NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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Call me :crazy:, but ...
I don't think we'd have NY Post articles about LE involvement if LE's involvement was not a serious consideration.
nope. :no:
Officials: Reported cop-Gilgo link false

The NYPD Sunday disputed a report that a current and former officer were under suspicion in the Gilgo Beach killings.
The New York Post reported in Sunday's editions that, according to unnamed sources, authorities were looking at the activities of the two men, who both were disciplined for behavior with prostitutes. Five of the 10 sets of human remains found in the Gilgo Beach area were female victims who worked as prostitutes.
The Post reported one of the officers was forced to resign after internal affairs discovered he was seeing prostitutes while on duty. The current officer, the Post reported, was stripped of his gun and badge after a prostitute accused him of assaulting her during a sting operation.

More at link above
would it be possible for le to due familial dna testing on the baby girl found to see if any dna matches up with any potential suspects? there's no reason on earth to kill a baby. the baby would be too young to id anyone. the killer could have left her at a church or gave her to someone to leave at a hospital.

i'm wondering if he got one of his victims pregnant and decided to kill them both when he found out the child was his. that could maybe explain why the baby was buried in a blanket, it does show some type of emotional connection towards the child. why the emotional connection - i don't know. either the killer didn't want to kill the baby or maybe it's his. (similar to cases where babies have been found buried in a boxlike coffin) someone took the care to put them in the coffin or wrap the baby in the blanket instead of just dumping them with nothing.
"Two NYPD cops are being eyed in the Long Island serial slayings after investigators learned they got into trouble for hiring prostitutes while working for the department, according to sources familiar with the probe.
One cop was forced out of the job in the 1990s when his supervisors learned he spent time pursuing hookers and paying street walkers and down-and-out women for sex while he was supposed to be on patrol.
An internal investigation led to his resigning under pressure, one source said.

The other officer still works for the NYPD but was stripped of his gun and badge years ago because he allegedly assaulted a prostitute and got arrested during a sting operation. "

The one still working in the Midtown location is of great interest, being that the calls to family members came from that area. The age of these two guys fits, their experience both with prostitutes and with law enforcement, their history of beatings and abuse, etc.

I think we've got some live ones here!

Thank you NY POST for not being afraid to tell the public what we need to know. If these guys are under surveillance, who knows how many girls' lives have been saved?

How do you know this?

From the link I posted earlier http://www.remyline.com/#!about

They are dog breeders, all of the puppies are descendants of a dog name Remy. He didn't sire his first litter until 2004. JT was killed in 2003. Plus if the other story is correct and the Remy on her tattoo was a person. I don't see how there would be any connection to a dog with the same name.

I think the dead dogs and chickens are completely unrelated to this case.
Just because this kennel came into being in 2004 doesn't mean an organization called that didn't exist before 2004. And who knows if the kennel is even legit. They aren't going to advertise that they sell champion fighting dogs. And as far as LE saying Remy was a "person," all I can say is don't believe everything you hear.
Just because this kennel came into being in 2004 doesn't mean an organization called that didn't exist before 2004. And who knows if the kennel is even legit. They aren't going to advertise that they sell champion fighting dogs. And as far as LE saying Remy was a "person," all I can say is don't believe everything you hear.

Then we should think that her death is connected to pitbulls based on what exactly?
Now let's see. They began looking at the NYPD cops because it was determined "it is likely" they worked in law enforcement because they used disposable cellphones to call the family and they are suspicious because the calls were made from Midtown and one of the cops works in Midtown. Bombshell tonight!

And this sad, sorry tale of injustice shows just how crooked some cops can be. This made me so sad and angry. MO


Thanks for the link Scandi & Draculet (sp?). I wish We could help somehow.
Tried to calm her down, let her make numerous phone calls, let her go out to her driver, etc.etc.

Not the actions of your garden variety serial killer.

I agree that his actions aren't the actions of your typical serial killer. But I don't agree that he did anything to help SG. If he tried to calm her down, he did so because her freaking out was bad news for him. He told her driver to come get SG only because he wanted SG out of his house after she pitched a fit because he wouldn't pay her.

Not exactly a good samaritan, imo.
One thing I am baffled about is why LE waited a couple of hours to send dogs and helicopters to look for SG knowing that MBB went missing in 2007. According to this story, the following year (2008) LE sent the helicopters and cadaver dogs to the same area. Why didn't this raise a red flag? It would seem this was more than a coincidence to even the most casual observer. One would have thought when they realized where SG was, they would have sent in all their reinforcements to find her. The search of the area couldn't have been too thorough for SG's sister to find her earring later on.

My understanding is that they waited a few months to bring in cadaver dogs, and the only helicopter searches I'm aware of happened almost almost a year later.

Maybe my memory is fuzzy? :waitasec:
see...she didn't get paid. thus she could not pay the driver.

was she afraid to get her *advertiser censored* kicked?

this makes big sense to me.

she wanted the cops to get her the f out of there.
see...she didn't get paid. thus she could not pay the driver.

was she afraid to get her *advertiser censored* kicked?

this makes big sense to me.

she wanted the cops to get her the f out of there.

Well, it would probably be a good idea for us to bear in mind that this "not getting paid" info comes from MP. He could certainly be lying. The one thing that makes me suspect that this part of his story is true is JB's comment to SG's sister about SG not looking like her picture. If this was the first time he'd seen SG (and it appears that this is the case from numerous info we have), he may have felt there was a bait and switch. Add to that the fact that SG is intoxicated, and I can well see JB refusing to pay.

"Perez was later the subject of an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation and was caught peeping into apartment windows and in the act of having sex with a prostitute, according to court filings. He resigned shortly afterward. He had been off-duty during all the Pattern #1/91 incidents." http://www.longislandpress.com/2011/04/28/ronald-bower-twenty-years-of-torture/7/

I'm not sure but that NYPD cop, Perez, per the Long Island Press, does seem like a good candidate. Let's say he kills the girls who fought back or maybe even those that bit or scratched him...I'm thinking of "Peaches"...the time line fits. He was said in that article to be 30 in 1991 so that puts him at 50 today...maybe a little too old, now, to be dismembering people.

If I read the article correctly it appears that Perez was initially reassigned to the "Evidence Room" but later, after being caught in the act of peeping, he "resigned." So, presumably by the time Peaches is murdered in 1997, this guy has been put out to pasture and was by then a FORMER NYPD officer. He probably held a good grudge against his former co-workers. It is possible that this would fit into a SK profile in that he may have escalated from his rape MO to other more vicious acts and by 1997 began killing his victims...initially feeling like he had to eliminate any identifying markers on the victims bodies. Another interesting fact about the "Silver Gun Rapist" is that he often attacked by twos; meaning two victims at a time. That shows that he was very confident in his ability to control his victims.
My understanding is that they waited a few months to bring in cadaver dogs, and the only helicopter searches I'm aware of happened almost almost a year later.

Maybe my memory is fuzzy? :waitasec:

I'm not 100% sure, Mt Kat, but I thought the Marine Police requested a canine unit and air support, that was after GC called them. They were told by SCPD to wait until the shift changed. To my knowledge, they never clarified if they were sent in. Does anyone know if canine and air support were sent in?

What doesn't make sense in the fact that according to this story, they apparently knew something that made them look for MBB in this area, a full year after she went missing. You would think they would have put 2 and 2 together and respond accordingly.
As far as I know, the only mention of LE sending cadaver dogs and helicopters to OB to look for MBB comes from The Daily Beast. While I find some of the DB articles a good source of information if that information can be verified and supported by other sources, I don't take what I read in DB alone to be established fact. DB is NOT considered msm.

Again, jmo.
Call me :crazy:, but ...
I don't think we'd have NY Post articles about LE involvement if LE's involvement was not a serious consideration.
nope. :no:

I have to believe that the few NYPD who have been involved with prostitutes while on the force are or have been "eyed" as reported by Brad Hamilton in yesterday's NY Post. And more than likely, if there are any (few) Suffolk cops who may have been involved with prostitutes, same would go for them, as well.

Hamilton also stated that "cops are not the sole focus" of the LI serial killer investigation.

Investigators would not be doing their job, if the possibility of former/current LE known to be involved with prostitutes had not being closely examined during such an investigation.

Why even the NY Times reported last month, and the NY Times did not name their source, that an individual involved in the investigation told them:

“He is a guy who is aware of how we utilize technology,” one investigator said. “Frankly, people are thinking maybe he could be a cop” — either one still in law enforcement or one who has moved on.


I know many native New Yorkers who, when in search of information about local (and in the vicinity of NYC) crime, read the NY Post and NY Daily News. IMO, their crime reporters are respectable. I'm a native-I don't apologize for reading the NY Post's crime and/or investigative reporters.

Then we have The Irish Central (Dormer is Irish-born, if I recall correctly.), who ran this headline on April 10, 2011:

Craigslist serial killer could be a cop say police sources


Were criminal charges filed against the resigned cop who was pursuing prostitutes while on the job? How about the other cop who is still working at NYPD at some capacity? Rather serious to be stripped of one's badge and gun.

IMO, no surprise that NYPD disputes the report (Verdict should be in soon for 2x NYPD officers prosecuted for the rape of a young transplant to NYC. More information involving the NYPD ticket fixing scam or ticket fixing "courtesy," depending upon one's point of view, should be forthcoming in the next few weeks.) that their officers "were under suspicion." Have they been looked at - probably. And, IMO, they should be.

The NYPD Sunday disputed a report that a current and former officer were under suspicion in the Gilgo Beach killings.

By Murray Weiss
DNAinfo Contributing Columnist

Meet Mr. Murray Weiss:

Murray Weiss is an award-winning investigative journalist, author, columnist and editor, and is considered an expert on government, law enforcement, criminal justice, organized crime and terrorism.

...Murray has held a number of prominent writing, bureau chief and editor positions at two of the country’s largest newspapers, the New York Post and the New York Daily News.

His award-winning investigations include exposes on corruption in city government, drug abuse within the New York Police Department...

Then we should think that her death is connected to pitbulls based on what exactly?

We don't have to "think" it, but we can consider a possible theory.

When finding human remains, pit bull and chicken carcasses in close proximity to one another, my mind toys with the idea of blood sport (i.e. the Pickton farm was known to be a venue for cockfights).

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