NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 9

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Let's try to think of things he would empty his trunk for...taking stuff to the dump?
There are plenty of places along Commack Road that one could pull over and dispose of a body deep (a few hundred feet) in the woods.

There would need to be a trail or access road as 99% of perps would not be schlepping a body through dense underbrush and fallen trees for any distance. Perhaps the search has been targeting the wrong area?

As to the car being locked, either force of habit by the perp, or a delay tactic to make it look like RM had locked the car and taken the train.
There would need to be a trail or access road as 99% of perps would not be schlepping a body through dense underbrush and fallen trees for any distance. Perhaps the search has been targeting the wrong area?

As to the car being locked, either force of habit by the perp, or a delay tactic to make it look like RM had locked the car and taken the train.

There is a big industrial area over there as well.

And BTW, I love that you said schlepping LOL
Maybe, I had always assumed the trunk was emptied between 2:41-2:51 but I guess we don't know that

Interesting idea that maybe he cleared out his car to go back to Brooklyn for more copper or valuable scrap at the job site? But who drives back into Brooklyn at 3:00 P.M. on a Friday?
I know, it's a stretch but there is always a first. Let's think of 'Follow Home Robberies'. Unthinkable before the 80's but now very common place. Crime and criminals are changing the way they do 'business'.

IMO RM does not fit the profile of a guy who gets followed home to get robbed. He is not a defenseless-looking creature and I do not believe that this is random. I still believe things were made to look like he left because he

a. left eveything behind
b. someone wants it to look like he got killed and no body will ever be found because there is no body to be found - this could have been part of an exit agreement. A financial decision that will pay off in 3 years. He gets his freedom in exchange. You have no idea if this guy was at a breaking point and forced to make a deal. The public got out of hand wanting to help out - God Forbid, right?

Oh, I am going to catch hell for this theory again.
I have posted earlier about the DP station. My husband has been commuting out of there for 10 years- and I commute from there once a week as well. A Friday in June- a so called "summer Friday" would definitely be less crowded than usual. Lost of people take Fridays off after Memorial Day or just leave early. You absolutely can see the difference in the parking situation. Plus, spots open up all day long as not everyone works 9-5. The night workers come home all throughout the late morning and early afternoon.

Not sure if this ever came up---what about a shuttle bus to and from train station that goes to The Arches mall?????? Possible THE CAR was dropped at train station and a get away made from the mall.
RM is 46 and him and IM have been married 18 years. That puts him getting married at approximately 28 years old. Anybody ever wondered if he was married before?

Yes-- I wondered if either had been married and/ or had other children.
IM has a doctorate, so she was obviously going to college after high school. Wonder what RM was doing for those 10 years between high school and marriage?

I just wish we knew more about ROB the person!

I think the apprenticeship is four to five years. If his father was his connection in, I'd say Dad got him in quickly at 18. Or maybe he went to college for a year or two--find himself.
Like you Windstorm-I'd like to know more about him to---we have asked numerous times and been ignored.
Has it been stated somewhere that his Med card and union card are missing?

to my knowledge the wallet found in the garage and its implied it was empty-devoid of any ID or cash. Questions came up several times about drivers' license (possible he had a copy), credit and debit cards, business cards etc---those questions are IIRC unanswered. Of course it may have been tackled in the Voldemort and just not answered on WS.
I've wondered but I've never been able to find anything on the Internet regarding a previous marriage.

Getting married for the first time at 28 on Long Island is the average, IMO. Most of the people I know that are in their late 40s got married (for the first time) around this age.
I would think RM would wait until his apprenticeship is over to get married--and to get on a steady job--build a little bank. I am guessing about IM's parents--I would think that they want a man to be established before he marries their daughter-regardless of her profession. I know how old fashioned that sounds-lol. Papa Cawfee expected it of "our suitors" when my sister beans and I were single.
I have posted earlier about the DP station. My husband has been commuting out of there for 10 years- and I commute from there once a week as well. A Friday in June- a so called "summer Friday" would definitely be less crowded than usual. Lost of people take Fridays off after Memorial Day or just leave early. You absolutely can see the difference in the parking situation. Plus, spots open up all day long as not everyone works 9-5. The night workers come home all throughout the late morning and early afternoon.

I have to agree with this. People tend to try to get out of work earlier on a Friday in the warmer months. I don't think it would have been impossible for him to get "his" spot at 3 PM.

Therefore, I think the timeframe that the car could have been parked there is anytime from 3 PM the 14th until the next day.

My theory is that the LIRR was his usual spot to meet someone. Someone, perhaps, that IM thought he no longer associated with. Perhaps IM even knew that their old meeting spot was the LIRR parking lot and that's why she had it checked by friends.

Maybe that's not even where he met this person on the 14th but he had met this person there some time in the past so the person knew where he usually parked.
to my knowledge the wallet found in the garage and its implied it was empty-devoid of any ID or cash. Questions came up several times about drivers' license (possible he had a copy), credit and debit cards, business cards etc---those questions are IIRC unanswered. Of course it may have been tackled in the Voldemort and just not answered on WS.

Not trying to be snarky but it says right on the missing poster that he has no ID and something else..memory not being kind this Morning, need cawfee!
Of course that does not mean he could not have gotten a fake one.. it was asked and answered about if he has tried to get a duplicate through the proper channels and it was said that Le was keeping an eye on that and so far no he hasnt..
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