn’t locate the spot," do you mean that they actually drove back to the spot on Old Post Road that same night?

Is the video of the parole hearing available somewhere?
Yes, he said they went back to Old Post Road to put her body back in the motel room to be foundbur couldn’t remember where he left her.

I don’t believe there’s a video of that, not that we are aware of. We got a printed copy of the hearing. Much of it was redacted, specific names and such. However I can tell you he was not remorseful whatsoever. He basically said he regrets it because of how it effected his life. He did not say anything about her overdosing in the deposition, which was odd since he was the original person to say she over dosed after getting caught lying and saying he left her at a party.
Yes, he said they went back to Old Post Road to put her body back in the motel room to be foundbur couldn’t remember where he left her.

I don’t believe there’s a video of that, not that we are aware of. We got a printed copy of the hearing. Much of it was redacted, specific names and such. However I can tell you he was not remorseful whatsoever. He basically said he regrets it because of how it effected his life. He did not say anything about her overdosing in the deposition, which was odd since he was the original person to say she over dosed after getting caught lying and saying he left her at a party.

Can you post the transcript of the parole hearing?
Can you post the transcript of the parole hearing?

I don’t have a copy, her mom does, but that may come out on the Facebook page that’s posting updates. I’m not sure if he’s going to post everything or hold on to some. But if it is posted I will share the link here!
I don’t have a copy, her mom does, but that may come out on the Facebook page that’s posting updates. I’m not sure if he’s going to post everything or hold on to some. But if it is posted I will share the link here!

Yes, I will be watching there, as I will here.

Does he have a date set yet for the protest?

FYI everyone, you should check out Columbia County, N.Y. Citizen Action Network if you're interested in following updates on corruption and mishandling of Halle's and other cases by Columbia County, NY!
Not yet, he’s checking into what permits are needed if any and all that. He called today and left a message for them to get back to him.
Well, some justice has been served. Or karma at least. Rasheem was shot Wednesday and died shortly after. News stories are still vague and not releasing his name, just age.
Well, some justice has been served. Or karma at least. Rasheem was shot Wednesday and died shortly after. News stories are still vague and not releasing his name, just age.
oh wow! live hard die hard i suppose. please share a link when one becomes available.

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